• By -


After 21, though you can go right back to it. Based on my interpretation of the text.


I think what he's trying to say here is that in college, you need to work really hard for an advanced degree. That way, you can get into a highly paid career field and finally be able to afford all that plastic crack.


This is accurate.


Can confirm, finished uni, got a good job, bought a 3d printer and now my sea of shameful grey is forever growing


It sounds like you need a timeout from printing.


My printer agrees..but there’s always another cool model


I can kinda agree to this. I slacked off in my first year of uni and it backfired. Took a lot of effort but I did finish it


I dropped out and have been spiraling downwards ever since. Life is hell and i want to die. Good job!!


Yeah I over-corrected a bit so in the end I was even tutoring others and received offers to do end-of-semester assignments for them (Like I am going to do a weeks worth of work and risk expulsion for 50€ lol)




Nah, I think he really means joining the PDF at 16, and getting killed, disabled, or settled by 21.


Honestly, it's kinda like that. I remember spending a decent chuck of my teenage years trying to prove that I was into only deep and sophisticated things or sometimes only ironically. Only for it to one day click that likeing things is cool actually and people who don't have any passions or hobbies or special interests are kinda off putting. I can guarantee you that whoever wrote the tweet is probably someone in their teens who wants to feel like an adult but doesn't really what being an adult means.


From what I’ve seen, those *”you have to focus on grinding and monetizing every moment of your life”* types are almost always infinity chasing due to their monstrous lifestyle inflation. (orb because they don’t have anything else going for them in life). And most of them die dissatisfied and trying to cash wash their history/legacy. Work hard and all that jazz sure, but have reachable goals that actually bring you joy and fulfillment. As they always say *”you can’t take it with you when your time finally comes.”*


There’s something very Slaaneshi about it imo. Grind, grind, grind. Work harder, work faster, work better. Monetize everything in your life. Be more alpha, be more sigma, be more whatever Greek letter is popular this week. Okay, but what is it for? At a certain point it stops being about diligence and making an honest effort, and starts being about grinding for grinding’s sake. Or more exactly, about how you will *never* be good enough. There’s always another sliver of metal and physical health that you can sacrifice to T H E G R I N D, so keep sacrificing—until there’s nothing left of you at all.


>Or more exactly, about how you will never be good enough. There’s always another sliver of metal and physical health that you can sacrifice to T H E G R I N D There aren't a lot of movies that leave a life long lasting impression on me, but one of the films that did was Cool Runnings, specifically Irving's talk with Derice about "being good enough", and I think the scene truly does speak for itself. https://youtu.be/tYRtTqx-IK8?si=TkpJue2Fa9vvRFqZ&t=21


The original Emperor's Children mindset (and, to a large extend, Iron Warriors) that caused their very corruption and downfall.


There is a psychological phenomenon called hedonic adaptation where people tend to return to a relatively stable level of happiness or satisfaction despite major positive or negative events or life changes. So it really is true that money doesn't buy happiness.


I think the opposite is more a firm rule than Money buy happiness. Lack of Money causes unhappiness. You can adapt, but being unable to pay bills will always be a pain point no matter how much you can develop a social net to assist.


Diogenes staked his life on that question and he was pretty happy. He was also a bit of a prick. But he was happy and great people respected him even though he lived in a pot.


The fact is they had it easy when they were doing their grinding and monetizing a such and got rewarded for it with a house and stable income to afford it and luxuries. We on the other hand are doing slave labor for no good results while they don’t understand why we aren’t like them because they have no idea how the economy works


They have an idea of how the economy works, they just don't care because they can just blame it on whatever the news tells them. They don't think it is~~n't~~ the 1% that basically sets all of our pay and determines how much money flows into the economy, it's the government and their interest rates that are holding "small companies" from paying. If it isn't the millenials who are lazy which has been the rhetoric since 2007 then it's minorities bringing drugs and bad culture, then it's women wanting rights, then it's back to younger generation like Gen Z and millenial again. edit- grammar


That’s…accurate to me, actually. I spent so long watching and reading my“intellectual” or “thought-provoking” media to somehow prove my intellectual worth but when I turned 18 I just realised no-one but me and randoms on the Net gave a shit about what I liked. And the opinions of randoms on the Net are worth jack. So that’s how I got into plastic crack. (I am aware that by the logic of this comment, I am a random on the Net to you and thus my opinions are worth jack. Feel free to ignore my opinions, which are worth jack.)


