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Juliet for sure! She fully infiltrated Serena’s life and within a a few days she sabotaged Serena’s relationships with Dan and Nate (both of whom were in love with her). Down the line, her actions became crazier and dangerous, but Juliet also thought Serena framed her brother, damaged his career, put him on the sex offender list, and basically ruined his life. Overall, she got her revenge by turning Serena’s friends and family against her, and craziest of all, she made Serena doubt herself.


Yes, I agree! Before saints and sinners, when she went off the deep end 😭 She was iconic and I know she had to leave the show eventually for the sake of the plot, but I wish Vanessa hadn’t pushed her into trying to expose the Colin pics to the dean lol. Her and Nate’s chemistry was electric in my opinion. The fashion’s night out ep is one of my favorite moments between them.


Craziest of all, she drugged Serena and left her to potentially die


Yes and the thing that makes Juliet even more dangerous to me is that she took that picture pretending to be Serena getting high, and she actually got Serena to believe it was her and seek help. Major mind games


For me, the best villain is WILLIAM. Drugging Lily? Fake cancer. Escaping. Getting Rufus out the picture. Double crossing Ivy after making her set up with Rufus. Ending up with Lily. Mastermind.


Okay, now this is a take I can get behind WOW 😭


N somehow escaped the blame of having an affair with Lily’s sister, Lily put her own sister in jail just to take that sorry man back omg


Like brooooo. Him being real Ivys dad and then abandoning Serena lowkey AGAIN 😭


It wasn’t enough to abandon Serena once, he had to do it twice 😭 William when I catch you 😤


LEGITTT. Like LILY get up girl this man is the WORST. She did like an evil man though. Rufus was too good for her but they were also so good together - he made her better (until they character assassinated him, Rufus would NEVER get with his ex wife’s young niece who he’d been having in his home as family??)


Totally agree about Rufus...maybe the most unbelievable thing that happened in the show!


Legit I was like Not My Rufus ✊🏼


I support women’s rights n wrongs ✊🏼 burn William at the stake


Agree! Smooth operator!


I would hardly call Vanessa a villain. I'm going to go with Georgina.


I agree to an extent, however she did plot with Juliet by introducing her to Jenny and expose Blair and Dan’s kiss out of spite. She also released Dan’s book and that was betrayal to me. She and S feuded a lot. But I didn’t include Georgina bc I know everyone loves her already lol. Everyone would choose G since she’s a fan favorite.


Sage isn't a villain. She's an idiot but in no way a villain.


How are yall defending Juliet for drugging Serena and leaving her for DEAD?


I don’t think it’s right that she left Serena for dead, but I did love her storyline and everything up to that point. To be fair tho ppl love Georgina and she drugged Serena season 1 when she slipped something in her soda the first time they catch up at that bar. I just think Juliet played a fantastic villain and I loved her and Nate before she full on snapped lol.


Yeah but she didn’t leave her is my only issue. Georgina is straight up evil but even she wouldn’t go that far 😭 I just can’t like Juliet for that one, even though I loved her playing Blair and Serena against each other for that ep!


That’s fair! I totally understand ppl hating Juliet for that. She just had so many good moments getting the better of her and Serena’s exchanges before she went too evil lol.


So true!


Georgina didn’t drug her to die though, no drugging is good but Juliet’s was far worse.


But didn't sure let her get assaulted while drugged and try to blackmail Serena with her assaulter's death? Georgina definitely doesn't have any moral high ground here.


Thank you! She put her in a situation to get S.A. Juliet is evil and dead wrong for leaving Serena, but Georgina has done some evil ass shit too 😭


Sage and Vanessa aren’t villains. Sage is just a shallow young girl who was hanging out with adults for literally no reason and Vanessa was just a girl who got poisoned by the Upper East Side. I’d say, Juliet and William were the best villains. They both basically got what they wanted, William’s plan was more long term though but Juliet still succeeded in her plans.


I feel bad for Sage for many reasons, Steven is a terrible father. I don’t think she’s a full villain or hate her. But posting someone’s sex tape is extremely violating and that’s why I threw her in there, even tho she’s very young and acting on hurt emotions. And when she sabatoged Blair’s fashion show. I felt bad for Blair lol she didn’t do anything personal to Sage at that point 😂


Sage a villain no! Rather a childish spoiled brat, who didn’t get enough attention from her father. She wanted to be seen as an adult and hang out with adults but very juvenile.


She also gave Serena a run for her money. She had no clue what to do with her. Serena stooping to her level just showed she had no idea what being a step parent meant, she was competing with her man’s child and Sage made her look goofy every time.


