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Do the Wizards Vault stuff and pick the ascended weapon box? Or buy Exotic weapon from Trading Post. Need more info to understand where you are struggling.


I have weaponsmith and armorsmith leveled up and everytime i find a guide they want me to craft huntsman mark i think its called. Just trying out everything now.


Bows are made with the huntsman crafting profession.


OP would know that if they bothered checking the wiki for even 5 seconds.


Since it wasn't mentioned here, you can also change one of your crafting professions to huntsman. Changing crafting professions only costs silver and you don't lose any of your recipes or experience when you change. You would have to level up huntsman but if you ever wanted to change back to the previous profession you would keep your old profession level. it's an alternative if you don't want to level up a new character at least. But realistically, If you play this game for any length of time, you will probably want all crafting professions at max level on some combination of characters.


Since we started with noob questions. Is there any difference whether you have crafting profession on main or alt character? Are there any soulbound materials?


No, there is no downside of spreading the crafting disciplines over multiple characters. I have them spread out 2 per character each. All recipes are account wide and I have never come across a soul bound material.


Yeah, that's what made me wonder.


Guild Weapons for crafting shimmering/tenebrous weapons are soulbound (or they were last time I looked). So you do need to buy those on the character you want to craft with.


There are a lot of downsides. Crafting on 2-3 main characters is a lot more convenient/fast than crafting on 10 shit alts with limited inventory. Makes a huge difference for gold making. This is also why I recommend everyone getting both craft license upgrades and deciding on your mains before starting to craft.


> This is also why I recommend everyone getting both craft license upgrades and deciding on your mains before starting to craft. That is an absolute waste of money. To have it be worth the gems you would have to swap 600 times on a single character


>on a single character on *any* character, since it's account wide. It's still definitely in the 'pay for convenience' category, rather than 'this will generate profit'. Saving the time swapping to an alt (and back) more than saving the fee for swapping crafting. And for some people paying money to save time is an acceptable trade.


nope on a single character as the number of times you would have to swap crafting professions on multiple characters to match the cost of the extra crafting license would go up. Swapping is 50 silver maximum so licenses are horrible value for saving 3 clicks(as you need to go to the station anyway if you do not own the portable one so you might aswell quickly swap to the crafting profession with the grandmaster


>nope on a single character as the number of times you would have to swap crafting professions on multiple characters to match the cost of the extra crafting license would go up. ...how on earth would the 'cost of the extra crafting licence go up' if we're talking about different characters? The licence increases the cap account wide; you can only possibly buy 2 ever (doubling your total crafting profession slots per character to 4) If you don't understand what the item actually does, you really shouldn't be pretending to speak authoritatively about its value.


> ...how on earth would the 'cost of the extra crafting licence go up' if we're talking about different characters? I said the number of times you would have to swap to match the license cost would increase. If you have 1 character you have to swap professions 600 times to match the cost of a single expansion. This swap occurs with a 75% chance(ignoring scribing here) If you have 2 characters the cost for swapping between the character is essentially free and the cost to swap within a character remains the same. The chance that you have to swap at any given time goes down to 50% though meaning that you effectively have to swap professions(in this example including swapping character) more often less often to get the desired result and thus would have to swap more to go equal with the cost of the expansion. >The licence increases the cap account wide; you can only possibly buy 2 ever (doubling your total crafting profession slots per character to 4) I am well aware and due to the reasons i outlined(and the fact then even if you would buy 2 you would have to swap between character or within the character anyway) consider this a horrible use of your gems/gold


>both craft license upgrades lol, no. Save your gems.


No difference. My crafting professions are spread out across my characters, none has more than 2. They craft stuff for one another.


Nope. For some reason Anet sells the ability to have more than two crafting professions on the same character, and it's pointless because you can just make another character and get it to the point that it has two crafting professions in no time.


No difference between main/alt crafters. It just makes it a bit of a pain to transfer things between different professions, but you're not limited. There are a few *account*-bound items and mats, but they very blatantly tell you so on the item's tooltip and can still be transferred between characters.


Nope, people have crafting professions spread out over alts and everything relevant can be done that way, main or not.


