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I mean, one post is correct. Everyone here is Gay.


its true, i like girls (im a woman)


I'm straight






Here's my waifu https://preview.redd.it/4c6ljb1nek6d1.png?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25db2bed61014f93b58304def568c99821d6a224


Thats not biscuit


You’re as straight as a kukri mfer


Guys this is obviously yujiro’s alt therefore making him straight /s


There's at least one person who just sees you as a woman...


So was I until I read Baki.


Looks to me like you’re subscribed to the baki subreddit so im gonna call bullshit. In the sliver of the chance that you actually are straight im gonna have to ask you to leave, this is a strictly straightphobic space.


Hell nah, unless you have 4000 years of Chinese martial arts behind your back, I won't leave


I also do not believe there any women in the Baki fandom. As soon as you begin the journey the sheer testosterone your body is forced to produce will soon turn you into a man, and then of course significantly gay. Reading 2 manga chapter a week can be done in place of TRT.


Can confirm. I read 3 chapters a week (need moderation of course) and im already as buff as jack, just working on the bone extension procedures now 👌 i also spend all of my free time and this dope club called the gay 90s


Not anymore




That's pretty gay tbh


Wait we are?


There is definitely this certain masculine brotherhood hell yeah aura that draws men into the series. If someone is posting about Baki, then it's a 50% chance its about how funny the absurd moments are and a 50% chance its about how insanely awesome and raw it is. My entire instagram feed at this point is just cool Baki panels with some phonk song in the background https://preview.redd.it/wav4o0k0dk6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d759cb43f86dc1aad4574c9c1df0f64eb124ce40 With that being said however, the Baki fandom is actually decently split between the sexes. There is a clear and visible demographic of women that love the series and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Infact, sometimes I would go on instagram and twitter and search up japanese Baki hashtags to see what that audience is like and I might just say almost the majority of posts I see were posted by female fans. I even saw a webcomic which is literally gaia vs Sikorsky except they added themselves Moral of the story, idk I'm just saying shit now. Baki isn't something you can take away from a man, or a woman, its like trying to take away their brain, or heart, they will simply die from it. Ever since its conception, Baki is essential to the human experience. This is how Keisuke Itagaki invented homosexuality


lol that webcomic was me


I'm well aware of your work, sometimes fond of the pure passion behind it, sometimes scared of it But im talking about something different. Someone took the setting of gaia and Sikorsky and put their own oc in there, as well as Jack, as part of their webcomic fanfiction thing. and on a literal level I cannot understand any of it https://preview.redd.it/87m1bygvgk6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a963903947a69b6ccb80d81461664494067e2ae5 I don't know if the creator is female or if it's only the oc but im pretty sure I've already seen this kinda thing before anyways within this fanbase


holy cow thats so cute!


Wow you made some awesome stuff with Sikorsky, he’s definitely the best character


You're a class act, pupp


Accurate PfP


They wouldn’t last a week in here. You think you know gay? Brother, come inside


if you insist




That's the least gayest thing Hanma family has ever said or done in this manga. https://preview.redd.it/47e655oqyk6d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd015335e71258f7e58f50eb7403066804b2e8f4






We are gayer than any fandom Not even jojo is as gay as us


No you are not have you seen the golden suck


That sounds.... So wrong


It’s not gay if you see everyone as a woman.


im a girl and its happened a few times but its not a big enough issue here for this kind of reaction. ToT. I think its very dramatic, and ive seen other girls on tumblr say this too, but the truth is is that it rarely actually happens from my experience and from my other female friends experience. ppl here are def more kinder here than i expected when i first began posting. (not saying it doesn't happen it's just not happening often for it to be such a big deal) Also the jokes abt baki men being gay i dont understand by their connotation, here its usually a joke (if it is), but the way they describe it sounds more serious and negative.


And the reason they’re being negative about gay men is because they think that sexist=homophobic when that’s not inherently true, they think they’ll “offend” folks in this sub by calling them gay and that’s why they’re being so insulting about it


I think its so childish really ToT.


