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1. Prime (I use lead belcher from the rattle-can) 2. Base coat of Grey Knights Steel 3. Wash it in Drakenhof Nightshade to give the blue tint 4. Dry brush the mini in Grey Knights Steel again so that only the recesses have the blue tint 5. Edge highlight in a lighter silver using something like Runefang Steel That is my recipe for the armor.


There's two ways of doing it, so you might want to test them and see which you like best. First way: Paint your miniature silver all over. Then paint it blue all over, using a watered-down blue Contrast paint or blue Shade - this will make the whole thing look a shiny-blue colour. Then dry-brush silver over the top, leaving the blue visible in the corners and recesses. Second way: Paint your mini silver all over. Edge highlight with a brighter shade of silver. Then take a blue Shade or Contrast paint, water them down so they're very thin, and with a very fine brush paint the blue into the recesses. This might require you to let the blue dry and paint it 2 or 3 times, building up the intensity of the colour until you're happy with it. Contrast and Shade are types of paint that GW sell - essentially, they get more 'watery' as you go down the line, letting more of the colour underneath show through. "Edge Highlighting" and "Drybrush" are painting techniques common to the GW style. I'd recommend looking them up on youtube as it's hard to explain without pictures. =)


Thankyou so much for the detailed explanation really appreciate it, what are some blue shade do you recommend?


Drakenhof Nightshade


I tend to do the first way using GWs gryph charger grey contrast paint over silver


You're welcome! Tyran Blue is probably the Shade that you would use. If you wanted to try with Contrast, you have a lot more options as there are more tones available, but you'll have to be careful and water then down as you use them. Traditionally something like Asurman Blue or Pylar Glacier would work, but that might be something you experiment with.


Base, blue wash, lightly dry brush the metallic you want


Can you elaborate for me because i am still kinda new to painting sorry >_<


Yeah what I do is hit it with a black primer. Then I do a generous dry brush of Vallejo chainmail silver. Once this dries I’d hit with a generous coating of Vallejo blue wash. Let this sit for an hour or so (washes can be fickle when it comes to drying). Then I hit with downward stroke brush of chainmail silver again, this time I make sure a lot of the paint is off the brush. Once this is done I’ll start painting the secondary colors (gold, red, etc) and edge highlighting with a bright silver like citadel runefang.


Vallejo enchanted steel over a silver primer gives you a Bluey shaded metallic. I then highlight with grey knights steel and Stormhost silver for the very tips


Dragonof knight shade does the right kind of Blueish tint.


I use Drakenhoff nightshade myself


Here is my recipe, you can adjust the amount of bluing you get pretty finely. Prime: Leadbelcher Basecoat: Iron Hands Steel Recess shade: Grey Knights Steel Second recess shade: Drakenhof Nightshade Edge highlight: Stormhost silver You also use the GKS to paint in the shadows or other areas where you want to see the bluing. Then, you go over the darkest areas of shadow with the Drakenhof Nightshade to deepen the bluing further. The rest is just experimenting with how you want that bluing to look and how dark you want it to be.


Grey Knights Steel, Drakenhof Nightshade, Nuln Oil and then some highlights using Grey Knights Steel is what I do.


Just to put it out there blue acrylic ink is another option though it might be a little late for this model. Usually people mix it in with a metallic paint to tint the color a bit. Cult of paint has a good tutorial about it [https://youtu.be/A3yIIzXLYe8?si=aMx2YZtRJFywvzun](https://youtu.be/A3yIIzXLYe8?si=aMx2YZtRJFywvzun)


https://youtu.be/mWOWe9yh8Ks?si=9TR0oSq1Buaao5tZ I use this tutorial. It’s the GW ‘eavy Metal style.


Water down some blue paint with thinner then put it on in thin layers


Many have answered but here is mine: 1. Lead belcher base coat 2. Two thin coats of iron hands steel 3. Then I airbrush grey knights steel from about a 45 degree angle up top. Kind of like zenithal highlighting. 4. Get the rest of my base coating done 5. Dragonof nightshade the recesses 6. Grey knight steel layer to fix mistakes on the armour or highlight a little more if needed 7. Edge highlight the armour with stormhost silver


Space Wolves Grey Contrast over a bright silver base coat. Edge highlight Grey Knights Steel. It's how I didn't my Executioners that also have that blue steel look: https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFwG0OuVdT/?igsh=c3IzZjVzZXdudmM= If you haven't used Contrast over metalics before, this video shows how to get an easy smooth result: https://youtu.be/nkPxa5sa_3Y?si=kfQCvZUWbosSPWlK


There is a guy on YouTube, goes by InfernalBrush, look at his video about the GK, he actually focused on products and application, explaining the question you asked here. Cheers.


I'm currently experimenting with a blue oil wash. My problem with normal acrylic washes is it dulls down a lot of the shine from the silver, using a blue oil wash my hope is that it can be wiped off on high points to still get a shine.


A few coats of pylar glacier contrast over any silver base is great, I found drakenhof to be too dark blue for my tastes. Pylar glacier covers poorly though so go it a few times but let it dry fully between or you will rip up the earlier layer.


If you want the secret recipe PM me. I painted the box art