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100 days? Amateurs. Truss did it in much less.


Speed running Crashing the economy champion Truss


GDQ: Grift Done Quick...


Nailed it


I look forward to the day the tabloids are dead, due to not attracting a younger audience…


But then cometh the reactionary tik tok videos


I’m wondering whether this is still better than the alternative of Murdoch, the Barclay brothers et al controlling the media narrative. Possibly?!


Well currently social media is a wild west for political campaigning. At least the tabloids are somewhat regulated even if they are politically aligned in their editorial stance. Tik toks expressing certain political sentiments don't need to be authored or printed, they can just be released, so to speak. I don't know if it will be better. Some people do suggest that tik tok has been more left aligned especially around Gaza recently. I think this is likely due to lobbies not being quick enough to manipulate tik tok yet. But once they funnel enough money in it will become as rabid as fb or twitter is.


after that video of the young'uns saying they're voting for reform because they're all over tiktok, i don't think its tabloids we have to worry about


Yeah, the tabloids are doing a sterling job the last however many years of shite governments and BS news stories to cover up how much the wealthy are ripping off the working and middle classes..


Yeah they're shit,  but 18 year olds aren't even reading the sun are they. 


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They'll be fine, most of their revenue is probably from the websites now anyway, and once they work out how tiktok works they'll be laughing. 


4 newspapers coming out to bat for the Tories the weekend before the election. At least 50% of the media is still pushing a party that is about to lose all of its power. I guess if you’re a Mail/Express/Telegraph/Times journalist you have to protect your old school and uni friends. These papers coordinate their messaging too, how did such a small group of weird toffs end up shaping our whole political culture?!


I think this is mistaken. Their party isn’t really losing. What the paper barons are doing is pushing an ideological position. This haranguing is very effective at disciplining Labour and setting out the parameters for what they can do in office and what Labour factions win any internal policy contest. This is a century plus long project that’s been very effective even when it seems to “fail”.


Money…. Money is the answer. The ultra rich will do anything they can for each other. It’s how peadophile islands come about!


Is this hypernormalisation?




The leader in the Sunday Times [endorsed Labour](https://archive.ph/2024.06.30-035819/https://www.thetimes.com/comment/the-times-view/article/the-tories-have-forfeited-the-right-to-govern-over-to-labour-67cccqf5v)


Because Labour is a safe pair of hands for the Neo-Liberalism they want.


Sunak headline, rubbing it in our face !!!!! We’re fucking basically bankrupt anyway FML


Didn't Truss do this in less time than it took a lettuce to rot?


Wilt! Not just rot, wilt.


Didn't the Express have that exact headline for Corbyn...😂


Probably. Though they left it on the cutting room floor before Liz Truss achieved the feat in less than half the time.


The scapegoating of Truss for what is actually elite governing consensus is super sus, for me the same as running interference for Reeves and austerity in a red tie


I mean, he will because he has already said that very little will change and Wes is pushing for continued NHS privatisation. The issue is that the express is not offering a feasible alternative because there isn't one.


Dying media catering to their core audience of pensioners and their mates from Uni - journalism is dead because its become a career where you need to have rich parents to cover the unpaid internship while you live in London. It is not a job for the best and brightest, its a job for mediocre Trustafarians writing propaganda for racist old people.


Wouldn’t that mean that Starmer is doing a cracking job though? I mean it took this rabble 14 years!!!!


It's so they have a running jump when the first thing even *slightly* goes wrong - which it will because Labour are starting this whole thing up shit creek without a paddle.


Where all going up shit creek with out a boat when Starmer gets in, never mind not having a paddle lol


Curious what makes you think that


(Not a Labour supporter) But can you really wreck something that’s already fuschia’d?


I'm pretty confident the Sun will back Starmer. They went for Blair, so no reason they won't go for Blair 2.0. Pond life supporting other pond life.


I think the feeling is that they will back him but it will not be 'full-throated' and only a consequence of the fact he is going to win so comprehensively and the Sun have to be seen to backing winners as part of their brand. That and the fact they will have to cosy up to power. Basically they will be staying as quiet as they can on the subject.


Day before the election. Starmer! He isn't terrible I suppose. Day after the election. It woz the sun wot won it


Yeah you're probably bang on with that.


News International have personal beef with Starmer after he went after them all for phone hacking when he was DPP. Brooks especially. If the Sun and Times endorse Starmer, it’ll be very softly. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t endorse anyone


Yeah very true, but I think they'll hold their nose, he's written in the rag a few times so they'll play on the importance of The Sun to winning etc.


Twice as long as Truss.


When the Papers turned against Labour, it was absolutely devastating for them. They had so much power. It was widely shown that Blair, Campbell etc had to keep key figures in the media sweet. They no longer have that power. They still think that they do. Their ability to influence has diminished. Instead of influencing the nation, they are akin to producing the product their leadership wants to see as a confirming bias. It's the only way they can influence.


