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> having the water drinking points being right next to the toilets It might seem a bit grim but it makes sense if you’ve got flushing toilets and therefore water pipes in the vacinity anwyway. Otherwise they’ve got to spend lots of extra time, money and effort to plumb in extra water points far away from the pipes that are already being used.


A lot of people, myself included, also quickly washed their hands using the drinking water taps. It’s common sense to have them closeby for the water pipes alone, and the option to wash your hands is added benefit.


You need to wash your hands especially if you don't have sanitiser


Its drinkable water as all tap water in belgium is drinkable, but its actualy meant to wash your hands instead off filling up camel bags or bottles.


Don't know if you think it but really remember that at festivals the water coming out of those faucets isn't always potable. It requires a much higher cost in both equipment and maintenance to keep the water potable when it's going through those temporary pipes. For example at Alcatraz they specifically state and warn that the water to wash you hands (despite what OP seems to think those are handwashing points, not drinking points) is not potable. Every year people ignore this "because it always start potable and it won't be that bad" and every year people get sick which could have been easily avoided.


>The fact you can't put a small amount of money on your card Hi, without going into the other points, I just wanted to let you know that you could put as much as you wanted on your card. By nature I like playing with these things (first thing I did once I got there ;) , so I have put different small amounts as experiment, like 0.1 skully on the card, and it was working fine.


I'm wondering why you specifically refer to Five Finger Death Punch when mentioning someone might bring in a weapon?


Yeah I was wondering about that as well. I’ve seen them many times, but never heard anything about weapons being brought to their shows.


Ivan moody seems like a massive weapon, maybe that’s what he means.


Doesn’t look like the most tolerant band in the world, to be fair. I wouldn’t assume someone would bring a weapon but have you seen the FFDP patches with really violent phrases + the themes + the history of violence of the band members in general? I understand OP, I would have been a bit more careful, given you are responsible of security…it’s a lawsuit in the making.


How is OP responsible for security?:o or am I misunderstanding?xd


No, sorry, I meant that OP has a point that Graspop should be more careful itself security wise. Sorry if I wasn’t clear, English isn’t my first language


A lot of metal bands are violent and morbidly themed. I mean, Amon Amarth is Viking themed and their songs are drained with blood of conquest. And I love every second of it. But there is no single hair on my head that would think “Hey, Amon Amarth is playing, where’s my sword?!” I know nothing about their history btw. As for security, yeah, it should absolutely be top priority at events like this. You don’t want any weapons on the Graspop Battleground (as they call it themselves). But that has nothing to do with a specific band playing.


Well, that’s the important part tbf. The singer almost killed his wife, very violently. I’m with you, if I hear a song doesn’t mean I wanna do what the lyrics say, but there is a mix of things with this band and not only the aggressive music. And again, I’m not *assuming* something WILL happen, but as an organizer you have to cover all of your bases. The bare minimum has to be high bar.


Wasn’t even aware of Moody’s past. But regardless, I completely agree that security should always be a top priority whatever the event. You just don’t want to have anybody on the inside with any kind of weapon.


Death punch have shown support for the u.s military and have donated to charities for the police in the states in the past.As such they tend to get regarded as a right wing band quite commonly so I’d guess  op is meaning their fans may be more violent than typical metal fans or something 


While they're firmly pro-military I find most of their fans are just emo people who can identify with Moody because of his issues. And while they tend to lean righter than me, they're not more violent than other people.


While I disagree with most of the negative points made maybe because I'm used to Belgian festivals. The stupid Skullies should be made illegal, it's just a way to make people unaware of the money they spend. Imagine going to a restaurant or bar and only being able to pay with their currency, insanity! Last year they didn't even have the prices in euro next to the skully prices, so at least we got that. We should really unite against bullshit like this. Maybe start a petition or something. I don't know anyone who likes the way these things are handled. Yes, I understand that it's a way to get a commission on everything sold on the festival but just let us link a credit/debit card to our Graspop account. That way they can track everything but we don't feel like getting robbed.


