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Wait, do escher heads actually work? Are they just the scrooch bigger that they need to be?


Apparently necromunda is slightly bigger scale, but I didn't see it in the store


It’s like.. the _tiniest_ bit larger? For the most part they’ll look normal when stood against normal 40k baseline human sized models, but if you try swap an arm or something it’ll look off Maybe everyone on Necromunda secretly worships chaos, that usually does wonders for your height


My money’s on “scale creep”. They’re some of the newest female models that aren’t fantasy.


"Primaris gangers"




I think it’s more that they’re supposed to be in small scale games, but don’t have to be usable in 40k like kill teams, so the designers made them a bit bigger so they’re easier to use.


Even Kill Teams are bigger scale. Like the Kasrkin are noticeably bigger than the other Guard models, despite releasing very close together. 


I'm working on some Primaris Marines right now, and the arms from the Intercessors are shorter in length than the ones from the crusader squad, and the crusader squad has much sharper features. Nothing is certain, life is chaos.


My money's on "Nah, you can't use your 40k minis with Necromunda, it's a whole different scale, go buy some Necromunda minis, obviously."


I've heard the female heads for the Age of Sigmar Stormcast fit really well. Also yes, necromunda is at 32mm scale rather than 28mm, so the heads will probably fit nicely


I've seen a couple in genestealer kitbashes, so idk. Might be that minis are weirdly proportioned.


As soon as I saw Escher mentioned I realized they'd work amazingly.


Honestly if you are going to work on it, try stormcast heads. You don't want your golden companions of the Emperor looking like a bunch of gangers in power armour


I've done a lot of Blood Bowl conversions and the esher heads aren't big enough for Blood Bowl figures... which are probably smaller than custodes... custodes... goldencunts since BB players are on 32mm bases and the goldencorseprotectors are on 40mm. For reference the eshers are on 20-25mm. They sort of work for wood elves which are on the tiny side, but they aren't great for humans or nobles (which are also humans). Eshers might be perfect for the imperial guard, so if the goldenthebestofwhichdiedintheemperorscellar can use imperial guard heads they would fit. I'd wager that stormcast eternal heads are a better option. Or some of the larger Chaos Chosen Stacies also from AoS. The Esher hair will absolutely not fit with the armour though. You can save a lot of money by buying individual parts from whatever local version of ebay you have available, or from ebay.


Well here's an example of an eldar head on a custodian https://youtube.com/shorts/CYaGQ66oiXU?si=XNBkkyPYeoW5M9kw


The two sides of the warhammer community


generally the two sides of "nerdy" hobbies in general, it's so dumb


I was thinking more meme but I think a lit a match for a wild fire ops


Feel ya.


One side that engages the hobby as a normal well adjusted person, and the other side that thinks a girl character a vast universe of lore is an assault on very fabric of our culture and will tear society apart and must be stopped


Female Custodes, oh no, whatever will I, someone who plays the Guard, knights and Nids, ever do!


the powers of the emperor are so vast and infinite that he had managed to hold the primal powers of fucking violence, excess, life/decay, and change at bay in the warp as a literal husk of a corpse... and they think a few hundred grams of testosterone over a human's lifetime is what stops THE EMPEROR OF MANKIND from tapping into literally 50% of the human population's potential? make it make sense.


Hey, if I remember that part of the lore correctly, he failed with space marines, but those are footsoldiers compared to the literal actual demigods of the Custodes who are considered the perfect weapons and kill people by flinging pebbles, so there's a massive difference in production process and quality


my headcanon is that the emperor was able to make female space marines (or had in the early days when figuring out the process/prototyping, and they all either retired into dreadnoughts/died out), eventually it's just easier to have 1 streamlined process for people other than him to copy, in order to somewhat mass produce consistent quality soldiers, and sidestep all the potential headaches from manufacturing process to politics. issues he doesn't need to make concessions for custodes considering custodes are made on a case by case basis. kinda like the difference between factory mass produced kitchen knives (guardsmen), base model swords that blacksmiths make one batch at a time (space marines), a bespoke sword made to measure by a master craftsman (custodes), and a masterpiece made by said master craftsman (primarch).


