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I do not trust green-ish space marines talking about 'Grandfather'. No sireee


Oh shit Nurgle! Legitimate. But we’re just talking about salamanders. 🫡 ( as they completed side Nergal the Babylonian god, that GW got the name. From is a God of pestilence, but he’s also a god of war, lions, and the sun! … because of sunstroke killing you. Everything he is a god of kills. He is also referred to as the Lord of inflicted death. So natural deaths of old age or accidents are absolutely not his domain.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nergal 🙏❤️


>Nergal the Babylonian god He also is the god of getting your ass drained. In one of the stories, he went to visit ereshkigal, who fucked him for an entire week, and he was able to escape when she fell. Henceforth he became the god of death due to being Ereshkigal's partner.


Man,pre Abrahamic religions were wild,huh?


Abrahmic as well. Ezkiel 23:20 exists.


Also... The story of Job. Just that one should be enough right?


Not to mention revelations as a whole.


I mean, revelations is pretty standard fair for early iron age religions. Still, the Letter to Smyrnah is my favorite part of Revelations.


Genesis 19.  Angels come down to visit Lot, the townspeople show up wanting to fuck them, lot gives them his virgin daughters instead.  Him and his daughters later flee the town, one of the angels comes down to tell his daughters that Lot’s lineage must continue and he needs to have a son, so they should get him drunk and fuck him so they can get pregnant cause if he’s drunk and doesn’t remember then it’s ok. 


I see Jimmy Space had a point (burning churches).


You left out the part where, after he fled, Ereškigal literally threatened to unleash the zombie apocalypse if the other gods don't send back her boytoy.


Nergal, fuckboy of the gods. … yeah Nurgle is cooler. 🙏❤️


Damn, she really is just like her sister, Ishtar.


May the emperor's light be with you on this glorious cake day


This is going to be the most cringe thing ever, but I only got a Reddit account as a homework assignment for my masters degree program. And then it became Therapy . ( I have an actual therapist, but she’s very happy that I’m on Reddit.) What a long, strange trip it’s been in only seven years. Thank you for your kindness and may the odds ever be your favor . 🫡




Horned Ra- uhhh Emperor give you all the goody-treats, yes-yes!


But the grandfather loves you! He even brought you gifts! It's aids flavored bonbons!


What do you mean? They're really friendly guys, and they've got the best pets!


That kind of Grandfather does not tolerate fire in his domain. So I think salamanders are safe.


Definitely a Salamander, they actually keep in touch with their family. Dark Angels ain't about that.


There is the first Deathwing story, that explains why their armor is white and all that. Two Heads Talking and his tribesmen returns to their homeworld and fights off the genestealer cult taking over the planet. After destroying the cult, the remaining Dark Angels stay and becomes chieftains for each of their own tribes, so they can reteach them the old ways and again provided warriors worthy of the Dark Angels. Edit: [I found the story if anyone wants to read it.](https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/809524.page)


"Grandpa, the xenos are about to overrun. Any plans?" "The same way my grandpa did. Heavy flamer. Just like our founding fathers intended."


"Grandson, I am so, so proud of you for becoming the designated flamer trooper in your squadron"




I mean it can always be that he had a daughter that married off world. So the guardsman is his decented that wasn't fit to join any chapter, so he joined the guard to be a hero like gramps.


🫡 Friend, your head cannon is now mine. ( and honestly, if anybody is weirded out by a whole culture of teen dad, they could always save their sperm to continue the family line now that they’re becoming sterile and then get volunteers or paid surrogates to carry the babies later . These days plenty of actual soldiers freeze their sperm in case they’re genitals are blown off and they want to have kids.) That’s a brilliant solution I really appreciate you thinking about it. 🙏❤️


Always happy to help


I mean, this is the imperium we’re talking about. Teenage parents seem like they’d be a pretty common thing. And Nocturne is a feudal world too, so I doubt birth control is readily available


Wouldn't he be a great great . . . great UCLE because Astartes don't have kids but the Salamanders still keep in touch with their families.


Ah, but see being able to become ascend as late as 16 and the ability to freeze your sperm. Also, there have been talk of wives, which could be ceremonial, but that could also be adoption. You can adopt your nephews. Roman emperors did it. You make a great point! I went with grandfather because I wanted the feels . But I became a great uncle a few years ago to three beautiful little girls and I feel very proud indeed . I would certainly protect them if I had power armor. Honestly, I’m worried about them . At least one of them is showing the signs of autism and if you’re familiar with autism in women that is incredibly unusual that young . She has boy autism basically. I’m trying very hard to educate her parents, but yeah. I’m incredibly fucked up but that’s because I’m almost 50 and I wasn’t diagnosed until last year! Anyway, back to you thanks again for this comment! 🙏❤️


It's not hard to imagine what a sixteen-year-old boy's top priority is going to be if he's shipping out the next day. Or even if he's not shipping out the next day. Or even if he's got a sucking chest wound. Being sixteen was a fucking trip.


