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Wow. I thought the previous bingo was a lot of fun, too, but this post reeks of entitlement. You should have led with proper appreciation for the previous one, maybe even specifically calling out the OP to thank them for their good work. Then pose it as a brainstorming thing, ask if someone has a template for a bingo card or knows how to best make one. You could probably stir up enthusiasm to get players in the community to actually make the thing for you. But you're too lazy to even lead the cheerleading, and you still think that someone might see this and toil away at this task for you, knowing you'll be as thankless to them as you've been to the previous guy.


Bro it’s not that deep


Give them a break. You know how people are on the internet: quick to criticize disproportionately in a tone they wouldn't use to the person's face.