Yeah for sure, I think anime/manga in general has a massive problem with sexism and Baki is kinda better about it than a lot of other fanbases but every anime sub is gonna be crawling with incels who hate women it’s just the nature of the media at this point


Denoting to mere sex as an insult is also childish and is the exact same argument those angry women in the post are doing to make homophobic and sexist comments just based on a minority of the community


Absolutely correct


You're one of my favorite posters never let the haters get you please


awww Tysmm n don't worry I won't <3.


I think you have a thick skin and understand the gender dynamics that come with reddit but I still think this sub genuinely has a problem with the way people see women if not how they’re treated.


Maybe so, I probs dont see it often then.


Ah, you are that Sikorsky simp posting all those arts.


ya lol


I think the pfp of Pickle with little pink hearts around him really brings this post all together


these are the typa ppl that will e-crucify yhu over pickle's age cus they believe with their heart n soul this big buff tall man is 14 years old.




hanayama is like 20 now ToT


isn't Pickle 65 million years old?


yeah but unfortunately some female baki fans like to argue that he was 14 when he was frozen, and therefore is 14 years old. not only is it false but its souly off of the fact that he doesn't understand the modern world so they like to downplay his intelligence and age. its annoying ToT. Not only that the manga shows him whe he was yonger vs now, so the headcanon makes no sense.


I mean they aren’t wrong we are all are gay


All fandom has its annoying toxic side where some fans ruin it for others


Bruh! You shouldn't speak about women that way.


They can fuckin stay in tumblr if they wanna use implications of gayness as an insult tbh


Yeah that basically undermines everything else they were trying to say about unfair discrimination...


this is something i notice and never understood, dont wanna come off as an incel but i have noticed this the most with women, they claim to support the LGBTQ+ community, and then turn around and use gay as an insult specifically to degrade men, specifically in a way that frames the men as lesser for being gay, something they should be ashamed of.


Some women just hate men and also pretty often don't even support LGBTQ+, just the L unfortunately that was a pretty common sight on tumblr when i first joined, thankfully by now i weeded them out of my feed


We are not gay. Just more manly than most. They just can't comprehend the joint appreciation towards muscles and martial prowess that we share.


It's not gay to want to gently caress the powerful muscles of another man. it's just appreciation.


Also we are gay.


“Just more manly than most” 💀💀💀


Of course! Didn't you hear? Gay Sex is the manliest kind of sex because there are no women involved in it. We're peak manly by that standard in my humble opinion.


Bro is on that Yujiro grind


The only people more manlier than baki fans can be hokuto no Ken fans


We are just so manly that we see every man as a woman therefore making the sex straight.


It's extra manly to be gay cause you like manly men instead of women.


Nah, we're gay as fuck.


This is the gayest fandom I’ve ever been a part of and Jojos is my favorite anime. Y’all so gay the B in LGBT stands for Baki.


That is fucking hilarious 👏


I try (I usually fail)


Honestly it's like one of those tree house situations with a sing that says no girls allowed 


If you were a real fan, she would know that the entire Baki fan base is female. Especially the men.


Damn, she's technically right.


I mean just look at any post about Kozue lol Though denoting misogyny as just someone being gay is... Sure something


Kozue hate is so deranged, Baki had literally the most supportive girlfriend in anime and mfs call her annoying. The fact that Itagaki didn't know how to use her in SoO is not her fault.


Nah, she hates kozue as well lmao


as a girl, while the series does primarily have a male audience I think there’s something for everyone to latch onto. a couple years ago my family started watching the original show from the 2000s together. mom was drawn to it because she wanted to see if baki’s relationship with yujiro got any better, my dad and brother liked it mainly because of the fights, I was drawn to the characters. after watching all of it, we realized a big part of it was because we love how ridiculous it is. every time a new season drops we binge it in like a day lmao


Family goals.


Sounds like a perfect family.