Seeing all this right wing media shite and despite the fact that Labour as it stands isn’t the progressive party it should be I’m almost wishing for the Labour supermajority (also known as just majority) to happen just to hear the handwringing, pearl clutching, denture gnashing whining from all the conservative associations across the land.


It's absolutely baffling. Starmer's Labour has the same fiscal rules as the Tories, they will continue austerity, they are very close economically to the Tories of 14 years ago. Is this just because of the shifting of the Overton window further to the right?


Exactly right. Hard right newspapers campaign for hard right economic constraints, and then moan like minnies when the we get a financial crash. They know exactly what they are doing: capitalism would not boom-and-bust nearly so frequently if we went back to the post-war consensus.


Man that Cyndi Lauper performance was fucking awful wasn't it


Great outfit, but yeah her voice is shot


People always support their class interest. No matter what. The old fucks who have been ragging on the tories have still fallen back in line now.


People they represent? You mean billionaires?


*are owned and operated by.


Oh, so it’s only fine when the Tories do it?


They're just trying to (a) mitigate losses right now, even at marginal cost of credibility amongst the more 'moderate' parts of their readership; and (b) re-affirm their role to the conservatives as client publications that can be empowered and use as leverage as and when climate turns and Starmerite insipid centrism fails as a project of consent management and there's a push from whatever union-based/extra-political forces on the Left that were temporarily afforded a voice by the post'15 project to either recapture or supersede the Labour Party (as an electoral project amongst a larger left project). That is, since any push will itself be accompanied by forces coalescing around a Reform-Conservative alliance of reaction composed of those who find the present 'business-friendly and respectable' -Labour offer, let alone any left renewal, too much to stomach, as well as those confronting escalating crisis ( which will be partly down to Starmerism having no way to reckon with emerging contradictions; decline in both w/class and 'ordinary' middle-class living standards that can only be mitigated by political will re. taxing highest wealth to escape inflation, by imposing certain further capital controls, City-regulatory frameworks etc; further ecological crisis etc) with no left-framework...


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They know Labour are going to form the next government, this is just damage control because they know Reform have the potential to wipeout the Tories.


Starmer to wreck Britain in 100 days by copying tory policies.


The tit-for-tat arrangement the Tories have with the press does not protect *them,* just the ideals behind why they vote how they do. This is them reporting what Rishi says, and he is allowed to lie about what people *might* do, given the majority that they may receive allows them to do *anything.* The fact they are proposing the opposite policies currently doesn't matter, and this is just to create some noise and force Labour into promising they won't do those things. It is the tax rises that they're trying to head-off, and the possibility that they accidentally raise enough tax to obviously fund the NHS instead of privatising it as they have been instructed by donors mutual to both parties. Very much against public opinion. Now if the Greens were solidly in the lead in too many places, you'd see praise for the fact Keir *isn't* going to do these things but they're not. Criticism is allowed for a fictional future because ultimately it's not risking Labour votes in areas an actual Left party might get in. Rishi can't go out to the press like this much or it will skew the stats too much and look like interference, but the core voters need to still vote a few Tories in so they're able to leak to these same media companies. It's a carefully crafted saturation-piece to command the Sunday papers, in a time when a lot of people are suffering under cost of living and *only* able to get to the papers on a Sunday. If anything it parrots Reform's talking points about Labour a bit, but it isn't really anti-Labour or pro-Tory. They know their audience is withholding political support for the Tories now, and this is jsut to restrict the options of whoever inherits them. Clearly expected to be either Labour or Reform.


Well, they invested a lot of money into them so they'll go down with the ship. You can bet if it was Corbyn or someone else trying to get the rich to pay more money they'd be doing even more ridiculous headlines


Self awareness is non existent.


As if Britain isn't already wrecked


It's to push the tory voters over to reform, who will continue to protect the same people.


Yes it is odd, unexpected and while there's usually a few that stick the notable one is the Murdoch shit rags that are refusing to back the white, establishment Conservative Starmer party. I have no good explanation for it, Starmer is a red Tory and has been wooing Murdoch, presents zero threat to them and is only offering to keep the seat warm for the Blue Tories to get their shit together and win in England once again


I noticed this when I were in the shop today. Absolute prize plums.


They only represent their owners interests


They represent the interests of maybe 100 people: these headlines are not to reflect public opinion, but to attempt to shape it. Always are, honestly, not just in election season.


I know integrity is dead but this is genuinely unhinged from Sunak and the press to say/report this. Like outright dangerous and not a million miles off how Trump had destroyed discourse in the states.


They don't represent anyone in society really other than the billionaire/s who owns them.


As opposed to wrecking it over 14 years?


I mean, they're not wrong. A Starmer led government will be a disaster.


100 days that's being optimistic, I bet it takes less than that.