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The “wow” moments in golf slap so fucking hard man. I think it’s probably why the game is so damn addictive.


Fuck I feel this so much right now! I decided to weaken my grip today and started bombing my driver on the 18 I played. I'm on cloud 9 right now!


I think you can probably drop the "think" and "probably" from your sentence. You summed that up poetically!


I it’s why the game!




How do I give you two updates? VERY FUNNY!




And then the subsequent anxiety and fear of worrying that you’ll forget it between when it clicks and your next round


If you get just one single good shot, you will be hooked.


That joy in his voice is what it’s all about.


He felt it too. There’s a feeling that connects your soul to a well struck golf shot.


The tuning fork in your loins that Tin Cup describes


Where’s your wanker?


I've only hit the ball perfectly one time and I knew it the second I hit the ball. Doubt I'll ever be able to do it again.


The patience needed to be a golf instructor for beginners is immense....but what a great feeling when they finally have a "wow" moment?


This was one of the most wholesome things i’ve seen a while.




So cool


I saw this video not long ago and it really helped me as well


Hammering down on a nail for irons/wedge, swinging an axe in to the knees of the trees for the driver/wood. Simple swing thoughts


Can you expand on the axe part?


Sure! It’s a tool typically used for chopping wood.


Ok, was wondering how pressing the body spray can would help my driver


if you spray enough, people will be staring at you and judging your odor instead the shanked drive


Underrated comment. Even funnier when you imagine the brother from Everybody Loves Raymond saying it.


Might be able to use it like the shoe spray to see ball contact... idk


But that's not important right now. Good luck we're all counting on you.




Swinging an axe as if to fell a tree or chop it down. An axe has a (moderately) heavy head at the end of a light hardwood shaft. When you swing it back, before you swing down, you kind of "set" your hands to be as high as possible (more potential energy). As the sharp slicey end swings down, you can really lean into the swing and throw the head through the tree. For cutting down small stuff, you can get through a trunk with one swing. It's like when you're throwing a punch, you're not punching someone on the nose. You're trying to make your fist connect with the back of their skull.


Ah, sneak attack from behind. Smart.


BODY ARMS BODY ARMS, MARRUCCI. Fr tho, just go watch Speed Golf Rob.


Yes yes yes yes


Anywhere I can expand and learn about this? Seems to me trying to get the club face to hammer the tee would be to closed…still trying to imagine this before going downstairs to grab an iron and tee


It’s more about the angle of attack. Hammering that tee into the ground at that angle is the same motion as hitting down on the ball and taking a divot after hitting the ball.


I always think super low hands at impact with woods so I’m glad yours correlates with mine, super low hands meaning I get a good strike if I focus on dropping the hands down into the slot from the top of the backswing. It’s not something I really have to think about with irons I guess.


These External cues work better than internal cues, great coaches/instructors avoid things like “turn your shoulder” and rather “point your shoulder to…like you are …


I love that


That video helped me so much


Same, same. 😌




Danny is the best YouTube instructor and it’s not even close. Love the guy. I’ll purposefully keep his videos to myself and share others with all my golf mates so I have a better chance of improving and beating them 😂😂


Oo, dats cold.


For me, I want him to be popular so he continues but not so popular that he feels the pull to excessively push out content and have the quality drop.


Totally agree with that. Hopefully he’s living comfortably enough to keep it going for a while!


Started watching him exclusively about a month ago, my short game (pitching and chipping) has already improved dramatically and I’m now consistent. His driver videos helped too. Just trying to work on bunkers and putting now. But Danny is amazing!


[Bunker video](https://youtu.be/bzLl6tr04do?si=eaLAsPQp2VI_lKfC)


I feel like Eric Cogorno and Tom Saguto explain things in a way that works better for me. It's easier to translate their advice to my game. Danny Maude is good but I find a lot of his videos show what the result needs to be but fall short on advice for how to get there. I'll still watch a lot of different YouTube instructors and try to focus on common themes between them.


I do love Saguto as well, I think he’s my next go to after Danny. 