Far from it but we’re all super tight so we get by haha


Based as fuck, they’re absolutely right. Some dudes in this fandom are unintentionally way too sensitive. I love the part of this fandom that embraces and pokes fun at how inherently homoerotic the obsession with hypermasculinity is. The other part, the part that pretends like there’s some sacred truth of pure *straight* manliness in this story, looks ridiculous every time they try to defend that notion. Im a fan of martial arts, and I love the way Itagaki draws combat, but the dudes in this fandom with Andrew Tate mindsets who take this too seriously are a fuckin joke.


I have spent a decent amount of time on this sub and have never seen anyone say that women have no place here. Unless she's referring to people's joking denial of the existence of female baki fans, but that's not at all saying that they shouldn't be here


harassing or making women feel unwelcome in any community is cringe but why the fuck these bitches immediately jumping to turbo homophobia??




**This is so obnoxious.** Like a lot of weebs are complaining about female weebs in their fandoms (mostly because of shipping and such), but... Baki is not one of those fandoms, outside of couple of virtue signaling Tik Tok weirdos.


She's an incel


Inside of use are 2 Wolves 1 is gay The other Is gay We are gay


You have two gay wolves inside you? That's a whole nother thing bro.


The wolves https://preview.redd.it/nplbsjl2bq6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466806afdfd92d8b8d86bce3881bd032e9fdd7f8






I feel like this subreddit is the most accepting of female baki fans. I'm a girl and I've always been nervous about really going public abt being a Baki fan since I've seen the way other fandoms act towards girls (like DBZ), but I haven't been shunned for my art or my gender here (at least not yet), instead I've gotten lots of praises and laughs. I'm thankful for it


This is without a doubt the best fandom on reddit. In others, such as One Punch Man, any slight criticism of the manga leaves everyone offended and defensive. I think this is due to the fact that people who follow Baki tend to be older (25+) and have more maturity to deal with criticism or just laugh at it.


Some other manga subreddits have near-constant flame wars about the quality of their manga, while this one seems to have largely embraced the "Look at this ridiculous trash manga - it's so utterly magnificent!" mentality.


They must be great Baki fans with how they're fighting imaginary opponents


Cus you dont understand bitch, WE GAY we dont mean in the lgbt sense of the word, we WANT to see big buff men fighting usin nothing more than trousers, we NEED to see big buff men fighting usin nothing more than trousers, yes some of us have girlfriends, but they dont know our true nature, WE NEED TO BE BIG BUFF MAN AND WE NEED TO SEE BIG BUFF MAN


I love the big sweaty men touching each other fr


Um did that egg in the picture pop out of another egg?


Isn't one of the cornerstones of our sub a girl getting crazy for Sikorsky


It sure is.


Huh, first I'm hearing of something like this. If anything, this subreddit is one of the more chill ones out there, and some of our more noteworthy members are of the female persuasion. (Namely, the large crowd of self shippers here.) The only stuff I've seen that gets heated is the power-scaling discussions.


big buff men touching each other > women


I think this covers why we're here https://youtu.be/56EsDMTnvkI?si=7eI1rqgloIYuoiZI


Has she even been kn this sub? Its gay af. For calling out prejudiced its a bit prejudiced against gay dudes, and dudes with mini balls. Im sorry some one was sexist, but i mean youd never fit in here with that attitude of im gonna insult your masculinity blah blah. Its like if some girl rejected me and i called her an ugly lesbian with a loose vagina.


Big meaty men slappin' meat!


What men? why?


I appreciate women in the dandom, and actually waiting on a female grappler in the story


I thought the “no women allowed” thing was just a meme


Hoes mad we are getting PEAK MEN LIKE GOATjiro


actually we are all women in the eyes of Yujiro


She clearly isn't a fan.


Nah there’s another disgusting thing about them it’s the fact that they assume everyone is gay that’s why most of them think women shouldn’t be baki fans and let’s be honest a lot of people hate baki because of the faqqs in the sub


Why are they acting shocked that gay men are attracted to buff masculine characters tho? I'm gay and started watching for the character design, stayed for the plot and martial arts shenanigans


I always had the impression that this sub has been super openly gay/ gay positive. I don’t get their accusations about the men here being in denial or something. We like men sweat in this sub.


We all are woman... in Yujiro's eyes.