I’d say that’s less villainous and more just her being a petty girl not fully understanding the consequences not caring for the consequences. Her dad was dating a woman only a few years older than her, said woman also SA’d the man in the “sex” tape. I’d say, Serena had it coming and Sage wasn’t wrong for her reaction. I only feel bad for Dan for having his consent taken away like twice in that regard.


I definitely think she had no understanding of how impactful her actions were. I always thought it was so disgusting that her Dad was dating someone the same age as her bf. Nate was too old for her, and Steven should not have been with Serena if it hurt Sage.


One of the things I had told my dad growing up was that I’d be absolutely disgusted if he dated someone in my age group, not that he ever thought of it but many fathers don’t unfortunately. Actually, what hurt me was my best friend hitting on my dad while I was sleeping upstairs (and by sleeping, I mean puking while on my back in my bed). So although it happened the other way around, I definitely refuse to fault Sage for her part in the drama that is Serena van der Woodsen’s life. Serena was too young for her dad, Nate was too old for her, and Sage was overall an innocent party in all of it.


ivy, hands down. we can argue


Love Ivy as well. She gets a lot of hate, but I loved her episodes! Wish we would’ve got more Ivy and Georgina moments


I don’t see Ivy as a villain although she does have villain tendencies. Otherwise, how do you explain Carol’s ability to rope her into pretending to be her daughter. Her only fault I think is wanting a family; specifically the VDWs. Who after discovering she was a fraud didn’t want to have anything to do with her and I think that fueled her


she’s one of my favorite characters, honestly. she gave up the money because she wanted a family so badly. it honestly was sad.


Vanessa is a very bad villain, she’s exactly like Dan but in a girl, but she’s the most redeemable, and she’s the most likeable for me out of the other three girlies. Juliet was the only villain in the same level of craziness like Georgina and Jenny and not a mediocre villain like Blair, Poppy, Bart, Damien, Vanessa, the minions or Chuck for example. Lola was groomed by Nate and no one did something about it, she was hanging out with adults instead of girls her own age and that’s the reason she is the way she is, no one did anything to stop her, and the NJBC should have said something to Nate instead of supporting the relationship.


Vanessa definitely! Very judgey of the Upper East Side but wanted so badly to be a part of it. Hated Serena but to this day, and I’ve watched the series several times, I don’t know what Serena did to her to warrant that hate. Well maybe take Dan from her.


Juliet was so unhinged and the fact she had no actual remorse over what she did to Serena is wild. I'm not even a Serena fan but that whole situation was so messed up and she didn't deserve that. The worst part is it wasn't even her who put her signature so all of that was for nothing, she was the victim in the situation and yet she was the one that was attacked...


Juliet was deranged. When she came back and said she wanted to finish this once and for all, or whatever she said, did she mean to kill Serena? Ben only wanted to ruin Serena — Juliet took it too far.


Most villainous villain? Juliet. Most sympathetic villain? Ivy.


i only consider one of these a villain to be honest. william, agnes and juliette are the most annoying villains.


vanessa is straight up annoying. i would be pissed too if a nobody that doesn't even go to my school suddenly meddling into my social life and trying to be up in everyone's business, like who are you


These are all perfect pics and I can’t stand anyone of them. I can’t say I would buddy up to any of them. They all are a bunch of very small minded witches.


Jenny Humphrey!!


Who's she??


I’m sure she got more on my nerves than Vanessa!




Juliet. she was lowkey insane


Sage and Vanessa shouldnt be here at all. The worst was Bass Sr, what a douche. If I had to pick between Ivy and Juliet. Juliet was played by a much better actress whom it was hard to root against, so she wins 


I can get behind all of them as the worst! But Ivy and Vanessa bother me the most because they act better than everyone else while doing the same things everyone else is doing. Ivy said she just wanted to feel like she had a family, but all of her manipulating was at the expense of her "family." Why Lily let her get away with kicking her out of her home I don't understand (in reality, Ivy doesn't even get the house until a LOT of legal processes are completed, and she would have no right to do it until it was all settled, which would take months at least). Vanessa seemed like she couldn't help but meddle, even after she wasn't even friends with any of them...calling Serena and telling her Dan and Blair were sneaking around isn't that villainous, but why does she even care? And releasing Dan's book after he told her to forget she ever saw it makes me so mad. She just wants to be in the middle of things messing stuff up, but she acts like she's above everyone else.


Juliet cuz she almost killed Serena


Vanessa isn’t a villain. She’s an antagonist and a frenemy more than anything


You forgot Blair!