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Grey Knight combat patrol is my suggestion. It’s one of the best ones and could likely use all the units immediately. Overall it depends on what your goal is and size game you’re a looking to play.


It's a good bundle of allies for sure that would (almost exactly) double my army. Thanks for the suggestion


Draigo is a must


Interesting. Everyone's been saying Crowe is the must, but nice to see a Draigo supporter


A whole nother combat patrol!


Doubling my numbers does seem pretty optimal




Crowe I agree with 100%, he's top of my list. Why are Purifiers so high on your list?


Snag a land raider and more terminators.


I've never gotten to use vehicles in 40k so it's tempting. What makes you prioritize it?


The land raider redeemer is very popular for GK right now. Flame storm cannons and overall stat line.


I think your most cost effective purchase is to go find a combat patrol box. 1 Dreadknight, 1 Librarian, 5 Termies/Paladins and 5 Strike Squad (or equivalent, so Interceptors, Purifiers or Purgators). Aside from that, you could look into getting more vehicles with a Land Raider or Rhino, you could look into getting more infantry from Termies or Strikes, special characters. Honestly, the sky is kind of the limit for you. I will generally recommend to say clear from resin kits if you can, they can be a bit annoying to deal with and Grey Knights have relatively simple conversions for most of the resin kits we do have (Draigo, Stern and the generic Brother Captain are all super simple).


I'm thinking more infantry and a special character, though the combat box is almost the same cost at that point


How much are you looking to spend? The combat patrol might be a good fit for what you need depending on points and cost and you get Crowe as well. Draigo is good (although a kit from Etsy might look better) as well and you can use him as a regular Grand Master as well if you want.


Got a decent budget, so the Combat Patrol isn't too bad, but I wouldn't get anything else with it for a little while.


honestly, its probably your best bet if you aren't deep into building out your GKs. How many points does your pod usually run? That will really influence it as well. You are probably close to what 750-1000pts with what you've got? Whats the upper limit of your point matches you've played?


We've done 1000 points at a maximum and even done 500 point games with new players. We wanna do larger scale games in the future.


Okay, in that case the patrol really does give you quite the force multiplier then. the NDK can be a GMNDK too, so 200pts, Crowe is 75, a Librarian, 120 before mods, terms are 210 (more if Paladin), and the strikes can be purifiers or strikes, but 125 for 5. So it'll add 675pts to your army in theory (plus about 120-150+ if you go GMNDK vs reg, add the 30pt item for the libby, and go with purifiers and Paladins, or 615ish if you strip everything down pointwise). So the combat patrol will double your points and give you an upper estimate of around 1500points if you want to go there with some room to play around. Imo, you are in a good spot for the Patrol kit, it gives good value for dollars and gives you characters you need. From there you could get Kaldor and then another box of pretty well anything (NDK, Terms, Strikes) and you'd be at 2000pts easy fielding everything with upgrades.


Thank you for the breakdown! I super appreciate it and yeah, it does seem like the best bang for my buck. You sold me


Of course battle brother! Vanquish the demon and slay the xenos!


Crowe and Purifiers, I'm fond of the land raider redeemer, I also like the Venerable dreadnought and Imperial Knight Armiger Helverin. For sure get more Paladins, and Terminators. Maybe Grand Master Voldin and another Dreadknight. Another maybe, if you can find it for a decent price, Tech Marine With Servitors pack. I'd almost suggest buying the patrol pack again, but you don't need more strike squad


I've seen a couple folks here fight for the Purifiers and Land Raider. What makes you so fond of them?


Purifiers have synergy with Crowe, damage boosts when wounded and purifying flame. They are the best anti infantry option. I don't run a ten man purifiers squad with Castellian Crowe, but that could be pretty devastating. Land raider redeemer specifically for overwatch, though it is overlooked because people find it redundant due to Grey Knights inherent mobility


I'll admit I figured the GK never needed vehicles cause of that exact reason


Combat patrol is the way in my opinion. Will give you more termies/pallies, librarians, dreadknights, and strikes which you can use as interceptors or purifiers. You can proxy all the characters while playing with your friends, I wouldnt bother with them until you have enough regular army, and I wouldnt bother with vehicles neither before you have enough infantry and dreadknights. Land rover redeemers are good, but not necessary and rhinos are very seldomly used in GK… Combat patrols is the best value for your money while also giving you more of everything and, thus, giving you more options on how to play.


More nemesis dreadknights


Can't got wrong with more big bois