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No way that swing hits it 280.


It hit the cart path…


Still goin....


Please tell me this is a Tin Cup reference because I heard this in David Sims’s voice…


You the man, Roy.


The man who needs a ride home…


Idk why people think you need a "good" swing to generate power. You'd be shocked at how much speed you can conjure by violently flipping your hands at impact.


True, I’m the same size as Rory, 20 HCP and CAN drive it 270-280 on a great ball with a baby fade and rollout. Usually carrying around 240-250 again, on a good strike. But I’m also inconsistent so that can be anywhere from 1 times to… I don’t even know what the most fairways I’ve hit but cant be more than like 5-7 MAX. So I definitely don’t doubt this guy can hit it a decent bit, hes not a small dude and it’s not a horrible swing tbh


I dunno man, thems fightin words in this sub, apparently.


Idk why people are downvoting my attempts to seek help


I think it's just sorta a weird move to put the distance on the post. It's sorta irrelevant + this is reddit so people don't need much to be triggered.


Just wanted to illustrate how inconsistent my driver is. Some shots are good, some are bad, and they look like this. But, now I know better!




Oh screw them you’re right it’s obviously relevant they’re being dense


Most golfers are pricks. Welcome to club!


This group is the pits. Better to not bother asking 80% of the imbeciles in here.


It is a rough estimate that about 0.5-1% of **all** golfers can hit it 300 yards. That includes professional, college athletes, and long drive freaks. That 80% is either mad//jealous or playing the odds he isn't actually hitting it a country mile. Reddit!


…. 1.2M subs in R/golf = 12,000 players that can hit it 300 yards. And that is ignoring: - Reddit skews significantly younger than the golfing population and the average yardage for players between 18-35 is SIGNIFICANTLY longer than other age groups. Length for healthy players in their late 20’s is a completely different thing from players in their 50’s/60’s/70’s which is a huge chunk of the general golfing population. - a sub for golf enthusiasts is likely slightly more skilled than a random sampling of general golfing population - players who hit the ball far are significantly more likely to comment and post about distance than players who do not I would guess there’s probably 50,000 players on the main sub that can top out over 300 yards and maybe 10,000 or so who average over 300.


Facts, in todays game especially, it’s really not that uncommon for someone to drive it 300 or more


I like being a part of such a small group! Now, is it going where I aimed? No. 😂


It's comments like this that keep on here. Fuck you reddit and thank you.


To be fair: I spent like 2 years as an assistant pro at Bulle Rock. I do not have a consistent 280 yard drive. Can pipe that shit 240 all day down the middle and putt tho. My boss n head pro had a hole in 1 on a par 4 during our employee tournament. Big guy like 6'3 250. He hit it like 280-300 on the reg. Not the best putter :-/ That bell curve drop offs STEEEEP around the 220 carry.


Can you do this 280 fade consistently? If you're trying to get more distance, or get straighter, then you've got some key fundamentals that you should probably clean up. If you can control the clubface with that swing, then stop asking for help and go watch Jim Furyk on YT.


Lots of armchair PGA pros in this sub (99% can't break 80 on their best day myself included)


Because we all know at least 1 guy with a sub,-optimal swing who simply cannot calculate how far they hit the ball. They look at the scorecard and see it's a 380 yard hole and they only have 100 left, thinking they hit it 280. When in reality the yardage on the card was from a different place vs where the tee markers are now (40 yards closer) and therefore the drive was actually 240.


Then they also say they drive it 280 yards even though they averaged 200 yards with driver the rest of the round.


Just because it doesn’t look ‘good’ doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. Lots of hand/wrist action which is powerful when timed correctly. Still not how you’d want to swing though.


I thought the same 😆


No way you’re not just being a dick calling people liars with no hard data.


Consider elevation…I’m easy 40yds further at higher elevations. If you’re playing in Houston vs Colorado it’s a big difference.


TY my brother in reality management.


