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You see that guardsman is not experiencing xenophobia at the moment. He is experiencing terror because he is about to die


Xenophobia is a bit less irrational when mutant space bugs liquify your entire planet or fungus Orks enslave the world to harvest your teeth


No thats my point. It's not xenophobia if it's justified. Xenophobia is specifically irrational


Exactly, xenomisia, (Xeno, hatred) is more fitting


It’s almost as if the whole thing was written as a joke about Margret Thatcher.


How dare you!? Umie teef aren't worth anything, they are enslaved to make ammunition I think you will find. Ammunition to kill mor umies and enslave even more of them. Perfectly reasonable.


Human teeth are low to near no valor for the orks, so probably only enslavement


Redemption, in a way?


My brother in Christ, you killed all the aliens who weren’t berserker mushrooms, killer bugs, and literal fucking demons


"That lasgun in your hands has wiped out 99% of Xeno's in this Universe Soldier. Sadly, you are up against the final 1%."


That was a fantastic line.


What's it from?


Brickys 40K timeline video.


After a quick Google search, nothing- it's original


Along with all the humans who disagree.


Along with all the humans who agree! ![gif](giphy|9vYUOwXVK2hGw)


Or look "funny" or act "funny" or speak "funny"...


Or are funny


Except for the Jokaero. They can stay.


And the cat people, we can’t live without the cat people


it's the brain parasites... worse than the enslaver plague i tell you.


Fascist Theocracies have no use for humor!


My fav headcannon is that Lasguns arent terrible weapons afterall... They just killed everything that doesn't have some sort of resistance to them.


That is literally canon.


"the lasgun in your hands have killed and exterminated 99 percent of all of humanities enemies. Unfortunately for you the 1 percent that's left is resistant to lasgun fire"


Either that or the multiply like rabbits during mating season


Lasguns will blow off human limbs if they hit you


Depends on the author lmao, otherwise it just works like a regular gun


Also isn't it a case of "if it in our Earth, it an overkill weapon but because it in Warhammer 40k its the weakest weapon around"?


Inconsistencies in lore have been explained in two ways. First being that of the thousands of lasgun patterns in existence not all are built equal. Second is that lasguns have power settings, ranging from "you HAD a torso" to "slightly worse than sunburn". I also remember somewhere stating the high power settings cause greater wear and tear on the guns, and naturally as a lasgun is worth more than a soldier's life a lot of regiments instruct guardsman to keep the weapons on lower setting.


The Kinebrach, the Oretti, the Diasporex, and the people of Traynor's Rest and Caldera all would like a word -- oh, they can't, 'cause they're dead.


In the end. It’s humanity’s fault for thier problems.


Life never gave us lemons! We invented them all by ourselves! https://preview.redd.it/si23p3offq9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7635aa5270a828febf4b40b9de81b9d8c5c1342


[A lemon is a cross between a citron and a bitter orange, which means...](https://youtu.be/HNEzD5n6SAs?feature=shared)






*hip thrusts the air victoriously*


Then the lemons were scattered across the galaxy by the forces of disrule to thwart our plans for lemonade. A tale as old as time.




Technically the Old Ones and the C'tan made those lemons. The Eldar made some lemons too. Also the Tyrannid lemon got thrown into this galaxy. Humanity is like the character in stardew valley, "inheriting" a farm FULL of lemons instead of trees and weeds. It's no wonder the Emperor didn't want anymore lemons to grow.


Exactly. They killed all the rational xenos and are now surprised that the irrational ones want to kill them.


You see, it's not that humans are not the bad guys, they are, it's just that there are worse things out there right alongside the vengeful remnants of those we genocided before


Actaully if I remember, the ones who didn't want to expand Actaully got soared by big E. Problem is this reality basically only allows the worst of mankind to survive. The Imperium is all the worst of humanity, boiled to the surface due to the cruelty of a cruel and hateful reality. The fact that compassion is even possible is a testment to human will. Eitherway only ones who lived are the lucky ones who didn't run into the demons, bugs, death robots, "nice" space caste aliens who were the lucky ones before. Kinda like humanity before you know the AI said. "Hey you see all this nice star trek Civilization you have? How about we just you know kill all life because life makes chaos and we need to kill choas."