Probably the best way to think about it ngl. If emps handmade each custodes he sure as hell would’ve taken his time. Letting him circumvent any and all complications involving gender and whatnot. Whereas with the space marines the quality seems to differ more as per the wide range of circumstances involving each one’s creation.


Eh, even if there is something in the canon that says there can or can't be female Space Marines/Custodes, people that want the tanned muscle mommies can go for those, the ones that like the tanned himbos can go the other way.


The custodes aren't even space marines though. They aren't space marines any more than the Imperial Guard are. I don't know why people think it's anti-canon or something when the the Custodes has never been a boys/girls only club like the mreens or nuns.


One side is generally larger than the other and it should stay that way. Nazis raus bitte


*clears throat* Now that you say "Nazis out", please consider "Out from where" and "Where to put them"? Noone wants them. And noone was happy to see a large number of Nazis wandering the last time it happened. /s Yeah... Nazis can fuck off


Nono, no pleasantries, nazis sod off, post-haste


Raus mit die Viecher! No but honestly, this whole discourse shows with whom one should talk and deal still and whom one should ignore.


wrong, one is the actual community the other is a bunch of tourist


I'm afraid the fascists are very real, they just keep it under wraps in public. Usually.


fascist dont actually play, read or watch warhammer, they just see a bunch of cool fanarts and out of context political satire then go "damn, this look cool, i almost want to be interested by this", never actually interact with the media in a meaningfull way.


I mean there was the infamous Nazi Guard guy whose tournament performance prompted the “for everyone” post


Could you elaborate on this?


in spain there was some guy that was wearing a shirt that was literally swastika patterned. he was doing the usual schtick of "I'm being a really nice guy, but you guys are assholes for not wanting to play with me for my beliefs! :(" Spanish law sorta forbid the TO's from kicking the freakazoid out or disqualifying him, as technically its protected speech to be a nazi there. So all the people who he was scheduled to play against forfeit agaisn't him, so he walked out 5-0 or whatever. It was huge news when it happened, like almost mainstream and of course its really gnarly press for Warhammer and GW, so GW released the Warhammer is For Everyone post.




Yeah. It’s not like it’s a surprise to anyone warhammer appeals to fash types. Look at that tumblr take about how Warhammer promotes fascism because the Imperium is utterly necessary in the face of the necrons, chaos, tyranids, etc. (It’s not, as critically that poster doesn’t include that all those problems are caused by or drastically fed by the Imperium. Ironically, it means that the imperium is an even more nuanced analysis of fascism because fascism relies upon the existence of an external threat to justify its existence, and without one, often creates that threat either through projection or literally though war. I could elaborate on this a bunch lol.) If even lefties think that Warhammer promotes fascism, then it’s not out of the question for actual fascists to think Warhammer supports fascism.


Most leftists are aware that the Imperium is a critique of fascist and reactionary ideology. You've got a few who are over eager to demonstrate how "woker than thou" they are and make asses out of themselves. And some who just suck donkey dick at media analysis, they think "portraying bad thing = supporting bad thing." They're the loud minority who try and ruin any TTRPG group they join.


There is only one threat the inperium didnt make and thats the orks. Everythingbesle haa been caused by the imperium in one shape or form well except maybe necrons But we orkz jus lookin for a proppa gud scrap


I do think that's the intent, I just think sometimes the writers forget that and make the imperium the good guys when it would be more interesting to put them as antagonists.


Just an addendum, spanish law didn't actually protect him but the tournament organizers weren't sure if it did or not and decided to let him stay in order to nkt risk getting sued, that was clarified later and would not fly in the future.


i think i should have said "there isnt a big fascist audience that actually care about the games", just think about it, how many people stoped playing the game because GW tried to distance themselfs from nazis? nobody, if anything, it has become more popular, even if there are fascistic minority in the fandom, they cant meaningfully gatekeep the community anymore.


The game is primarily played by dads (or dad aged) and teenagers and general opinion I get at the stores/clubs I go to whenever a controversy happens like the recent one or the literal nazi in Spain is ‘why are people like this’ then move on and we play with our toy soldiers.


Was that in Italy? I forget


Happened in Spain.