Lol boutta say that air is thin


We talking carry or total? Cuz it’s not complete trash and mine looks worse but I rolled 2 to 290ish last week lol


Hey, it's your friendly neighbourhood PGA Professionals at Swingtweaks! You have a pretty strong swing so that is great to see! It would be awesome to see a face on video at some point cause I think there will be a few things to dial in from that angle. From the down the line, something that will help you is simply shortening up your swing a bit, you are taking it back so far where you can end up "stuck" in the downswing since it is difficult for your hands and club to catch up on time. Or you can try to "flip" coming into impact as a compensation. All the best. :)


Thank you!


Please stop jumping at 80% of your swing OP. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ikLd3LEhalg And https://youtu.be/Q1c4a67pQ0c?si=3fCmSG0Hz-AUFbQe






Arm structure falls apart in the back swing, right elbow flies out and club gets across the line. From there the club almost has to come down steep. You're athletic so you react by aggressively early extending and stand up to shallow out the club at the last minute. This is a disaster for consistency: you'll hit a nice shot if you time and square everything up, but everything needs to go right for that to happen. First thing I would start with is the arm structure: do the drill where you hold a ball between your elbows through the swing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUF5X3Z1CGg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUF5X3Z1CGg) If you do it properly, that should: - Shorten the arm swing and fix the flying right elbow at the top - Fix the across the line - Put you in a better position to start the downsing


Thank you for this comment!


You're also "humping" through contact which is sign of your hips not rotating around in the swing. The start of the downswing should be a lower body move which will mitigate the humping. The ball drill and learning to start the swing with your lower body takes 3 months to get used to. It will be brutal making this correction. Most players give up.


Hips didn't really ever get started. They hardly turn in backswing, so nowhere to go in the downswing


Hence, the "humping". It's common for amateurs to lack hip movement in their swing. The beauty of the ball drill between your forearms is it forces you to find rotation from another part of your body versus your forearms.


Definitely missed the drill suggestion. That's what I get for multitasking


This, This, This


Yep. Also, at the top of your backswing, your hands are too far forward. They should be over the middle of your rear https://preview.redd.it/6n47pgkvxz9d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d4ff490b26fdc54e8d590e3b6a476c7f984755 foot at most, but they are over your toes.


You're never going to fix your swing completely by reading advice on reddit, but this comment is where you should start


The goat itself probably went 280 with that thrust


I’m dead lol


swing around your body


If your body is in a totally different position from address to impact then you will never get any consistent results. It’s called early extension and it’s a game killer. Biggest problem. Lack of rotation and coil on the way back and you then pulling the club and grip with your hands. That makes the shaft get steep and you in turn stand up. You need to understand that concept of not using yours arms. You generate speed, power and consistency via body rotation.


Thank you!


That first ‘paragraph’ Really solid advice to the weekend golf enjoyer, though with no practice and just 18 holes on the weekends, nearly impossible to see significant improvement within a relatively short period of time.


No no no no no no maruchi


It looks like someone poked you in the b hole right before impact 😬


*280*. lolz


Early hip extension


You have a very long swing that is behind you. Due to this you have to thrust your hips forward to get around to the ball. Try shortening the swing, you'll lose distance but gain control. When you have this down, gradually lengthen the swing. Your hands are so far behind, really there's nothing wrong with a long swing as long as everything comes back together at impact which it is not for you. If this is 280, you'll be hitting over 300 when you get that down.


This did not go 280 carry. Maybe 250 with a 30 roll out it’s your lucky. But not powerful at sll


I disagree. When the aliens started to abduct him, their tractor beam most likely affected the gravity in the area. https://i.redd.it/519cv82n9z9d1.gif


If early extending was a sport he’d be paying his bills comfortably. Respectfully no where near 280 😂😂


Are both heels off the ground at the same time?


Uhhh is there another way to hit a 3-wood 280 small fade?


What an athletic position.


LOTTA humpin' goin' on


You need to do drills to rotate your body. Your hips are stuck at impact. Also put a glove under your right arm and practice with it not flying out. Will shallow your swing and make it easier to rotate.


Comments like yours are why I made a post to the sub. Thank you for this.


280 😂


lying about how far you hit the golf ball


Look over the top, more wrist closure and stop moving / picking up that left leg.


