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I see why companies wish to brag about attendance, but as a viewer, I couldn't give 2 shits less as long as the crowd is hot.


No I don’t care how many people are at WrestleMania or an aew ppv


Think when both sides are making out it’s breaking records you have to call bullshit on it


The funny thing is that EVERY SINGLE LIVE EVENT IN THE WORLD lies about attendance numbers.


How did you find these numbers?


I honestly don't know the specific place, because they are all over the place. I just picked one of the sites that had them posted.


WWE and other companies obviously lie about numbers but it must be hard to count 100,000 people


It’s a dick measuring contest. Though, I’m sure this upsets WWE more.


Exactly, both shows were good and that’s what we need. More good shows all around.


I can’t believe the business that regularly lies about the height and weight of their athletes wasn’t truthful about their attendance.


LMAO! Perfect response!


I'm pretty sure wrestling companies have been fluffing attendance numbers for roughly as long as wrestling companies have been talking about attendance numbers. ... but I can't claim to understand why or why the average fan would care.


Clearly, both companies don’t know how to not lie that’s all I got from this Literally couldn’t care less what somebody likes to watch They both provide something for everybody I don’t think any of this matters


Meltzer and Alvarez care


Attendance numbers only matter to the kinds of people who will find any excuse to say WWE/AEW is falling off


Not when it’s adjusted for audience numbers of that size. I only care when things are down because that usually means the product is down in quality


Is it even really a debate or rivalry between the two? There's a VERY clear winner


WWE is clear winner


WWE always does it just funny to see AEW pat numbers


I do, but only from the standpoint that, as someone from London, those numbers will encourage AEW and WWE to likely host more of their top PPVs in the city over the coming years.


What is even worse is that WWE combined BOTH nights. Technically they are two different PPVs with the same name. And A LOT of those fans go to both nights so they are the same people literally being counted twice. Every company sweetens the attendance, a lot also includes staff, security, medical, and even backstage people (wrestlers and their friends and family). AEW sweetened the attendance by around 8-10k, which is also disputed as ticket sales were around the 80k mark. WWE literally sweetened that total by Id say at least half, say around 70k people. By combining the total of two PPVs and counting people twice.


Yeah but those people bought both night so they count for both nights?


Like I said WM now is two shows, they are different PPVs with the same name. This is like combining RAW and Smackdown when the latter used to be taped on a Tuesday. If you want to say that WWE sold 120k tickets over the weekend then fine. But don't combine them and say they drew 120k people when they clearly didn't.


Okay…you make no sense. If the same people didn’t buy the tickets for both days someone else would have. It’s a different show. So yeah I would say you can combine them both. Thats like saying a music festival didn’t draw a certain amount of people because people bought 4 day passes. Your logic makes no sense here. You count the tickets sold. Lmao what. Sorry lord of the rings didn’t do as good in the box office because people went to see it twice maybe even three times 🤓🤓🤓 you count tickets sold.


Yeah, I mean it's an attendance number. Pretty sure any multi-day event counts all combined attendance, exaggerated or not.


No one does, but that’s what makes it so weird. Why lie about the numbers when the actual numbers are still really impressive?


Its better to say that you filled the building is my guess.


But you can clearly see it isn’t “filled” with the giant stage taking up 1/8th of the seating in the building


The most fans I think would care would be "ohh big number" but you'd get the same reaction from 120k to 145k. Nobody is gonna think anymore or less of the company between the two numbers.


nah i disagree, if AEW didnt lie about their number, a lot of people would shit on AEW for not getting as much attendance like how their GLORIOUS wrestlemania did.


Report also had said that they don't count suites and media


No because what kind of loser gives a fuck about two companies run by billionaires lying for PR?


Wembley was one night from a 5-year-old.company. WWE somehow managed to count the same people twice so take that 140k and divide it in half. The fact they're even remotely doing that is pathetic. Sure some people only bought tickets to one night of Mania but come on now counting everyone twice?


Why are you getting down voted by speaking sense?


Wwe fanboys


The rage over viewership numbers and ratings etc is some of the most inane shit I ever see. Wrestling tribalism is so fucking stupid


I watch both shows and I like and hate things on each. But there is clearly one company here that thinks their fans are literally dumb as fuck.


Doesn’t the WM reported number also include Stand & Deliver plus all of the people in the building?


It could do, they are counting both nights as one PPV so counting the same people twice. I wouldn't put it past them or any other company.