Unfortunately, there are some fascists in the hobby. One time after a game, the manager at my local store 15 years ago gave me a completely unsolicited lecture on why fascism was, in his opinion, the only legitimate political system. Not even dogwhistling, just straight up saying things like "yeah, I believe might is right, why wouldn't I?" Not sure if he was fired or quit, but he wasn't working there anymore when I went back a few years later. I do think the community has gotten much better at calling this kind of thing out as unacceptable to be honest. And I don't think someone would feel as comfortable voicing those kinds of opinions nowadays, which is a good thing.


A big part of the hobby is parents playing with their kids these days and the vast majority of parents from either end of the political spectrum don’t appreciate people getting into controversial political discussion with kids about.


No, they definitely do. A lot of rightwing commentators have jumped on the bandwagon for this latest controversy, but the Warhammer community *does* have a fascism problem. We can't just no true scotsman our way out of that one.


So one side is fascists and the other are mostly good people.


This is kind of true everywhere, I've come to believe that about a third of any given representative group are awful and up to about half of those are truly foul.


I'm not saying they're not real (they are sadly) I'm saying they aren't part of the hobby


I meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. . .this is kind of a bad take. It's not like you have to be a good person to be involved in a community. There is no moral test to see if you can buy models and paint good or play the game well or be a regular at a gaming club. They absolutely are part of the hobby. We may not like it, but it's there.


If I spit at them hard enough maybe the recoil will throw them out


The impact might throw them out, but the recoil would be throwing you out, no? _Overly technical word analysis go!_


FUCK it's time to use my secret card: English isn't my first language, forgive my mistake


I am not usually a fan of gate-keeping a hobby. Except when it comes to Nazis. Fuck 'em, this gate is closed.


Thought you were calling vezmira a tourist and was gonna say, woooooooah buddy do i have some tough news for you.


nonononono I would never dare to do that, I don't want to be turned into a Thousand Son Femboy


Wait, you *don't*?




Wait, so if I call Vezimira a tourist she'll turn me into a femboy? VEZI IS A TOURIST VEZI IS A TOURIST VEZI IS A TOURIST VEZI IS A TOURIST -


Wrong! Whoever disagrees with my opinion is the tourist. Everyone who agrees with me on literally every issue is a part of the real community


warhammer is for everyone, if you hold opinion similar to the imperium you will not be missed -GW Fascist aren't welcome in the community and aren't a part of it


Yeah. Everyone who agrees that community should be inclusive and productive is a part of the real community. Everyone who disagrees with that, believes in outrage-mongering and gatekeeping is a tourist. Its really easy. P.S. Like that meme is literally the best example. One side is, *"no, you can't have fem-Custodes, cause woke/libs/sjw and etc., get out, soy!"* The other is, *"wow, sure, let's go do conversions, I'll help you with bits!"* Which one is healthy for community and which one isn't?


if someone is saying there shouldn't be femstodes then thats ok but if they are being unnecessarily being rude to people for saying they like the change or people making female custodes then yes in that situation they are in the wrong.


I think there’s the majority who are both online and actually in stores and all that. You know, normal, well adjusted people. Then there’s the online dipshits who don’t know even basic proper social etiquette and spend all their days circle jerking one another in their hateful echo chambers. The second group just tends to be louder and more annoying so they get more attention overall.


There are two sides, but it's probably at least a 5:1 generally decent people vs. angry incel chuds.


5 to 1 is still... not great.


Probably about the same ratio as real life is. Which is a whole different kind of depressing actually. 


Always reminds me of the Hearts of Iron community. You have the choice to be a nazi or a femboy. Decide your fate.


Nah there’s the warhammer community(bottom) and then there’s the tourists


R63 exists for a reason. Most guys get feminized as soon as convenient in most nerdy hobbies anyways.


