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Just don't preorder it, Wait for the release, see how it goes and then make a sound decision. You people overcomplicate things


then simply dont buy it?


Are you some important person? I'm not going to convince you. Decide for yourself if it's worth your money.


lmao ikr? like, who df are you that we have to make effort? hahahaha OP so entitled


Housing looks cool, spear looks fun. If that's not enough, then don't?


Also PvE Warclaw upgrades, new leggy spear, a PvE leggy backpack...


You always ask strangers on the internet before making any financial decisions?


If you feel like you dont have to buy it then dont. And If you want to support the devs then just buy other items in the store. Can always just wait till its released and see some footage of the expansion and maybe then decide if you want to buy it or not.


I was thinking that maybe I missed something becase I wouldnt call new story, housing and spear as expansion these days.


There's indeed more stuff but it looks like you made your decision already, which is fine.


And a raid, a fractal, maps, collections, meta events, achievements, skins, pvp mode, pvp map revamp, revised warclaw...


>And a raid That's all I needed to jump on, thanks for the info.


Then don’t buy ?? Worthless and no value post


There's also the new raid that's coming in the first quaterly update and upgrades for the warclaw. Might I ask what you enjoy about GW2, if it's not the story, exploration, combat features or making things look pretty?


"Full price" ? Oh boy dont go to steam or a retail seller you will be baffled that full price titles cost way way more then 25euros. Edit: The price dont equals the quality perhaps, and soto wanst the best content wise but iam okay with paying 25eu a year for a game i play so often


It's cheaper than the Bikini pack!


I dont mind the price, but for example if you look at gw2 wiki with expansion features, page for janthir is less than third of soto, but its marketed as the same level of expansion...


SotO's page is only that big because it's finished. Anet hasn't even finished all the announcements for JW yet. Things like new Ranger pets weren't even known until right before their quarterly releases.


This is how the SotO page looked about 3 weeks after the official release announcement: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Guild_Wars_2:_Secrets_of_the_Obscure&oldid=2695511


There's also new PvE maps you might enjoy, new raid, new warclaw masteries... Besides, the price of the extension is in the range of a pizza delivery and will have you set for a year. If you buy any amount of gems at all, the expansion is cheap compared to what you'd get in the shop. The home instance will also have a quick gathering feature at some point which has some gameplay value. I don't care for decorating but I'll still enjoy the features. Frankly at this point if you've just decided you don't like it you might as well ponder your overall interest in the game.


Major contents they aim to release: -Housing, extremely powerful tools as showcased by PCGamer today -Land Spears -Bring warclaws to PvE -New raid that will introduce both CM and Open world PvE version -A new PvP mode in development that may or may not be related to this expac Looks like a good expac to me, so if you don't like it, you can always look forward to the expac next year. # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> -New raid that will introduce both CM and Open world PvE version also LCM


There is a new legendary spear and backpack. If you like to farm legendaries, it's a nice addition to your armory. We don't have seen much of the zones yet but I like the pine forest vibe of it. Usually, I like forests in games. It a support for a game you like too. As others said, a new raid wing will open. There is other things that may be aknowledge, even if not directly linked to the expansion. Content of SotO isn't great and Story-wise... Well... I will not develop what is not OK with the story but the expansion is great regarding the Quality of Life. For me, the best addition is the Wizard Vault. The additional weapon and having the opportunity to chose any weapon regardless the spec is good too. We can hope for other QoL addition in JW and I have the feeling the lodging will be one of these. You are also buying these.


Like the others have said, then just don't buy it. You will still have access to anything you had before. If you don't like the stuff JW gives you for its price then its absolutely your perogative to either don't buy it or buy it later when its on sale etc. However the "story and few maps" for "full price" thing in your post kinda bugs me. Yes, even if one calculates in inflation from 2015 if you count HoT+LWS3 that's 10 maps and with inflation its like "third of the maps for half the price". (And I'm not even counting for what if you were not online during the season and have to buy the episodes at a later day.) But its 25 bucks? You go to a restaurant and its a high chance that a single person will have to pay more to get a nice meal with a drink even at less touristy/fancy places. It feels strange that someone who has been playing since day 1 is somehow not invested in the world to pay a price of a single dinner to be able to explore a bit more. Not judging, I mean you be you, as I said if you think its not worth it for you, then its fine.  ps. you did not mentiopn the raid d:


Yeah I said it wrong, not "full price" but for price of SoTo...


Buy it if you believe in supporting the game so it can be successful and survive. Otherwise, skip. You aren't interested in it.


???? Then just don't pay???


why did you even pre-order the other xpacs?


why dont you just use chatgpt to decide


Are you going to be playing GW2 a fair amount over the next year, or are you planning on putting it aside for the next year?




I'm not buying either, welcome to the club!


I mean if there's currently no reason for you to buy it then don't. Once it releases and if you end up seeing something that excites you, you can always buy it at a later point.


I'm with you. I don't care about housing. If the new zones and other real mmo stuff won't attract my attention I will skip this dlc.


What do want from an expansion? I look at other games like FF14 and I see nothing interesting in their expansion trailers so I don't play their games. I see new games like COD or battlefield released and I don't see why I would even play 1 second on these games because they offer me nothing. Janthir has a lot of features and in my eyes even more features than I could expect from a "small expansion". So tell us. What do you want?


Then don’t buy??? We don’t care about you buying the expansion or not, even you are playing since day 1 but who the f are you? Some kind of celebrity? Stop thinking yourself so important


**Reason not to:** I have 11 accounts at varying expansion level access. I can tell you as a flat fact that you DO NOT have to buy any of the expansions to enjoy GW2. Even on my lone "heroic edition" core account GW2 has lots to offer without buying the expansion. **Reason to:** I like the story, even if it has been bad at times. So I will be buying it to see where the story goes. If you want the story content, do the same.


If you don't want to buy it, then don't?


gotta see the mastery number go up


what happened to people making decisions for themselves, why does everyone look to other people to make their choices


For me the announcement of a raid was what made me instantly pre-order. I like exploration, but two maps is quite light. I couldn't care less about housing. Spear will probably be necessary for good builds just like some weaponmaster weapons have pushed out a lot of other weapons by being quite overtuned. But raids are the most fun I've had in this game, and more of them I can never say no to.


bikini + spear = amazonian cosplay


If you don't buy it, I won't get that sweet $0 sponsorship money.


I geht you, it feels like WE now have too pay for living world updates. Which leaves a Special sour taste after the underwhelming SotO.


Tbh I really want to buy Janthir but besides the new housing I don't really know what is going to be in it. We get bear-people like the Koda and it seems nordic themed but everything else is vague. Maybe I didn't watch the trailer well, but it feels less like an expansion with a story and more a dlc pack for spears and housing. Whos going to be in the story? Whos the new bad guy? What is our role? Again I do enjoy gw2 but soto felt lackluster compared to the previous ones and considering that and this are part of the current expansion ideal I'm a bit worried it'll feel the game. EG. cool features but not much in the way of story. I mean Zojja is my 2nd fave base character but in soto she felt... rushed? Is that the best way to put it?