Except this isn't the case. Groups like the Interex were *more* aware of Chaos than the Imperium was, (aside from Big E). In part because of this, they made allegiances with Xenos races, used non-genocidal quarantine solutions to omnicidal Xenos like the Megarachnids. In effect, they faced everything the Imperium had. The difference was that they didn't have an Emperor demanding sole and central rule over every planet in the galaxy.


Yeah humanity super genocided all the aliens that aren’t a super hostile war species.


Turns on, when you're a bloodthirsty empire that only sees yourself as the only thing with the right to live the only other alien species that can survive around you are species that are just as bloodthirsty and brutal as you, who would've thunk it huh? Not to mention the whole Chaos thing, kinda brought it on yourself too


Yeah, it seems like all the aliens in 40k are hyper militaristic and xenophobic. Whatever happened to the nice, cooperative aliens? Was there some sort of expansionist genocidal empire that tried to exterminate all forms of alien life or something? That deliberately slaughtered anyone who would cooperate with xenos? That turned sentient races into medicine?


Impossible. I'm sure if there was ever such an era they'd write about it. Perhaps it could even be as long as an entire book!


God I would love a Great Crusade prequel series set before the HH books


I wouldn’t. Look it sounds awesome but I can’t do another 50 books of space marine wank after we just finished the last one.


I think it would be interesting to see more non-space marine stories from that period for sure. Some of my favorite bits in the first few Horus Heresy books were the stories of remembrancers, bureaucrats, and soldiers doing the grunt work of the crusade. I would love to see a story about an Imperial Army garrison who have to deal with an Ork invasion after the crusade fleet has left, or some palace intrigue on Terra as word spreads that the Emperor is planning to retire from leading the crusade. You could do a great warhammer crime/warhammer horror book set inside of the Navigator's quarters on Terra, or a Titanicus-style story about an Imperial envoy to the Mechanicum helping to set up a new forge world and accidentally provoking the ire of some horrific xeno race.


I seem to recall hearing that now that the Heresy series is done they wanted to start a Unification Wars series...


Yeah, it was those filthy eldar's fault the galaxy is like this!


The medicine race you refer to was actually not only spared by the Imperium (even after the medical effects were discovered) but outright put under Imperial protection. Then the Horus Heresy happened and poachers hunted the race to extinction. A startling parallel to real life. This is that one incident though. The Imperium are very much evil and genocidal, and many innocent races were genocided just for existing, but the medicine race was killed by poachers against Imperial law.


Hmm, makes you wonder, but does the imperium have any other sanctioned Xenos groups in current lore that are just left to their own devices?


If you weren't already aware of them, there's the Jokaero. The Imperium largely (but not completely) leaves them alone as they produce useful tech for the Inquisition and the Imperium isn't *officially* sure whether they're sapient or not. (Individuals are aware the Jokaero are sapient though).


Jokaeros are basically seens as space monkeys, not an intelligent specie yeah.


Yes, by the Imperium as a whole. But there's plenty of novels and shorts where an Inquisitor or tech priest or whoever knows better, and they're not inclined to tell.


Far as I know that was their situation with the Leagues of Votann, as the Imperium allowed the Demiurg (one particular League) to go about trading with both the T'au and the IoM more or less freely.




Then you've got some like the Tarrelians who BECAME a nuisance solely due to the imperiums failed attempt at genocide.


"Blow up my home planet would you!?"


"that's rather a bit cringe, innit?"


Or the hruds


The Imperium of man are bad because somehow they are just as fucked up as the berserker mushrooms, planet eating bugs and literal demons. Everyone faction is evil.


For real, even the Tau would be stock movie bad guys in any other Sci-fi franchise from Babylon 5 to Aliens. I mean think the mega corporations in Aliens are bad? How about a caste based expansionist alien empire where you can never leave or resist the Greater Good.


Indeed. And yet many alien races are willing to sign up because at least the Tau won't exterminate them fit existing like the Imperium does. Not saying the Tau are good just saying everyone is different shades of awful.


But then if you embrace the greater good, life is pretty awesome


It's called The Greater *Good*. How can it be bad? It's not called The Greater Bad.


