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they need to save cost somewhere to pay for all the rma's they get


Got 'em


UFS 4.0 will be more efficient energy wise, some sources say about 50% less. So it is not just a question of some marginal performance differences. We already have above average high drain components, so every small improvement should help. This penny-pinching from Google on a flagship device is quite frankly not acceptable.


They think it is so vote with your wallet


Penny pinching/poor quality is why I have never owned a Pixel phone despite wanting for since the Pixel 2XL was released


So you've never actually used one LMAO


LOL, right?!


Absolute weirdo behaviour to stalk the sub of a phone brand you've never even used, wild 😂


Not really, I lurk here sometimes because I really want to get a pixel because software wise it seems much cleaner and nicer than the other oems, but my iphone still works fine so im waiting for the day it croaks to make the change


Because for most people UFS 3.1 or UFS 4.0 doesn't matter


Lemme rephrase that> Most ppl don't know that there's such a thing as UFS.


I have an 8 pro (ufs 3.1) and an s23 ultra (ufs 4.0). My 8 pro installs apps faster and launches apps the same speed as my s23 ultra. So I guess I don't understand why this is even a concern.


The S23 Ultra will obliterate the 8 Pro in tasks that utilize UFS speeds.


This is not my experience at all. Had an S23U and it would install apps and app updates ages quicker, apps also indeed opened up quicker with less slowdowns than my 8 Pro. Have an S24U now, and its not even close. Well its close at times but theres many times the 8 Pro bogs down or you notice how slow the app is updating, downloading or times it is taling longer than it should and makes tou wonder if the S24U would do the same under the same circumstance.


Yep, same here. In fact same with my Fold and my old P7pro. On my network they even beat the S24.


And my pixel pros (7&8) both have much better cameras or camera software or both than s24


I'm ok with ufs 3.1 there is no difference to be seen day to day vs 4.0. I don't care about benchmarks


Exactly this. If we cared about benchmarks we’d be buying an iPhone or Samsong. It’s all about the Total User Experience and not some mindless stats that don’t apply to anyone but dorks.


>I'm wondering why Google is still opting for UFS 3.1 Because nobody can tell the difference in daily operation.


I like how this gets asked every single time and yet it still doesn't matter in the real world


It's because we have reached a point in phone development where the improvements are so small that every little detail is now considered a monumental difference that elevates one phone from another. In the real world, most users won't know or care. They want a screen that looks good, battery longevity, a good camera, and enough storage for all their pictures of pets and kids. Anything else is superficial and important to mostly enthusiasts alone


does ufs4 not come in 128gb?


Only from Adata, and it's almost the same price as 256GB UFS 4.0. That's why only Adata makes these, they just don't really make sense to do.


Considering that P8 Pro 256GB was 1200 Euros on release and still use UFS3.1 that is quite unacceptable if to be honest. But I would not be surprised they will still use old UFS3.1 even this year, considering that leaks of G4 point to also same old Mali-G715 (it is underpowered and inefficient even in P8 Pro), having same GPU in P9 Pro and Pro XL, going to be bonkers. But hey, that is why we love Pixels right, for these exact Googly things. For people saying, "most people don't care, or I don't feel a difference" yet paying premium price for a premium "Pro" device, sure more profits for these big corporations. Why customers want to settle for less? these big corporation sure don't. If one personally doesn't care for it, sure go for 128GB variant, but 256GB and above it is different story. UFS4.0 is better in every way, significantly faster, a whole lot more efficient, also quite a bit smaller footprint, which all combined lead to things same people on here complain about, a smaller device size and less overheating, UFS4.0 is a small but meaningful step towards that. Not to mention device longevity with longer software support.


They need to make money for investors somehow. Releasing mid-range phone for premium flagship price is one of the ways. When too many users will voice their dissatisfaction with lack of UFS 4.0 then Google will come back with "Adaptive Storage" which will use AI to show you different values when doing read/write tests.


Wasn't UFS 4.0 specs finalized only like last week? On paper...


I really like my P8P but for the P9P I really want quicker charging, waaaay better face and finger unlock. Definitely get some manners on the heat


I've also been wondering this. Crazy that a Flagship priced device will still have a midrange processor and UFS 3.1 in 2024.


I love my P8pro and my Fold! I also loved my P7pro before I traded it in due to me destroying the screen by dropping it. 


I have no intention of buying the pixel 9. I currently have a pixel 8 pro and I see no advantage to the upgrade. It will be only marginally better if at all. And the g4 is still way behind the snapdragon any chip which I really don't understand at all.


It makes me wonder if the majority here are moving files from their PCs to their devices on a daily basis to desire these speeds.


Exactly. Phones have been "good enough" for everything for about 8-10 years now. What we need is better battery life and unlimited system upgrades like on pcs. Phones should be a once in 10y purchase.


What is UFS?




Nah none of that is true


Yeh you won't notice a difference in day to day stuff. Efficient programming and a fast CPU matters much more than the storage speed.


I played with a 8 Pro and a S24 Ultra at BB, couldn't tell a difference at all. Pixel booted up faster that was the only difference.


Now try a good cpu with eMMC 5.1


I have a steam deck. I know exactly what it's like.


That's not android lol. Luckily you can replace that eMMc with nvme In my experience android with eMMc is extremely slow. When I go to UFS is like day/night


Universal Flash Storage. On paper at least, 4.0 is faster.






That will show them