Early extension is the biggest issue right now. Find some drills and swing thoughts that help with that. You do have some good things going on though!


It looks like you stand up too soon before impact. Try staying down through impact just a tad and see if that helps get some yards.


With your driver, it looks like you are almost jumping as you're about to make contact with the ball, which is causing your hands to drop closer to your hips. This is causing your swing path to go "outside to inside", which is causing the slice. While you do want to transfer your weight to generate power, you want the weight to shift more laterally, where you are currently transferring it more vertically. This would explain why you're also topping the ball, as you are shifting the club face higher too soon, causing you to top the ball. Your last drive still had some "jump" but considerably less than the others, and was also the best of the 4 shots.




Start making swing changes with 9-3 drill first. Work on the takeaway first. Feel your hands tracking more to the inside with the clubface staying pointed towards the ball longer. Hands in, clubhead out. Your takeaway is clubhead in, hands out. When your shoulder turn stops, your hands should stop as well. Your arm swing continues past your shoulder turn, which throws your sequence off and steepens the club. Steep in transition = early extension, which if you pause at impact you will see that you are completely stood up.


I keep thinking I have seen the worst case of early extension in this sub, and then…. ![gif](giphy|3og0IRo1EZPNnhbBV6|downsized) I’m not sure why people would advise other swing mechanics when this is so obviously the outstanding issue. Without fixing the EE, you’re screwed. There are tons of EE videos on YT, but I like[this one from Cogorno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEwbW4qTYR4) the best. Good luck, EE is a helluva difficult problem to overcome.


Why do all of us shitty golfers have the same shoes?


Find a small target to hit the ball to at or beyond the range of the club. Don't just hit into the fairway. You will find it helps to focus on how you are hitting the ball


truncate back swing, don't let club go over parallel. Timing was just off on the top, jumped up out of it, but, shorting the back swing is where I would start. This is not a bad swing, tighten it up at the top, you might give 5 or 10 yards, but will probably miss less often.


Point your back at your target in your backswing. Do t change anything else. You’re under rotating


Last one looked pretty good to me


2 things really stand out. 1) You extend your arm beyond your controllable limit during the backswing. You aren't John Daley lol. You either need more twist or stop extending so much. This creates huge inconsistency because your body has to work so hard to get back to it's ideal swing path. 2) you have to lift up your head so hard at impact to avoid hitting fat. So the ball is too close to you. Look down and youll see that Your driver should not look flat at address. It should be angled upwards.


Two things really stand out. 1) You extend your arm beyond your controllable limit during the backswing. You aren't John Daley lol. You either need more twist or stop extending so much. This creates huge inconsistency because your body has to work so hard to get back to it's ideal swing path. 2) you have to lift up your head so hard at impact to avoid hitting fat. So the ball is too close to you. Look down and youll see that Your driver should not look flat at address. It should be angled upwards.


Like another comment said, shortening the swing helps a lot and you won’t lose any speed. Try stopping the hands at around 9 o’clock and feeling like the shaft is point straight up to the sky. It’s also crazy how much it helps for clubface control. Your swing looks very similar to my old swing. You’re standing up in the swing and the hips are moving towards the ball instead of staying back. This is a hard one, but what helped me was trying to swing more horizontally instead of vertically. So the swing is more of a rotation around your body instead of hacking down at the ball. Also you can think of the lower body like a corkscrew, so when the downswing starts, squatting down and twisting the lower body gets the hips moving in a good way. I’d watch some videos on YouTube that will explain it better. Look up “golf swing early extension fix”. Basically you just want the butt to stay back through the whole swing.


Back swing as long as Daly, no hip rotation pretty much all arms causing early extension (standing up at impact and humping the air) then flipping the club at the ball to try and save it which sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Too many opportunities for things to go wrong causing inconsistency. Club face was wide tf open at impact on swing #2. YouTube what early extension is and other driver swing fundamentals and keep things simple and controlled. You clearly have the speed and power to get it out there so work on the consistency and accuracy first then build up the speed and you’ll be hitting bombs 💣. Disclaimer I’m not a coach just a 10 HDCP that hits about 55% of fairways 240 off the tee with 140mph ball speed.


