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If only we could give itchy ballsack 3.50 and say, off you fuck. July5th can't come soon enough


My birthday is on the 4th lmao




Lots of people are saying it isn't conscription it's more like volunteering etc etc, I put it to those people that those of us who work or are in full time education get 8 days of freedom a month. 8 days out of 28 for ourselves, only 28% of our time is spent not working... and they want people to spend two more of those days pissing around doing random services? I think the fuck not.


Hence why you have the choice “aw poor me with all these things to do and the choice to volunteer boo hoooo”, it’s for people with nothing better to do, if you have stuff to do, get on with it


They haven’t even got an intentions of doing it it’s just to keep the conservatives at the top of everyone minds they’ll say an do anything they can to stay in power they’ve got the money so without power what will they be.


Yeah, they have the money, but now it's labour's turn to fill their bank accounts, neither of them give a fuck about anything else.


Equality act 2 million children out of poverty Record happiness with the NHS Child trust Child tax credits Bursaries for key workers Play 'both sides' all you like. The fact is that Labour have always done more for the working family than the Tories. They invented the NHS ffs!


O I know man murdochs already give starmer his blessing


Wouldn’t worry too much. They can’t and won’t fund the military properly now. How on earth do they think they can fund it with another 350,000 18 year olds each year that need supervision, equipment and training for either the military or the voluntary service they are proposing. It’s the daftest policy ever set out. They could literally propose a better policy if they had actually just thought about it properly rather than trying to be arseholes. Increases taxes on the wealthy, funnel it to paying better wages for the armed forces and better grants and education opportunities for enlisted personnel. Loads of 18 year olds would willingly join up to the military if there’s decent pay and better options for education and skills training for when they exit the forces. It sure as hell beats paying £70k to a uni for a useless degree or working for minimum wage for Amazon picking packages.


Tree fiddy?! Fuck off you goddamn Lochness monster!!


Oi! Don't insult Nessie like that


IF some form of conscription is needed, then it shouldn't just apply to 18 year olds anyways. Why should they go and be trained, potentially deployed or forever be in the background for potential deployment (while not getting paid properly for it) while the rest of us don't have to? Either you think it's necessary for security in which case everyone 18-50 who's able bodied should be required to do it. If not full time then reserve for 2 years. That way you have a massive pool of people with the basic level of skills to defend in a time of crisis. Or you don't do it at all. Not that I think this was done for anything less than attention grabbing headlines to keep them relevant. My point remains though. We either all do it (in whatever capacity we can do), or no one does it.


We have the Cadet Forces for a reason and that's to have the reserve man power if needed in time of war


Cadets aren't backup for the army in any way. The point of cadets is to develop youths, not train them for service. Cadets do not push the army onto it's members at all. The army sponsors the cadets with uniform and funding and make cadets possible.


no…thats what the TA is for. Cadets are like 14–17yos


Will your children be there too? Rishi: …Well, in Spirit.


They'll be in LA or New York.


I do believe that the British military needs extra funding and more manpower incase of a potential war against Russia or China but conscription is a fucking stupid idea. We need to keep the military a purely professional and voluntary affair.


it's impressive how big his ego is considering he wasn't elected and is married to a toad


A very rich toad though. £700 million just in shares from papa! Ker-ching!




Sure mate ill pop to the front for 3.50 only if I can replace you testies with concor shells


I'll do it for a fiver


For a bowl of rice a day Worked for pol pot until went pear shaped


Desperate knee jerk panic policy that will appeal to the converted Express and Mail readers. I think Rishi should whack some adverts in the Financial Times to reach out to more working class potential mates. (Not sexual just popping out for Pimms at the Polo type)


As an American would I say 3 pounds and 50 quid?


Nah, Three quid fifty / three pound and fifty pence / three fifty


Thank you for the information.