When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” - C.S. Lewis


It's ambiguous. Should one simply get rid of the childish ones and replace them, or must one quit entirely? Is it exclusive to the specified age range? Does the textual evidence of the comma separating "Warhammer" from "video games" defeat the clear purposive intent? Pour one out for *Chevron.*


Once you're 21, you have adult money, so you can afford even more Warhammer!


>embrace adulthood Be depressed all day


I once told my MIL that if you feel like an adult, that means you're cold and dead on the inside. I stand by it.




I felt like an adult once we had a kid. Two reasons: I was super fucking tiredness and I was suddenly in charge of not letting someone die which was the reason I was tired.


Word. Do we still say word?


You're so brave for this


Ouch, right in my cold dead heart.


If we really want to talk about 'acting like an adult', I would say that one of the most fundamental virtues of maturity is the ability to balance the need to assert your own identity with compromising for the mutual benefit of everyone. Because they don't have enough development and experience yet, children flip-flop between only caring about themselves and desperately trying to prove themselves to be some measure of 'cool' even at the expense of their genuine preferences. Becoming an adult means learning what we ourselves are and to curtail it only when it would otherwise trample over others and our obligations to them. Given that, I would not say this guy is speaking with very much maturity.


I can guarantee that this comment you just wrote is more insightful and thought-provoking than anything that chud will ever write. Thanks for this.


That describes boomers in a nutshell


Misery loves company.


> embrace adulthood Let your boss fuck you over


Well if you aren't suicidal, then how will social security stay afloat?


Fuck *you* in particular. I'm going to extract whatever dopamine I can from my brain however I see fit. And if it's my Ultra-dorks getting curbstomped once a weekend or a couple rounds of Helldivers with my buddies, then y'all can eat my ass like a delicate European pastry.


Amen brother! Preach! A little louder for the folks in the back! Sincerely, your sentiments and mine line up perfectly on this issue.




Fucking poetry! Suck it Shakespeare!


YES! LOUDER! THIS SILENCE OFFENDS SLAANESH! (Nope, I'm not trying to corrupt anyone towards the Chaos God that is not, by the way, my favourite. Trust me.)


Do I have to not like your hobbies to eat some pastry?


Having something else in one's life other than work and duties is essential. Something to decompress. Better plastic crack than real crack.


Real crack is so rough on the teeth. And the economy is in shambles.


This person acknowledges that and says 'get a real hobby." Now what in the world a real.hobby is I can't possibly fathom. I think it's just an old man yelling at a cloud because all his buddies have died or gone senile and no body like his specific hobby anymore.


I am speculating, but a "real hobby" for this person is probably something "adult", like hunting, bowling or alcoholism. I can imagine them yelling at squirrels to get off their lawn.


This Reminds me of a quote from CS Lewis “When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”


C. S. Lewis confirmed teller of ass eating.


Couldn’t have been written any better. Kudos.


Hail, Necron Lord. Prithee, dost thou haveth yon anus for said Chucklefuck referenced above to consume?


Hail. Ugh, carbon based sapients and their over-compensated languages, complexity trying to add up for the illusion of intelligence, I shan’t even dedicate a minor percentage of my neural capacity on deciphering this… Fine. Indeed, they can consume my metallic pelvic bone in a similar manner to that of a pastry, you dumbly-overcomplicated simian…I shall admit your point.






*mechanicus soundtrack plays* Y̴̡̛̳͍̘̳͖̮̝͈̮̠͙͚͖̺̏̋̔̀̍͊̐̓͛͋̈́̎̏͛̚͝ͅ ̸̙̞̰̳͊̉̑͆̇̈̋̌̿̌͗͐̀͂͆͂̔͒̊̓̌͝e̸̡̡̻͇͓̤͊̄ ̴̻̮̲͍̞̺͍̹̘͙͕͚̂̀̂̐̀̊̃́̒͝ś̶̜͒̃̓́͘͘ ̷͍̩̥̟̼̺̰̲͓̺̄͌͊̇̍͌͑́̑͒̔̑͑͐̒͘̕͜ͅͅ (…)


A man who says video games are childish is a man who has never played Stardew Valley.