Man Saguto is really simple. Basically load everything into contact position and swing. I need to go to the range and hit a few buckets of partial swings, moving up to full, to get the feeling. The last few rounds I've fallen back into my old swing shithawk mechanics.


Also a fan of Danny!


That guy is my all time fav student to watch. In one of his longform youtube videos, Danny is trying to help him add distance and the sheer glee he has when Maude gets him hitting longer off the tee is awesome.




Are you talking about the swinging motion video? Like on a kids swing? I thought it was the same guy!


Danny Maude is my standout favorite YouTube instructor.


I saw this vid last week, tried it, and had that very lightbulb moment. It literally changed my game.


Can’t wait to get to the range today and try this and get my lightbulb lit today




It definitely worked! My irons were flying nice and straight. Hitting off the mat tho so I couldn’t see divot, but hitting the course tomorrow 🤞


I've always understood these concepts theoretically, but for some reason never focused on their application with regards to my swing. This year I had high hopes and unfortunately started the year seriously regressing in both my driving and irons. For whatever reason I decided to change my swing thoughts to a single thought. Driver, swing up on the ball. Irons, compress with divot after the ball as shown here. First time in my life I hit single digit hcp and I've truly entered a new world of ball striking in terms of consistency. I've always struggled massively with my wedges from 50-100 yd. I would be lights out on a mat at the range, but terrible on the he course. Which made sense because my low point was always in question. This is a great drill that drives home a crucial concept.


Gotta stay chasing the dragon


I had one of these moments recently — switched to a driver with a more appropriate flex and loft for my swing, but couldn’t hit it worth a damn. Turns out it was 1.5”-ish longer than my last one. Choked up slightly on the grip and quickly got back to my old drive, plus 25 or so yards.


How good does that feel haha!


“First time ever…” poor guys probably been play for 60 years.


“A well struck iron shot has a feeling that is hard to describe.” (Current golf ad somewhere)


The tee drill is one of the simplest and best tools out there. It’s amazing. And Danny Maude is the best.


I can't wait to have this moment


Danny for getting all the technicals of the swing with simple thougjts. Golf Sidekick for course management and fashion.


I know that excitement, I had one of those just two days ago and it was like, fuck me sideways, that's how it's supposed to feel? My miss is a slice or a push slice. I never understood, how initiating the backswing should actually feel. So I was toying around and I tried to rotate my lead shoulder backwards and downwards into the ball. And what a difference that made! Today, it took me some time to get the sensation back, but my lead shoulder is starting the back swing and my lead hip is starting the downswing. The balls went straight and the mishits were pushed shots. I recorded the swing and I have tons of other issues, but if I can keep my focus on these two movements, add proper posture (boy is my spine angle off!), weight shift and tempo, then I might finally make some progress. Sorry for the many words, but like I said, I just had one of those light bulb moments and I feel the stoke of the gentleman in the video. I don't think, I will forget that moment two days ago, when things started making sense. And yes, Danny Maude is by far the best instructor on YouTube.




The Hanger tool really helps with this. Its helped me so much


Never heard of that, how’s that work?


An easier one is to just put a piece of grass/leaf on the course an inch in front of the ball and try to hit the grass/leaf. Every time I’ve done that for somebody, this video is the outcome.


As a golf coach, I love seeing the lightbulb moment. Most of my clients are online lessons, but they’ll sometimes send a text that shows they had a lightbulb moment and it’s the best feeling ever


This is great teaching. Had a light bulb moment with my irons and wedges a couple days ago and I’m finally consistently hitting them high and straight. Still need major help with driver but it feels incredible to just know how to consistently hit the ball again


Had a moment like this during a golf lesson a few days ago. Went onto the 9 hole course to test it out and lost 5 balls....


This video was awesome. It r/mademesmile to see the golfer have such better contact added his golf experience!


Video is too short! I have seen before, old guy starts saying “Wowzers” a bunch. I love it. This video really struck with me. It is exactly what you need to remember with trying to hit the ball with irons. Ball first and hammer it down!


