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Dude, wear what you want. Don’t sweat the small stuff. They’re headphones FFS. They look perfectly normal. Red is cool. Nice Maiden shirt, btw 🤘


This right here OP.




i love how the color of the headphones matches the iron maiden logo!


This was the first thing I noticed.


It's so true I was going to say exactly the same thing


You look dope, dress for yourself and don't listen to others, they shouldn't affect your peace with their off hand comments


Don’t let that person live rent free in your clearly gothic head. Red is a goth color. Any color is goth if you wear it with confidence and distain for the system. Rock on.


You look more like a punk/metalhead with that shirt/jacket combo


No idea where they're from, but I think in many places there's a huge overlap between metalheads and goths. At least here in Finland there was a period of time in early 00's when black metal dudes and goth dudes looked the exact same, sans the band shirts.


I believe it, Type O Negative mined that niche very well


Yup, seconding this, everything about him I would have assumed punk.


Yeah idk what they're on about. The headphones match the design on your shirt, and even if they didn't, who is coordinating their headphones to their outfit?? Do people just have a bunch of different headphones they're changing out to match different looks?? I got one (1) pair of headphones. Why would you need more than one? Also, why is a teacher going around criticizing students' outfits?


I agree, an inappropriate comment from an adult child projecting their insecurities! Red fits very comfortably within all that’s gothic! I think they look good


.. I do. I have four different audio transfer devices that I use with different outfits. The black large over-ears are the commonly used ones. I have a moss-green headset that I use when my accents are brown or green. I have a pink cabled set of earplugs for when I am doing "pink straight man" outfits, and then a white set of airpod-alikes for when I need to go full preppy.


i have two pairs for similar reasons; over ear headphones for comfort and in ear for when i’m on the go


I love red and black together. Forget what she said, she doesn’t know style.


A bit of an 80s look honestly, sounds like Teacher doesn’t know what they’re talking about


It brings out the red in your shirt tbh, a nice fashion choice....but even if you didn't have red in your shirt I think it looks fine.


Pop of red actually looks great! If you look into gothic & otherwise dark inclined art or fashion for inspiration you will notice that different shades of red in details are common. You don't have to make everything you own just black. *There wouldn't be alternative fashion if everyone before us listened to other's opinions on their looks.*


They look great. That teacher needs to keep their mouth shut.


You know what isn't punk rock? Trying to dress a specific way to appeal to a "type" of person. Be a radical goth, wear whatever color you want


Colour pops like hell on an otherwise black style. Red is the common hard colour for half of goth outfits. This is acceptable, even stylish. Consider the teacher as recognizing you, and thinking they can use the same banter as they do with their friends. It was a troll comment, done in a joking manner. Comment on the teachers lacking style. ("Why not black pants at least", etc) You might bond, you might discourage. Both are wins.


Teachers should not be remarking on the appearance of their students unless they’re clearly breaking some rule.


That’s exactly what I was thinking too cause how is this kids outfit going to affect their ability to learn?


Exactly this. Fashion is not their prerogative. And as a parent, I find that kind of attention a little bit disturbing.


I’m not a parent and I still find that disturbing


Goth with a touch of metal. The red can represent the destruction of your enemies. Go get em tiger


In the words of my grandpa when I asked him if he liked something I liked. “Do you like it? Then it doesn’t matter what I think”.


Matches the Iron Maiden logo, sick shirt btw! Up the irons!


I won't lie to you bud, i buy headphones instead of earphones just because they look more fashionable so you do you


They match your outfit quite well, I'd say. Black & red always go well together. Pops of red are always a great look. I bet your teacher tucks their shirt in and wears brown shoes with a black belt.


i personally love the red headphones on the black outfit, it is a nice contrast


You look fine who cares


The red looks great with what you got going on!


The combo looks good. Teacher is just jealous he didn’t dress cool in school.


It matches your Maiden shirt


Personally, when I style my outfits, I look and see if there’s a pop of color somewhere, such as red or silver. If there is, I usually match my makeup and/or nails to that color so it all ties together a lot better rather than all of it being black, then there’s this area where there’s color that becomes very dominant. So, the first thing I noticed, is that the red headphones work perfectly with the Maiden logo already being red. It works!


