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I use multiple 3mm magnets, usually 3. Bigger would be better but I bought 3X 300 packs of 3mm, so that's what I got at the moment. I'm curious to others people's suggestions, because I suspect a dozen 3mm magnets on the underside of a dreadnought or land raider isn't the most practical approach


Bases I use 2mmx10mm. I know they’re big but, I like the pull they have.


5mm x 2 mm. There’s a gap, but it’s still powerful enough to stick to the magnetic sheet.


This is what I use - one is powerful enough to hold a mini upside down for the Dairy Queen test


Big box of 25mm washers, magnetic paper. Cheap as chips


I haven't magnetized my GK bases yet but for my other minis I've alternated between 5x2mm and 4x2mm magnets. Though I think using stronger magnets is better than larger magnets, you can always just add one or two magnets to the base but if they're not strong enough you risk the whole thing flying off.


I use 10x2 for 40, 50 and 60 mm bases, 5x2 for 25 and 32 mm. For the bigger ones I use couple of 10x2