Stop resisting Gue’vala. We’re the best. No one alive has disputed this.


Otherwise itll be called the breaking bad


Megacorps is The Votaan. Tau are Space scientologists


This, the Tau, as you said, would be the bad guys in a more optimistic sci-fi franchise. The Votann are essentially the megacorp from James Cameron Avatar films, willing to destroy planets for resources and these two are the 'lighter' factions in the setting.


The problem with claiming Tau are evil because their policy is 'Join Us Or Else' is that everyone else's policy is just 'Or Else'.


This but unironically, they're that bad. If you disagree, go live on the lower levels of a hive world stinky


It's actually (kind of) the other way around in hive Tarsus on scintilla. Because it is in a desert and really hot, all the nobles got down into the lowestmost areas, where they are cooling down the environment so much that going "outside" without a big coat would freeze you. On the top, they built a bigass cathedral, though, which is actually the main ecclesichal building in the callixis sector. Therefore, the hive is more like a misery sandwich.


Imperium is certainly a shitty time to be human. But like any ancient time in history, there are levels of autonomy one could achieve with effort and luck.


Still a misery sandwich, though ![gif](giphy|XRKWmpN7NrJhm|downsized)


Even for nobles, it is a misery sandwich. Because Inquisition and the fact it may take forever (or never) for a call to aid to come.


You also have to constantly be worrying about all of your peers and potentially family putting a knife in your back. Maybe for personal gain, maybe cause you're an insufferable prick, maybe just because they're petty and imagined you said something mean about them to your "friends"


I mean, when you lobotomize billions of people on a single planet to be your computers because you fear computers (while also using computers conveniently called machine spirits) - among everything else the Imperium does… Yeah.


The word "the" in "the bad guys" is confusing OP ;)


Honestly and i'm being perfectly honest here, reading the lore it really does kinda sound like being an Ork in any of the Ork societies is about a gazillion times better than being a regular human in most Imperium Strongholds


Whoa whoa whoa, hold the front door. Death Guard are just jolly, gift giving, antifa super soldiers. Nothing evil here


That the only one left after you killed all the peacefull one


And for every one of those, there’s millions more aliens in the galaxy that were minding their own damn business that the Imperium decided to violently wipe out for no other reason than their golden toilet bound skeledaddy told them to.


Not only that but it's highly likely that those same aliens joined forces with the DAoT human empire to fight of the Cybernetic revolt since it's mentioned that it was a massive Alliance that finally put it down. Then the Birth of Slaanesh happened along with the psychic awakening and fucked the DAoT human empire.


The meme: good The title: cringe


the title has to be rage bait


Differing degrees of evil still mean evil


I would argue the Tyranids have less free will to choose to be evil than humans, so while objectively terrifying it's hard to call them evil, in the same way locusts and tigers aren't evil.


The tyranids themselves are not really evil, but the hivemind is proven to be sadististic and twisted, even when not necessary. It's the same with orks. Sure, violence is in their nature, but they still enslave humans, eat children and torture prisoners, all just for fun


Like, for example, Baal is one of the few times the Hive mind had absolutely gone "fuck THAT planet inparticular", going out of its way to fuck over the blood angels as much as possible.


Yeah, like a tiger isnt evil for killing a person, its just hungry


Its explained multiple times in various books that the intelligence behind the hive mind is malicious. It will forgoe more strategic planets to target objectives as shown in the devastation of baal books. It littraly hates and wishes to inflict suffering while satisfying the hunger. Also it isn't a argument of free will its a gestalt consciousness. There isn't an intelligence being suppressed withing a tyranid it is littraly just the hive mind. There is no will outside of it. They arnt slaved to the mind will and no tyranid exists outside of the will of the hive mind because the hive mind is the tyranid. The only exception is GSC hybrids that do have an individual will suppressed hy the hive mind but that isn't a tyranid its an infected sapient species.


Individual tyranids might not be evil, but the overarching force that drives and compels them is. It's like how the cells in a human body can't be called evil, but the person they comprise certainly can be.


The two are one and the same to be clear. The hivemind is formed of the conglomerate of Tyranid brains in the same way that it produces more Tyranid brains. It's not a separate entity puppeting bodies any more than a human nervous system is a separate entity puppeting muscles.