There's more than just two side. I will now elaborate with old-school GW roll table: **GAMESTORE!** *You have entered a game store which hosts WH40k games and sells models and modelling supplies. Roll 2d6 to determine the outcome:* **Roll** | **Result**| :--|:--| 1 - 4 | **Cloister of the Silent Hobby** - nobody speaks to you and you speak to noone. The only interaction is commercial in nature and brief.| 5 - 8 | **Clear the Comms Guardsman** - You speak to other hobbyists but the interaction is brief and factual. "Oh, you collect Eldar ? Nice. They're scary to fight."| 9 - 10 | **Urgent Missive from the Fabricator-General** - You took too long to find the Nuln Oil you needed and your inexperience has been noticed. Prepare to learn about creating the correct mixture of snow and mud that would be found on the tracks of a tank a Mars-pattern Leman Russ Battle Tank of the 6th Cadian Armored Regiment during the Betalis III Campaign.| 11 | **Remembermancer Interview** - You referenced some lore. Like the warp-presence of an inexperienced, but powerful psyker - this has attraced a gaze. You will now learn about the personal lore of someone's army. "Female Custodes ? Pfff.. that's nothing I've been playing female Space Marines for years. You see me and my friends have a long running campaign that began when the Chapter Monastery of my Loremasters Chapter came under threat. Facing extermination for an encroaching Tyranid fleet and seeking to protect their Chapter and the civilians of their homeworld they decided to augment their ranks with women from the hardy people of Genestor VI. See the funny thing about Genestor VI is..."| 12 | Roll again. If this is the result of your reroll, the result is: **Asshole !** You are hit with one S1 AP0 D0 Oppinionated Bullshit ranged attack if within 6'' or one S1 AP1 D0 Judmental Stare ranged attack if between 6'' and 12''. Roll armor saves as normal. Cover saves may be used against Judmental Stare attacks.|


The Loreheads being mad about women in the boys clubhouse VS the actual players of the game/painters who just want to make minis and shit


The side that leaves the house and the side that does not


> me and my brother have done experiments  . . . I don’t like where this is going 


Agreed. It should be "my brother and I". I can't stand this level of perversion and degeneracy. You know these are the kinds of players that prime their models, and never finish painting them. Absolutely worrisome behavior.


Why do I keep forgetting about this rule


Because it's unwieldy. It's easier to say it the grammatically "wrong" way, than it is the "proper" way.


Yeah it feels too weighty for a casual conversation!!!


That is precisely the problem I have with it. As soon as I say it, I feel like I am mentally wearing a tweed jacket at a snooty English lit conference.


This is what I hate about "proper" grammar and vocabulary. Sometimes the technically correct way to say something completely messes with your intended tone, which means it's not the correct way to communicate?


It's important you know the rules; less so that you follow them. The student breaks the rules because he does not know them. The master breaks the rules because she knows them.


And the Timelord breaks the rules b/c wibbly wobbly... timey wimey... stuff...


This is why Linguists adopted the Descriptive View of Grammar, where characteristics of languages are recorded as how they are, not as how they should be. In contrast, a Prescriptive View would be following Grammatical Rules, a famous example being the French Institution who produces French words to replace loan-words from other languages in French, and insists that French French words must be used instead of non-French sounding ones.


Sometimes, doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing.


Found the heretics


Don't forget, grammar is decided by consensus not the other way around. If everyone uses "me and my brother" then it *becomes* the correct way to say it because that's what everyone is saying. That's how language works... That said, I will never not look down with distain upon people who say 'legos'.


A tip for anyone unaware, the rule taught to children is actually a simplification that is sometimes wrong. The proper rule is that you should use "me" or "I" according to whether you are the subject or the object of the sentence. My brother and **I** went to the store. The store manager gave **me** and my brother a lot of information. The easy way to remember this is to remove the other person from the sentence and see if it still makes sense. https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/eb/qa/Should-I-Use-I-or-Me-subject-or-object#:~:text=Use%20%22I%22%20when%20it%20is,me%20to%20tidy%20the%20room.


To know if it's appropriate leave the descriptor of yourself in the sentence to see if it still flows correctly. * -I have done experiments.- * -Me have done experiments.-


My Snow Orks and I feel called out by this post.


life hack: remove the 'my brother and' part and see if the sentence still makes sense ~~my brother and~~ i went to the store ~~my brother and~~ me went to the store a car ran over ~~my brother and~~ I a car ran over ~~my brother and~~ me ahoy me hearties


It’ll probably result in the experiment getting conveniently moved/destroyed by another contraption made by an evil inventor that has been fighting their teal pet of some kind


My biggest takeaway from this comic is not that the people at Warhammer stores are huge frickin' nerds, which, granted, is a huge plus. Rather, my big takeaway is that Vez is becoming a Custodes player, to which I say, WELCOME TO THE TEN THOUSAND, VEZIMIRA! We're happy to have you with us!


