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I think a tarp slanted slightly so debris and rain fall off to the side of your yard is the best quick fix. They don't have to look at your "eYeSOrE" of a yard anymore and you get your privacy back. The installation may just be a pain in the butt. Edit to add: their video surveillance is illegal in NYS. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2017/S870


Most of these cameras have limited cloud based storage and only hit points of interest (i.e. motion related events) If you have something constantly in motion in the back yard it’ll quickly overwhelm the storage capacity for saved video. Seeing as the yard is already an “eyesore” I think a wacky inflatable flailing arm waving tube man would compliment it nicely.


My first thought is fuck em. We all live on top of each other here and some of us are maladjusted. Let them look and stew. Most likely they’re jealous that you have a yard and they don’t and this is how they’re taking it out on the world. But I understand how this might be harshing your ability to relax in your yard so I guess the next idea is, can you make a canopy of string lights or fake vines stretching from the wall of the building to the back wall of the yard? It would give you some privacy but still allow natural light through. Do you know if the space they’re using to look out at you is their living room, bedroom, kitchen? EDIT: I’m pretty sure it’s legal to have a camera pointed out your window “for security” but you can also just talk to them and tell them you feel like it’s pointed at your personal space and imply you might have to get the landlord and/or cops involved, even if it’s an empty threat signifying nothing. It’ll push back and set a boundary for them at least, so they don’t feel like they can just do whatever.


I like your string light idea but talking to them in my opinion will only backfire in a big way. By letting them know that the camera bothers you, they will double down and never take it away. Just ignore the camera. If there's nothing that they going to catch that is anything interesting. This is unfortunately the way things are cramped quarters.


fuck em. water your plants nude, put up freak shit (may i suggest a tasteful pentagram), point out the camera when your friends are over and loudly proclaim that your neighbor is a pervert that films you in your own home. they’ll clutch their pearls and move back to the suburbs before long. enjoy your yard!


You can get a shade sail, and have it offer privacy from above.


[make it interesting for the camera](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=inflatable+tube+man+blower&adgrpid=57338214635&hvadid=590010747305&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1013574&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=6686890683896546669&hvtargid=kwd-517698002312&hydadcr=9845_13553043&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_5n3bkv72ya_b)


😂 “MIIFTC” should be its own subreddit


I think I saw someone post about their downstairs neighbors smoking and smoke going into their apartment on this board : I wonder if it was them?!?




wow really do you still have the post? I have a neighbor that smokes like a chimney and Ive been wondering if they were setting up the camera to catch me in the act, not realizing its the building behind me.


Here’s the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Greenpoint/s/DCetBdWxOx


Agree with the earlier comment that they're probably jealous and I'm so sorry. What about a bamboo pergola/cabana style roof or sun shield for privacy? You could run fairy lights underneath for night time.


I never heard of this before but it will help with the privacy and my yard being 'less of an eyesore' lol thank you so much for this tip!


I found some cute, functional, and affordable things when researching ideas, happy to send along links if you need them! Wishing you all the best and hope they back off.


My landlord was harassing specific older tenants to leave so he could jack up the rents. He installed a camera pointed just at their doors as part of this. I used a grabber stick to pop a grocery bag over the camera. He would take it down but it would take him a week to do it. When I saw it was gone, I’d just put another bag over it. No harm to the camera, so no vandalism charge.


You can not record someone’s private space without permission. I film things for a living. This is not legal.


Welcome to a never ending drama. Horrible neighbors make your life a living hell! Hopefully they move at the end of their lease.


you should check with r/legaladvice for this. My understanding is that if something is visible in public, it is legal to record. However, if your yard is not visible to the street, but is only visible from the property itself, it might be more complicated. IDK but check the legal subs. This is a shit problem, these people sound awful. But one thing I would NOT do, is allow these people to prevent you from enjoying your own space. Do not give them that power. Power through the awkwardness of them watching you, and eventually they will get bored and stop. You have a right to enjoy your own yard and you should not let a bunch of a-holes take that from you. good luck


Put a camera up in your yard which is pointed at their windows. Also put up a spotlight/strobe in the yard aimed at their window - have it on a timer that goes off at 2:30am-3:30am.


[NINE WAYS TO BLOCK CAMERAS](https://reolink.com/blog/how-to-blind-security-camera/)




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Parking mirror directly in front of their camera.


Legality is… murky. Do you have an expectation of privacy, in view of their windows? This might be civil, and not criminal. However, how do you feel about pinwheels? (Set off the motion) Also, do you think you can get into bird watching? (feeder etc,) Might resolve the window issue. Finally, security cameras come in two flavours of IR. 850/940. Figure out the camera, and get a corresponding floodlight, and point it at their camera. It won’t damage it, but it will blind the view into your yard. Meanwhile, if you want to rattle a cage, maybe you point a fake camera up. (“It’s to watch the bird feeder”. )


They sound like people that really need to get a life. It’s hard not to be annoyed. Your best bet is to ignore them. When you run into them, kill them with kindness . Put on a big smile and say something short and sweet.


Walk out there naked and give them a show. It’s your back yard not theirs


You could get a large umbrella and just put it up as and when they are annoying. We have one that covers quite a lot of space


I get the feeling that you don't want to go to war with these people. The solution might be as simple as a tarp over the sitting area. This might solve everyone's problem. You will no longer be uneasy about being recorded, and they will no longer be bothered by cigarette and BBQ smoke. If you really like your apartment, the last thing you want is for the landlord to get sick of both of you and not renew your leases.