I don't think they're bad because of what they do to orcs, Tyranids and D/Eldar. I think they're bad because of how they treat humans. And I think Imperium fanboys are crazy for not being able to tell the difference.


Also what they did to the non evil xenos that did exist


Media literacy is dead


Just literacy is dead considering the whole "To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times" thing.


The problem 40k faces is that a large portion of the fanbase haven’t actually played any games or read any books. They follow the franchise through memes, 2nd hand playthroughs of video games, and guys on YouTube reading wiki articles.


\*reading *inaccurate* wiki articles,


lol absolutely!! I remember trying to update something on a wiki once as I’d just bought one of the FFG splatbooks that had some cool fluff on Daemon Worlds. I’d never contributed to a wiki before…so I made sure to be *very* careful about what I added, pointed out statements that contradicts established canon, and emphasised how the information was coming from a biased source… I got IP banned :(


Which wiki was this? Just want to know to avoid it if it's going to ban someone over trying to provide more accurate information


I had a similar experience with submitting updates to the Warhammer40k.fandom.com wikia, wouldn't be surprised if it was that one. Lexicanum gets things wrong / out of date on occasion but as 40k wikis go it's the best we have for canonical info at the moment. Annoyingly the wh40k fandom wiki can be more biased and incorrect than even 1d4c / 1d6c which is supposed to be a bias shitpost of a site...


Sadly, the fandom.wiki :(


Its all part of the cycle: 1. A meme from someone like OP completely misses the point and thinks “I like the imperium and they’re humans so they must be the good guys” 2. Some responds with a meme saying, “no the imperium are the bad guys.” Bonus points if they point out the obvious parallels to fascism. 3. This hurts the feelings of an imperium fan who makes a meme saying “liking the imperium is ok” And then we go back to step 1.


Media literacy has been dead for as long as media has existed, since people have always been striving for convenient ideas than challenging ones. Saying you think critically is so, so much easier than actually doing it…and it’s hard to disprove, even to yourself. Luckily, the hollow supports for half thought out ideas eventually gives way, and give the rest of us some warnings.


The comment chain this started is 98% inspiring.


It's not that humans are the bad guys. It's that humans are just as bad as every other faction.


Except the Tau, Eldar and Leagues of Votann. Who are better but not good by any means.


Say what you will about the Eldar. At least they're on eof the few factions who recognise that they messed up, and is actually trying to better themselves


*Looks at Drukhari who make up a majority of living Eldar. You sure of that?


What's even better is that Drukhari children have to be "taught" to be super-villains. Apparently traumaticly


Back in my day if someone said Eldar they meant craftworlders, rangers & the occasional Harlequin. Deldar is the proper noun to use when talking about the Dark Eldar.


They use clones and shit they barely count Anyway the craftworlds know where the empire fucked up even if nobody in their lineage engaged in the horrors before the fall.


I mean, they’re all leagues better than the Imperium, but this is largely due to the Imperium just being the absolute worst. Being 10X as good as the Imperium is not very hard.


Yeah better but not good by any means is probably a better way to phrase it. Like all of them would be potential villains in any more optimistic space setting but in 40k they're practically moral paragons.


I mean, in any other setting the Eldar would go from villains to isolationist pricks that rarely interact with anyone else. But the Leagues and T’au absolutely would be villains.


There's a T'au aphorism that puts the T'au and their ideology so well into perspective and goes so hard in regards to converting people to the Greater Good. "Where the Water Caste have failed, the Fire Caste shall not." You're joining the Greater Good, by the carrot or the stick


Tau yes, eldar and leagues of votann no. Its in the votann codex that they will wipe out the entire populations of planets just to harvest the minerals and desolate it. So same shit the mechanism does but for capitalism rather then worship dick head cog boy. The eldar will littraly genocide entire populations fo star systems to save one eldar life or wipe out entire planets worth of populations of different species because they claim a world as an exodote world and will purge any sapient life that isnt aeldari because they are special supremists. And I think alot of people forget that the asuryani are basicly a fringe sect of the Eldar. Most of their empires populace were closer in custom to the 40k dark eldar and there is more dark eldar than asuryani. I dont think I need to explain why the dark eldar is bad. Not justifying or apologizing for the near bloodiest regime and imaginable that is the imperium, and it should be noted that everything listed here is the exact same aweful terrible shit the imperium does,, from species supremist genocide to wiping out entire planets native ecosystems for minerals. If the argument is the average asuryian and votann have better lives then the average human then yeah there are no arguments to counter that, but as a faction both do the exact evil shit that the imperium does they just don't have the wide spread resources and man power (anymore in the eldar case) to do it to the level the imperium does. Edit: want to make it very clear im not agreeing with op dude actully thinks the imperium is the good guys.