Ah yes, all those children under 14 who have the attention span and disposable income to assemble, paint, and play Warhammer...


I was close to that once. My mom got me the Ork army kit when I was like fourteen. I got a lot of it assembled and painted, but not all of it, tbf.


I’m curious did you actually play a game of it or did you just do your own thing or something. I tired playing with my cousins army but I had gotten so bored of all the things back when I was 9.


I had a bunch of friends all start at the same time. I played a bunch but wasn’t very good at mob tactics (or tactics in general).


The Battle for Skull Pass, omigawwwwd. Got it for $40. Troll-dude, shaman dude, warrior dude, 40 spear goblins, 20 archer goblins, 10 spider riders. Found a guy who likes dwarves. Traded. DOUBLED MY GOBLINS. BREAK YOURSELF UPON MY WALL OF CHEAP MINIONS.


I did warhammer when I was about 10-12 or so. I only played maybe three or four times, with friends or my brother, but we did do painting days and such off and on throughout that time and had a lot of fun with those.


I started with Warhammer when I was 13


When I was 12 I was working under the table to pay for my plastic crack


I started playing at 11 🙂 birthday and Xmas presents were pretty much the only way I could get anything though


Obligatory: >“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. >And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. >When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” * C. S. Lewis


This is great, thanks for the awesome quote!


Wagner stan seems to have our hero on the ropes. Looks like it's all over folks.  BUT WHAT'S THIS? An Aslan fan coming out of nowhere with a steel chair!!!


Or a Silver Chair in this case!


“Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch”


Saying in all seriousness, young people should be more inspired by people like C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton (just to name a *very few*) instead of paying attention to Chaos cultists disguised as Imperial loyalists like, ugh, Andrew Tate or Sneako...


Two of my most favorite authors for sure. They are men I aspire to be like over the modern ideas (whatever they may be). I think the world now could use more of their sentiments like this.


I think it was also C.S. Lewis who said something like "fantasy doesn't teach children that dragons exist, because they already know that. Fantasy teaches children that dragons can be beaten."


G.K. Chesterton definitely said it, and it’s very much possible that C.S. Lewis has also said something similar paraphrasing


Thanks, was scrolling to check if it needed posting.


Such a good quote. Timeless wisdom.


I was looking to see if anyone posted this quote.


This is all that needs to be said on the matter.


I trust C. S. Lewis a hell of a lot more than this bozo.




Im hearing this in tts dorn voice.


As you shoul


Fuck, the GW hit squad got h


or emperor tts voice: nonononononononononono


I was there, Gandlaf. I was there the day the strength of Men failed.


Who invited Withers?


At a certain age, so long as your hobbies aren’t hurting anyone, one must realize that the opinions of grumpy old codgers about what you do with your free time are irrelevant. Embracing adulthood doesn’t mean getting rid of what you loved as a kid. It means you get to add more things to what you love and appreciate the things you’ve always loved in new ways. New dinosaur facts? HYPE. Awesome vacuum cleaner? HYPE. Great deal on a mini? HYPE. Great deal on high quality socks? HYPE. New Star Wars stuff? HYPE. New tool for the workshop? HYPE. Life is too short to rid yourself of joys because some fusty old contrarian doesn’t approve of them.


Now for the all important question every person must answer, but is all to often left unasked. What is your favourite dinosaur?


