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You became a man as well?


Haha seriously! The swing is majorly improved but I was more taken aback by him growing a ton and putting on all kinds of healthy weight


Hahah yeah, summer going into sophomore year of college in 2022 and just recently graduated in May


Good work, some real imporvement. I can see why your miss is a heel strike, look at your club head path outside of the ball: https://preview.redd.it/62yk1gpo119d1.png?width=284&format=png&auto=webp&s=846f0a0c7dc9b8897f60f3fa17f8b9b4fae15e12 You can clean that up a bit, but in general I like your swing.


Thanks! Would that just be an issue of standing too close to the ball? (I'm sure there's some other underlying issues as well) I tend to hit my wedges-mid irons fairly straight/ slight draw and my long irons-driver like to fade on me.


Distance from the ball isn’t the issue. Just a swing path problem imo.


Path can be easily manipulated by changing stance and positioning so saying that distance from the ball isn't the issue isn't necessarily true. It's not THE issue but it definitely can contribute.


Yeah that's a fair assessment, you're right.


I have that same problem. Is their any drills or suggestions to help correct this?


Yea looks like it starts with inside takeaway and coming back over the top on the downswing.


You can always put a headcover or tee outside the ball when you practice and focus on swinging left through the ball. Worked for me as I tend to have heel strikes as well


You’re swinging across your body causing the release to be late and to the left. The longer the club the more you need to release down the line. Notice how the camera never sees the butt end of the grip, this is okay with the wedges, but not the longer clubs. I think your fades are coming from this


I would stand a little further away from the ball. I have the same in to out swing path with my driver and I line the ball up in my stance with it on the toe. A heel miss is the worst you can have because it creates the highest spin rate. Try lining up with the toe on the ball instead of center face and I would assume it will be more consistent hits on the sweet spot


I’m the same way. My mid/short irons are dead straight and everything else tends to have some movement


Much improved!


Thanks! Been a grind forsure and a long way to go still


Nice work!


It’s the tan. Priority #1 to improving your swing.


Great transition on the current swing


Not the same person


Don't bring that thing on the concrete!!


absolute beauty backswing and imapct, love the aligment of the face to your lead arm, just a touch shut to rip it. nitpicking would be the follow trough, the one piece that looks pretty identical to the old swing too imo. i think you collapse the trail arm too soon. i bet if you strive to feel out a straight trail arm while allowing your head to "sit on the pillow" vs shoot straight up while your spine is still bent over (like the 7 second mark in the video), you'd gain yardage on your drive and find more consistency. like theres a point where your shoulders are still down at the ball but you are looking out at the ball flight with your eyes level to the horizon whereas someone like niemann stays down wth the line between the eyes in line with the two shoulders if that makes sense. i am not saying this will be an easy change to make breaking habit and all but i think it will help you maximize what you can do. it might be worth practicing at address, with a bent spine, turning the head either way to see what the pov lookls like with the head bent at that point, and trying to lock in that pov during the swing. feeling like you are hitting the ball while hanging of a pickick table sideways sort of feeling.


I think I understand what you're saying but not 100%. Are you talking about post impact, keeping my trail arm straighter for longer to have a more "widened?" follow through (kind of like the back swing but opposite arms)? I will say, I definitely need to work on flexibility in my shoulders/back. It's definitely led to some constraints in my swing path/motion. Also, I think my head immediately following the ball is a bad habit picked up from playing alone 🤣Lost too many balls that shouldn't be lost just because I lost it after impact. I'll try to work on those things, thanks for the tips!




I could be wrong but that shaft looks like a regular flex. I think you could benefit from a stiff shaft.


The first driver was a hand me down from my grandpa (senior flex lol). The second clip is a stiff shaft I currently use but got ≈ 3 years ago for $15 from a discount golf store haha. Been considering getting fitted for a better shaft but waiting until I start work here in a couple weeks


Time for some new shoes


Looks like the slice didn’t go anywhere.


Curious what the change in your handicap was. I’m guessing high 20s to low teens?


Realistically was probably around a mid to high 40's but didn't count every drop, took mulligans, etc. Currently around a 11-12 right now. Actually just broke 80 for the first time this week, but I've golfed ≈ 5 times a week for the last 3 months (summer between graduation and work) and it's been at the same 3 courses. One thing that's helped the most was getting decent around the greens when I started off, I'm definitely a scrambler lol so it's not usually pretty but hey, no pictures on a scorecard.


I always get annoyed when people are sticklers about scoring when someone’s first starting the game. Who cares, lol? Congrats on breaking 80! Have been knocking on the door… last four rounds were 81, 80, 89 (50 on the back lol) and 82.


Honestly, the thing that helped me most was playing the front tees to build the confidence once I was getting in that low 80's mark. Playing the front tees helped me comfortably score low (short distance on every hole, wedge into every green) so that once I was in the position to finally break the 80 mark, I wasn't SUPER nervous going into the 17th/18th hole


I really need to know what that guy was saying not to take on the course. Great work, also


Open your front foot a little bit