Headphones look dope, the red pulls it together and makes you stick out in a good way


Rolex puts red text on their black and white submariners for a reason.


I think they’re cool! The red matches the color on your shirt!


Looks good man, it matches.


Don't think too much.


Red’s a good accent color for goth.


You look good baby bat. Don't listen to anyone and do what you like!


It’s a silly thing for your teacher to focus on! You look great :)


why did a teacher say that!? is it normal for teachers to comment on things :0


The only thing that matters is what's playing through those headphones 🤘🏻


no way dude, they're a nice little pop of color. your teach probably has no style anyways 😭


Sounds like he was messing with you sporty spice


Don't listen to the judgement of your teacher. You do YOU! The headphones look good & match your goth look.


It goes with the band logo colour


Do kids seriously care what teachers think about fashion?


Red headphones -> nice splash of a great colour! I think it looks great!


As a few others have said already, your keen eye for matching colors is better than your teachers. Your headphones are red and black with white trim. Your shirt is red and black with white trim. Your jacket is black with silver (white) snaps or whatever that is on the sleeve there. Your glasses are black with silver (white) trim. You already matched 4 articles of your outfit perfectly and that’s all we can see in the picture. Rock it. They hate us cuz they anus.


You literally look normal


There's no rules, literally the early days of goth & punk styles were about breaking away from the social and societal norms. So who gives af what color your headphones are!


Red and black go together like Poe and ravens. Fuck what she says.


They match the Iron Maiden lettering in your shirt just perfectly


Better dressed than the teacher no doubt


it’s a great outfit! you should totally try out dying your hair black though I think it’ll suit your style


If you like how the headphones look w the fit who cares, honestly even if you don’t WHO CARES their just headphones and the rest of the fit looks fire sooooo they’re just hating for no reason


No, they look fine, and that teacher is weird for saying that.


Wear what you want! Tell that teacher that you have your red headphones on each time you see them.


they match your shirt, it doesn't look wrong at all


Aren’t accessories meant to add a pop of color?? What’s a more classic combo than black and red??


I think they look awesome in red. I have some navy blue headphones that I accidentally bought (meant to get black), but I don't care and just wear them with whatever anyway. IMO no one cares that much.


My fave headphones are pink. No one’s going through to judge you for headphone color


Who cares? Do what you want


They don't look bad just because everything else is black, u good


LOVE those headphones, I want some red ones just for the look so bad lmao but I love my black ones cause they're noise cancelling and covered in cute stickers


They dont stand out to me being i have no clue what brand they are


Bro, you'd definitely be someone I'd hang with on high school, cool style 😎


Red phones, red shirt, the teachers face was probably red with jealousy for Eddie


Wear what you want for sure, but i also took notice. Not because of the color, but the style. But yea headphones are so ubiquitous that you could wear Cat Ear headphones and no one should bat an eye


Your teacher was probably trying to be funny. You're fine.


Wut? The headphones look perfectly fine with your look!


this is a non issue, use the headphones you like the most i wear airpods because they act like a hearing aid and noise cancellation which helps my sensory overload disorder, plastic space white isn’t seen as goth but who cares?


Red and black look good together. As others said, dress for yourself, but especially don't change your dress bc a school teacher made a comment!!


Red like blood, still works


They go with the iron maiden shirt! A common way to accessorise is to pick out a colour you're already wearing, and wear it elsewhere- that's exactly what you've done and it looks great ^^


Firstly, it not their outfit, not their business, and not their problem! Secondly, red pairs great with black, imo. Third, your outfit looks great. If it looks good to you, wear it. Nothing else matters.


Idk about the colour, but they're tiny. Is that even comfortable?


Look cool dude


Aesthetic good sound quality needs improvement


Nah dude, the headphones TOTALLY go with the outfit. I really like how they also match the iron maiden logo on your shirt.


