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To be fair, It is quite difficult to have a canon image of creatures comprised of all living creatures' emotions and thoughts that reside in a non euclidean dimension Also, King Charles lol


It's been stated that the greater daemons were made in the image of the chaos gods. So probably something like that


Eh, I never liked the idea of greater daemons having a standard form. That goes especially for Lords of Change which are extremely lame design wise, it's supposed to be an incarnation of the concept of change and disorder and it's just a big fucking bird man. I know they have to have some base look for the purpose of modeling but they've repeatedly shown with other factions just how much variation/customization they can squeeze into a single model kit and having the most eldritch and weird of the chaos gods just have a lame bird for its greater daemons is dumb especially since most daemons of Tzeench are extremely weird and bare little resemblance to any real animal or creature.


What would you want the Lord of Change to look like?


One model with a shit ton of bits to make it in different combinations, some bat wings, some bird wings, some crab arms, some big ol' Hulk arms, robot legs, bird heads, a dragon face, ram's head, tentacles, too many eyes, no eyes, eyes in weird places, chicken legs, cat centaur, just a big ol crab, etc. In other words it should be kit bashed, or there should be a few models that represent unique Lords of Change.


Exactly this! Though I don't think you would necessarily need to make it a kit bash, just just include enough different limbs and sockets to have a wide array of options and encourage people to do so. Like an eldritch Mr Potato Head


10 numbers gives 1000 combinations, they would not need to add a crazy amount of parts to make so you probably never see one that is built the same.


So like the Daemon Prince with lots of customization options, only even more. That sounds fitting, especially given how weird Tzeentch's other daemons look. All of the his greater daemons being birds feels out of place.


Exactly this


All the models have no eyes, but the packs come with a shit ton of tiny googly eyes. You apply them as you see fit.


Like a chaos spaw- no, wait, we don't say that. Like one of the unspeakable things. Mouths, tentacles, eyes, feet and wings all over the shop. Lashing tails and many-toed arms, with claws and intestines adding a final layer of 'what the fuck'-ness. Or, basically, a lord of change should probably be an ever-changing mess of non-standard biology that can hurl powerful magicks in any and every direction like a world's worth of artillery, but due to the uncertainty of ever having enough eyes facing any given way, or for long enough, have absolutely atrocious aim and no sense of friend or foe. Basically, I really like the idea of the greater daemon of Tzeench (might have been Kairos Fateweaver?) who shows up and proceeds to ruin **everyone's** day. Friend or foe or bystander. Now mix that with constant, oft nonsensical, change (for the sake of change) and you'd have something like what I describe above. The strategy on tabletop would mostly be trying to get these things into the middle of the enemy army, where they're more likely to hit opposing models than your guys, with enough expendables escorting them to keep them from getting ganked. Playing Tzeench should be unbridled and highly destructive pure chaos.


Where did that meme where Chaos Spawn are treated as these things whose names shouldn't be spoken come from? I get that being a Chaos Spawn is a horrible fate but I don't recall seeing anything where saying the words "Chaos" and "Spawn" turns you into a one. Of course I say that while have Kirby around to scare the influence of Chaos away.


It's a 4chan thing. I missed the original wave of it on /tg/ by virtue of not being internet active at that age, but I got it vicariously from interacting with others who did and 1d4chan since then. Don't think there's any lore to it, it's just people goofing around. I think.


The lore behind it was that historically the rules for chaos spawn were just fucking awful, they were pricy points wise, had no armor whatsoever and had random movement, they were completely useless and this was a thing over multiple editions of the game. On top of that there was a result on the chaos boons table you roll for your characters and champions whenever they kill a unit or such during a game that turned them into one removing all of their gear and upgrades in the process. So they were just about the single most hated unit on the tabletop. But... Complaining about chaos spawn being awful is exactly the kind of thing that would get you turned into a chaos spawn by the dark gods, and since basically no one ever had anything good to say about them this meme was born.


I saw the gag on 4chan, I was just wondering if it was a reference to anything. I don't think there was even a page explaining where the meme came from and they typically did explain where memes originated from. Then again, some memes are just random jokes like most of the popular memes that came from Sony's awful Morbius movie.


See below


In the books, at least the good ones, they’re described as semi-corporeal with strange ever changing forms that make them nearly impossible to process mentally. The fact that somehow it translates to Red devil dudes on the tabletop is funny but understandable.


The one thing that Tzeentch gets credit for is that his weakest daemons are obscure ill-defined shapes and they gain more definition and theme as they gain power representing Tzeentch gaining more of a grasp on the physical world. It's just a shame the theme was "BIRB".


I guess, but way more incomprehensible. Specially Tzeench. Except maybe Slaanesh, who's form depends on what the observer considers perfect


That was only said for Greater Daemons of Nurgle, which makes sense because he is the god of stagnation and nothing changing. Same reason Nurglings and great unclean ones look so similar too.


We actually know vaguely what Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and possibly the other 2 look like because they’re depicted in the AoS battletomes. 


i mean we have already done it but its in age of sigmar for Tzeentch mostly and Slaanesh but Slaanesh is just as shadowy silhouette, with the Tzeentch one fitting the more common description of them


I just had a image of King Charles walking into Parliament and going Khornate on them.


Probably a net positive for the UK at this point. Could they send him this way to clean out our parliament in Aus too?


Sure. He'll be restoring the Empire afterall! And I'll smile when he shows up in Ottawa.


*Tea for the tea god. Biscuits for the biscuit throne*


Then where are they from, you can't just tease a fact like that and leave it half way


Blood for the blood god....


Skulls to Skull throne


However the old official tzeentch art looks almost exactly the same, pose and all


With all the inbreeding you would think Charles would be slanesshi.