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Should mark this NSFW looks like he's been gangbanged


Every photo of farage should be marked NSFW regardless of milkshake/cum-drenching


The all new Bukkake Party?


He could teach you, but he doesn’t actually know anything


"Being a Cunt for Dummies"


Didn't he singlehandedly prize the UK from The EU ?


Facial gone wrong.


Could be the world best milkshake but fcuk no way I’m going to his yard!


Political bukkake


I wish I could upvote this a million times!!! 🤣🤣


Is it a new porno? Fap on Farage




I genuinely hope this happens every time he is in public during the campaign. I want the police to have to come out and say don't do it and then have it happen again. I want Rishi to come out in his defence and then have it happen again. I want it to happen on election night so he stands there on the podium dripping in milkshake while he loses. I want him to be beaten by someone dressed as a milkshake.


Treading the line of a police visit I see.


Really rational thinking my dude x


Lol, the irony of it all is you are all feeding his PR machine. Keep it up guys, he's counting on your support. 🤣


All Farage is gonna succeed in is pulling votes away from the Tories. He’s going to guide Labour to a treasure he cannot possess


I didn't think elderly white men could muster that much pressure in their ejaculate


No only yellow ones can.




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What's wrong with making great money from being attractive?


She is not attractive at all.


Just checked. You're wrong. She's not worldnfamous attractive but she is attractive




I’m Proud of her! Extremely proud. He wasn’t assaulted. He was milked


Yeah says a lot about this country


Her Dad probably votes for him 🤣🤣


Can you vote from jail






Such a desirable young lady bet she has men queuing up to marry her


Hot and hates racists? I'm absolutely in


She has a gold card at the clap clinic!


Haha imagine when she has children and that’s all over the internet




Probably best you don't be a dad if you'd be so ashamed of a sex positive daughter


Sex positive have you looked at her X account I can think of better ways to phrase it


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I'm not so sure that is milkshake 😂


oh it is - would you waste anything else on him


This is some deja vu shit. I could’ve swore this happened back in 2016.


The nicotine toad!


What a loser




Bugs come out during rainy season.


Should’ve thrown a brick


Bukake boys!


Shake senora


Please correct me if I'm wrong. There are 650 seats in the houses of parliament. Reform UK could win 4 seats. How are they going to beat the Tories? Or, how big a dent are they going to make? I never really understood the politics game.


They’re very unlikely to beat the Tories, but they will absolutely take votes from Tories in seats that the Tories might have narrowly won. I’ll be amazed if Reform has more than three MPs, but they could cost the Tories dozens of seats.


he's going for long term you wait and see in few years reform will be in the same as in Ireland the people have had enough, sinn fein are finished Irish are calling them liars just like sunak


Okay. But that's not even his milkshake.


That milkshake looks so wrong out of context


I'm voting for the first time for anyone but the 2 parties.




Please do, please split the gammon vote even further so that the tories are behind the monster raving loony party


I mean didn't UKIP drop out hard very late pretty much everywhere last time salvaging the Tory vote in the last GE?  


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I’m just gonna say this: you’re not a patriotic Brit if you can’t stand the United Kingdom being an independent nation outside of the Brussels bureaucracy. And I’m sure many butthurt EU fanboys are gonna downvote me to hell, but I had to say it.


It is possible to be patriotic and also want the best set of circumstances for your country’s economy. It’s arguably more patriotic, in fact.


It’s not only economic. It’s for the for the purpose of having legal control over our own interests, diplomacy, borders, trade policies.


Mmhmm and how’s that going for us?


Well let me ask you this; how was it going for us before 2016? If it was working out so well then why did so many people want to get out of it? But to answer your question I’ll say sure there will be some rough bumps on the road as we work the details of the new system out, but it’s nothing that can’t be fixed in the long term. In fact I remember the Pound rising on the world market post Brexit contrary to the doomsday claims that the Remain crowd had been making.