But the Votann will at least give you a couple days to leave. Then destroy the planet out from under you. Unless killing you will work out cheaper than the loss of production. Then they'll kill you


Yeah the eldars would kill millions of humans to save one eldar. Meanwhile the Imperium would kill millions of humans to kill one eldar.


When you try to kill all the xenos am sure you will get some of the bad ones. 🤣


The Imperium of Man is bad. Humans are not.


there xeno phobia is irrational its just that a broken clock is right twice a day


It's rational because they killed all the aliens for which it was irrational.


true it does stop being irrational if you kill all the nice ones i guess lol


I mean, there were worlds in Segmentum Pacificus where the Ecclesiarchy irrationally declared that fearing the oncoming Tyranid swarms was heresy punishable by immolation. Even when carnifexes were battering down the chantry doors.


That shit sounds like a genestealer cult


Nope, just an Ecclesiarch that couldn't admit he was wrong


Even funnier. Makes sense too. "There can't be an existential threat, the emperor protects! Implying we could be destroyed like this goes against the indomitable human spirit yadayada!


Humanity can exist without the imperium.


This post was sponsored by tau gang, join the empire today


Glory to humanity! Death to Neoth and the Chaos "Gods"!!


We don't. We look at the *unlimited number. Literally as many as the authors want for a story* random cool ass normal species that were just people, in space, but not human, that they wiped out. As well as humans who differed slightly from baseline. Humanity has, from the pov of all non main-faction life, been just as bad as the orks if not worse. But you're right. Fear is not the motivator. They aren't xeno'phobic', if we're going to be literal. The Imperium is a supremacist ideology. Like all supremacist ideology, it's definition of person ebs and flows with success. Its why they allow for some non-baseline humans. They need them. They're useful. As well as some xenos like the jokaero. But if they had won? The purges would have turned inward. The emperor literally stated such intention initially. The only reason the imperium exists, alone, surrounded by the worst sci-fi monsters out there, is because they killed everyone else. Anyone not too powerful to be wiped out, the imperium murdered. So that's why they're the bad guys. Because they are bad. They're orks. They're tyranids. Skaven in space. That's the imperium. A massive bloated mess of infighting, hatred, and petty squabbles who are almost as brutal to each other as they are to everyone else. The imperium is a chaos monument, a great factory of warp turmoil. It's perfect for the chaos gods. I firmly believe the imperium is right where they want it to be. Chaos needs someone to play off of. A group with souls that will reflect them as they fight against them. The imperium is perfect.


For example Beastmen constantly fear being moved from the 'accepted Abhumans' list to the 'unaccepted' list, not to mention they're treated like shit *as is* by the general populace and the Ecclisarchy...is it a wonder so many of them join up with Chaos in the end anyway?


Because the Imperium has a "shoot, shoot more, round them up and kill them, ask questions never" attitude to EVERY SINGLE ALIEN SPECIES? EDIT: Fixed typo


The title makes sense if you look at his comments on this account. Oof just someone that can not tolerate others nor their opinions. (He is pretty Xenophopic irl)


Cant be too surprised when he's literally got "pureblood" in his username.


Yeah he is probably an edgy teen that listened too much AlPhA MaLe podcasts.


Ah he's a Horus Galaxy enjoyer trying to sneak their way into Grimdank.


A Horus Galaxy enjoyer?! https://i.redd.it/jwg5zd6e1q9d1.gif


It's gotten to the point it's as predictable as "I'm not racist *but*..." When you encounter someone who unironically thinks the Imperium are "the good guys" and bAsEd they always turn out to be reactionary shitheads.


But bbbut that "insert slur for minority X" I saw them on TV and "they" did something bad.


