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I wish I knew. Like you, I try to walk shady places and we only walk in the mornings and evenings. Also, we go to Lowes and Home Depot and walk up and down the aisles during the day. Not all 3 every day, she has a yard. Before the morning walk, I hose her down. She won't get in the river except up to her knees and then tries to drink the water and I don't think that's safe. I of course have a dog water bottle w/bowl with me.


No walkies at high Sun, like midday etc. Low Sun best times, like very early morning or late evening.  Walk in heavy shade areas that get little, if any Sun, even in Summer. No walkies in heat wave weather. Try to get a cooling spray for you and hound, and a squirty bottle filled with ice and kept cool in cooler bag and/or ready for arrival home. Cooling treats, like frozen yohurt and peanut butter for getting home.


This. If it’s too hot to walk, consider enrichment activities- I hide treats round the house, have a snuffle ball, kong, practice tricks ect Mine has a white dog coat which we soak in cold water and top up with water while walking (but again never for midday walks)


Lucy is the same, a few metres out the front door and its full on panting, also a black girlie so she gets extra hot. Ive given her a little splash down with water - along her back and belly which seems to keep her much cooler a few times, but i guess we mostly stick to indoors (she loves our fan pointing at the sofa) and now have a lovely long cool evening walk when it gets dark, and a short one in the morning before it gets too hot. During the day we do a very short loop around my street on the grassy bits so she can do her business.


We've put a wet t-shirt on our previous boy when it was hot. If you take water and keep it wet it helps a bit 👍 they're not hugely tolerant to either ends of temperature ranges are they 🙄


You can get ‘cool coats’ made from a thin sponge-like material that holds water for a good long time. Our boy hates having his put on (it’s cold!) but so appreciates it when he’s out in warm weather! As others have said, walk during low sun, keep to shaded areas, and yes, boots are great if you’ll be on hot pavements - but remember the paw pads are one of the few places dogs can sweat from, so rubber shoes could get uncomfortable if worn for a long time. We tend to use baby socks before the boots, to make them more comfortable.


I’m late to the party but here are a few things I have learned. Morning walks always before 7am. I bought a cooling mat that he refuses to lay on soo? I do use mushers as a paw protector but will not walk him over 75F unless it’s directly on grass. Back of the hand test for temperature. Since we drive to parks daily I always carry a baggie of ice 🧊 cubes. I always have several bags ready in the freezer so I just grab one in the morning for his soft bowl. I have not tried the cooling coats because they seem heavy for a greyhound but always carry water to splash on his chest and feet. Cool feet cools them down! I tried several different types of cooling collars and bandannas. They didn’t do much. Since Denali is black and approaching 10 I’m pretty careful. Hope this helps a little. I actually dread the summer heat more than the winter cold.