Telling that you dodged that last question, but I’ll answer yours. In 2016 it was going better than it is now, and it would be going better now than it currently is if we hadn’t voted to leave. To your second question, people voted for it because there was a very well-coordinated and deceptive media campaign that promised that life would be much better for people if we left. None of the benefits/positives of leaving that were used in that campaign have come true, and now lots of people who voted to leave are rightly furious that they were lied to. Edit: I see you’ve edited your answer to provide some answer to my question now, which is basically that so far there’s no benefits, and the pound had a very very brief jump the day after the vote before it then tanked to its lowest ever value. We are now eight years after the vote - how long until these ‘bumps’ are worked out? 15 years? 20 years? Our lifetime?


It will happen with the right leadership and determination. And again I go back to the fact that it wasn’t a paradise before the referendum either. Look at how the EU handled the Greek economic meltdown, the austerity crisis across member states, how they staged a coup in 2014 in Ukraine, and the shoddy way they let in millions of migrants from outside the EU with poor screening and vetting.


First of all, I went back and added an answer to your question after I wrote the comment. Secondly, I could say the same thing about your side. There were pundits and “experts” saying that Britain leaving the EU could spark a war across Europe and it would crash the UK economy. Last I checked, neither of those have come true. I’ll agree that there were some ignorant and foolish people on my side but please don’t assume we’re all like that. And lastly when you say that none of the benefits came true, I disagree. The referendum was for the principle of self governance and not to be ruled by a bunch of people who aren’t even UK citizens. I think what this all comes down to is a clash of worldviews. There are people who are happy to be governed by unelected bureaucrats in another country if it means they get the option to take as many holidays as they want in Europe. And there are people like me who don’t buy it.


You’ve drunk the Daily Mail Kool Aid my friend. We haven’t done a single thing since Brexit that we wouldn’t have been able to do when we were part of the bloc.


Blah blah blah. I’d rather read the Daily Mail than your globalist drivel


Blah blah blah. I’d rather read the Daily Mail than your globalist drivel.


Love how you’re not even disagreeing anymore. So it just boils down to ‘love me Brexit, hate them foreign bureaucrats, simple as’?


Only gammons care about other people judging their level of patriotism.


Whatever the hell that means lol. But I have a solution for this dilemma. All the people in Britain who adore the EU can just move full time to an EU member country. Why they don’t is a mystery to me.


Because we left the EU and we can't just move there on a whim anymore? You really are that thick.


Well then maybe they should have moved out prior to the referendum. And I don’t know if you live in the UK but regardless your answer sums up my suspicion. you’re basically admitting along with all these other folks that you would rather live in another country besides Britain. Which shows that your loyalty is to Brussels. Not Britain.


Loyalty? What the fuck is this? I need to swear fealty to Parliament now? Thanks you to and people like you, this country has been diminished for a lie put about to deceive and confuse. It was a racist policy put in place to enrich venal and greedy idiots at the expense of my civil rights. You say things have got better? Care to take a swim in the sea? Have you seen the state of the economy? All of this due to some silly idea that our policies are decided by a bunch of foreigners? What a load of xenophobic nonsense. This idea of brexit, by the way, it's a Russian idea, just so as you know. It's ironic really. You chose to get away from something that protects your civil rights, under the guise of keeping parliament sovereign (newsflash: it always was, numbnuts) and free of foreign control, and it was a policy cooked up by foreigners. Go figure. No wonder brexit voters are considered to be thick as mince.


Why do you keep uploading pictures of your mum?


I'm Greek and I voted remain on the pointless Greek referendum. Basically if people saw the legislation passed for Greece they would burn down Brussels. I'm noy talking just about Austerity, I ak talking about literal actual ownership of every Greek public asset. To sum things up it got unified under one Trust which is run by 2 elected Greeks, 2 elected by a European Commission and a president who is also elected by a European Ocmmison. This Trust owns EVERYTHING! Prisons, public schools, road tolls fucking E V E R Y T H I N G! And it all run by foreign powers.


And I bet it runs far better than it did under the corrupt Greek government that allowed the public service and public finances to get to such a low point prior . Not perfect but better .