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I always end up resorting to tying a shirt around him or covering it with a piece of clothing, no matter what cone I used he would inevitably get stuck somewhere or knock something and scare himself resulting in him being even more afraid of putting the cone on...nightmare, couldn't leave him unsupervised with the cone on at all.


I used thigh high socks when mine injured her foot, I would put one on and then use the other to tie it in place. My friends originally put the cone they had on her but since it was on her back foot and every part of her is so long, she could still easily reach it.


Mine couldn’t figure out the cone, so I went to goodwill and bought some funny leggings. Cut tail hole, and used a hair tie for the excess fabric, worked great.


Oh no. Considering how stuck he gets regardless, I can't imagine him with the aid of a cone


We used this on Crouton when his tail was injured, it was better than the regular cone of shame. https://i.imgur.com/8TSP2Vj.jpg


Brilliant pic 😂 do you have a link for that one?


Just search ' inflatable E collar ' on Amazon or your preferred pet supplies web site.


More like the Donut of Despair.


Do you think would prevent licking front paws?


It might be helpful. Honestly their necks and snoots are so long that any type of cone has limited functionality.


Poor baby! Is he an ex racer? Our vet recommended putting on a muzzle, since they're used to wearing them for racing. Plus they're less likely to knock over every standing object in your home wearing a muzzle.


Yes, I've resorted to that now actually. Just a bit worried about him not being able to drink, the cone would be more for him when he's left alone.


We use a basket muzzle like this: [https://k-9designs.com/products/greyhound-other-dog-kennel-muzzle-small-basket-1](https://k-9designs.com/products/greyhound-other-dog-kennel-muzzle-small-basket-1) They can still drink/eat/search for treats in the grass, whatever through that. Way easier than a cone, and ex-racers are used to muzzles anyway, so they don't seem to care about wearing it.


Mine use a basket muzzle with a stool guard whenever we need to prevent them from eating outdoor treats or worrying an injury. They can drink just fine but the water gets EVERYWHERE as it's carried by the muzzle when they walk away. It's worth wet floors, though.


And he is an ex-racer! I'm not super sympathetic to his injuries though because he practically dragged me through a bush 😂 Of course I want my baby to be ok, but he wasn't the only one who got injured 🙄


Are you wearing a cone, too?


Yes!! This worked for my ex-racer. She would NOT wear a cone (completely freaked out when they tried to put it on) so I used a basket muzzle. She had no issues wearing it and could drink water with it on.


Honestly we buy clothes. A girls age 5-6 pair of leggings works for our girl, breathable, elastic waist just cut the bum and pee area. She pulls and tugs the fabric but not the stitches.


Second this recommendation!


Ours hates her cone and just stands whimpering, unable to climb stairs, jump on the sofa, reach her food, go through doors… I’ve always assumed she’d still be able to get to her back ankles (her last injury) with a donut, so cut one leg off a pair of thick tights and tied the top around her waist. She did manage to worm her way out a couple of times but it was still better than the pathetic whimpering.


When our girl was spayed the vet gave us a recovery suit instead of a cone. She was totally fine with it and could go to the toilet with no issues. It didn't cover her legs but I am sure there are versions that do.


They make “donut” pillows now that you can use instead of a cone. Kind of depends on where the wound is though. Our boy liked the donut a little better than the cone I think, but not by much lol


[what about these? ](https://www.sighthoundcoats.co.uk/shop-for-your-ak-creations?store-page=post-op-back-leg-sleeve-p377315316)


Knowing Olsen, he'd find a way to escape


we use the muzzle and a poop guard https://www.amazon.com/Birdwell-Enterprises-Recovery-Alternative-Chewing/dp/B07JDVL4HD


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Birdwell Enterprises Muzzle Guard Dog Cone and Recovery Collar** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Prevents dogs from eating feces and other undesirable objects (backed by 9 comments) * Fits securely on muzzles of various sizes (backed by 9 comments) * Easy to clean and maintain (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Muzzle does not fit properly (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Our girl ripped off her dew claw. We bought her a soft collar [Comfy Collar](https://www.kazoo.com.au/products/comfy-recover-collar)


I second the comfy cone


How would he cope with a inflatable donut round his beautiful neck? I used one on kupo, probably doesn't help on paws but body cuts and scrapes should help x


I cut up my old tights and squeeze my noodle in. They're snug enough to stay on, but not too tight for her!


I use a muzzle. Unfortunately she can’t eat or drink with it on be we have worked out a system and hopefully wont need it more than a week while healing.


Years ago I had one that was like a tyre around the dogs neck and was inflatable and it was great. Can't remember what they were called but it stopped them bumping into everything and stopped him getting at his stitches.


We have had good luck with just the regular old clear plastic e-collar that the vet hospital had on hand, with the string looped through her harness.


+1 for socks and t-shirts/pjs. My Grey Steve has just had his stitches out from his front paw and he’s now bandage and sock-free! He couldn’t keep any type of cone around his neck (the hard plastic one from the vet or the expensive inflatable donut from amazon) so we just used long socks and then a sandwich bag underneath when we went on walks to keep it waterproof. Your noodle is gorgeous and I hope he heals soon ❤️


I use an Equafleece summer suit as my whippet apparently is unable to move whilst wearing the cone of shame! They do all sizes for all dogs and each size has a super slim, slim, regular variation to get the perfect fit. They’re a wonderful company very Sighthound knowledgeable based in Devon you can go to their studio or order online. Their online calculator & guides tells you what size you need ♥️




If you have a muzzle and your noodle is content to wear it try that? Get well soon noodle 🥰