An Astartes initiate is generally in his late teens, meaning it's possible they could've sired offspring before their recruitment.


To expand on Salamanders family ties and such... space Marines are not castrated but rather psycoindoctrinated and some people have pointed out many times that the "family ties" on both Salamanders and Space Wolfs might be far more literal than the people are led to believe since both of those chapters famously considere psycoindoctrinstion a suggestion rather than a standard procedure... This might be far more cannon than we think.


Space marines are chemically castrated. This is an undeniable fact. (Downvoting me when I'm right? lmfao)


This is highly debated even today but there is no official source, at least that I have encountered, that explicitly says they are chemically castrated. While many sources point out the adoctrination directly or indirectly. Even if this is true for most chapters the Salamanders and the Space Wolfs do not follow the standard procedure and don't disclose which parts they do not follow, most of what we know about this comes from third parties like Remembrancers and even guardsmen. So until we find a canon source mention of the chemical castration for these two chapters it remains a somewhat plausible theory. Being completely fair, and knowing GW, they won't fully disclose this and will keep the community wondering because it's more fun that way (and give them a possible future thing to exploit)


HH Book seven inferno (on the subject of BOTH custodes and space marines) >Both are physically transformed well beyond 'natural' human limits in terms of strength, endurance and fortitude, and fitted for inhuman environmental adaption and resilience, though in this the Legio Custodes are the markedly superior of the two in might, if not in adaptability. Both are subject to extensive psychological and cognitive conditioning, and are **physically** and mentally reworked to render most of their baser drives inert and their beings rechannelled towards aggression, goal acquisition and the fulfilment of duty, **and as a further safeguard against distraction and as a biological control, both are of course incapable of procreation**. In both cases all that is left are beings of singular purpose; in the case of each Legiones Astartes, what is created is a living engine of conquest that cares for little else, and in the Custodian Guard, each is created protector of unrelenting diligence and savage capability-a watchman whose vigilance will never tire.


Still not a mention of chemical castration, after all this text says is that they get moved their *sex drive* both physically and mentally to channel such drive towards aggression and lobotomy would work far better for this task than castration. And again, even if this was the standard procedure Salamanders and Space Wolfs might not follow it


I love that image. Also that text is fitting, adds a new layer. I like it.


Thank you very much! Someone has kindly pointed out that it is not a salamander, but I think if we squint people get the meme. 🙏❤️


Yes. Grandfather is full of love. So come so he can make aaaaaaaaallllllll your pain go away. Come accept some gifts in the garden, it’s a wonderful place.


Ok, yes, come to papa Nurgle I get it. But this is just some wholesome saving private Ryan type bullshit . We all know that chaos Marines are wearing their grandchildren as garments if they have any. … yeah I really don’t wanna see the chaos version of this meme. I just frightened myself . But I hope you have a great day! 🙏❤️


>We all know that chaos Marines are wearing their grandchildren as garments if they have any. Hey man, love is still love.


You know this is a dark angel right?


No. I did not know. I was afraid because when I made this meme, I was super high, but I looked at pictures and to my slightly smeared glasses they looked identical. … can we pretend for meme purposes? Wait. It’s a salamander disguised as a Dark Angel!!! Check and mate Mr. Bond.


Wait, why is a Dark Angel helping a FALLEN soldier?


For meme purposes this Salamander is **disguised** as a Dark Angel. The story behind it would warp our minds it has been banned . The actual story is I was high.


Slaanesh talking to you again? You gots to be careful, lest you stray from the great horned Emperor!


The grandfather has a gift for you, rejoice!


Grandfather nurgles approves


Doesn't need to be Astra Millitarum, could be in the PDF


Brilliant! This is increasingly approaching canon . 🙏❤️


Happy cake day!


>Grandfather’s love is a powerful thing. Hold up.


Sure. Family emigrated and the grandson got drafted into the Imperial Guard of that planet.


Salamander: also I'm actually your great uncle I was taken before I could have children but I'm glad my brother finally found someone


Hey, that’s just as heartwarming! And honestly family is about a lot more than just “” blood. … I could actually see a lonely Salamander space marine who is entire clan was wiped out over the centuries being adopted/adopting a clan that didn’t have any space marines. That would be just as heartwarming. 🙏❤️


"Grandfather" becomes the title he's known by to an orphan tribe.