Fuck the purist’s, make your own style ✌️


I think they pop, personally. Black/red is a nice combo


ofc not


Remember kids, red is colour of your enemy's blood.


honestly who cares lol if the headphones work use em // if they want to pay for “matching” headphones be their guest 💀


No, there is red in your shirt. It’s a well-coordinated outfit imo


Who cares? If you like it, that’s what matters in your life brother. ✌️


Your teacher is being silly you are awesome


Sounds like your teacher doesn’t know shit about fashion. The red on your headphones is more of an accent color. It matches the accent color of your shirt. It goes perfectly.


You look fine friend!


They literally match your Iron Maiden shirt, though? Sounds like that teacher has bad fashion sense.




The headphones look good on you.


I think I'm getting more punk than goth. But at any rate, It's really a great outfit.


Red is awesome


Where what makes u happy but I would suggest that the headphones look too small on ur head maybe get bigger ones like save up for general headphones or something


The whole point of alt subcultures is to do what you want. So if you enjoy the red headphones then wear em. Fuck it


As an elder goth, the most goth shit is wearing what YOU like, and not hating on others looks. It's such a unique and customizable style with a ton of history. Have fun with it!


Dave Strider?


Do you admire how the teacher dresses? If not, don’t listen to them. Also, what kind of teacher goes out of their way to put down what a student is wearing?


Headphones exist independently of your outfit. You usually have one pair of headphones. Plus, they totally match the red logo on your shirt 🤘 That teacher needs to pull the stick out of where the sun don't shine


I suspect your teacher was trying, and failing, to be playful. Your look is *chef’s kiss*.


Teachers need to stop making comments like that. You look fine.


Did your teacher mean that it 'looks wrong' fashion-wise, or could they maybe have meant it 'looks wrong' because your outfit is very vintage styled and the headphones are modern? They definitely don't look bad, so if it was fashion wise they're just being a jerk.


Looks amazing. Matches the red in Tshirt. Can it get any better?


Ok, but what was this nosey teacher wearing when they said it?


Nah they look cool. I wanna pair! Definitely match your outfit and overall vibe of say


All that matters is if they sound good


From this picture you look more alt punk than goth. Just my opinion.


Hey you know what man? If I could go back and speak to myself in high school i would tell myself to just be comfortable with myself a lot more. You’re rocking it, don’t let those asshole prick teachers get ya down!!


Nathan Lane said it best. You want a splash of color.


That teacher is mad jealous you look just fine and the headphones honestly match.


When you get older you’ll realize how stupid it was to always worry about what other people think of your appearance or style or whatever. Do what you want


I think you look dope and match 😎. If you really want to fuck with your teacher, go down the rabbit hole of fashion that intentionally doesn’t match. 🤙. THAT would be punk af


No, but the teacher most likely associates the headphones with a completely different style, so it’d make sense if he didn’t see it as matching. But no, those are nice headphones, so whether if they go with what you’re wearing or not, they’re not a bad choice.


not at all! love how the red matches your shirt. i love red and wear it all the time. keep doin your thing my man! ❤️‍🔥🤘🏼


Colored headphones are cool I really dont think they look out of place :)


they match the text on your shirt actually! it comes together really really nicely :) I also personally love accessories other pieces of an outfit that stand out and contrast with the rest! looks great!


She’s a hater 🤘🤘


yea they kind of stand out and would stand out less if you wore some more red or had red glasses or some kind of red jewelry. That being said its, like, a really small thing and anyone who points it out is just looking for things to point out. Still goth, still handsome. Handsome goth boy :P


I think they look great :)


They look awesome red is my fav color, also they match your shirt :) keep wearing what you want it looks dope!


Matches the red in the Tshirt, you have a perfect 60/30/10 color ratio in your outfit, teacher needs to go back to school.


No it looks fine.


No your teacher is an asshole why are they even commenting on your appearance like that


Oh shit, it’s agent Cody Banks


Brings out the red in your shirt. Looks good


Dude- if you’re rocking Maiden then you ought to know that rock n roll protocol is too give zero fucks. Do you.


You’re gucci don’t sweat it!


Bad teacher, cool headphones.