I went through that Tumblr blog. It's really an awful day to have eyes. What the fuck is going on there?


They’re talking like us being gay is a bad thing smh, sounds pretty homophobic to me. Why cant they just let us be masculinely gay? On a serious note, anyone who watched/watches baki or jojos does indeed have a little sugar in their tank.


Women are so quick to be homophobic lmao, it’s like they’ll never joke about homophobia, but they will use gay as in insult in 0.001 seconds if they get annoyed


Baki is gay. Women can’t be gay for men, so they cannot be true Baki fans. They do not belong here and I do not approve. End of discussion.


Female Baki fans are weird like, why you want to follow a series where your gender is just a cocksleeve from the start?


None of us are actually gay. We just have so much testosterone that everyone looks female enough, therefore making it not gay.


someone bitchslap her and put her in her place


Brother, I've accepted that I'm straight all along and comfortable with my sexuality. I'm not afraid either to admit that I love reading comics about (almost) naked burly men pummeling each other in funny ways. If womales enjoy it too then sure, be my guest. But, if you're straight up writing "fanfic" about male impregnation with some established characters, then I will just be really uncomfortable with your presence. Please be noted, though, that I still won't chase the women away. That pretty much sums it up brother.


Tumblr invalid opinion


I do not have an opinion on some random tumblr post who cares


Men having their own spaces is unthinkable to these people


>using gay to insult the people in the sub >claiming the sub is misogynistic without proof or examples >on tumblr Yeah I mean it’s not like this post was made by someone in good faith by someone intelligent, it’s just ragebait lmao and you’re falling for it


Is it so hard to believe that a girlie just wants to watch big buff men beat each other up? That a gal might find "punch.. explain the punch.. punch" entertaining? Idk man i just wanna watch something while i cook my meal




Actually all i saw here were great and cool people. Like guys who go to the gym to be like baki characters. Guys who can make funny jokes and memes. Or u/Spacecat\_90 who draws masterpieces with baki characters. IMO this community is Great, Or i might see only the good side of it. IDK


My opinion is that if they're making posts about fandoms on tumblr they're probably literal children and I'm a grown ass man so I don't give a shit about them


*confuse Baki fan (gay) noises*


Yeah we are all gay that’s why we don’t want women around why is that hard for them to understand? Trying to get double teamed by the Bakiverse and some JoJos


I know there’s at least one woman here, I think she’s in Russia or something?


Apart from memes I think most man here share the feeling of appreciating pure raw power. As (I think) Doppo said "All man at some point if their lives have the desire of being the strongest of the world". Till today all man I know have that in common somehow


As a Baki fan, I assume that uppercuts and testicle crushing are her love language.


Well if it wasn't for that one girl that draws retsu fanart i wouldn't be as gay as i am now


Granted this is in Tumblr, it's automatically irrelevant


They are right, r/Kagurabachi is our only competitor in gayness


There's a reason tumblr doesn't exist anymore


No woman has thought of being the worlds strongest /s


Bismuthx biting the curb 4k


Cope seethe and mald in your preferred order tumblrcuck


They're just mad they're not gay enough to get it


Everyone here IS a woman. It's just a matter of perspective really.


My question is, who cares?


The bait is strong af lol


Being a man or woman is irrelevant. Yujiro Hanma sees no difference.


Idk what she expected, this is a boys only club…no icky girls


I have yujiro pov. The Baki fandom are all women to me 😎😎😏😏😏


No balls no opinion.


I like that the first sentences sound like a baki fight


like you prefer boys or sum???" Uhhhh... Yeah? Were Baki fans, that's like saying a JoJo fan is gay. That's like, half of what we're known for.


Wait, wasn't this the troll that made a post about muteba?


You can tell none of them actually took the time to visit the sub


Tumblr is full of weirdos, no offense. I would take anything they say with a gallon of salt.


I once wrote on tiktok that men are on average stronger than women and I got around a hundred comments from angry women telling me how weak and fragile I am, how women are in fact stronger, how strength doesn't matter, how they are more intelligent, how their immune system is stronger (wtf). So there's tones of women who are easily offended by the smallest thing. A series like Baki isn't made to cater to them


that’s so not true idk a single male baki fan that denies their fruitiness.