Watch the slow mo of any professional golf swing. The differences should be immediately apparent. There's no tidbit of advice that this sub can give you that is going to rework your entire swing mechanics. This is like someone posting a picture of steak completely burnt black as charcoal and asking why it turned out dry and tough.


OP you might not see this but we have literally the exact same swing, and the comments in here are helping me a ton to read also. Good post.


Way too big of a back swing and not enough work from the legs so your arms and hands are doing all the work. When you time everything up and make solid contact with a square face that’s why sometimes you can generate a good looking shot. The challenge is having everything very disconnected like that is being able to time all that up which is why you top shank push pull etc.. How to fix it? I have no clue go seek lessons from someone who earns a living


Nobody hitting a fairway wood 280 is asking for help on reddit, get serious


Get rid of the early extension (you’re standing up at impact) and shorten your backswing.


Are you practicing? I practice a lot. And as my distance went up so did my inconsistency. You need to practice enough so that each little move comes naturally... lookup Bryson... Don't let the distance police get to you... My longest measured hit was 320. As I practice I hit it longer more consistent but not nearly consistent as I need to be... I just enjoy bombing it!!! Even the guys I play with enjoy seeing the bombs when I land them... Keep practicing!!! We all top the 1st ball and then the mulligan takes off like a rocket.... And sometimes it doesn't....


I don’t get practice/play as much as I want. This has been the story of my driver much of my life. (Used to play/practice way more when I was a kid) I would like to finally address my issues, the few times that I can practice.


Well... I think you need to lower your expectations. Or try a lesson. Bryson would spend 8 hours practicing... When I had high expectations I stopped enjoying golf...


I think you just have a common case of early extension. Just YouTube some drills to fix early extension


280!? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


You’re standing up and throwing your hands towards the ball. Open stance to target, favoring over the top/fade/slice. All your pressure is in your toes at impact and you’re jumping for the wrong reason. You’re jumping to get out of the way to make room for the ball instead of creating power. No way you hit that first one nearly as far as you claim.


Early extension?


pause the video at seven seconds, looks like you're over the top and have to adjust after that


Over the top means I’m going too far back?


OTT being outside to in swing path. The way you stand up out of it is carrying your strength, you could be smashing way better w proper path in combo w that squat motion.


It means you’re over the top of the imaginary swing plane. Being under it a bit is fine


Was this fade intentional or the result of your current swing mechanics?


Very unintentional. I just want to learn to hit it straight consistently.


That’s fair enough. Fades are typically shots you want to play. If you were intending to hit it straight, then I would call it a slice instead since it’s a miss hit.


You need a decent amount of work. Getting back to a good place is gonna feel weird. Start by shortening your backswing and see where it leaves you. Take your stance without a club but hang yoir arms down like there was one. Put the backs of your palms together with your arms hanging down (like the opposite of praying). Do a backswing. Where your hands stop on the way back, this is where your hands should stop on a back swing. After doing that with and without a club hundreds of times. Start doing "freezers". Take the club back real slow. Pause a good 2 seconds. Then make your down swing. When you do that, put a chair behind your butt and make sure your left cheek hits it on the downswing and your pressure goes over your left heel. Honestly, you're likely gonna need some lessons and a big rework of that downswing though.


Watch every speedgolfrob video


https://preview.redd.it/wwi4zfcg20ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67dd2e48474b05303b46867545b26fb8488a29aa I wouldn’t know the best way to fix this, but you definitely shouldn’t have straight legs and be on your tippy toes as you’re just about to connect with the ball.


You are way too vertical, you need to shallow out your downswing. Look up “how to shallow your swing” on YouTube and pick a video with a bunch of views/likes. I’d start there


Your shaft is super steep on the downswing. The correct matchup for a steep shaft is early, extending your hips toward the ball. Your brain is telling you to do that in order to shallow the club. So it’s not technically sound, but you’re probably making good contact because you are athletic and you are trying to hit the ball.