Well, I’m a big fan of the azhdarchid pterosaurs (AKA giant flying murderheads) because who wouldn’t love a quarter ton animal that stands as tall as giraffe and has a wingspan comparable to a Cessna? My boy *hatzegopterx* was the apex predator on Hateg Island! Absolutely fantastic dinos. But the pedants out there will say “uh actually that’s a flying lizard not a dinosaur” and to them I say “sure, you’re technically correct, but you’re also being a jerk.” So if we’re being taxonomically correct, I stick with the classic *tyrannosaurus rex*. One of the most successful predators of all time, classic theropod, absolutely iconic. So iconic that the debate over whether or not it had feathers is definitely influenced by paleontologists’ mental image of their favorite dinosaur from childhood. (The last article I read posited that it was too large for a full feather coating - it would’ve trapped too much heat - but it definitely had some feathers.)


That is a much more detailed answer than I expected, thank you. And thank you for predicting my pendantic ass lol


I’ve never gotten over the big frill of Dilophosaurus. I got to hold a frilled lizard once and about pissed myself in excitement just because it’s the next best thing.


Utahraptor probably. Big ass mormon lizards?! Count me in


Allosaurus, they're cool as fuck


Absolutely a top-notch dinosaur. One of my druid PCs has one as an animal companion.


A while back I was shopping and got, among other things, a Baneblade kit and new kitchen chairs. I was equally hyped for both of them, and it kinda surprised me.


Insert "no, I dont think I will"


I am an adult. I choose my intrests and hobbies as I see them fit. You don't like it, embrace adulthood and stop whining about other people.


If you want to become a boring soulless Husk of a man do as he says The moment we stop playing, having fun we start to fall apart. Shit that makes us happy should not be abandoned what a complete joyless twatwaffle that guy is.


“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown-up.”-C.S. Lewis.


Says the dude who simps for a dead person


And not even a fun dead person.


karl böhm can suck a fat one edit: the dude in the tweet, who is apparently not karl böhm but just a fanboy, can suck a fat one


Karl Böhm has been dead for 40 years. This is just a dude who defines himself by being a superfan of an Austrian composer. You k ow, manly and adult stuff.


what a frightfully joyless life this person must lead.


"Be as miserable as I am!" I've yet to encounter anyone who is so anti-fun things and so pro be-a-grown-up who was remotely happy with their life. It's part of the reason why they always feel the need to comment, badger and bully people into giving up stuff they like. I take great joy in treating their comments with the appropriate level of mocking contempt and highlighting how they seem so miserable so why would I copy anything they do.


Thank you for articulating my thoughts so well! I agree wholeheartedly. Even his profile picture reveals this insight !


“There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t be childish sometimes” - Doctor Who


\*clutches Warhammer games, Japanese collectible dollfies, and Helldiving ID tightly\* **NEVER!**


Literally who?


A guy on Twitter LARPing as a man who’s been dead for 40 years. Using his identity to be a snobbish asshole.


A real grown-up is not ashamed to have childish hobbies.


Being an adult just means you can do what you want, but you have to assess if you want to live with the consequences. If I'm seen as childish, that's my problem, and I don't care about it at all.


So no worries if your older than 21?


I feel like 'listening to wannabe twitter philosophers' is one first things you should rid yourself of once you're old enough to understand that their ideas are stupid.


Who is this guy and why does anyone care about his opinion?


"Get real hobbies, read real books" What a massive ass you must be to think this sentence and then think to yourself "yeah this is good stuff, I should post it online".


"Real Book" i dont know what that Fossil of a Stegadon thinks is a "Real Book" i can assure ye that me Chaos codex is the thing that got me into reading fics and stories. i say that it only brought me good.


>i dont know what that Fossil of a Stegadon thinks is a "Real Book" Many the infinite and the divine, or maybe the Eisenhorn books.......


This is true, but at around age 30-40, when you have a job, money, a wife , children. You can get right back at it. But to be fair people that let random twitter users tell them how to live their life are really pathetic....


They say misery loves company


What a sad, joyless motherfucker.


So, in other words, to be an "adult" in his eyes, one must get rid of everything that brings you even the slightest glimpse of joy? No wonder the babyboomers and older generation became so grumpy if this is their definition of adulthood. Beeing an adult just means you can do what you want, but in the process, you have to learn what you should or shouldn't do. If I want to spend money on overpriced plastic, I'll do so. If it makes me look childish to others, that's my own fault, and I have to assess if I can live with it.