Ahh yes.. but you see, Yujiro's raw aura, even in just the manga will turn real life women into men. They may not even notice it, but he awakens the inner man inside all human beings. So there are no 'women' baki fans. They have just not come to understand that Yujiro awoke the man within them... So that he may then awake the woman in all of us.


I’m really confused https://preview.redd.it/4e9cxq6oem6d1.jpeg?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713d601262289e18e355e8999718680c7b94fad0


That's disgusting. Yes, it's true. Where's Pickle when you need him?


Tumbler mf's are built different bruh💀


This place is the gayest straight place on the internet


This is so clearly bait made by monkeys on Tumblr. Ignore those Tumblr monkeys and just enjoy the peak manga about buff men fighting and pissing on eachother like a true chad. https://preview.redd.it/6sgevll8km6d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc041eb3718b32567fe7672cfe14e12d20eb615


Every fandom (video game, book series, anime, cartoon) has the crazy toxic people, u gotta get over it and just enjoy the show and pay attention to the things you like instead of feeding off of the opinions of strangers on the internet 👍


Its a great post, it reads like a baki fight


One mistake that should never be made on the internet is paying attention to what people on Tumblr say. The best thing you can do about stuff like this it is to just ignore it.


I love men https://preview.redd.it/a760v6k3vm6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99583601b140f33cd3dc629d04b344e12723f127


lol 😆


Tumblr should stay dead ngl


She prolly watched the pickle arc and thought “this is a bit crazy but it’s not crazy” just wait till sis sees yujiro diddle a dude😭


...How fucking old is this person? Whose first response to experiencing sexism is to make a post like this? "Imagine this crushed egg is the balls of my enemies on Reddit, Raaaaah!" What the hell. Also, the repeated insinuations that because men are being sexist they must be gay is juvenile and pretty tiresome as an insult. I can easily imagine people on this sub saying shitty sexist stuff, don't get me wrong (I have seen it myself), but that doesn't really make it okay to engage in this weird and offensive stereotyping.


Big old strawman, I've literally never heard anyone say women arent welcome


Bro what the actual fuck ?????


i mean, it’s not wrong. men can be very insecure about their sexualities when it comes to this weird fandom (i love it, but it’s weird!)




I have a Baki inspired bimbo OC!


something something, keep them in their own echo chamber. let's keep hoarding the hot men to ourselves, now who's up for some 4000 years of chinese training?


Acting like Baki hasn’t been the most unapologetically zesty fandom for ages 😭


Of course women belong in the Baki fandom. Just ask Yujiro. According to him us women come in all shapes and sizes. Penis sizes....


It’s not that we don’t like women, we just really love men 🤤( I’m a male)


Very hompphobic of her,


I think it's not just tumblr, but a lot of internet fandom women have a weird pathological superiority complex around their 'acceptance' (that often bleeds into obsession) over male homosexuality. Targeted at sort of a strawman of repressed straight guys who they use as a heavy bag to make themselves feel more virtuous by drawing a contrast with their enlightened homophilia, which like I said is often nearly as unhealthy because it's so insanely fetishistic. Like a straight guy browbeating repressed straight women, from the position of an enlightened lgbt ally who gets his chops from watching a ton of lesbian porn. They can be annoying creeps imo. Baki is homoerotic in a very interesting way, that's one of the defining elements of the story and the masculine themes in it, a contradictory sense of affection mixed with testosterone fueled violence in one singular emotion. I think the conflation of genuine homosexuality, and accusatorily judging someone of being a repressed gay man just for being interested in those themes, is itself really really toxic


Baki is an all-dude harem manga for women. Thus all the yaoi, AU & self insert fandom. Nothing bad with that and kudos for the girls keeping the manga and community alive.  But if this was your typical girl harem manga, you'll see the typical fandom behavior with the waifus, the $1000 figurines with skimpy clothing, the OF cosplays and more repressed sexual tension overall.