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When i was playing Faust against a Ky he did ride the lighting while I also did Faust wheel chair super. Ky was rubbing against me I took no damage and Faust kept charging forward and eventually RTL ended and I got him with the chair and won the match. The guy rage quit mid wheel chair crush.


I used Nagos super after RTLs super flash because he had 100 meter so I wouldnt have been able to punish. That shit clashed with him and since RTL is a multi hit I got blown up instead


I did something like that except it was down with the system at the same time a ky used ride the lightning


As usual, rtl continues to prove it is the most useless super in the game


RTL is really good, what do you mean? Getting wall breaks from midscreen is incredibly useful, the positive bonus and Oki really lets you run away with a game.


I air grabbed a chipp super as axl


Mid super? Or right after it ended? Either way, bad ass


Playing a laggy Leo, grabbing the crossup SEEING ALL OF THE GRAB ANIMATION, but then they’re now in backstance without a scratch


A couple days ago I hit a Leo with a 5K I *saw* as much as him staggering back from the hit- but nope, rollback bitch, it's counter backturn time.


Myself and a fellow Sol player opened all three rounds with 6H and we were both knocked back every time. I kept doing it cause I wanted to see if he’d keep doing it too.








It is my sworn duty to open with 624H Behemoth Tycoon UNTIL THEY LEARN. Or find a faster button.


Hit a Nago player with a disgusting read as Sol. Round start I neutral jumped and buffered command grab as I landed. Dude did fukyo right into it. I wish I could find the recording cause that shit hit different than any command grab I've ever landed.


Empty jump > command grab is absolute crack in this game


It's even better in +r. Look up sidewinder loops if you haven't seen them. They are very close to being my favorite combo in a fighting game.


Oh yeah that combo Sajam always does? Those are sick


damn hes good


Always nice to see a Sol player get humbled


oh my.


Getting my ass air throw while being 1 full Millia higher than my opponent


Having my wakeup DP get beat by my opponent's run up DP


Just Anji as a whole


Getting everything blown up by DPs and reversal supers feels like such horseshit


Ok i got two One, i was going against jack o and getting my ass slapped. I had a pixil of health she still had *full*. So sge did a string and after the string, i thought shed jump cause she has been after said string all match. She jumped. I got a HPB off the read. Then i pressured her to the corner and with a mix of gerruda and CS i won :) The other moment is simpler but pretty bullshit. I hit six pot busters in a single 2 round match. I legit only did pot busters to see if he'd let me just keep doing it


I did Sol’s Dragon Install as Faust did his multiple items overdrive, was blocked by the items, but then kept going and landed the move on the Faust


Timed out an Axl as Goldlewis


For me it 100% is when I (Millia) was playing against a friend (Sol) and Winger just lost to his DP when we both used it p much at the same time. We both were baffled that it just beat it... I wish I still had the clip since I kinda suck at explaining it.


Let's see... Leo mirror. This one time, I air throw clashed with another Leo 4 times in a row before I air threw him. He threw my Zweit attempt, but I woke up DP'd on his meaty. We then both waited a moment before doing Zweit at the same time and trading. We did some normal stuff, and he got me down to one hit kills status, but I put him in the corner. I knocked him down and ran up DP'd him twice on his wake-up. The third time, he baited it, but I survived because instead of punishing me properly he just DP'd the recovery of my DP. We then stared each other down for 6 seconds at point blank range before I threw him. I love Leo mirrors.


leo mirrors are a love hate relationship for me sometimes we both chimp out and its hilarious, but then i get murdered by backturn and cant do crap about it :( im thinking of making leo my new main i got him up to floor 10 like my faust, and they are both very fun


Well, I'd say check them both out post patch and play whoever is more fun. Or play both. Whatever you like.


im grinding leo right now i think ill just switch between them they are both fun i want to get Leo to level 100 like my faust though, maybe try for celestial as my leo and faust are at floor 10 but i was never able to get out of floor 10 as faust


Bro Strive level system is cracked. I've been grinding since week one and I've been floor 10 for months, and I'm like level 92. I have zero idea how the level system works. Ay yo good luck on the grind tho, hope you make it to heaven.




just generally ino and sol being able to be full screen and low profile my long faust poke full distance


I got two with Nagoriyuki so far 1. Made a comeback with Nago against Leo. Got lost in the sauce (blood rage), saw him trying to punish with his projectile super, barely got off my super full screen to punish him and win the match. 2. Got super close to blood rage in a match against Ky. Used it to my advantage and started footsies with him. Poke battle went my way both rounds.


I instantly Mirazh’d at a Ramlethal at round start and proceeded to beat the Ram using only throws. **IN FLOOR 10.**




On the bullshit BLAZING side of things, whenever I have a 236S clash against another Ram. When the hivemind syncs and we're both down a sword, what happens next is between God and Daisuke. As far as BULLSHIT blazing goes, probably getting counterhit by trying to FD. I assume it's some bizarre rollback witchcraft since afaik there's no such FD property, and sometimes I can even see the barrier for a moment before exploding.


I did the classic Potemkin Buster on the opponent's wake up three times in a row and they fell for it every time.