Over the top early extension like just about everyone who posts their swing on Reddit


Early extension…bad.


Early extending, resulting in having to flip. Google early extension and drills!


No way that swing gets it past 200 yds. 280?


Take a look at professional golfers at impact and look at your position at impact. Standing up at impact and fully extending your arms is killing any chance at consistent impact.


Where to start?


Yeah, so this isn't really swing advice... but the "nice" shots you hit are more luck/you somehow getting everything in line to hit the ball square, than they are "good swings". You are doing a ton of compensating in your down swing, for things being out of sync and in a bad position (hips, hands, club face), and it's actually quite impressive that you are able to put that all back together right before impact sometimes, and have good shots. But basically what most people have said- is that your swing will always lead to a lot of inconsistency. So you're actually in a bit of a tough spot when it comes to swing advice/improvement. Because you're coordinated enough to make your swing kind of work to play golf and have fun, but at the same time I'd almost recommend a complete "blow it up" approach, because there's a lot more than 1 piece of advice/tip can help. TLDR: it's impressive that you're able to hit some good shots with your swing, but with your ability & coordination I would say you need to go "back to basics" and get some lessons to help rebuild from the ground up.


Yes, I know that my good shots are lucky. I just want to learn how to be consistent. Out on the course, my driver goes in all directions. Irons not so much, the shorter the club, the better control I have. Was hoping the golf swing sub could help reveal the things I need work on, and they have, just wasn’t expecting to be roasted in the process.


Happiness is a function of expectations


You start standing up in an attempt to create power and have to extend your arms to account for it. Which ironically likely costs you a lot more than it gains you. Let your body rotation do the work and stop trying to force it.


Early extension, stop standing up through impact and maintain spine angle. And I’m with the other comments no way that’s a 280 swing lol


You aren't swinging an oar. Shorten the backswing, and slow it down, and finish forward and high


Good 👍🏻


i think you’re very close to having a great swing. focus on pushing down into the ground in the start of the downswing, right now you are trying to push off. the early extension of the hips is because the arms are coming over the top and there’s no space to swing the club so you have to early extend. the solution is to shallow the club by dropping the right hand straight down from the top of the swing before your hips rotate and also having the left arm close to the right shoulder in transition will help stop the right shoulder from coming in front. keeping the same posture throughout is the key to better golf


Across the line at the top


Post a sim data


What are you going? Probably fishing compliments on your good swing


Take it back more….


Way too long of a back swing and early extension through the ball. I’ve worked through a similar problem over the past few months and having the same frustration (some slices some hooks some perfect shots…and clueless as to why so inconsistent swing to swing). Try to get the feeling that your butt stays back…this clears room for your swing to come through without having to push toward and up on the tips of your toes to get back to the ball. Once you get used to that feeling of your butt staying back, concentrate and dropping your hands down first then through the ball


You're standing up before impact and giving away a lot of power. Seems like you should stay more solid through your swing and rotate internally instead of around and up.


Go see a pro get lessons


Overswinging. There's no way in heck you're able to maintain a feel or consistency in your wrist positioning, which has been the main adjustment that's given me shot shape consistency.


Looks like you are coming over the top a bit. The trail arm looks like it starts to chicken wing try putting a towel or your club head cover under your right arm pit, now swing without letting it drop. Shorten your swing if you have to at first.


Shorten swing. It’s going to feel like your taking it back like 60% but you’ll probably still hit parallel


Chicken wing, keep your trail arm in not out.




Lots of wrong things going on here. Ur cocking ur hands too much. Ur helping the ball on impact, ur not stationary and I think u want look @ a pro man. Seriously. Learn the fundamentals. If u can pay 200 for a round, u can pay for some lessons and start having fun


I’ve never paid 200 for a round, but thanks!


Early extending and taking it back too far. Dm if you want help


i slow mo’d your 1st and looks like your club face is open at impact and you club path is from outside going in. i think that is a recipe for a slice.


Over the top. Swing to right field.


