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Have heard this for years. Great outcomes for kids but the staff are treated horribly.


Me too! I wish it wasn’t the case as I’d love to send my kids to a non-religious private school but AB hasn’t had its shit together culturally in a looooong time.


Thanks. I’ve had word that it’s gotten much worse since the new principal started.


Find a good public school for them.


I may well do. Can’t see the value in paying the fees.


We took our kids out. It’s an absolute shit show of a school. Horribly run, terrible leadership, all about the money and image.


From what I've seen, the teachers care so deeply about the students and give up so much to make sure they're cared for. Staff turnover is high, but this is normal in teaching right now as staff balance school culture and work life balance. Teachers aren't willing to put up with schools that take and don't give back anymore. Older staff are quite vocal about unhappiness with leadership, and I think it's fair. Work life balance is not practical and expectations are very high. Which does mean student results are going to be good, but does mean there will be higher turnover of staff. If they are able to fix this balance I think they'll be able to improve the overall culture at the school. In reality, the students are amazing and over acheving in many areas. Tech opportunities are lacking, obviously don't appear to be a priority, but if your child is academic it's a wonderful place


Emmanuel and Somerset are way better.


Apologies for thread-jack but on a vaguely related question - as a non-religious British dad (with Aussie wife and two kids): how picky are Aussie (non public) schools about parents being religious / church attendance? Thinking of moving back from London to either Gold Coast or Brisbane…


Most Anglican and Lutheran schools don’t really care anymore. It’s more about the kids. There are some great public schools about.


Sorry just to double check your meaning: When you say “it’s more about the kids” - are you talking personality / academic performance etc - or whether they are baptised / go to church etc


About their individual capacity and fit. Ie. do they have a supportive family, stable environment. The stuff you get asked on application. Etc.


The schools aren’t picky. Some asked for a letter from a priest, and I said I didn’t have one and that was accepted. You will get in to the schools, but some you need to be on the waiting list for years in advance to get a spot.


Thanks - good to know.


So not really a question, seems like a targeted hit job to appear in google results.


Can't say I've ever heard of anyone taking the staff's wellbeing into consideration choosing a school for their children before. I don't get out much but isn't there a waiting list for AB that would be much more of an issue for anyone considering AB?


It's more about finding out if the feedback I have received from staff is affecting students. From asking a few I know it is not a positive place to work and whilst most (if not all) teachers are professional and try to minimise the impact, it sometimes can when there are things like high turnover and inconsistency in teaching as a result. Not a hit job - just trying to get real information rather than marketing blurb. Just got a bad feeling for the place when we walked around.


So you got a bad feeling walking around, apparently have heaps of insider info on how staff feel and culture, but the replies to an anonymous reddit post might convince you to send your kid there despite all that? lol.