Who is this dinosaur ??


To quote C. S. Lewis, *“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”*


Thank you! Was about to go looking for just this quote to post.


Who is this bozo, and who allowed his ancient ass to have a phone?


give me five actually good fact driven evidence based proven reasons why i should forsake childhood pass times in adulthood and i will


When Normies come to some consensus on what qualifies as a real hobby and a real book, I’ll get right on that.


“Do something worth remembering” said the man spending his time on *fucking Twitter* without a hint of irony or self-awareness lmao


I mean... I think that's pretty accurate. Puberty kicks in, we learn about girls, drop the nerdy shit. Then midlife kicks in, you've long since realised girls are gone, women are hard work, and you pick up all the nerdy shit while now being actually able to afford it!


Warhammer is the game of 28 to 60 year olds. As only they may afford the models and books.


Apparently having honest joy and fulfilling things in your life is less important than impressing some old joyless farts with how serious you are.


And get *real gay* for a music trend from 300 years ago. What a hipster dick.


I think my kids enjoy the big kid that still is a part of me and makes me a better parent as a whole. Don't take advice from internet people. You do you.


Eat shit Karl


Of all the "adult hobbies" he could have chosen, this man chose blandness and boredom, wrong choice.


I'm 35 and I will do whatever I damn well please.


Get a real hobby, such as... Telling adults how they should be spending their time, on twitter.


adults don't exist and we should stop pretending they do


This is true,


They're my fleeting moments of joy and I'm going to use them however the fuck I wish.


I think it was Wilde who said that the abandoning of "childish things" is an inherently childish act, and that a *real* adult wouldn't care if the things they enjoyed were childish so long as they brought joy. So in short, you can pry my hobbies from my cold dead hands.


After you become a grown up you can rid yourself of childish things... Like wanting to act grown up


I mean, why not both? I have a doctorate and three master's degrees, work as a 'serious researcher', and the people in my life most willing to discuss physics, philosophy, literature or join-in on creative hobbies aren't my 'serious post-grad' friends or colleagues from work. No, it's the same dorks of all shapes and sizes that I met online or LFGS type of things and play 40k or other TTGs with. Hell, even all but two of the women I dated were either from metal scene or RPG scene, with a significant overlap, because they're much more fun to talk to. Adult means doing whatever you want with your time and money and close people, and if it's something you brought from 'childhood', do it. If it's newfound love for classics, do it. Just don't be boring, and remember to have fun. Life is meaningless without indulgence; For The Prince!


Who the fuck is this guy


Some dude, who thinks he's relevant and can tell people how they should spend their lifetimes on X.


Counter offer: All global conflicts are settled by warhammer tournaments where the nations start with point values scaled to their military spending/capacity. The military-industrial complex has nothing to complain about because they’re still making their money. The leaders of any nations who don’t agree to this treaty will be locked in a particle accelerator until something interesting happens. Vote for me 2028.


Nah. Only men with fragile egos think they have to "man up" and do "manly things" that they might not even like just to hold a fake image of themselves. I do think that a real man keeps doing what he likes in spite of whatever the others think. You like to drink? drink, don't like it, don't do it. You like collecting and building legos? do it. Nothing is more manly than be yourself and also your best best self.


Has he seen the price of Warhammer? It's a hobby *for* adults, most sets are way outside the pocket money price range!


He's a Nurgle worshipper, I am sure of it. Never grow up! Not if this is what it means.


The least manly trait is caring how other people perceive you.


"There comes a time in every life to put aside childish things, including the fear of being childish."


As always remember most European philosophers (especially the French and Germans) shouldn't be allowed unsupervised within a school district, let alone near children. Dr nutso just wants some "adults" that he's allowed to interact with.


>do something worth remembering Guy simps over a dead Nazi sympathizer on twitter and feels he is in a position to tell others what to do with their lives.


Does this fuckin smoothbrain actually think anyone under the age of 21 has the disposable income to sustain a Warhammer habit?


Hate this toxic masculine talking point that goes. "Adult men aren't allowed to have fun they should work to death or die in war!" Let people enjoy things.