I looked but couldn’t re-find it. The source video is great. So many wowzers.


Sometimes you don't have "correct" someone's swing, it just takes a swing thought instead of swing mechanics


What do I try to imagine when I hit the driver


God I love this so much


You can see it click in his brain, and he immediately starts making the right moves. Love it.


Honestly super super common. Most ppl are picking at it. You need to hammer that bitch into the ground and compress it. Good video.


Very wholesome, love to see it.


I still remember my first "ah-ha!" Moment. All the hair on my body stood up and I smiled for 30 minutes straight. Still wish I could do it every time 🥲


Watch a lot of his YT videos, great instructor!!


Danny Maude knows his onions...👍


I figured this out after 10 years of sucking ass with irons. I wasn't getting the ball up in the air so logically I would try and hit underneath the ball (weight on backfoot) to get it to pop up. Then someone told me to shift my weight to my front foot when I swing and boom all of a sudden I can hit irons.


I’m genuinely happy for that guy. He seemed so excited.


He's got some of the best instructional vids on youtube imo


Does the "hammer in the tee" at this angle only apply if it's this type of uphill lie? Or does the concept apply to all iron shots?


No, it’s necessary to compress all shots except driver which you hit up on.


The way you have a light bulb moment is to work with a coach. The real lesson on this video isn't the drill, it's the coach. The way he mumbles "grip" while setting up tells me that they've been working together for a bit and he's doing a mental checklist of the "new" stuff. The coach knows that's good, and that this player doesn't have a huge backswing so he gave him a lesson that works for him on something specific based on his current ability. The coach created the light bulb moment by having an understanding of what this student needed.


Yeah but nobody here is on a teaching aid course. We aren't here to give a pat on the back to the coach. Whats the point of what you are saying?


The point is, get a coach if you want this type of moment.


Righteo mr captain obvious.


Enjoy you're holiday if you're American.


We hope you go kick rocks.


Sprained my ankle too many times to make that viable. But thanks for the suggestion.


I don’t think you need a dedicated coach to learn that hitting down into the ball with your weight forward is a good thing




I don’t understand the thumbs up bit




So leave the club face wide open?


Yeah how much of this rolling outward feeling you want is going to be heavily dependent on your grip.




Yikes! Sorry I asked!


This is what I was poorly trying to explain. Sorry, mate. Thought you were taking the piss with your comment. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9CdeoWPBJw/?igsh=MTB4dWhscnN0a2tudQ==


Dude has a thumb up his ass


Just explain it better the first time 👍


Here ya go, mate. This is the move I was trying to describe. Seems crazy at first, but once you sync it with the dropping of your arms and your hip rotation, it’s a game changer. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9CdeoWPBJw/?igsh=MTB4dWhscnN0a2tudQ==


Are thumbing down outwards?


Here you go mate. This was my lightbulb moment. Hope it helps you. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9CdeoWPBJw/?igsh=MTB4dWhscnN0a2tudQ==


Wherever you are right now, without a club, give a thumbs up. Now give a thumbs down as you normally would, which would be to turn your hand inward and point your thumb down. Instead, try to do an outward thumbs down. Do you see the difference? Use that feeling as you transition through your downswing. This doesn’t mean get to the top and snap your wrists so that your thumb is pointing outwards and at the ground. This move is to be made in sync with the other 1 million things you’re thinking of lol. Turning a door knob to the right is another analogy if you don’t like the thumbs down thing.




I think Danny Maude is one of the best online teaching pros around


I love these moments.


Excellent video


These couple videos from Danny are amazing. A good coach who can find a simple couple things to improve someone's play in a way they never thought possible are amazingly valuable.


Don’t do this. This is how you end up being all arms. Have fun with the shanks.




Looks like he’s taking what he got from that Peter cowens video about rotating the right forearm down and making it more digestible for golfers who don’t have the same feel for their swing that high level guys do. Great stuff


Amazes me how long people play this game without understanding the basics.


I felt the joy, I actually got a little bit


Imagine the wow he would have had if he gotten fully on to his front side and followed through...