You are early extending like a mofo. Just seek drills on youtube to fix that and you'll stop topping. Right now youbare releasing everything at the ball (legs/arms straightening on impact) instead of towards the target and just letting the ball get on the way. I doubt you need major form tweaks but rather a mindset shift of hitting towards a target instead of hitting the ball.


Pretty classic across the line, steep transition, late shallow. Backswing structure should be your first focus, right arm structure (which may be affected by your pivot). Aim to take away the need for a late shallowing move which is causing you to heavily timing reliant on your hands.


Your biggest thing in your swing is early extension


1) Widen your stance 2) No vertical aspect. Keep your head still, feet quiet, rotate around your spine. 3) Ben Hogan's book Five Lessons.


You're pulling your left arm across your chest. Try keeping your left arm in the same position at address. Keep it straight. Shorten your backswing. Make sure the back of your hand is pointing at where you want the ball to go when you make contact. It's not about swinging hard but fast. Give your wrist a little flick when the clubhead is just behind your back foot on your downswing. It'll speed up. Try doing the flick at low speed, you'll see what I mean.


Big overswing that causes you to swing over the top. It's a tale as old as time.


You are casting really badly with your wrists


You’re moving the club too far back and getting ahead of yourself and pushing back to correct the club path. It then means the face is open and slices. Swing more around your body with a driver and up and down with irons. This looks like your are doing an iron swing and the club length is getting in the way so you adjust to make it fit in the distance from you to the ball. Sorry I am not an expert just what I see….


Early extension causing you to flip your hands


280 feet or yards?


Just make your grip a little stronger. Lay the club down and twist it to your left a little.


You can do the ‘cack hand’ drill to see what a good hand position in your back swing would be. if you stop the video at 4 secs, that’s where the top of your back swing should be, past that point your not rotating shoulders. You have to rotate your hips, you don’t at all in your downswing, you stand up out of your posture almost immediately in the downswing because you have to make room for the clubs path at impact. As other people have said, start with your hips and knees in the downswing(the old Ben hogan clip was posted here or on r/golf a couple days ago about this) your shoulders will naturally follow your hips and this will cause your hands to go down instead of forward(it’s not baseball, you don’t want to ‘throw your hands at the ball’) and this will help get you more on plane….. a lesson will def help fix some of the things in your back swing and help with consistency


Hands are high and too far “right” at the peak of your back swing. You need a flatter wider turning backswing. Ur current backswing makes ur sloth go O/I Very floppy and handset thru impact. I’d imagine you can hit the ball but it has loads of spin and likely slices. Every so often you run into issues hooking it but mostly weak spinning slices


Chicken wing


Sign up for some lessons. Best money I spent


You seem to be bubble bunking the shifter while not focusing heavily on the retrospective gravitational free falling motion portion of your swing. Hope this helps!


Taking it back too far inside. Too big of a backswing and not rotating around your spine with your shoulders pointing down towards the ball at the top, which also is letting your right elbow flare out behind you. Not dropping your hands to your right side to start your downswing , which causes you to come over the top then thrusting your hips towards the ball which also forces your hands closer to the ball rather than coming from more inside.


Skip the rock marrucci


You’re moving out of posture and flailing the club a bit too much. This is a way to get speed. I do I exactly this way too but work to mitigate it because it can be inconsistent for contact and face angle. 1. Stay relaxed and in posture to impact of you can. 2. Swing the club a bit more horizontally and imagine it moving through space in a fast but controlled way. 3. Practice hitting it how you want it to fly. 280 fade is a great flight so I would choose that. Challenge yourself to keep it together and hit that flight as many times out of 10 as you can at the range. No one no’s perfect and everyone pros will miss wildly sometimes. You have to chase the challenge of keeping it in control while you hit it far.


My man!! Stay down and through impact!


Stop trying to hit it with your dick. Keep your ass back and rotate through. It’s a hard habit to fix, been working on it myself this year


Oh god, I love the takeaway, albeit a bit out to in. But that early extension has got to go. You need to get your hands in front of your hips (think right pocket of pants) before you fire the hips. You’re getting soooo stuck, and then flipping to square back up.