Disagree, you could pre order skullies and have a discount. For drinks its pretty easy to convert since most of them only cost 1 skully and for food the prices were always listed. I preordered 200 skullies (2 people) and got 10 "free", so i paid 3.33 euros per skully. Making a big pint 6.66 euros :)


I guess a win is a win, no matter how you look at it.


So 700 € for 4 days? Still a ripoff mate


You don't have to spend it all? I did the same 200 skullies, just for myself, and now asking for a refund of what i didn't consume. If you have 700 EUR you can spare for a couple of weeks, i don't see why you wouldn't do it.


It'sso they can take a cut of every transaction rather than making all their money from massive pitch costs


Food was overpriced but not a scam as you always knew what the actual price was.


Well it is a scam because you're left with really no option. The prices were eye watering! How does anyone justify a 16/17euro kebab


Do other festivals not have overpriced food? Didn't eat the kebab myself, but got some pretty decent meals and also brought some food so we could eat in the tent.


Last year at Reload they wanted 10 Euro, in my hometown it's cheaper (Ruhrpott, we know Kebab very well because you get it everywhere) . I bought a Kebab at Graspop too and it was a piece of shit for this price. My hometown "Dönermänner" would have cried seeing this Kebab...


Didn't see any good kebabs in Graspop, so I agree with you there.


Festivals are expensive, sure. But, I’ve never experienced prices like these. Not only was the food quality poor, the portion sizes for what you were paying was an absolute piss take. The worst experience was paying 16 euros for a tiny portion of pasta and I just wanted some rocket and cherry tomatoes with it (as they had it available and I hadn’t had a vegetable in days) and the woman said she only served it with the Arrabiata. They’re right there. What’s the difference? I had already paid and so when I said I wanted my money back she spent ten minutes in the back fetching a machine to refund my tokens. Then the machine didn’t work so I asked her: Is going through all this really worth saving 10 rocket leaves and 3 cherry tomatoes.


Damn stop defending them, those prices are just criminal and the food was mediocre at best. Mix that with the skullies scheme and I totally get it when people call it a scam.


Graspop puts a 50% commission on the food being sold, so stands who stand there charge a lot. Still, you could at any point leave the festival and get groceries or even get to the food places right outside of the festival. Just don't think scam is not the right word, it's ridiculously expensive but scamming would mean you had no idea what you are getting into even though all prices of the food and drinks were on the site a week or so before the festival


Still not a scam though.


You don't need to eat kebab. Sandwich was 7,7 euro, pad Thai was 16,5, fries were 7, ... Prices you also pay in any popular city food market. It's still expensive but festivals make their buck with food and drinks. It's unreasonable to expect cheap food.


Those high prices attract more vendors though, at download it's not unheard of to have to queue for an hour for food


At the start of the street, near inferno and the bike parking, you could go have food that was significantly cheaper being sold outside of the festival. Maybe you arrived at boneyard and never realized this, but it's a yearly tip that me and many other people give to people who ask for them.


Its expensive but you have an option, that is bringing your own food. Would be no option if bringing food wasn't allowed


I have drunk the drinking water next to the toilets several times each day and haven't been sick Yes food was expensive but it's a festival so it was to be expected Security was indeed very relax, nothing to keep out people that are up to bad stuff but i wasn't bothered by it, the lines and long wait before the entrance at other festivals is anoying and what are the chances you're getting involved into something bad, the chance to get in a car accident on your way toward the festival / on the way home was bigger.


