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*For we are immortal.* Such a perfect way to end it.


Stolen?! Much like the puny empire you have built, the copypasta was never yours to begin with


Based and necron pilled


What does x-pilled mean?


It means that you’ve awoken to some new truth about the world. In this context the person is (jokingly) implying that the original comment gave them a new perspective on the Necron and opened their eyes to Necron superiority (i.e. Necorn-Pilled) Originally from the matrix, it is mostly associated with the 4chan anti-SJW/anti-“woke” crowd when used unironically. However, it’s gotten to the point where it’s more common to use it in a ironic and unserious way, like here.


Thanks for explaining!


Just in Sleepy immortal robots wake up and start causing shit, understandably everyone is fighting back. Necrons are pissed about this fact.


I really like the premise, Necrons wake up on a Forgeworld and who you gonna call to drive them back? The Mechanicus Crew!


Is there any relationship between: 1) The C’tan who persuaded the Necrons to give up their flesh and souls for metal immortality, and the 2) A remaining C’tan is allegedly sleeping under Mars 3) Humans on Mars form politically powerful and Imperially-authorized important Cult of the Machine god 4) Humans on Mars also modifying their bodies and making themselves more and more machine ??


yes to all of the above, the ctan void dragon


So the machine god IS the void dragon? Or is the void dragon influencing the machine god?


The void dragon has a model now. Is it gunna upset the Mechanicus cult dogma now that the machine god emerges and starts exterminating humanity?


Why would the mechanicus be upset? Remember part of the chant, 'we are already saved'. If the Machine God wakes in Mars, they'll probably help it.


there are no full catan, only shards and the void dragon that is on mars is just one (very very large) shard.


kind of? the void dragon shard on mars made tech go a bit nuts and the mechanicus interpreted that as the machine spirit. its kind of like worshipping the tv static caused by your neighbours nuclear reactor in the backyard also, the void dragon didnt convince the necrontyr, he made the necrodermis bodies themself, the convincing was done by the deciever


Omnissiah: tech god, mars Void dragon: tech god, dragon dragon of mars: dragon, mars makes you think


Deep stuff


The machine god as the mechnicus think of it dosnt realy exist. Every once in a while a human on Mars would dream up some crazy new invention (courtesy of the void dragon sleeping under their feet), which is why Mars was such a power house even during the dark age of technology. As the mechanicus started to form during the age of strife they interpreted these visions as a blessing (though probably less litteraly at first), these combined with the reverence of the red cloaked engineers that kept the life support running, gradually took on an religious bent and coalesced into the belief in a machine god.


See on one hand I think finally seeing something else besides chaos influencing fucking chaos influencing humanity out of micro cults, is super cool. It makes the C’tan feel more godly, adds another layer to the mechanicus for sure, and if big VD ever gets up then that’ll be huge as well as interesting for the setting. However I think that it’s a little fucked up that every other faction, including the fucking tau, are all somewhat correct in their religious beliefs except the mechanicus. Feels kinda like a kick in the dick, but also makes sense considering the superstition aspects of the mechanicus, so I’m on a mixed opinion for it.


Yes no maybe


The C’tan that tricked the Necrons into giving up flesh is named “the deceiver”. The one on mars is a (large) fragment of “the void dragon”. The void dragon’s is associated with machines, so it’s speculated that he is or has inspired the Machine God.


The theory is that Void Dragon is the one who influenced Mechanius to become what they are


1 - No 2,3,4 - Maybe Deceiver persuaded necrons to give up flesh, but on Mars sleeping part of Void Dragon, who's really good with machines and very highly likely somehow influenced AdMechs


It's not stealing if they are dead, it's called Archeology.


No that's grave robbing. Archeology is stealing from REALLY old dead people


Fortunately, the necrons are about as old as it gets. RELEASE THE BLOODRAVENS!


Just goes to show we're living in their heads rent-free!


Ah yes, we’ve added the copypasta to a certain gallery on Solemnace…


From the moment I first witnessed the interlopers, they disgusted me. Aeons we slumbered, waiting to reclaim our galaxy, only for it to become infested with vermin, that proliferated in our absence. Now we awaken to retake what is ours. Wretched abominations of meat and metal, shackled to ignorance by your faith. Do you truly believe you can stop us? We, who have shattered our very gods and enslaved them to our will. The stars were your when our empire was ascendant. And in the last of the night we alone will remain. For we are immortal.




Based necron overlord mentality.


I'll.be back to collect this meme.


yeah the whole speech was such a great rip off the original.


Another addition to our meme museum


Freaky ass necrons need to stay their ass inside 😡.