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Gotta fix the takeaway IMO


Thanks, yeah I agree. Slower, slightly outside hands up front? What are your thoughts?


your takeaway is very inside your hands, the takeaway in general very armsy. this forces your first downswing move to be throwing your right shoulder forward, putting you in position to swing out to in and slice it


seems like you are standing up towards the end of your swing––not sure if that's considered early extension or not


it seems like when I play a course I really start to pop up towards the end. Need to stay relaxed and keep my head down


Let me ask you this. How accurate are these sims? Does it translate well to the course?


Depends on the radar but overall really accurate. Of course you have a perfect lie for every shot—but if you are just trying to work on mechanics and keep your swing warm during the winter, they’re worth it.


Really like your set up. Need to convince the wife.


Man, great job documenting all this and good progress. For me, your takeaway is still a bit too inside and I’d like to see your transition begin IN the backswing. You’re athletic, you can get those hips fired earlier instead of syncing with your arms in the downswing.


Great point/tip. Sequence has always been a struggle as I tend to rush from the top. Tempo + sequence is at the top of my list. Ideally would love to start hips right as the club is getting set


It feels really unnatural at first but I’ve found that pausing at the top of my swing and exaggerating it at first has helped.


Thanks, will give that a shot!


I feel like at the end of 2023 you started rerouting the club at the top of your backswing. Have you been playing a new shot shape/trajectory this year?


No new shot type. I bend my knees less and tilt more over the ball which helps me be more consistent and have more weight over the ball. Maybe this is why the club is going higher instead of behind my body more.


Maybe more should turn.


Getting to a 15 hdcp in a year is impressive! A couple of suggestions you might want to look into on your way to a lower hdcp. In addition to addressing the inside takeaway, once you are around club parallel to the ground in the backswing, let your trail arm/shoulder externally rotate, that should stop your trail elbow from getting behind you and let you maintain the distance between both elbows throughout the swing. It makes it easier to keep the club in front of your body. In the downswing maintain the external rotation of the trail shoulder/trail arm, that’ll help shallow the club and facilitate getting the trail elbow beside or in front of your trail hip in the downswing. If you pull on the handle in the downswing and your elbows separate that usually ends up in a steep downswing and some times can lead to being stuck. Last, you have a bit of an OTT move at the top and a scoop or flip release at the bottom. If you sort out the backswing, it might remedy the OTT or steep swing and get you in a better delivery position to manage a better release. Hope this helps, good luck!


Thanks for the feedback! Is there a way to get that trail arm started? Tucking it? Or is it just a swing thought of getting it rotating first?


I wouldn’t tuck in the elbow in the backswing, that’ll reduce width which can translate into shorter distance and all sort of problems. I think the process is different for people depending on how they swing the club. Practice your backswing at a slower speed and see what feel works for you. Here’s a clip that might help, has a drill in the end, good luck! https://youtu.be/eswjxAYI2Ok?si=iYEFXnqwbIAdtzvt


Thanks for the link—super helpful!


When you were on the course, you tended to lose some pace. I know all about that so I see it everywhere. Tick pause tock


How many pairs of shoes do you own? 😂


I'm no professional but how's your distance? It doesn't seem you're pushing much with your back foot. You're kinda just spinning. 


Driver 260-280. 8 - 160 Distance really hasn’t been an issue, plenty of power.


getting better––your head is moving a lot


thanks. yeah that’s one thing I’m noticing in great players—their head is so static