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what are you using for soil? and how often are you watering?


kellogg’s raised bed soil, probably not the best choice tbh. However it’s what i’ve used in the past to grow my weed/veggies with no issues. watering about every 2 days, or when i feel the soil is dry at about 3” deep. Have not given any nutes yet i was wanting for them to establish themselves but they just seem to want to die this outdoor method is how i’ve grown without any issues the past few years. i’m probably doing something very wrong but hey


That stuff drains like shit. I've used it before for potted plants and regretted not using perlite the first time. Other than that it's fine soil in my opinion. They probably need time to establish and acclimate some. Temps in the 40s is quite chilly. Edit: I see perlite in yours so no worries there hopefully.


Raised bed mixes are made without aeration, always add it if using for potting 


Very minimal perlite.


Are you acclimatizing the clones to get them used to the drop in humidity?


That soil mix is very not good for containers like has been mentioned, but the bigger question is did you harden them off? Ive been growin outside a good while in cali, some seasons in really hot locations. And if you put clones/teens outside without gradual hardening off, theyll cook in the sun. Which is what it looks like is happening to you. The trick to hardening off is leave them outside about an hour in the morning and evening, then after a few days, gradually ramp up the hours outside until they can handle that full sun. Adding some 50-70% shade cloth is another trick Ive done a ton, but it requires more infastructure. Hope this helps!


They look thirsty to me


Use smaller pots when plants get big then put into these size containers


Not nearly enough water, and you have to start nutrient a week ago.


You need to feed your plant A. Fully complete thirteen mineral feed solution. They need minerals immediately. You should be potting them in smaller pots. First, and letting them get well Established. . How fast do you put them outside under that light or have they always been started under the sunlight that?


you gotta put a little plug of the clone soil mix , dont just drop them strait into kellogs. i MIX KELLOGS WITH COMPOST MANURE 444 with mykos perlite. let it sit for a while too . my seed clone mix is coco , worm c , pure mykos. just make a print with the cup before transplant , and keep a clear dome over her about 2 weeks. its been col in NE too , sky looks sad somedays. I got all my seeds and clone out and none have flopped yet :)


If that was a clone and it came from lower lighting then this could be an issue. Cold also does not help I would remove the largest fan leaves to reduce transpiration load - let it dry down and give a good watering.


Are you messing with the plant everyday? Not watering every day but messing with it and changing things about it?


Are they bag seeds?


Your in cali so I would guess not


I’m not sure the issue but I would not say it’s the weather. I’m down here in SoCal. I’ve had plants out since March.


Look hungry, how's the wind? Crazy taco action I'm thinking wind or heat.


wind is very consistent. i live on the side of a hill that pretty much gets wind all day. it’s been abnormally cold for this time of year, like dropping to the low 40s at night then getting up to about 70 during the day with full sun. i fed them some nutes today and it’s been a bit warmer. hoping for improvement but i’m feeling pretty bummed out and am not too optimistic about a bounce back


Look like clones from the snipped leaves, leading me to believe they're photos you've got plenty of time for a bounce back my friend just don't dose aggressively thinking it will speed up recovery


they are clones, thanks! I hope they recover as well! i have 3 others in a raised bed that are looking pretty bad too haha. happy growing!


Oh they bought to take off!! Stop playing


Start in solo cups.


Looks like she starting to drown Edit look at the soil directly beneath the top layer. This happened to me when I first started growing, and I up potted into a much bigger pot, too soon. I transplanted, and watered. Thing about plants, they need roots to soak up that water. When you transplant, there aren't roots everywhere throughout the pot, so It stays wet, and drowns.