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Only if they argue the whole time about who is the real commander among them.


Main: Hey I appretiate the help with the farmstead, but where did you guys came from? Alt 1: Hey I defeated all the Elder Dragons and was the commander of a multicontinental international war effort, what's your story? Alt 2: Why yes, sir, I also defeated all the Elder Dragons too, and was also the commander of a multicontinental international military effort. What about you inconspicuous old man and mime? Alt 3: I have a gig where beat Big Nose Ted once a week. Alt 4: I hoard other people's stuff.


"I stand next to a chest and open it every 24 hours" "I don't actually do anything at all but I get a birthday gift every year"


"Oh, yea, I'm mostly just sort-of-okay at sewing!"


"I give some big cat a weird shard of glass once a day, and run around in a cactus costume."


"I'm just good at jumping." 🤷‍♀️


That guys been at it for a decade now. Kinda sad, he used to be my main guy, now he's not even my main warrior.


Alt 4 just left?


I had to delete for the 5000000th time cause I couldn't get the face right.


Originally I was going to make Alt 4 the JP parking PC, but couldn't make a proper joke with him, so I deleted his phrase, but forgot to change the number of the last Alt to 4 instead.


with the SotO lore, it can be diferent realms


Ahh man my miner alt is going to feel so out of place there


First char was commandante rogue and does pvp, first alt is a chronomancer I used the level boost on so I could get the shared slot who I intend for heart of thorns, 3rd is a master chef I made that I'll use for the garden plot, 4th is really the first alt I want to play, necro asura I'll level normally and then go to Path of fire to finally get some of these mounts


> What about you inconspicuous old man and mime? *Mime immediately starts to heatbut the shit out of them*


You craft a commander decoration that lets you select a commander when you place it, and once placed summons that commander. [All they do is point at point at each other and yourself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPitD0-mkYA)


Amazing. Wouldn't the Asura characters win every time? Pestilence is never-ending from those snarky dust bunnies!


Kenshi does this exact thing. You obviously start off as the character(s) you created the start. But due to the nature of the game, you can still die but keep playing as another character. Some passive dialogue in the game when traveling with multiple characters is the group fighting about who is "The Leader" because technically they all are.


It would be funny in my case, because I've only done the personal story on one character. All the others are level 40 story or under. So, technically, only one of them is actually the commander.


My past teen self is apparently the one that manages the head canon for my characters, so they all tend to be the lone wolf underdog who becomes the Commander because deep down they have a heart of gold and in the end they can't not help people. That argument wouldn't be very heated in my homestead lmao


I would love this feature! I've been playing my first crop of 80s as (step)siblings and their spouses, so hearing a pack of brothers taunt each other in the 'family room' would be awesome.


all the lvl80s having a go at eachother and every sub-80 beating up a small creature outside


I would settle for them standing around all making nondescript-but-vaguely-sexual noises at each other in a circle like the NPCs around the weekly Statuette lady in Shing Jea Monastery. (In all seriousness, I would like this, but the role of alts as all being the Commander is probably unresolvable - as is the fact that [and I only learned this a couple years ago] the raiding party in Raids does not include the Commander at all)


This and a mount stable would be cool. Show your currently equipped skin in each, give them a space to move around a bit.


like Zaishen Menagerie in og guild wars


This would be awesome. Seeing all my good boys and girls together.


I know it's unlikely to happen because the scope is quite big, but I'd love to have any mounts I'm not currently riding just be hanging around, eating and sleeping near the house


It would be some work, but every mount already has idles. I dont think they'd do anything like add pathing to them or whatever to let them wander the property, but I genuinely think they could add a stable setup with a dedicated slot to each and they'd just kind of stand there and do some animations and chill.


What if we could assign them to furniture? My alt Revenant is a 400 Cook. I'd love it if she showed up at a stove or a garden or something. Maybe some automated dialogue like "What's up? Oh, a batch of X. I'll save you a few."


That is a great idea. I wonder if they would give us crafting stations embedded into the furniture?


I expect a cooking station at least since that’s something you can unlock for the current home instance and they are porting all the nodes etx


That would be so fucking cool. The homestead is already the perfect excuse for my human berserker to finally fuck off and retire like he wants. And going to the homestead with a different character and just seeing that grizzled old warrior just enjoying a quiet life with his food and his little garden would be such a treat. I'd buy a makeover kit just to give him grey hair and a big ass beard.


I would kill for this feature. Not to mention it could help Anet sell more character slots...


I’d love this!


That'd be cool, but it has the potential to get really crowded. I think the max amount of character slots is over 60. Maybe your other characters would only show up there if that's where they log out?


Or you could say the max is 5-6 characters, and you can decide if they're randomly picked from all the ones you have, or pick them yourself


I would actually prefer if it was random, that way I can be surprised when one of them shows up.


Do both. Have the option to tag which characters show up, set a list of things they do (idle in front of the stove, walk around the balcony, sit in a chair reading a book, etc) and then be allowed to set them to random generation so a different batch will be there each time you show up, much like random favourite minis when you map swap.


Being able to set what they're doing is too complicated. I want them to just be doing whatever, with a random assortment being chosen each time I enter.


>I think the max amount of character slots is over 60. 72. I know this because I have that many.


I personally have 73 now. You can add one to the cap if you are already at it each time you buy the latest deluxe. Unfortunately not all the bonus deluxe character slots are available any more, so it's not really possible to get 74 now. Not sure how the hell efficiency has a single person way ahead of the pack on 80.


might be counting beta characters.