People in the business should give a shit, but not fans.


No but I wish they would stop lying about it, it's like a push up bra


I like the stats of seeing attendance cause I like to see my show thriving but that's about it. I seriously despise fans that use it to hate on a product. I don't watch AEW but it's always good to see it pull good numbers cause that means wrestling is thriving


Not really. It's all carny bullshit. It doesn't matter.


I think most fans don't care which makes it even more confusing that they lie about the numbers. Why?...we don't care. The crowd was big, cool...we get it. You sold a lot of tickets, and pulled in a lot of cash - good for you.


I like big crowds and both of these events had that. So I guess I kind of care but I’m not interested in the crowd-size horse race.


To fanboys (minority) yes, to normal fan (majority) no.




Dave Meltzer is the only one who gave a shit and somehow he convinced his subscribers to care as well. The dude still talks about the attendance at WM3.




What are you comparing? WWE numbers against AEW numbers? Because WWE will always be on top as far as numbers go. Whether the inflated numbers matter? As long as the crowd’s excited who gives a shit about the actual numbers.


I don't give a shit as long as the place DOES have a live crowd. We learned in 2020, audiences matter.


That and I like seeing that wrestling as a whole is continuing to do great. I want all of them to have great attendance and I don't care to compare them to each other but only to themselves.


The only people that care are the weirdos who feel you can only watch one promotion over the other and refuse to just enjoy wrestling


So most of the IWC


A non WWE promotion filled Wembley. The original All in was started from a bet. If a non WWE promotion could sell out a 10k venue. For all the criticism of AEW’s attendance. They’ve beaten that 10k mark for PPVs domestically pretty regularly. Selling 81,035 tickets and 72,625 showing up in 2017-18 was a pipe dream. Let alone running Wembley. Hell even when they announced it. Most AEW fans assumed they’d run Fullhama stadium first.   I also think it’s a bit disingenuous to include both nights of Mania tbh. WWE’s pandemic back up plan turned into an easy cash grab. Most fans probably bought two night tickets 


Couldn't care less


AEW fans started this little attendance feud. Now that they are losing, they hate it.


The very first wrestling company to run a big venue started it decades ago. All wrestling companies lie about attendance figures. I remember watching TNA back in the day and the commentary team shouting that they had 5k people in attendance... In the impact zone.... Which held no more than 1100 people.


The thing is though the WrestleMania attendance includes both nights, and aew did that amount after only four years


I honestly don't care about ratings or how many people were there all i care about is if I'm personally enjoy the product and yes i am on both shows a bit more for AEW cause they are TV 14 and WWE although have been a bit more mature now since WrestleMania still has the PG rating and unless that changes they'll still be 2nd for me but still enjoyable.


Honestly, it's wrestling... We aren't in the territory days anymore move on from the tribalism and enjoy the entertainment.


It's insane. I stopped watching WWE a few years ago with no need to insult the product it just wasn't for me anymore. Then Triple H took control of creative and it got better and I came back. At the end of the day it's all subjective. Just watch what you like it's pretty simple.


It's not just wrestling. Nearly every every sport and venue inflates.


I know but I mean the tribalism among the fans as well doesn't help.


what is point of faking attendance ?????


It's not faking, it's just the difference between tickets sold and actual people that showed up. Often times scalpers and 2nd market resellers buy extra(duh) and they don't always sell everything but to WWE or AEW that's still a sale because the tickets were purchased from them.


I'll tell you who cares, AEW fans who started this little petty attendance arguments now that WWE are destroying them week in week out


You are the worst type of fan


I watch both and don't care which one does better, the die hard pick a side fans are the worst type I was making a sarcastic joke


My bad. It's hard to tell at this point who's joking and who's in an unhealthy relationship with a company.


There is hypocrisy from the dub side only because Tony won’t let go of that kayfabe number. Which is crazy since 72K is a GREAT number. Why sully a legit win with a BS number just out of a silly dick measuring contest?


Wwe has done this same thing for years 💀


And it’s just as nonsensical ego stroking when they do it. We don’t need tribalism here.


He’s not the first promoter to do this and won’t be the last


Don’t believe anything any mark website posts. Wrestling journalists are not reliable


The Wrestlemania number is across 2 nights. 60k-ish each each night. So AEW still wins


And the 80k in Texas wm32? Lol tard


That figure is disputed, not to mention, WWE reported over 100k 🤣🤣


Besides that it’s 72k and the next highest they have is 15k lol


Like how 72k disputed number was 81k lol


Tickets sold vs gate number in AEW's case. WWE just picks a number out of thin air


Wembley is a much larger stadium dude 🤡


Your point? WWE always inflates their numbers to make it sound way bigger than the actual




That's not the point at all.