- Pendulum in the Marquee was amazing. Sure, it got crowded (I made sure to arrive 30 minutes beforehand and had a decent spot), but the tent vibe helped create that metal rave feeling, that a mainstage wouldn't replicate in my opinion. It was the best show of the festival for me. The Marquee went WILD. - Agree on the toilets + water, though logistically it makes sense, as others have explained. Very much appreciatie clean toilets though. Also easy to flush using your boot, which is nice (less dirty surfaces to touch). - Is the food really that expensive compared to UK festivals? In the Netherlands prices are worse. They did list Euro prices next to tokens. Token prices were known well beforehand and you could put as little as 5 at a time on your band using the ATMs on site. - Agreed on the security, especially with the history of terror attacks in Europe. You could get to Boneyard without ever having a ticket scanned or your stuff searched. You used to have to go through a checkpoint to get to Boneyard (of course you could still circumvent that with some effort). - Final add: I think one's experience of the festival heavily depended on where you had your tent (if you camped). Inferno (where I was) was handled pretty well. Most horror stories of waterlogged tents and knee deep mud came from Boneyard. The festival grounds were maintained well given the circumstances.


Food at UK festivals I think is slightly less expensive (remember the pound costs more than the euro). However there are far fewer vendors, it's pretty common to have to plan which band you'll miss to get food due to the long queues


That's not just the UK. Werchter has gigantic queues for food as well, about half the stands for double the people compared to Graspop. Last time I was there I queued 1.5 hours for fries with stew, and it's not like they're cheaper than at Graspop. I did queue at around 18h so that didn't help.


> Agreed on the security, especially with the history of terror attacks in Europe. You could get to Boneyard without ever having a ticket scanned or your stuff searched. You used to have to go through a checkpoint to get to Boneyard (of course you could still circumvent that with some effort). Really? We got asked about glass or gas bottles, then got our bags searched on Thursday morning.


Yeah food prices really sour the experience by now


Scarily lacking security checks indeed. This was the first year I wasn't even touched. Didn't even check my pocket even though there was a huge bulge there because of the sunscreen bottle


We arrived at Inferno and my girlfriend was searched because we had a crate of food with us to save money. The security then asked me (I was carrying my travel backpack full of stuff, a sleeping bag, chair and pillow) if I was "with her". I said yes and she just responded with "alright, move on then." My stuff was never touched. I could've brought an assault rifle, some extra ammunition and explosives and gotten it in without a hitch.


You can shoot me if it becomes normal to bring weapons to a festival and security has to check everyone including your butthole for weapons. That's not the world I want to live in


You don't have to fully search everyone, but literally not even a quick check is just madness. What's the point of security then?


Just being visable is enough for as good as all times. The possibilty you can get checkt is enough for people not to bring glass or weapons. Although I can never understand why you would need a weapon. Also you probably look like a nice person😉


It's like this at every festival all the time. Security theater.


>The security checks were scarily lacking my security check was asking if ive got glass 3 times


I had a great time. I had no issues with the drinking water nearbthe loos, used it all festival & was fine but yes, I was confused as to why there were no soap dispensers for washing hands. Food was very pricy - I got the airport & sat down for lunch & thought it was a bargin compared to the festival 🤣. I figured out some meals just gave u more for ur money & stuck to them.


100% would really appreciate soap/han san by the loos


Tbf it's good to read people were happy with the clean toilets. I've been working at graspop from Tuesday till Monday every morning at inferno. We also don't know why there was no soap or anything.


I see people mentioning it's all so crazy expensive. It really isn't that crazy if you think about what you get in return. Most of the food is fresh and pretty nice size. I had a hard time finishing my pasta.


Pasta was the only meal I felt decently full after and couldn't finish it either. It was fresh, good quality and quantity for the price. But I also had curry- very small portion, there was barely any chicken, half of that already very small bowl was filled with salad. It was tasty, but not nutricious and worth the price, which was around 17/18 euros. I was hungry again after 1h. Had noodles- similar story- expensive, tasted of dirty pan, at least more chicken. Fish and chips, pasta and pad Thai were somewhat decent for the price, quality and quantity. I understand, that it's a festival and prices will be increased compared to regular food places, but this was insane.