You could be that one cool host who has a house party every night with music blaring loudly that it causes your neighbors to sleep in agony until they can't take it anymore and call the cops on you but little do they know that the Commander/Wayfinder/whatever title you are paid them off with gold, gems, and a stack full of ectos so now the neighbors have to figure out a way to stop you from ruining their good night's sleep and eventually came to a conclusion that they need to cause as much havoc to stop you from hosting any more house parties. Or maybe they could just ask you politely to keep it down after 8 pm.


I want all 60 in there lol


Even better.. it could be an alternative to logging out to swap characters, just interact with your alt in the homestead and your current character takes their place, and you control the toon you interacted with. Edit: haha no way I got it right!


Way overkill compared to logging out but would be very cool.


That’d be incredible tbh.


Such a cool idea!


This would be a great feature.


I’m personally hoping for at least some of our companions. I know in the past they’ve said that they enjoy having them seem as though they’re all living their own lives and doing their own stories, but to me Obscure felt like a real slog without any of them around. (Unless you count Zojja, but she wasn’t around enough to compensate for the other dozen or so besties the Commander has) even if they’re just static locations, it would be a joy for me. (Although I mean, ideally, I’d like to see it to where you can control your companions too, similar to a CRPG but I mean, I know that’s kind of like big dreaming there.)


Lol people with all 73 or whatever alts are going to be living in small villages


Kind of reminds me of Heroes back in the Guild Wars 1 days that you could have as other characters on your account, Mercenaries if I recall was the name of them. But yea, it would be cool to hop into my Homestead and see my other account characters just wandering around or hanging out.


If I could see my whole harem IMEAN all my alt specs gathered around a fire or something just hanging out that would be peak. Maybe be able to set their poses or some basic idle animations.


Yea, a whole set of poses… like kneeling and play dead…


I just love the idea of my characters meeting each other. They're kind of like sisters and friends yet they've never been in the same place at the same time.


GW1 eventually had the ability to turn your alts into [Mercenary Heroes](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mercenary_Hero) so that you could add them to your party. I really liked that feature.


Letting all the allies you gather in personal story would be cool too


make it so you can spar them


That is such a cool idea!


I don't know how they'll fit my 53 alts in there.


I hope it would just be a "pick and choose" which ones you want to appear.


I would love this. Imagine if we had something like the ff14 retainer program where if you log out characters in your homestead theybcan go out on missions and such, not unlike leaving an alt to camp a chest. Also being able to access alt inventories but that would devalue bank and mat storage gem items.  


> Me with too many characters. Please, no. Unless I can just not have them be there. I don't know if I have space for 30+ dudes in a single home.


Great idea


Yeah I wouldn’t mind seeing my main, his in-game wife, and a few of my favorite toons all in one place.


...as long as it's optional


That reminds me. Guild Wars 1 eventually let you use alts as Heroes, though it was a paid addon.


i'd be just very happy seeing my other mounts chilling there


yes and make them sit on the chairs i purchased.


It would be incredible ! (Now i want to go farther : merco thing like in gw1 and you can recruit your other character with their build)


This would be so incredibly fun for me, especially as an exclusive Charr player who envisions all my alts being members of my main's warband. Though, I wouldn't hold my breath.


If we don't get a bookshelf for all the books I've collected over the years; I don't even care if we can't have interactive furniture, not asking for free bag space, I would gladly park the librarian alt at the homestead as a shelf


SWTOR has a family tree you can connect your characters to each other as related, rivals, or lovers. That would be pretty cool as well on top of that. A panel that lets you give your characters some back story


This would be so cool, to see all your characters in a single place. Would be awesome as well if you could swap who you are playing in there as well. A guy can dream I guess.


This is a must have.


This would be awesome! I'd also like to be able to assign any NPC as my housecarl, Skyrim style, mostly so I can hang out with Gourdon the Choya and pay him to decorate my home.


Norn at bar, asura in cage. Making bet on asura fight, like chicken.. Chasing "salad men" with my spear.. I hope so.


asura in cage ...??!! :o


Have them go on quests just like FFT


That will be the first time the alt I place at Weyandt's Revenge ever left that cave other than going to the Guild Hall. I hope there is sunlight for her.


I’d say closest we could get would be framed portraits of our characters that we could hang on the walls.


i would love that! Like, having a decoration or token that lets you place one alt somewhere, even just standing. Even if it's a limited number of placeable alts in total. Same thing for mounts, since there was a sort of staple thing.


Oh my god yes pls! Imagine all your chars chilling in there while one is on an adventure!


if there are characters/npcs they have to be stationary, and out of the way. otherwise there will be pathing issues with decorations


This would be nice :)


While this is a great idea, I can't help but laugh at the thought. All of my characters look exactly the same, it'd be quite the sight having Nonuplets in my house.


Bro. You just made this homestead thing so much more interesting, you've no idea. This would be absolutely EPIC.


All of mine are all a tall buff norn woman with the same body/skin/face/hair. It would just look like a glitch in the matrix. Lmao


mine would be way too crowded, so please no lmao


They HAVE to point at each other like that spiderman meme XD


Accounts with 10+ alts would have a house party 24/7


Like NPC's in the homestead? I love that! Also have all our mini's running around as well!


Only if you can greet them and they are all answering: shepard… eh commander! This is my favourite homestead on the citadel 


I like the idea. Time to buy those damned maid and butler outfits for them.


Id just have a bunch of clones except for 1


Im marrying my Asura Female to my Male Char.


If this feature makes it into the live game, I'd drown from laughing in my tears. I have 9 identical looking asura across the classes, and 5 identical charrs. 🤣