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My Grey is named Sing, and I do Singtervals with him. Basically we run until he wants to sniff something. Could be 40 feet, could be 180 feet. You never know


Ah okay, that's a great way to do it! Singtervals.. I love it 😂


haha perhaps Pedro-meters for you two


This, 100%. I’ve gotten up to 8 miles in with my grey by allowing him to set the pace and stop to sniff/pee on stuff as often as he wants. And plenty of water and treato breaks. 😊


Not on pavement/concrete and not for extended times. He'd be much better served by some sprinting around a grass or dirt area for 10-15 minutes at a time.


When my girl was younger, I trained her into a great running buddy! We would be able to put down about 8mins/mile for 3 miles at her peak. It took a lot of practical and physical training, and I'd only take her out for runs when it was below 65 degrees F, and usually preferring to go after sunset or on cloudy days. We started with run/walk intervals (like 1min walk/30 sec jog for 15 minutes, or something to that effect), initially starting with more walk and less run and gradually switching to more running and less walking, and then increasing the length of the running stretches. I also taught her "run" as a command so she knew that we were running and not sniffing all the sniffs. Of course, paying very close attention to her breathing, strides, and pacing the whole time so I was careful not to overwork her. It was incredible to see how much muscle she put on during this time. She LOVED it, too, and even at 11 years old now will try to get me running with her on a cool fall evening.


That's amazing! She sounds like an incredible girl! 🥺❤️


We do 1-3 mile runs every other day. Took training, advise cool temperatures or they won’t be into it. Every time we go out isn’t for pace or distance, it’s by feel. Allow them regular sniffs and pees. It’s doable, don’t expect them to do marathons


My boy and I used to do it when he was younger. It was all shorter runs and we progressed very slowly. Trail runs were nice and easy on his paws. It was always at his pace which is basically just a fast walk/slow trot for him. We worked up to 5k no problem. Now that he’s older, we’ve stopped the running and increased the walking.


Try short jogs with Pedro at first! Pay attention to his needs and let him guide you when he's getting tired. One of mine will happily jog beside me for half a mile or so. The others demand sniffs and peeing every few feet, so they do not make good jogging partners. Either way, I would never take them more than a mile from home in case they start flagging.


Thank you! I'll give that a try 😁


I’ve run with mine (3 over the years). It’s funny how they settle into a jog like it’s their job. Mine never really stopped to sniff, just briefly to relieve themselves then carried on with me carrying the full poop bag 😐 I do recommend leashing them around your waist once you’re comfortable jogging with them so you can swing your arms normally. As others said, ease into it and watch them to see how far they want to go.


That was my next question about the waist leash! Thank you, I really appreciate it ☺️ Haha there's nothing like having a full poop bag as an accessory 🤣


I used to take my GSD when I began C25k. On walks he was the worst wanderer ever on lead and off and would get under my feet at every opportunity in the house, but some how he LOVED the running, was brilliant at regulating sniffing and dawdling when I had walking sections, and just loped along side when I was going faster!


I don’t, but Rudy and I can nap all day together. :)


Greyhounds are not made for endurance activities, I'd advise against taking Pedro on a run that's longer than 10 minutes.


Oh, absolutely, I wasn't planning on doing long distances, I save that for the treadmill. It's just an idea for us to try something a bit different once in a while, and he makes great company, I'm not the most confident when it comes to running outdoors 🤣


I’ve tried but Walter gets distracted and drags me off into shrubs or runs straight across me and I trip over him. They’re built for high speed short distance so I wouldn’t encourage it but if your hound has any ability to learn, which Walter definitely does not, you may be okay!


I tried once. I wanted to jog but my retired boy wanted to sniff every blade of grass. It was not the best arrangement.




I have a Galgo which is a bit more used to longer distances and is less of a sprinter. I run with her 3 to 4 times a week with a minimum of 5 km and sometimes 20+ km. We had to train her to get used to it but she nowadays will complain if we don't run or if she finds it too short. In the beginning we went for runs of 1km and slowly built it up to 5km. From there on you can pretty much just increase the distance however you want. She never really breaks out of a jog so a speed of about 6 minutes per kilometer is the default speed.


I do a mile with mine and let her set the pace.


If I start jogging while I'm walking my boy he'll pick up the pace right away and stay next to me. Until he gets a whiff of something he finds interesting and then he immediately cuts in front of me to go sniff that instead. After falling over him the second time I wrote off taking up running with him lol. My GSD is perfect and will jog next to you for miles and be happy as ever, but she's almost 11 years old so I don't let her go past a slow 2 miles.


Not running but some jogging, and a few sprints here and there. She got used very quickly and really enjoys letting it out. She also knows a cue to slow down if she picks up way to much velocity, and she knows the cue to sprint a little more. If we are sprinting, she is focused on the sprint and my cues (she is a really good gal for that), if jogging she will sniff around and stop from time to time. It's really rewarding having a running/jogging pal like that. A good advice, always take a bottle a one of those collapsable bowls. They get really thirsty if sprinting or jogging on long periods or many repeats.


My girl can barely even walk without drifting into my path because she's always looking around and sniffing quickly and randomly. I'd be too afraid of her running in front of me and getting stepped on. She has zero awareness of what she's doing on walks.


When I tried I dont think the speeds Im capable of registered as "running" to her so she just kept walking, lol


Mine has a 5K limit, loves it but can't go over 5.30 minute kms or she struggles.


I used to run with my Grey! It took some practice (I wasn't very fit, and he didn't know how to trot), and I'd have to let him walk initially to let him sniff and pee, but he had a great time! We'd run around the local lake to spare his feet and joints from concrete paths. EDIT: I'll second what others have said, when it got hot he would refuse to run, anything above 25C and he wouldn't move until I'd promise him we were only walking 😂


I was trying to do C25K a few years back and did one run with my older girl, but she was way too distractable and focused on her own pee/poops/sniffies to be a good jogging buddy. I have not gone on an intentional run with my younger girl yet, but have accidentally had to jog to catch up on a group walk and it was for a good few minutes, and she kept perfect pace and only stopped when I stopped and peed when we had caught up -- I think she has the makings of a good running buddy! I'll try it with her someday


Took my grey to Parkrun, she was great for half a km and then we walked, slowly, the rest of the way. We needed up chatting to the sweep most of the back. Never again!


Off least, fine, Kandi sniffs, wees, zoomies to overtake my jogging slow ass, stops to sniff, repeat. On least NOPE. She hates going that dumb ass slow speed humans call running.


I can tell you that even a slow walk around the small neighborhood we used to live in was enough for all of ours. They were ready to head home after 20 minutes of WALKING. Like change direction and head for the house. They are lazy couch potatoes built for short bursts of speed. Then they recharge with a 12 hour nap.


My girl loves trail runs with me. I make her walk after 5k but she’d easily keep going. She was already very fit when we started though.


My wife runs with our dog fairly often - they’ll do a walk/run for about 3 miles together and he’s {mostly} great