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Yes, the librarian can get s feel no pain against his own perils damage. However he only gets it if he's leading a squad at the time. Even better, you can allocate the damage to one of the terminators in the squad and if they do happen to die from it, the apothecary can resurrect the downed terminator on the next command phase


Thank you brother šŸ‘


I will add with the hazardous damage that will have to be allocated to the character (as it can only go onto a model with a hazardous weapon)


This is correct for his ā€œPurge soulā€ ability. The mortal wounds from that are psychic mortals that must be assigned to the lib but he has FnP for it. Vortex didnā€™t mention hazardous anywhere so my understanding is, unless the latest patch changed it, the mortals from vortex can be shared. Feel free to correct me if Iā€™m interpreting that wrong


Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure your right (the vortex even says the mortal wounds allies to the unit rather than the model itself)




This has been discussed at length so many times. Wounds inflicted by psychic abilities are considered having been inflicted by a psychic attack, and FNPā€™s against psychic attacks can be used in such circumstances. They have a detailed breakdown in the latest FAQ, and have explained it in the rules commentary.


Aww man, I saw the notification about the reply and was all ready with a zinger but you beat me to it šŸ˜„šŸ‘


Huh, hadn't seen that. Thank you.


Of course. GW donā€™t make it easy to get the info, hence all the confusion.


How is all the info being freely downloadable from 1 website page, on which they tell you the core documents you need to download, not easy to get info? Or is reading in general just hard for you? Cause I can tell you with 100% certainty that the confusion comes from people just not reading the rules commentary or not reading the entries carefully.


You realize this way of content distribution is not intuitive, right? Accusing someone of their reading skills is pretty petty. If it was as simple as people not reading, then there'd be a lot less questions. The rules are not written well as is, you're silly to think everyone can understand them out of box.


99 out of 100 questions on the weekly questions everywhere are answered with a rules commentary qoute and nothing more. I am not saying the rules aren't hard to understand. I also believe that most people in this hobby are capable of understanding those hard rules. However thinking that people actually read the rules commentary when 80% of people learn this game orally is just delusional. >you're silly to think everyone can understand them out of box. No one can, hence they made the rules commentary that is as long as the actual rules. Edit: Fyi I made a joke about ability to find a webpage. I basically said "you either cant find a web page or you can but can't read". Edit 2: take this post for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Grey_Knights/s/LmL8rFwbKZ These questions are both answered by 1 sentence in the rules commentary and to find that sentence you just gotta look under "psychic attack". Since you are trying to find something to do with psychic you simply read all the entries that pertain to psychic, dont you? But no, people simply don't bother doing that. Edit 3: The best example of people not reading/not reading carefully. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tau40K/s/qdcor10BjF I hope that we can agree thats its safe to assume that this dude read "for the greater good", right? But he is convinced that it doesn't spell word for word that the observer needs to be eligible to shoot. Aka he either didn't read it or didn't read it carefully. I have many many many more examples of people not reading/not reading carefully. But I am sure that people actually read the rules! /s


I suppose itā€™s easy to acquire, if you know to look for the files/keep a close eye out on warhammer community/subscribe to 40K content on YouTube, but itā€™s really not simple to access from a QoL or intuitive standpoint. Folks like you or me might have internalized the minutia and know when to look out for subtle rules changes, but thereā€™s just no denying that the layering of rules caveats, frequent obsoletion of licensed rules books and cards, combined with the complexity of the game, is just a big hurdle for anyone to jump over before people can have fun, correct games where they use all the rules and are aware of their options. By the fucking Emperor thereā€™s not even a single PDF with all the correct core rules written in it (right?) In other words, itā€™s super clunky, and leads to countless Reddit tifs full of scolding tones (of which Iā€™m guilty too at times, it is frustrating to answer the same questions over and over) that really neednā€™t be there. It often puts people in a weird mood. Most importantly, it takes up too much servitor-hours when my Paladins rrrreally just need to be krumpinā€™ daemons.


If you cant handle repeat questions then just ignore them. >if you know to look for the files/keep a close eye out on warhammer community/subscribe to 40K content on YouTube, You literally just need to look at one webpage, nothing more. Not playing with the newest rules for a month or 2 before you notice also isn't the end of the world. This also doesn't change the fact that people simply don't read.