This is fire


Does anyone have a link to the original video?


I had this sort of thing happen today. Was hitting off my backyard set up and was trying to feel my swing he less arms and more rotation. I finally gave up and tried to hit the ball with only rotation after dropping my hands to my pocket…instant lightbulb. Ball sounded so good and contact was pure. Is that what ive been missing?


Danny Maude is the best


I was very long. My friends said it looked like I was beating the ball into the ground. My swing was steep. It put a lot of backspin on the ball.


Danny Maude. What a phenomenal teacher.


Why does he back up after he swings?


This video is amazing to refresh fundamentals.


Danny is awesome


There is nothing like striking an iron pure. You finally feel like you know what you are doing.. and then you chunk your wedge from 30yds out


Danny Maude is awesome


Anyone have the YouTube link for this?


Here you go! The segment with this golfer starts after 8 minutes. I’ve had it saved in my own golf library folder and loved it. https://youtu.be/La7Lt7V28yk?si=vROIt2g5oer2BNyC


Danny Maude is the absolute goat of YouTube teaching. His videos and tips are always more about general improvement or doing things that almost anyone can apply and learn from. Saw one recently where he was showing how doing warm ups or just drilling shots with your feet together can help feel when you sway or lift your torso during a swing since you’ll end up so off balance, where as in a normal stance it’s harder to identify since you have more balance and can compensate, and it seriously clicked with just a few swings for me.


Nice simple coaching and the results will have “bandit “ being muttered from opponents mouths until the Handicapping catches up. 👍😀🪝


This wasn’t a setup or anything though, 😂




Old tip making its way through the world👏🏽👏🏽 Seen this tip 20 years ago. Still share it today


Danny Maude is fantastic!!


I think this video just highlights the importance of actually taking lessons from a guy that can correct whatever it is you have going on.


So good on this guy.... look how old this guy is yet still so active and still learning new, HARD things. Fucking awesome. My role model.


Danny always helps me


Danny is one of the best on YouTube.




This is the best explanation of hitting down on the ball I have seen.


I played today. First nine was fucked. I haven’t played that poorly in years. Couldn’t hit anything. Driver was all over the place. Approach shots short and/or missing. Chips terrible. FIL gave me some medicine (beers) and we decided to play a scramble on the back nine. I lightened up and started crushing drives and playing better overall. Still can’t putt but I left feeling better than if I would have quit after 9 holes.


I love people who can simplify things like this.


A few days back, I tried to explain what my lightbulb moment was by using a poor analogy that only further confused people. Here is a link that visually explains what I was trying to. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9CdeoWPBJw/?igsh=MTB4dWhscnN0a2tudQ==


I was following it until he put the ball in front of the divot, so the club head had to be in the divot 🤦‍♂️


This old man wearing crew cut socks is what zoomers look like and don’t know it


Danny Maude is my favourite golf instructor on YouTube. He makes it so easy to understand what he’s saying.


Danny Maude and Chris Ryan..my go to Brit YouTube golf instructors


Danny maude does some great vids. Yt channel is definitely worth a sub.


I did this lesson today and shot a 59


This isn’t Biden???!


Teacher is clueless. Dude has the ball so far forward he should be hitting driver.


The Teacher is Danny Maude, one of the best instructors you will find. He’s teaching him one point not all, because you don’t learn by doing a dozen changes in one go. You pick one, fix and then the next and so on.


Sorry, but that's wrong. You don't work around something so fundamental like that. As soon as you move to the "next thing" in that case, all of the tips from before are immediately invalidated.


Yeah I’m gonna go with the professional instructor with years of experience and an extremely successful brand and business based on those successes over random dude on the internet on this one. But hey if it makes you feel good to tell yourself Danny ‘The Absolute Balls’ Maude isn’t good at golf or teaching it, you knock yourself out buddy.


I can probably take him lmao.


Haha When they did the poll on fighting a bear. Did you reckon you could win? With a pen knife and a putter.


Pretty sure that's an adjustment for the uphill slope