At long last she has seen the Emperor's light.


I am told the new codex isn't that bad and that it makes playing against custodes a lot less obnoxious for other players


As a Custodes player, I think I disagree with the latter. The Codex generally feels like it nerfs our biggest weakness and buffs our most oppressive trait--those being our durability and our damage, respectively.


I was told the new codex makes bananas less unkillable


Yeah, but their damage is also buffed due to the change in Martial Ka'tahs and two of the detachments. Custodes generally don't have many models on the table, so durability is very important, but they can put out a lot of damage, and that what I have found to be oppressive with them.


You can have your scary damage. Heck i already accept that anything you touch dies. What I dont accept is me having my forgefiend roll like 12 hits into 6 dev wounds and 4 normal hits. You save the normal hits and succeed on the feel no pains and only 2 models die. Thats god roll on the forgefiend and 2 models die. Add to that, i take 6-9 mortal wounds from hazardous and dark pact. This happened on my last game with custodes. Yes I'm salty. You can be very lethal and kill all my stuff but please when I hit you back with equally deadly shit, I expect you to die too. That same attack would pickup a full squad of everything else or even terminators on an unlucky save.


You are correct, the biggest reason being that custodes no longer just ignore 50% of mortal wounds and they aren't permanently fighting first


Obligatory, play what you want, don’t let rules or people hold you back from playing with cool toys. But I understand it feels bad to one sidedly crush opponents, I hope you enjoy the golden girls!


>But I understand it feels bad to one sidedly crush opponents Imperial Knights Players (me): "WHO NEXT WISHES TO FACE THE CRUSHING CHARGE AND FIERY GUNS OF THE KNIGHTS?!?!"


Custodes went from broken to dogshit, to strong, to whatever they'll be in a week, all with 10th edition so far. Points / nerfs / buffs / etc will come and go, playing with stuff you think is cool will last a lot longer. Though people who are heavily into high end tournament play do often have a few armies they play, or pickup what's hot, don't feel compelled to play anything other than what you like. Even pretty bad armies win almost half of the time, and I think Tyranids are the only army to not win a major tournament in the last 3 months. So don't worry about the book, it's all good.


“You kids and your damn 15 model 2k point armies” I grumble, shedding a tear as I prepare to batch paint another 20 Boyz and glance over at the 60 guardsmen gathering dust


> My biggest takeaway from this comic is not that the people at Warhammer stores are huge frickin' nerds, which, granted, is a huge plus. Last week I watched a stream from Loremaster of Sotek. Who is such a Fantasy nerd that he plays Total War: Warhammer because that will be the only time all the minis being in one game because GW is GW and GW is stupid. Him being Fantasy he said he does not know that much about 40k and does not care a lot about it. Which is a relative statement to his Fantasy nerddom and that means he knows more about 40k than everybody in this sub. He is a Warhammer savant. His take was that 40k had been too stagnant for too long before Primaris and that it is good they are shaking things up to make them interesting. He also said that Astartes only being men does make no biological sense for entities so altered like that. In couched language he hinted that Fantasy having been blown up made the chodes move on and only the really interested people stayed behind in what was a dead setting. When asked point blank if he thinks GW realizing that there is fascists moving through 40k at gay abandon is holding the setting back, his answer was "yes". His take on trans people in the setting was not woke. It was "gee, that would be interesting, wouldn't it?". He answered like a nerd! That is the nerd take! Makes sense and is fun, let's go! Speaking of tourists, when Carl of Swindon has an opinion on Custodes but not on Robute Gulliman returning then you can safely say he is a tourist. One is significant. The other is not. I am here for the first trans chapter of Sororitas. Magpie Killjoy would be all over that. Time to jettison the rubbish like GW jettisoned Archwarhammer.


