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Yelp when they bite, seems weird but they understand lol had to do this with my dog and he never bites anymore


This is the best. Yell a loud "Ouch!!!", redirect to an appropriate toy. And teach them the word "gentle" or "nicely" when taking treats and toys from you. After yelling ouch they often are shocked and switch to licking which is a good opportunity to reinforce the idea and say "gentle".


They say it’s because their mom would when they hurt her during breastfeeding. I think.


I did this, I would I also push my hand deeper into their mouth so that the bite had less power. My second puppy made my first puppies bite look kisses… they both are no longer biters


When I do this my dog looks at me then keeps biting me.


Keep redirecting. Buy chew treats, chew toys. Bully sticks. She should grow out of it. I remember that stage, my pup wanted to heard me and would nip at my ankles, I had little bruises everywhere. Drove me crazy. Telling her no never did a thing. It gets better. It’s just part of puppyhood.


Man, I forgot about the herding.. Im glad you said this bc we'll be introducing a new little one in the next month or two. I need to do some research lol


Letting your puppy bite will help them learn bite inhibition. They will essentially learn how to control their bite pressure. I would let my dog nibble me endlessly and then yelp when he got too rough. He is incredibly gentle with his mouth now.


Make a sound like #uh-uh Really loud


Redirect, redirect, redirect! Use a bone. She’ll get so used to that and anytime she’s excited she will run and grab her bone and chew on it. That will have the added benefit of giving her good dental hygiene.


Be patient. We call it the pirhana phase


Hahaha same… or land shark


Patiently wait for it to be over😂🥰


That is one cute puppy.


You should not bite your dog. Just my 2 cents.


Ah yes, I’ve found that redirection and patience works best during the velociraptor phase.


My 12 week old girl does the same 😭 loves attacking me and pulling my hair. I tried everything and nothing really works, when she sleeps more she’s a little better


Keep redirecting with toys and make sure the puppy is taking plenty of naps. Mine was less bitey after a good rest. He stopped all the nipping once his adult teeth came in.


When the biting started for mine, I made a fist and made sure he heard us say “Ow”..the first was too big for him to get his mouth around, so after a week or so, the biting just stopped.


Stock up on bandaids and wait it out, with lots of redirection. Also don't let them become overtired, I know when my puppy is in need of a rest because he gets really bitey. Once he pauses for a bit he settles down, but trying to get him to pause is like trying to cut water with scissors.


You are absolutely lying that cutie pie does not bite get real.


So cute 🥰


Time. And no.


Haha ours could be siblings! I have chew toys strategically located throughout the house so there’s always one nearby. I try to to let her bite as long as she’s gentle but get big if she starts to hurt. Definitely not as naturally soft mouthed as my previous golden retrievers but I’m hoping she’s going to grow out it it with time and consistent redirection.


Orange chew balls from Amazon FTW


You have an adorable little land shark, it gets better!


I heard giving them celery to chew on instead may help (he’s super cute!!!)


Mine is now 5 months old and is losing his puppy razor blade teeth finally however he still likes to nibble on people. Hoping once the full teeth transition is complete he stops.


Water Buffalo Horns. They have lasted thru two dogs. Put some kibble in the horn. Ours gets them in her kennel if we leave or else the blankets get eaten.


I would just say really cherish that first year, take lots of pictures give lots of hugs and kisses, that first year shapes their personalities so much and it goes by so fast.


Bully sticks and chew toys.


Have you tried biting back? J/k I dealt with my sharks by always having a small toy to shove in his mouth whenever he’d get mouthy. You shove that toy in his mouth enough time, he’ll eventually get it


So cute


Invest in some good quality American made chews and encourage their use.


Don’t bite the puppy.


As someone said: be patient. It will suck. There may be times where you think there’s something wrong with your dog and she’s aggressive etc. It goes away. Try not to make a big deal out of it. A big reaction can be mistaken for “MY PARENTS ARE EXCITED AND NOW WE GONNA PLAY!”. Instead, calmly (this is hard) offer another option to chew( a ball, a stick, a carrot, a towel… literally anything). Once Goldie Hawn starts chewing on the swapped item, give praise.


Always have a chew toy available. If she bites you hard she goes in doggy jail. Her crate or enclosed area that she stays in till she makes the connections. It’s also a phase. Was super scared my puppy would not stop nipping but he did with consistent positive reinforcement. Check out Baxter and Bella training videos!


She will out grow all of those bad habits fast. She is a very smart dog. Treat her when she behaves,  tell her no and ignore her when she is not. It's that simple.


Start training, redirect with a favorite toy.