You have several options: 1) Level a third crafting discipline. • A character may swap between learned crafting disciplines by paying a small fee. • [Additional Crafting Licenses](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Additional_Crafting_License) may be added from the [Gem Store](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store) if you hate swapping them. 2) Create a new character and level a crafting discipline—[Huntsman](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Huntsman). • Transfer the [account bound](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account_Bound) ascended weapon to your desired character. 3) Earn [Fractal Relics](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Relic) from [Fractals of the Mists](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists) to spend at [BLING-9009](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/BLING-9009). • Weapons are also a rare drop from Fractal [Initiate](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Initiate%27s_Chest)/[Adept](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Adept%27s_Chest)/[Expert](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Expert%27s_Chest)/[Master](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Master%27s_Chest) Chests. 4) Earn [Magnetite Shards](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magnetite_Shard) from [raids](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raid) to spend at [Scholar Glenna](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar_Glenna#Items_offered) or [Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Basic_Magnetite_Exchange_Operative). • Shards are awarded even for unsuccessful attempts at defeating bosses. If none of these options are appealing to you then I recommend using the [equipment query](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/Equipment_query?title=Special%3ARunQuery%2FEquipment_query&pfRunQueryFormName=Equipment+query&Equipment+query%5Brarity%5D=Ascended&Equipment+query%5Bsupertype%5D=Weapon&Equipment+query%5Btype%5D=Longbow&Equipment+query%5Bclass%5D=&Equipment+query%5Bprefix%5D=&Equipment+query%5Bexclude+selectable%5D=Include+selectable&Equipment+query%5Boffset%5D=0&wpRunQuery=&pf_free_text=) tool on the wiki.


Also crystal shards from strikes


Their are some achievements that also let you select an ascended weapon, so that could be a longbow. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_weapon#Achievements


Go to the wizards vault menu, buy an ascended weapon kit, and select the longbow. You now have an ascended longbow with 0 huntsman and no crafting. If you don't have enough Astral Acclaim, do the daily and weekly and you'll have it in no time.


I would really love to give you some man, I feel like every second week i do cairn cm I get one of his cursed longbows…… Seriously tho, if you’re into instanced pvE content anyways, try out wing 1-4: it’s easily doable these days, and chances are relatively high for an ascended drop : after some time, you can just buy a longbow if you didn’t drop one so far


Do IBS and EoD strikes. In arborstone you should be able to buy ascended weapons from Zazzl :) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zazzl


Wizards vault is the easiest way there has ever been to get ascended armor/weapons. Just do dailys for like 2 weeks and you'll have enough for a weapon


Just craft it or buy one off the TP. It's easier than trying to find some obscure method of getting a targeted weapon drop. And the Wizard's Vault is useless unless you want one with core stats.


you can just get one with core stats and then change the attributes with the mystic forge.


OP refuses to even engage with crafting. Bold of you to assume they know how to use the mystic forge.




Can't craft it cause i have weaponsmith and armorsmith leveled up. and it needs to be ascended so no TP.


Then just level another crafter? It takes like 30g and an hour.


i can level up third one?


You can only have two *active* by default on a single character, but you can swap one of them to a new one by speaking to the desired crafting NPC. There's a minor cost involved (10c per level of the discipline you're activating, so capping out at 50s for lv500), but you retain your levels in any inactive profession - you just can't use it until you retrain back into it. As others have suggested, there is also a gemstore item that raises your *account wide* crafting profession limit by 1 (to a maximum of 4) or you could level Huntsman on a second character and just swap to that character when you need to do any bow crafting.


You can have more than 2 crafts but only 2 active at a time. Costs a bit of coin depending on craft level to change.


There's a gem store purchase that unlocks more crafting slots, or you can do what literally any sane, normal player does and just make another character. idk why you're so against playing the game the way it's intended.


Was not aware. TY, i'll just look for it in the gem store. Thanks again


lmao just level another character. My god the lengths some of you idiots will go to to *avoid* playing this game astounds me.....


don't buy that shit lol. Just talk to the crafting npc and pay the 10 silver to change your crafting profession.


Don't buy that. Just go to a Huntsman crafting npc, pick it up in the place of your weapon or armorsmith discipline and level it up. You can have all crafting discipline on one single character, it just costs a few silver to swap any of them out to another.