The food is really shit seriously. 15 euros for a "burger" that just has shitty bread, shitty steak and shitty sauce and that's it. It's crazy to me. But at least the prices were listed in euro so you knew in advance what to expect.


Some items were really good (fish and chips, sweet potato fries, pastas etc.) And some of it wasn't the best. The trick is to have a group or join a graspop discord or chat where people post food reviews and you can avoid the worst offerings and just focus on the great stuff. I had nothing but amazing food, and didn't think the prices were all that bad. But I can see that If you had a bad food experience then the price is an additional sore point.


We lived on the turninger (iirc) burgers and bradwurst for the entire weekend. 2.2 skullies and you had a pretty decently sized burger/hotdog with any sauce you wanted and a load of caramelized onions which I love a little bit too much. It"s not *cheap* but at that price it's barely more expensive than McDonalds and I could get 2 of them for the same price as any other food on site so it worked out. And the pulled pork wrap at the food truck behind jupiler stage was really expensive but also really good. Yes it was incredibly expensive for the most part but also most of the food looked pretty appetizing if not straight up good. Which I'm not used to from festivals.


Oh ! I should have joined a chat to find the good spots ! Maybe I missed something


Highly reccomend it for next time. By the end of day 1 I had a list of places to go and avoid.


In previous post-covid editions there was soap or sanitizer if I recall correctly, if memory serves well there were even sunscreen dispensers last year (not that they would be necessary this year anyway...)


Pro tip, you could get free sunscreen at the we care stand in between the ear plug and the lost and found.


Wish i knew that at the time


Now you know for next year 🙃.


Is it waterproof tho? lol /s thanks for the tip anyway


Wish I knew that sooner, I'm red as a lobster. I was prepared for the rain, not for the sun..


They literally had people dressed up as lobsters spray people with sunscreen with the hashtag #nolobster.


and also at the red cross...


Cheers, good to know for next year! I dislike how there's only 2 red cross tents though. You really need to know where they are. Having one near the Jupiler Stage/Food truck area would have been nice.


Really? Damn, we asked Graspop social media and they directed us to the shop kiosks. Went there and then they said no, we don't. So we then went to see if we could ask the bit near the 'we care' safe space bit, which was closed. Just ended up going to the lil cabin with lost&found, and told the camping shop sells it 😭 So we just ended up there


Yeah, soap and/or hand sanitizer would've been nice, we're both down with COVID and we're not the only ones.




I've never heard of Pendulum. And while there were a number of headliners I didn't like, I at least heard of those bands... No soap at the bathrooms is bad, especially when the same faucets are the ones to get drinking water. Food is indeed stupidly expensive, and the price in € was in a harder to read font to make sure you didn't really look at it. You are able to buy as little as 0.1 token, and they said so in the FAQ. BUT it wasn't possible when you tried it from within the app, you had to go to the website's version of your wallet to enter a manual value. Not sure if this was intentional to screw people over (seems like a thing they would do) or if it was more of the sheer incompetence of those implementing the cashless system (seems very credible as well seeing as how shit it worked again).


Pendulum should be a headliner at Werchter or Tomorrowland but not Graspop, at all.


The fact the marquee was full to the brim says otherwise.


Why? Didn't you see the reactions of Pendulum? People want insane, declared it one of their favorite shows of GMM 24 so there is definitely room for it. They literally broke the floor during the performance


Pendulum are literally just a group of metalheads who decided to make drum & bass. LIVE drum & bass no less! 😍 Really cool dudes, from my hometown! There's more overlap between DnB and Metal than you might think! Catchy melodies, aggressive beats, loyal fans, all textbook traits of metal (for me anyway)


Oh I love me some Pendulum. I just don't think they should headline like the first guy I responded to said. I don't mind them being there.


Brother, they put a hole through the fucking floor in the Marquee. They would blow any of the geriatric legacy bands from the 60's completely out of the water on either of the big stages.