He’s saying that your armies get outdated, and you have to replace the whole line. Sounds like GW marketing


Who the fuck is this to tell me how to live My life?


Why, Karl? What for? What have you accomplished that changes the fabric of reality, redfining existence, and adding merit and worth to an action? Last I checked, nothing means anything, and only fools kid themselves into believing their life has any sort of meaning. What does the universe care about yours, or anyone's accomplishments. More importantly, what do I care?


When I became a man I put aside childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.


Who can afford Warhammer from 16-21??


The fear of being seen as childish is itself a childish fear. To be an adult means telling Karl there to eat bolt shells because I am going enjoy my hobby.


Karl Bohm Respektor can suck my asshole and lick my balls


It's funny and depressing how these quotes always come from old people whose young adulthood years were filled with indulgent alcoholism


He said that “one must rid himself”. Luckily I’m not male. Checkmate, Karl


And yet he hasn't thrown away his twitter


How to become not only insufferable, but also insufferably boring


For a guy named Respektor ...he s not very respectfull


I could not afford Warhammer until I was well into my twenties, so, nope, shut tf up


Get rid of Warhammer, embrace historical wargames


I wonder what this lifeless failure considers to be a real hobby


These kind of people are the most frustrated, when they come back home they do nothing but complain and when they can stay home they have literally nothing to do but shut their brain off and watch tv passively instead of being invested in anything, then will get mad at you for doing anything fun


A real hobby being what?


Shittiest take I've read today, don't listen to this folks, enjoy whatever makes you happy, as Elbert Hubbard said: "Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive"


What a miserable life people like him must lead.


I already read. Though I bet most of what I read he'd ban or burn. I also read Warhammer books, because it's slightly less expensive than the models.


I gave up my warhammer when i was 14 thinking it was uncool and childish… now an adult I’m so deep into the hobby it’s literally 2 armies of boxes still to make up…


I have no idea who Karl is but he can suck my taint. The world sucks enough without depriving yourself of joy intentionally


What a terrible take


Most of us didn't even have the cash to get into warhammer until 25 lol


This is a child’s idea of what being an adult is. That view of being an adult that is “work all day, don’t eat sweets, and dress in a suit with a briefcase”


Fuck you Karl.


Or...I can say F you Karl, and live my own life.


Disrespecting the greatest emperors name


>"Adult books are about sad people having affairs while kids' books have a magic tree house or a worm driving an apple. you tell me who's winning"


Does he respect all bohms? Or just the fat ones?


Wait till he meets the married 65 year old Craftworld player with a beer belly at my FLGS.


My job is making videogames.


I waited until I was almost finished with my first 20+ year career to start this plastic crack addiction. I can’t “afford” it still, but I can’t afford a lot more of it than I could at 16-21…


That's like, your opinion man


>Man only plays when he is in the fullest sense of the word a human being, and he is only fully a human being when he plays. -Friedrich von Schiller


A sign of maturity is knowing that people don’t care if you read comics or watch cartoons and get excited about action figures. They care about weather you are a responsible adult who can pay their bills. They care weather you are the kind of person who nice to be around or who just makes you feel terrible. They care weather they can count on you if they are in trouble or weather you would leave them out to dry. Only a child worry about looking cool and mature. An adult worry about paying their bills and helping out their family and friends


This is why I do poker and hookers. Real hobbies like fuggin people so they remember me


The moment I figured out the truth about adulthood is when I realized that adults are just aged adolescents that mimic the behaviors & habits of their parents' generation to appear respectable in "adult society" to access reputation, money and power. Boomers that were hippies back in the day are the best example of this. I have met many and some are/were good friends. Some have risen to very respectable and important levels in society. They appear in public as serious and stalwart as their Greatest (GI) generation parents appeared to be. But you get a group of them together in an informal setting and you can see the authentic personalities come out like it's 1967. The happiest are those who never stopped doing the things they loved when they were 17.


Translation: Everyone in the world must behave in such a way as to make me comfortable.


This guy sounds like a joyless cunt


What a depressing attitude to have


What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.


"...a little nonsense, now and then, is cherished by the wisest men..."