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Easier to dry your legs than walk around in soaking wet trousers.


People don’t realise this is the actual answer


They aren't soaking wet if they are water proof.


Breathability of waterproof sucks and end up with sweat instead of rain water, even when the rain stops.


Royal Mail aren't issuing that quality of gear.


Socks tho


How does wearing shorts prevent socks getting wet?


Ig not, but that is still the actual reason the posties wear shorts


Plus, if it’s hot, waterproof trousers will fucking suck


I dog walk in winter in shorts because wet legs is more comfortable than wet trousers. The only time I wear trousers is if there's lots of ticks but I tend to avoid those places as I obviously don't want ticks on the dogs.


Nothing worse than wet knees in trousers, shorts are definitely the way


Thank you! People look at me like I’m mad when I run around in shorts in the rain


Flip flops and shorts in a place that got stupid muddy and you needed to be clean to go in side, can rinse the flip flops and your legs easy and dry them. Same thing really


Yeah, beats wet trousers sticking to legs. They also usually have a bet on with who can last longest in Winter in shorts. Everyone puts cash into a pot and winner take all. Usually, you have multiple winners as many don't buckle and see the year through with shorts lol. They do allow the odd occasion where shorts are not required during bets (at least locally) and that is "world book day", our postlady always dressed up in some costume and delivers post its awesome. Last year she came as a T-Rex. --Someone who's Dad worked for postal service for over 30 years and with multiple friends working at the local post office.


Water proofs?


As a person who works in the agricultural sector and regularly has to walk through fields for 8 hours a day, waterproofs are awful to wear for extended periods because they trap sweat almost more effectively than they keep water out.


Skin is waterproof!! Waterproof trousers get horribly hot and sweaty if you're walking round all day as posties are, there's no benefit to wearing them unless it's freezing cold or blowing a gale. Shorts are superior


You ever wore waterproof trousers for a long period while constantly walking? Your legs still get soaked, but by sweat instead.


The betting on shorts on winter thing isn’t true! I’m a postman and it amazes me that people still believe this!


Only the cool posties are invited to the underground shorts betting ring.


They do for sure here it’s not official ofc would not be allowed but it’s a small town and the posties are all friends out of work. More of a gentleman’s bet down the pub sort of thing.


*British weather encountered a wild POSTMAN* *British weather used PISSIN’ DOWN WITH RAIN!* *It’s not very effective…*




I don't believe anyone who has walked in the rain in shorts thinks what would make me comfortable right now is wet trousers. Your legs don't get cold if you're walking unless it's about -10 unless you have wet fabric against them.


The new Postman Pat reboot is looking pretty different.


Maybe the lack of shorts is why he never spent any time doing his job


Gordie postmen are on a different level, I've seen my posty out in - figure's snowing in the same navy blue shorts and post office shirt always smiling build different.


This was years and years ago now but when I stil livedl at home our postman wore shorts every day. Even in the dead of winter and snow storms. I asked him one day, why don't you ever wear trousers? Or a jacket. He said he made a bet with his friends that he could go a full year delivering mail in shorts and a t shirt. Don't know if he made it but seeing him walk past my parents house in actual blizzards makes me hopeful he did.


Its part of their policy xD


Grass type 💀


I wear shorts not trousers if it's raining. It's just common sense


We lived in the US 1989 TO 1993 and I noticed this shorts thing when I came back. I wear walking sandals April to October, much warmer than wet socks.


Very true


Its always fucking raining so why not, miserable island we live on


all these comments are smart but not the answer. postmen have inside competitions to see who will give up first


It’s how we know it’s summer here in Lancashire


Skin dries quicker than cloth


Really, finding a postman in general is a struggle.


They're idiots, I used to work with them, let's just say they're a strange breed...