> I am here for the first trans chapter of Sororitas I get that a trans woman probably couldn't join the sisters, since you can't really join as an adult, or even a teenager for that matter. That being said, I'd love to know what happens to trans men in the Sororitas. The schola starts training them from a very young age, what happens if one reaches puberty and all of a sudden is like "damn, I sure wish I had a dick and balls right about now". Do they have to keep it to themselves? Do they just get **trans**ferred to a different branch of the ecclesiarchy? Do they just get instantly executed? Does it matter at all? What is the official ecclesiarchy stance on what constitutes a "man" at arms? Can a hermaphrodite join the sisters of battle, or do they count as "man"? Can a biologically female but non-binary person remain in the sororitas? Would they be called "Sibling of Battle"? Is there a gender neutral version of Adeptus/Adepta? If a child, male or female, were to lose their sex organs in a freak mutation/accident, would they be allowed to join the Sororitas? Would they be turned down only if their genes were XY, or would they be turned down regardless for not having female sex organs? These are the questions that keep me up at night.


That is the nerd take on it and I am all here for it. We let conservatives suck the joy out of everything. Like, kick them out and move on. Games Workshop is kicking out fascists because they figured out that the transfurry market is bigger than the homophobe fascist market. That's a "huh?" moment. But it means normalcy is winning and the turncoats are turning their coats the right way out. I'll take it.


Big E saw Sigmar with female stormcast and thought to himself "I could do better".


Chad Yndrasta vs Virgin Celestine


I feel like those two would absolutely vibe with each other.


Honestly, Yndrasta would probably make Saint Celestine be like, *"Wow, girl, chill!"* I absolutely recommend Yndrasta's solo novel - she's basically an angelic Doomguy (Doomgirl?), who literally rips and tears orruks apart with bare hands.


Rip and tear. Until it is done.


I feel like Celestine and Yndrasta occupy each side of the cats and dogs dichotomy. Celestine is very vocal, very open with expressing her emp worship, whereas Yndrasta is like: “You didn’t ask for it, but here’s some heads I just ripped off”.


Just waiting for someone to tell Cawl they bet he couldn't make FSM I feel that's genuinely all it'll take, Cawl going "Bet" and making them out of spite


This is what I joked when I said how they could introduce female space marines for both Imperial and Chaos factions. Cawl vs Bile, one learns the other is attempting it and out of sheer spite for each other and to prove they're the best scientist in 40k, they both try to be the first to do it and it's a Spy vs Spy situation where each one is actively sabotaging the other but actually causes them both to succeed.


One time I tricked the GW employee into saying 3D and print sequentially and then a turret came from the ceiling and executed them.


Hah! Printing in *three* dimensions? Now that’s just silly. It’s completely impossible. Such an idea is utter nonsense. Don’t even try looking into such a ludicrous pipe dream. Do not do it. DO NOT-


*I* certainly would never get my boss to purchase an incredibly high precision resin printer and some high quality engineering resins so I can make trinkets for tabletop games. That would probably be a violation of someone's incredibly overpriced IP or something.


Last panel Vezimira be like : "I made a grave mistake"


Nah tbh it was really informative


I interpretted that as the face someone makes after realizing a simple question has a very, very long answer. Like being exposed to arcane knowledge you didn’t know you could possess


When your spouse ask what's wrong and you start to unfold the whole geopolitical and power games at play in the office.


Look, don't tell anyone but I ordered catgirl heads for my world eaters. They're going to be angry catboy twinks and no one can stop me.


Send pics I want to subject a Warhammer friend to this


Agreed, Imma be Jonah J Jamerson here and be demanding pictures of these catboy marines!


why would anybody want to stop you, that's amazing


[XKCD 2655](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/images/b/bf/asking_scientists_questions.png)-ass comic


Most scientific professionals/experts are just 'hobby' nerd with degree in their 'hobby', and been waiting all the time for someone to ask about their 'hobby' so they can run off with it.