Isn't it though? Isn't it?


Both are inflated by 11-12% so who cares if they're wrong


The only people who care are the suits and the people who got tricked by the suits into fighting fans of the other brand. Both were great.


I only care that AEW does well because I desperately do not want to go back to WWE being the only major player. The fact TNA and other companies are pretending like WWE didn't try to kill them off actually bugs me a little. But ultimately every company putting out good stuff is good for everyone.


Don't care at all. I may enjoy one brand over the other, but I want all ships to float. The only thing numbers matter for are selling the product to companies, not individuals. This those numbers in your behind the scenes advertising, not on TV.


Preferred All In, but it’s only one night so. Night 2 of wrestlemania was awesome, night 1 was ok.


I hate hearing the numbers. The money numbers. The social media views. The attendance numbers. Just leave that to the nerds in the back.


No one ever gave a crap until the last 5years or so because people just can’t let it be


I’m not the one that got it tatted


Need a link to see if someone actually was sad enough to do that


Ospreay got the inflated Wembly attendance tatted


So many people talking about how many tickets are sold, ratings etc. who tf cares 🙄. If you like the show, nice, if not, yeah something to critique.


Sorry you're being way too logical over here.


Nope. But Aparently some of the younger WWE fan base keep with this shit about ratings and how many people went to the PPV’s. I love every wrestling company since the 80’s. And this is ridiculous.


Younger audience don’t watch tv so why would they care about tv ratings? It’s old dinosaurs like Bischoff, Russo and Cornette driving that narrative for their middle aged minions to regurgitate


Tony Kahn sullied the reputation of the company and put cm punk over for ratings


And wwe will do the same once


When have wwe made someone from aew look good for ratings?


They to will put punk over for ratings. That video did more for Perry than punk anyway


I’m sorry that first sentence cannot be understood. But how did it make jack look better? It made him and Tony look like pussys who said it was an actual fight but in actuality it showed that what punk said on the mma hour about it was pretty much 100% right and that it was overblown. So please tell me when wwe put someone over on raw or smackdown when that person was actually in aew


If you can’t understand the first sentence I can’t help you and nah it didn’t make them look like wussy’s jack stood his ground and no it didn’t put punk over no matter how the icw says it did. it made punk look like what we knew he was. It helped build jack’s new character


‘They to will put punk over’ makes no sense as a sentence. Jack literally fell, you can see punk lean over ffs. The iwc and meltzer are the ones that are against punk tf are you talking about. It made punk look right lmao how is it hard to understand that everything he said happened in the mma hour, happened. It was overblown and over dramatised, which kind makes jacks ‘new character’ look like a spoilt child


Wwe will put punk over to get a ratings boost. How hard is that for you to understand Just because it happened like he said doesn’t mean it made him look good it makes him look worse because he doesn’t see what he did was wrong. And yeah it made Jack look like a brat that’s kinda the point of his gimmick. Did you not watch Dustin Rhodes promo last week


Ah wait nvm. WWE and aew will both put punk over for ratings. Sure, that would make sense, for wwe it would. However aew do not employ punk anymore is my point, and aew still decided to put punk on aew, which was the most viewed part of that dynamite. And after being asked if he should have booked that given how much backlash it got, Tony’s response that it did well in the ratings. This is my point, you can make whatever point you can about jack or punk and you’d be right to an extent, but my point ultimately is that Tony is the one that is the worst looking from this and it’s literally all this fault this happened.


So jack’s great gimmick is being an irl brat and everyone celebrates that? Weird. Punk didn’t see what he did to be wrong because he consistently told Tony that he wouldn’t like the way he dealt with jack cussing everyone out and being a brat, but his boss ignored this and didn’t deal with it himself, you know, like a boss should. Punk came out of it looking fine because although you shouldn’t do that, they made it out to be an actual fight but it was just punk slapping him to the ground. Jack came out bad cause he’s a brat that can’t take a hit to the face. And Tony came out looking absolutely horrible. Please tell me what that first sentence meant btw cause it made no sense


Would it be unwise to put someone over if they pulled good ratings?


If they aren’t even in the company, yes. And if you make that guy in the other company look like he got fired for no reason, yes.