~5% HP Goldlewis vs 80% HP Nagoryuki, block the spinning move, get a counter with a cS, start a combo that has like 4 or 5 Behemoth Typhoon variants and finish the round (and the game) with a Down the System the frame after Nago starts his baseball super. That was bullshit blazing but I don't know if I can see that replay anymore


I haven't played all that much but last night my mate used a 10 item Faust super that made 6 bombs, 2 meteors and 2 mini fausts, the entire screen was covered in bullshit blazing. One day I hope to see the illusive 10 afro super.


any time i actually successfully made a comeback with dragon install


Leo player teabagging after dashing through my Potemkin buster.


Actually happened today for me. I main Axl, but I throw myself on Potemkin every so often because he's fun. So, I was playing a Leo who really, *really* liked to DP. I landed a pot buster on him, hammerfalled, read his DP, and HPB'd him whilst he was mid air in the DP.


When fighting a chipp mirror and we both do our super and clash


At which hour fighting a chipp mirr'r and we both doth our super and clash *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Oh man, I hit through a Nago's 6H with Goldlewis' DWTS for the third round win, but the sword was FULLY through my body, it was at my feet. I swear one more frame and I was toast, and this was the end of coming back from a ~80/5% health difference in his favour. Bullshit blazing for him, I fully acknowledge but DAMN did it feel good. It WAS a big deal but I handled it.


Playing against a ky as leo once, i knocked him down while I’m backturn stance, he did a RTL at the exact same time I did Stahlwirbel, just blasted him through his RTL for the round win. Ended up exiting because I was dying from laughter


My controller not doing a Fukyo back and i get thrown/DPed into death


fighting a zato, used RTL and was killed by eddie's drills


Faling bed loses to angry fire punch


I was playing Axl for the first time and a Chipp was crushing my will to live for 5 matches with me barely being able to take a round... but on the final one instead of playing like an Axl I dashed up and grab, airgrab, and charge-Dusted him repeatedly.


I input Leo's overdrive in neutral. My friend, playing Anji, successfully inputs his counter super. He gets hit and blown the fuck up anyway.


Fighting a Faust at 20% speed


Try to both spam 6p at round start


I just started using a hitbox after using a pad all my life. This round made me wake up my whole entire house. I finally felt my bullshit blazing. [https://twitter.com/BobbyMello4/status/1446953873873252354](https://twitter.com/BobbyMello4/status/1446953873873252354)


anytime I read a throw, push a button to counter hit then get thrown because I forgot the game was designed by a grappler player and they think throws should prioritize over strikes....then I'm just left salty.


Just throw on wake up bro


I command grabbed Chipp out of alpha blade. Also I read someone like a book 4 times in a row. Literally could see what he was doing a mile away. Also one time I cut this sol down to a literal pixel (on some resolutions you couldn’t even see it), but right as I was about kill him off the wallsplat I went into blood rage. He then forward teched out, got 70% of my health thanks to blood rage, got a sick read on my 2s with Volvanic Viper and then broke the wall, and then caught my back Fukyo with a Vortex. The two reads he made with the VV and the Vortex show he’s either really smart or really lucky. It could very easily be a Sol Player mashing or a brain genius.


uninstalled it 4 days ago, acpr and xrd are more fun.


Oh I have a few. - I fought a Gio player in tower and they disconnected after I hit them with Ram's 214H in neutral *three times in a row*. - A Zato player refused to rematch after I took the first game by literally mashing 5H - All the times I try to super on wakeup and for a split second I see Ram starting to throw her sword right before I eat a massive counterhit. - Whenever I'm fighting a Nago and I input super as he dashes in, but right as my super starts, he pops blood and my super whiffs completely. - The whole I-No matchup. - Fighting a really laggy Pot, have him pinned in the corner with Ram stuff, a throw + an OTG hit will take the match. Dash in for a grab, watch the throw animation play out... And now I've been rollbacked into a Pot Buster. - Using YRC against a Pot and getting Kara Bustered for it every time. - The I-No matchup, again. - Gio's 2D having that hitbox AND low-profiling my sword throw. - Entering an online tournament and only fighting I-Nos


I 6P’d a Sol’s far slash twice, so the 3rd time I went for it, he 6P’d back. After that, we clashed 6P’s…then we did again, and again until eventually I mashed so quickly I got the clash cancel and killed Sol.


I was mid 236H with Leo, Jack-O player used their grab overdrive, for almost all of the animation, They were facing away from me. Then just as the grab hitbox came out, they switched directions. I lost.


First time I realized Axl's jumpS can just beat Pote's air grab overdrive clean.


It was mid super. During the first hit after he teleports behind you. It was pure luck. Tried to burst to see of i could hit him with a gold. Didnt have burst ready and instead air grabbed him for that last bit of hp.


Two moments. One when I was playing as Potemkin against Chipp. He did this massive 2 billion combo on me that finished with a super, real flashy stuff. I had just the TINIEST bit of hp left. Then after that I IMMEDIATELY did a Buster when I got back up and won the game. I had a feeling he was gonna try something on wakeup. All that effort and meter for absolutely nothing lol. Another was when I was playing as Sol against my friend (I-No). I supered and I-No super'd at about the same time. I armoured through the ENTIRE thing, waited for her to come back down and she immediately got hit with it. Mob Cemetery is such a fucking meme of a move.


Getting 6P'd off a H Dolphin