This sparks joy




Good kitbashes can require a lot of research and testing. Knowing where to look (intentionally hard to Google because people making bitz are dodging GW CnDs), what to filter out (terminator hands don't fit guardsmen arms even if they have the weapon they want), by the end of it you might have spent hours looking for stuff and executing the actual kit bash is a 30 second glue job. When you put in that much work and find out someone else is going down the same path, you tend to want to share.




dude i just spent 6 hours turning 7 first born termies into meganobz it was fun but going thru sprues trying to find that one piece that would work was annoying


I blame Vezimira for my taste in women’s haircuts.


Embrace the bangs


So my friend who's been playing custodes for years sent me a file of "anime waifu heads". With the note: "Can you print some of these for my custodes :)" Me: do I really have to open up a file with the word "waifu" in it? Them: [sent $15 to my paypal] "for your troubles" Me: did you want those in clear, gray, or black resin?


You'll need to resize them for scale with the Custodes IIRC since they're probably scaled for Guard or Sisters, so some test prints might be in order, that $15 should cover some of those costs...


Oh yeah, this friend routinely supplies me with resin whenever I start projects. Some heads should be no problem. I originally printed them the Alaris Terminator set with all weapon options and magnetized it for them. That was a job. Then more banana man helmets and some cherubs and servo skulls for their blood angels. After this probably some miniatures and NPCs for our D&D game. All in all about 1/3 of all my prints are for my friend and the other one third for my wife, and the other third for me.


I made this comic because I've seen a lot of fearmongering going around about lgs's not being as friendly as some online communities, but all the ones I went to (in Czechia, England and Germany) were all great :D people have always been excited to share their hobby and help!


The community in person is so much more welcoming and passionate than the jerks online make it seem. Anonymity makes those awful sorts of nerds real vocal, it's nice to be reminded that they're the minority in reality, just loud online.


Agreed, had this talk about it today with a guy whose been in the hobby since 1st edition, real old fella (been playing D&D since the 70s) and his response was just "I don't care...I'm upset that half my Ork army just got fuckin Legends than I would be about the lore...eh still it's not like I play in tournies or anything, I'm too old for that...but it's still very annoying" Then he went on about and showed his Krieg army (who were done in WW1 French color scheme using the Wargames Atlantic Grognards because in his words "I could not afford to collect a Krieg army otherwise") including some really outstanding base work (like top notch World War 1 inspired bases, his Kasrkin on duckboards, barbed wire, even a little mine warning sign on his Sentinels base), talked about his third party proxy Earthshaker carriages and his 3rd party Lord Solar Krieg proxy (which is modelled after the famous Napoleon painting).


My Store Manager would be fine as long you used some overpriced GW kit for the Female heads. Any amount of non-gw plastic and he starts screeching... There are good reasons barely anyone visits my local GW -_-


"I'm just a really good greenstuff sculptor, this is official GW greenstuff"


they don't even make real green stuff anymore. just the liquid stuff.


Yeah, but they are REALLY good at sculpting it.




No my local Manager is, and I say this fully well knowing how cringe it sounds, an unironic GW bootlicker. The Dude essentially forces wysiwyg on all in-store players, forbids people from proxying and is just an all around nuisance to be honest. When the store moved location three years ago, the entire playerbase of regulars pretty much left to found a Private playgroup and now the store has two small tables and you can only play combat patrol


This was my experience, mentioning 3d prints on their holy ground? You gonna get a lecture.


The CringeCels may be loud on the internet, but the amount of people who want more women in power armor is pretty vast.


Ironicaly CringeCels are part of them, but they don't want girls in their (supposed) boy-only club.


I appreciate the spirit, but escher heads have to be way too small, right? Stormcast is the only thing that isn't going to look silly.


Necromunda is on a very slightly larger scale to the rest of 40k, so I actually think this is probably right. I tried using house orlock as conscripts for a guard army a while back but them being noticeably bigger than the actual shock troopers put me off a bit.


Yup regular 40k/AoS is 28mm Heroic, whereas Necromuna is, roughly, 32mm heroic, so it's a smidge bigger than standard 40k/AoS which means it might actually work...