"I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate."


Guardsmen: that's so cool


Nurgle be like


Happy cake day my friend.


Chapter serfs. Duh. :P


Wouldn't he be a Uncle? Astarties are made when they're kids... *wait*


So, .Nocturne is a feudal world. They have children Young. And You can survive Ascension reliably as old as 16. In fact, the Spacewolf Gene seed is different it can tolerate older men. So many wolves have children because they had them before ascension and likewise salamanders are specifically noted as maintaining family ties, and there has apparently been mentioned of wives. There are many countries where 16 year-old can get married and have children irl. Also because salamanders become the leaders of their families/ clans in time and are seen as his living ancestors, it could be that they adopt their great great nephews and nieces . Roman emperors would do that. And finally, there’s always the frozen sperm option. If you know that you’re going to become sterile, you can always freeze your sperm even on a feudal world. They have the technology and a volunteer or paid surrogate could carry a child. 🙏❤️


I would like to think the adoptive option is the more likely. Thank you for explaining, I do genuinely like the wholesome side of Space Marines/the setting as a whole.


May the odds be ever in your favor. 🫡


Also just realised how I can add some interesting backstory for a player in a future wrath and glory game. They're fathers adoptive father was a Salamander Space marine, that's why the PC'S brother was taken in to become a neophyte but the PC was not fit enough to even attempt trials.


Few lore bits. Nocturnes not a feudal world. Salamanders take aspirants pretty young compared to most chapters. Iirc genetic testing and installation starts around 8-10. But that’s just based on wording. What’s the source on salamanders having wives? Not in any of their supplements, HH books, or 40K books.


Ah, i’ve seen 20 references to it on the forums, but maybe it’s the Throckmorton Effect. ( you know how people remember that there wasn’t a fascist Prime Minister in the UK for two years in the 50 s who was eventually assassinated by nuns?) But in all seriousness, I really have seen quite a lot of references to it, but it might be one of those rumors they got built on rumors but I suspect that it’s from the first edition so it’s like 20+ years ago and has never been followed up on it never will. But if I find it definitive source, I will , edit. I’m going to be completely honest with you. I have badly painted chaos marines in my basement somewhere and I have like 20 various role-play games but I am a noob. I make memes for Therapy and when I find a cool lower concept, I think of a meme, but I really appreciate you dropping the true lore on me. Perhaps I will go over to old hammer if anybody would know they would because they have their books right there. 🧐


Friend, I believe you, but the 40 K wiki says that they are a feudal world! https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Nocturne https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Feudal_World “A Feudal World is a planet into which the Imperium has not seen fit to introduce most advanced technology, although the advent of certain advanced medical technologies such as basic antiseptic agents is often an exception so as to keep such worlds' labour productivity high in the face of the odd plague or epidemic. Feudal Worlds are defined as those planets of the Imperium that have developed late Iron Age civilisations that are moderately technologically advanced while still remaining pre-industrial, having usually progressed as far as to discover or re-discover rudimentary gunpowder weapons.” Perhaps a recent Retcon?


Its not the case, don't trust the wiki I had to fight for YEARS to get them to actually follow the lore for nocturnian skin color. Its whatever the administrators personal headcanon is. Not actual fact. You should use the lex for any actual sourcing but even then they aren't always perfect. Lex only lists them as a deathworld which they 100% are. Nocturne is extremely civilized within its sanctuary cities and is at the level of a standard 40k city. Super high tech. Edit: Even in the "tribal" areas they are pretty high tech. Like necromunda ganger levels.


I’d really appreciate this. As somebody who doesn’t own all of the books that hasn’t been playing for years who wants to make memes that are funny but possible sometimes I really really appreciate you letting me know. Respect . 🫡


Love this. I'm a chaos/xenos man but Sallys are just the best


What Xeno race has the most heartwarming home life? 🙏❤️


What’s with you and this fixation on space marines procreating??


Hello. So I’m autistic and one of my special interest is sexuality and evolution . I’m (jn) famous for a meme about female spotted hyena genitalia on r/dndmemes I’m also a child sex abuse survivor and sex abuse survivors are often interested in sex. That’s one way that we can deal with unwanted shame. Reason why I become a sex positivity advocate with the approval of my Therapist. This meme is actually about Marines having children before Ascension. Salamanders have families now those could be the descendents of nieces or nephews. Now that I have answered your question, do you have anything to say about my hopefully heartwarming meme? 🙏❤️