Yeah that was about what I expected


Bait used to be believable


Man the meme is amazing, but the title is about as on point as a pleasure world inhabitant telling a catachan jungle fighter that life in the imperium isnt that bad


I remember OP from one of the previous “imperium are the good guys” posts. Either they are the biggest raigebaiter around, or genuinely believes in this shit




The imperium has wiped out thousands of civilisations of non-bads.


Because those factions existing in that state are the only reason they survived contact with the imperium. Anyone else that was softer, nicer, less aggressive and established got exterminated.


There was the Interex! But then, uh, something happened to them


They're odd because there's nothing to indicate the planet was destroyed? Like, there must be an interesting guard regiment or something right?


Nice mem- oh you unironically think the imperium are the good guys nevermind.


I remember reading somewhere that boils down to "The fact that it takes literal demons from literal hell for a fascistic empire like the Imperium to be considered a successful empire and be considered as the "good guys" is lost to some people", and I thing that applies here.


Everyone is the bad guys. The point is EVERYONE is the bad guys. Some people get so caught up in a particular flavor of edginess and contrarianism that they focus on humanity being the baddies because it shows how smart and media literate they are, but forget that the choices of playable faction are approximately among Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, Lawful Evil, and Lawful Neutral (while there are several evil laws in place).


Reminds me of that story Zizek tells about pathology, I'll paraphrase. "A man has a wife, and he thinks she's cheating on him. Wether she's actually cheating or not doesn't matter, because he'd think she was wether it was true or not, that's what makes it a pathology." Just because you're right sometimes, doesn't mean something isn't irrational


I love when I’m reading the HH books and liking a character for being calm and reasonable and then they genocide some human empire who’s only crime was splicing some dna 1000 years ago to make people more resistant to cancer https://preview.redd.it/1bo8qb81ar9d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55da5735f8be38460911c1531de905070e0d97d


Because some human subfactions did their best at being worse than those. The killer mushrooms just kill you, what the Inquisition does to you may be far, far worse.


Because humans exterminated all the peaceful species. For example one species offered humans tech that was described by the writers as "Anathema to chaos" only for the imperium to exterminate them. And on top of this the inquisition consistently enters negotiations with xenos species as a way to learn their weaknesses before genociding them.


That Xenos race that offered to help Chaos is actually worse off than it initially sounds. They were previously unknown to the Imperium and reached out to offer these anti-chaos weapons to ask for asylum. The Imperiums only responses war for The Deathwatch to send an automated Exterminatus Stealth Drone. Yes the Imperium has fully autonomous completely undetectable ships that's only purpose are to blow up planets


Not quite how it happened. The response was the combined forces of three deathwatch fortresses descending on their pocket empire and slaughtering them en masse before virus bombing them. While there are survivors, there's only barely enough for their genepool to not succumb to mutations.


They aren't *the bad guys*, they're *also* bad guys


easy, because i can look past all of the big fancy space opera bullshit and see the slave labour, religious indoctrination, brainwashing, manipulation, and endless crimes against humanity that the imperium opts-into every day of it's existence what I don't get is why so many people seem ideologically invested in defending this fake, heavily satirized version of humanity why do YOU feel attacked when I say "the imperium of man is evil" as if i am saying YOU are evil? why do people cling to such stupid defences too "there's space bugs, so we're the good guys!" yeah, there's space bugs, and they're pretty scary, but why does that mean you have to support eugenics and religious hyper-extremism?


The whole f****** point of this setting is that there are no good guys the Imperium is xenophobic and would kill an alien regardless of how little of a threat it posed in fact they did that one happened in the great Crusade that was the f****** point


Yeah the good guys are the ones with Sevitors, torture and extraordinary war crimes.


Because they're not the only species that exist in the galaxy you unbearable prick, we've had multiple examples of perfectly peaceful and compliant species whom humanity exterminated. The hyper-resilient, hyper-aggressive ones are ***all that's left*** for the most part. This dumbass "discussion" comes up so often and the same points are always reiterated that I'm pretty sure the people who do it are just engaging in culture war bullshit. No one can be this disgustingly ignorant this consistently.