Not sure about "way too small", but you're right: Escher heads are actually tiny. Some Escher heads might fake it better because of the big hair. To the best of my knowledge, there's nothing in the GW range that would provide heads that people would identify as female in a size comparable to bare Custodes heads, including female Stormcast. I've seen some head swaps and Stormcast heads didn't even look right on Infiltrators. Perhaps that's all that's needed. After all, proportions, even with the newest minis, have (always) been a bit off. One could try some Space Marine heads and, idk, make them look a "little less male"? Maybe BA heads? I'm out of my depth here. Outside of GW I can only think of one thing: the XL Female Techno Roider heads from Statuesque.


They have some tips over at the custodes sub too


It's mostly a consequence of custodes proportions already being very goofy Even their own normal heads with helmets off look... Slightly wrong. Like a cartoon bobblehead imo.


Nope. Tried Stormcast, they look too small as well. I have Escher box laying somewhere, but it'll be a pain to dig it out.


Nice to see! Some of the Stormcast heads would be great. Although, a full release of additional head options for Custodes (of all sorts) would be cool. Maybe some different helmets too?


I've tried Stormcast heads, both FW resin and GW plastic. They don't work, too small.


GW could be making some serious money off of custodes upgrade kits full of female heads.


Any heads, honestly. Give some cool options as an upgrade sprue. Folks would buy them for all manner of models.


My deathwatch sprue have fed two armies with nice heads. Plus the upgrade sprue have some decent looking helmets that I use a LOT on my DW army.


I would totally pay money for a sticker of the manly space marine on the manly space marine poster in the 2nd panel


The ones crying "woke" are the real tourists.


Oh no, never look GW employees in the eyes, it just encourages them


I mean, its the creativity of kitbashing models that most are here for.


When you see a nazi in the hobby ask them to return after going to the servitor factory will be much more meaningful discussion


If it's an official GW store, the workers need to chill on the 3D printed talk, no?


Most store owners are pretty cool and just really like the hobby, and being more amicable to people is legitimately just a byproduct of working with a more diverse group of people/customers in general. Also those plastic figures are probably worth their weight in gold, and I’m surprised they don’t arrive to the shops in GW branded armored cars.


"James workshop"💀


Turns out some hobbyists like sharing in their hobby more than getting in fights about it


[Warhammer is for everyone ](https://images.app.goo.gl/5WcxQYf9FYRiJtfd6)


Of course they have lady heads. They're not going to turn down sales, that's bad business.


this is obviously fake as a James Workshop employee would never endorse 3d printing James will know and smash their knees otherwise


I guarantee u the top picture guy also exists


Ignoring the third option: Why the fuck would my power-armored badasses not wear their helmets?


My GW store is run by a woman, has a very large diverse customer base, and is generally very accepting. Anyone who says warhammer is for men or a nerd hobby is full of it


This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside


Man, you just know that the most talented 3d sculptors are gonna come out with masterpieces to print your own femstodes. Probably also options for head sculpts too


A gw store guy talking about 3d printing? Don't let the boss hear about that


Almost as if beef on the internet is not reflective real people. I love the practicing community so much. you get to speak with people that doesn’t act tough because they are anonymous


Statuesque miniatures do female heads in 3 sizes could try them


apparently the Age of Sigmar Stormcast heads fit really well too


Aren't there stormcast lady heads?


What about stormcast heads? Shouldn’t they have the closest scale?


Space maids are one of my favourite fan made chapters, ...but lore integration wouldn't feel right....


at least in the uk, it seems to be the more north you go the more north you go the less gatekeepy and more queer the GW shops, would be interested to know where this was! (purely an anecdotal observation from my own experience, and possibly shaped by the fact that its spread over more than a decade of going to GW shops, in which time ive also moved more north)


If this is based on a real life story, it's made my day happier. Every time a new person joins the hobby, a star is born (yeah, it's cringe, fite me)


You'd have got the same response had you gone in before the change too ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Apparently there is a big enough tabletop community to have a brick and mortar shop in the middle of Oklahoma!


And that's how the hobby should be. Open, people having fun and supporting each other.


Finally, wholesome :)


God bless that store where is it so I can give them my business


Ha, this works on a lot of levels. Love the last frame. Totally a kitbasher knowledge dump on some poor newbie. Been there.


Vote with your wallet.


Best news I’ve seen all week.