Look into clearing the hips. Staying down. Clay Ballard has some good vids on it. Also, tiger woods stick your butt out. Not sure about Casting/early release but you’re definitely standing up out of your posture. Classic cause of inconsistent contact


Golfers need to learn averages. Such a small small small small percentage of golfers average 280 off the tee.


Looks like someone shoved a cucumber up yr ass


I ask myself the same question every time I golf


Shorten your backswing and stop standing up in your down swing. Learn how to turn with your hips to drive the power and not standing up! Your butt should stay at the same level through the swing until you are at finish.


The final boss of early extension


Your body is trying to prevent you from smashing the club into the ground. You will never have repeatable contact if you are changing levels like this at impact. Learn to lag the club and turn through impact properly.


Early extending, or what is commonly referred to as “ humping the ball”!


Early extension 100%. Feel like you’re sitting in a chair through your follow through.


You're gonna get that ball pregnant if you hump it any harder.


more power to you if you can hit 280 without any actual hip drive. all your hip turn comes after the ball is 10yards downrange.


You need way more hand depth at the top. Right now your hands are over your toes. Try getting them more over your heel at the top. Source: golf coach


Too vertical with the swing, not really shallowing, pretty close to ball . Lot of push slices make sense here


Your position at impact looks like someone tried to stick a finger up your keister.


Nice Swing. Golf is a tough sport. Grip, Alignment, Stance, Posture. Grip was fine. Alignment looked set up right. Stance was fine. Posture at address was fine. Backswing is very steep. When you practice in the mirror, get your left arm to match your shoulder angle. As you can see it’s about 10-15 degrees higher than shoulders. Causes you to do a lot on the downswing to compensate. If you were aiming left but aligning right, also gonna cause this out to in swing. You were almost vertical at impact, not ideal. You want to match your posture until after impact. One drill I think might help, is the rope drill. This will help your timing and keep you from over-swinging. As your arm matches shoulder angle, it will be easier to use your body and not arms. The rope will teach you. Also a great way to visualize your swing plane.


I am not great, but from what I have learned from recent lessons, back swing goes a bit too far from my linking and you are basically doing a hop on the end of the swing.


Look up "across the line" at the top of your back swing. This causes a world of issues.


Way over the top and too steep. It's a rotation sport not a vertical swing


Looks like you’re golfing to me


Tip toes is cute.




Ooooohhhhh I know this one. Golfing.


Popping out of it. You should feel your feet driving into the ground at contact and through after impact. Watch your head. 280 yards must be downhill with the wind at altitude.


Backswing is too high resulting in “coming over the top” from outside in, causing sidespin to the right.


The main things I see are early extension on the downswing and not rotating your hips through impact. I wouldn’t worry about the length of your swing, there have been many pros that have swung past parallel and been successful


Too much forward shaft lean, you are over compressing the ball.


Not carrying it 280 with that hip movement, that's for sure.


Great value Scottie scheffler




Stay seated. Keep the butt out. Maintain posture. And learn rotation


What's up with people going up onto their toes, that looks very unnatural, like they had to create that habit


Pickle ball?


Looks like you’re playing golf to me. But get rid of that baseball style swing. Keep both feet planted and swing with your hips, not your shoulders. You’re picking your left leg up on the back swing like you would in baseball as the pitch is releasing.


Early extension


Hale Irwin and Chris DiMarco used swings similar to yours. I’m not sure why that style has fallen out of favor, but checking out their swings on YouTube might be interesting and helpful for you. It’s a bummer that this sub is mostly giving you grief and advising major changes; you don’t need to make any dramatic alterations. With some simple adjustments to make your move a bit more similar to those dudes’, you’ll be just fine. Enjoy, and good luck!


You can't be serious? DiMarco and Irwin are a lot further away than "some simple adjustments." Delusional advice like this is why this sub is useless 99% of the time


I am serious. OP bends his right elbow more than Irwin and extends his hips toward the ball. However, their moves through impact have a lot in common. OP doesn’t need a full overhaul, just needs to shore up a couple fundamentals regarding his right elbow and posture through the swing.