It's not a phobia when it is rational. This guardsman is reasonably afraid of the nid because it's going to try and eat him. That's a rational fear. An example of them being irrational would be that they're literally wiring up the brains of lobotomites to use as CPU's because their collective trauma from the dark age makes them consider even the most basic forms of artificial intelligence to be abominations. In any case, the Imperium gets called the bad guys for what they do to each other and for how they respond to the Xenos that don't have enslaving, butchering and/or eating all humans on their agenda, not for how they respond to the ones who do.


Oh they’re bad guys, just not THE bad guys


it's because you are not particularly bright, i hope that helps


I think this applies more to , you know , people and not giant insect demons whom only desire is to kill you and being a dick about it


The imperium of man is the evilist faction outside of actual evil Incarnate demons. They've cause more suffering than even the drukari through quantity alone


Because it's pretty clear that the vast majority of aliens in the setting aren't anywhere near as bad as Tyranids or orks, and certainly not worse than or sufficiently hostile to consider genocide a rational response. Edit: not to mention, the imperium is not humanity, and humanity is not the imperium, nor are the imperium THE bad guys. The imperium sucks, objectively and intentionally. Warts and all though, humans are humans.


40k fans when there is a whisper of good points against the imperium:


The Imperium isn't bad because of what they do to the mindless killers of the universe. The Imperium is evil because of what it does to its own people. 


And what they did to the not mindless killers


Hey you save that like it matters what kind of alien they are it doesn't kill on sight Plus obligatory my brother in the Imperium you killed all the non scary ones


Primarily because of what they do to *each other*


Looser post.


Wow lol this guy posts a lot of bullshit to this sub


'Cause humanity are the bad guys. It's not a Top 3 situation.


Being generous to GW, this is a satire of how humanity behaves. *Look at that scary thing over there* has always been the carte blanche justification for any evil perpetrated at home. There can be more than one bad guy.


Sithpureblood liking an empire that would 100% put him into the soul furnace while alive.


Because there where other peaceful civilizations on the galaxy and the "good guys" exterminate them. Also 99% of normal people of the good guys are living in a fascist hell


Humanity aren't the bad guys. The Imperium are the bad guys.


Cause there's dozens of other xenos who were perfectly normal and friendly. They got killed.


Yeah in 40k xenophobia is a mostly reasonable behavior. Most Xenos truly are anathema to Human life. Only the Eldar and Tau have the potential for coexistence, but they have their own weird things that make that hard. The Eldar have their arrogance and inability to have straightforward plans and regular deceptions, the Tau have their weird Caste System that is fundamentally incompatible with other species on a large enough scale.


My brother in the Imperium, you killed all the nice ones.


Idk dawg maybe read even a single book or codex


Do you know the smallest amount of the lore? Have you even heard of a servitor?


Depends on the faction, Nids? Rational. Orks? Rational. Dark Eldar? Rational. Eldar? 50/50. Tau? Not rational.


Mankind in 40K isn’t xenophobic because they exist alone in a galaxy where the only other life forms are existentially hostile. Mankind in 40K exists alone in a galaxy where the only other life forms are existentially hostile because they were so xenophobic that they killed all of the nice ones already.


They can all be bad guys, it's not a marvel movie


They aren’t bad guy for those, they are bad guy for wanting to exterminate all they do not see as humans, mutated human comprised


i certainly wouldn't call the Imperium the "good guys" either. They just happen to be "better" (for humans) than most other factions around them, *and* have some actual "good" factions embedded within them (Salamanders and Lamenters for example).


MY GOOD MAN, HUMANITY KILLED ANYTHING THAT WAS FRIENDLY OR THAT COULD HAVE HELPED THEM!!! They killed off any friendly neighbour that could have been at their borders instead of the monsters, they killed off any ally that could have offered a helping hand, the only thing they are left with now is the scary shit that wants to and can kill them. A good number of Imperium's problems could have been avoided if they weren't Nazi Germany dialed up to 11 in space, but noooooooo, anything not human must die. The Imperium made it's bed and it's now laying in it.


Humanity are not THE bad giys. They are A bad guy. The fact that the rest are worse does not make humans good.


Whoever says you have an irrational fear of bugs hasn't experienced a cockroach flying in their face in their life