Imagine thinking that the wrestling business isn't some carny bullshit that will do whatever whenever to pop a rating


idc, but Ospreay reaction after knowing the real number is funny though lol. so top is like ticket sales and buttom is real attendance? or did they just randomly increase the number how they like or something.


It was tickets sold. That many might’ve showed because people of England were complaining about rail strike the day if the event


I assumed it was capacity vs attendance but idk


I think it's tickets sold VS number of people in the building. I could be wrong, but I think I heard this on a Bruce Prichard podcast. The people selling the drinks, the people cleaning up after, security, the wrestlers themselves, makeup artists, caterers, cameramen, crew.... It adds up to thousands.


Only the people that are counting the money actually care.


I don't, and I was at both of them.


Nope. Unless you are tattooing numbers and printing merch of said inflated number...


Nope, but it is annoying when the promotions inflate attendance numbers.


Wrestling companies have been fudging the numbers for years. I’m surprised you’re even posting it. It’s just how it is. As far as the actual shows are concerned, there isn’t a wresting promotion around that will compete with Wrestlemania whether it be attendance, profit or spectacle. So an AEW show shouldn’t really be compared to the worldwide institution that is Wrestlemania.


Marks do


WrestleMania still is more profitable, however I see it like this: All In has the highest *Single Show* attendance, whereas WrestleMania has the highest *Weekend Attendance*, as I consider each night of WrestleMania its own card, thus it’s own event, even though they are branded under the same name.


If we're talking pure numbers then Collision in Korea tops everything


That was forced.


How does that affect what I said, in terms of pure numbers no event has ever had a bigger crowd


Because it isn’t doesn’t count as a ticketed attendance if everyone was forced to go.


I certainly do not give a shit.


Idc wrestling is wrestling not alot of marks can understand wrestling is just cool different promotion for ur taste in wrestling and If u don't like it fuck off and don't watch




I don't think so, I can't speak for everyone but I surely don't. I just want to be entertained and feel like I spent my time and money correctly.




What does real mean? Are they flubbing the numbers, or are there some calculations they do to make it look better?


"Real" means the actual numbers that were reported to go through the turnstiles.


Are the other numbers just completely made up or based on anything tangible?


Sometimes it could include tickets that were comped for free, or they count staff, and vendors in the building, there’s a million different ways to “fudge”


Not a fucking care in the world bro I enjoy both shows


I never understood inflating attendance numbers like this. Both shows were a success and put up big big numbers


Bc it takes into account total tickets bought as well vs how many actually show up


I mean if anything it just shows how many people tried to flip a ticket and make a profit that’s all. Not necessarily people who actually wanted to go to the show


Good point!


I wanna watch the show, I don't give a fuck how many people made the same decision as me, we wanna watch the show!




I don't give a shit and I don't understand why they lie about attendance


They lie about everything else so why not. Undertaker was never 7ft tall in his life. CM punk isn't 6'3" 220.


Bc technically they dont. It's ticket sales vs actual attendance


Oh ok, I see


Only if I'm getting the check from either company. Which I'm not, sooooooooo no, not really.


Only when I want to annoy an AEW fanboy who's still stuck in like 2020


Hey, I was proud of myself! I tuned into RAW for the first time in like 20 years this week!


Lol, lucky you. I can't catch them live so i just watch the highlights, I got back in a little before 2023's Wrestlemania. During this year's Wrestlemania my brother and I were screaming like a bunch of little kids when Truth got the title lol


Where do you watch the highlights?






The people that do will always find a reason to complain, fight, argue, whatever about. And they will never give the other credit or admit that crowds like that are good for the industry as a whole.


Nope couldnt pay me to give a shit. Numbers have and will always be padded. Only ppl who should care about those numbers are the companys themselves. And maybe the share holders.


There are definitely people that give a real actual shit. Bet they couldn't tell you who has their favorite working punch.


People point at numbers in professional wrestling when they want to prove their opinions about pro wrestling, correct two strangers on the internet. No one ever fell in love with pro wrestling because of ticket sales key demos in quarter hours. Yet a good portion of the discourse on this app about pro wrestling are about metrics.


Exactly, I have spoken to several people who were at one of these shows. No one said, "My experience was ruined because I saw an empty seat."


Both were successful and pretty solid shows. As a fan it means I got more fun shit to watch. Unless you have a vested interest in the companies profits I think it's pretty pathetic to care too deeply about attendance records.


Great take!