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$255 a year…LMAO. Can’t even buy one Lego set for that. What hobby only cost $255 a year? Wall staring?


Hiking bird watching or something


No way, hiking stuff, binoculars and cameras/tele lenses all super expensive.


It depends how in depth you get into hobbies one can walk with a water bottle and nothing more or bird watch without any gear really it all depends, swimming could be a hobby walking or singing, or playing music all not too expensive


Playing music with spoons? Ya, costs about $1


Not once you really get into it. There’s always better tuned spoons. And then you need an offset one. And a headless one. And so on and on and on. It’s a slippery slope into financial ruin.


People laugh at me for this, but honestly, ever since I got some custom ones made in Switzerland I swear I am playing stuff I could never play before. The action on a pure silver custom Alpens is just something to behold. I appreciate novices don't have the finger sensitivity to notice the difference, but to me it's the mark of someone who's serious about what they do.


Let them scoff. Those heathens wouldn’t know refinement if it slapped them in the face and called them a hooer.


I paid 300 bucks for a used guitar several years ago and I only spendmoney for replacement strings and picks every now and then. No need to toss money around to be happy IMO.


My 12 set of Hohner harmonic spoons cost me well over 300.


Not if you hike in your normal clothes with an old backpack from school. It has worked for me for over a decade.


Yes, but you don't buy those every year, I think


Hiking costs more than that in gas alone. Not to mention gear, food you inevitably eat at a restaurant afterwards, etc.


Not necessarily. What if you go on 4-6 hikes in a year, all within close proximity of where you live, and you simply plan food so you don’t have to eat out? Ya know, make a sandwhich, the food aspect doesn’t need to be a part of the expense for the hobby.


Can you really claim something you do 4 times a year is a hobby?


I don’t see why not. There’s no requirements for this stuff.




As someone who hikes a lot, it’s definitely part of hiker culture to talk about all the disgusting food you’re going to eat on the way down. It gets you through the hike.


the last time I bought pair of good boots cost like 150-250 easy. If you add some sock a new shirt and pants you'll blow by that easy.


And you will want good socks. Once you try merino wool you'll never go back to cotton. And merino socks are not cheap. They are durable, however, so the cost does even out over time.


…. I have over 2k dumped into my backpack packing and camping gear not to mention the fishing kayak, rods and reels.


This figure is what husbands reported they spent with their wives sitting next to them.


Hahaha, definitely this


Would need to know the source, but it could be self reported with people underestimating the actual cost or alternatively not considering certain things to be "hobbies". So someone could spend all their cash on clothes, eating out, concerts, vacations etc but not consider any of these a "hobby".


If there's not a source listed, it's safe to assume the source is the rear end of whoever made this meme.


Yeah I was going to say, I'm going to need a source on that.  I think I spend more than that on my water drinking hobby.


LMAO….Eating is an expensive hobby too. Don’t recommend.


Yeah I dunno, if I don't do it though, I just seem to get this Itch that I can't quite scratch. 🤷


Def not skeet shooting, I've been dipping in recently and it's getting costly real fast


Don’t shoot at the skeet target! Then they break and you have to buy another….then another…..then another…lol


Just shoot the skeet machine and you can get like 80 at a time, it's called value


Lol….play smarter not harder!


Yeah I shoot long range comps for fun and 255 is enough for one comp In ammo, much less the multi thousands in gear and the barrels wear out after 5-6 comps. Shooting is absurdly expensive. IME it’s not as bad as racing though, open wallet insert fucked


I went through mine aside from guitar. D&D? Nope, gotta get minis, books and dice. Drawing? Nope, that's like a roll of vellum, 2 inks. and some liners Fishing? Maybe since I already have rods, but the license alone is $50. That seems like an absurdly low amount and I have CHEAP hobbies by every metric.


If someone was patient, you certainly could build quite a guitar gear collection on a $255/yr budget. You won't necessarily have the best gear, but you can have a lot of gear.


I remember seeing one guy on Reddit who was a knot enthusiast. $255 of paracord would last a loooong while.


I just spent $500 to develop and scan my own photos


World of Warcraft.


Fishing! Cheap As fuck if you do it *right*


With a stick you found in the woods? Just curious :)


Camping once you’re set on gear, and if you live within proximity of national forests with free dispersed camping. Could absolutely be $255/year


that's 2 months of guitar lessons for me


Wall staring club membership is $260


When you factor in something like a third of the people in the US are one unexpected expense away from financial ruin, then there are many, MANY people who probably spend 0 in a year on hobbies or they can’t eat. Add all those zeros to the average calculations and the number plummets


Yeah it’s like when the average temp for Spring is 75˚ and all I see is 50˚ or 90˚


I have a few hobbies I spend less than that a year on. Disc golf. Hiking. Video games. And for 2023, guitar as I only bought strings some pics and one pedal. I do get all of these had higher start up costs especially guitar and video games. 


The Legend of Zelda set is coming out soon!!! So excited for those minifigs and master sword kind of wish they would sell them in an affordable set but we all know they won’t.


Yeah I mean apart from the occasional guitar related purchase, my sports club membership already costs €30 a month.


It's probably a lot of zeros averaged in for people who say they have no hobbies.


I think what this survey reveals is that most people just don't have hobbies. Most people really are just that boring.




Even model trains are expensive, deciding the era (if modern era then getting photos of the real thing), locomotives (if you want digital with or without sound or just basic analogue), rolling stock, track, space for the layout, scenery


my 5th or 6th hobby probably ends up being around only $255 a year.


Now that i have an electric and an acoustic electric, its just strings for me.  I am a simple man.  So minus the initial instruments and amp, its actually been one of my less expensive hobbies. 


I’m over 255 in strings this year. Damn. 


Geebus... I haven't spent $255 total for strings over a DECADE'S time. And that's with three 6 string acoustics, a nylon 6 string, 12 string acoustic, two electrics, two basses, a 5 string banjo, and mandolin.


dude, you gotta change your strings!


Too many folks do this with high end strings. I'm fine changing my DRs every 2 months, but I've known guys who splurge for Elixers and then try to get 6 months out of them. Play those rusty strings, guitar man. But I'm the cheap ass.


Tommy Tedesco was one of the greatest session guitarists in recording history and played on many famous albums/movie soundtracks. He said he only changed strings when they wouldn't hold tuning.


Elixar nanowebs last a while i always get them


> but I've known guys who splurge for Elixers and then try to get 6 months out of them. Wouldn't surprise me if they succeed. In general, I personally find that elixirs cost twice as much, but sound new significantly longer than twice as long.


throw on some ghs fast fret before and after you play and those strings will last months and months


Labella flatwounds bass strings are ~$50/set and I’ve bought three sets this year, and a set of tapes. Now, granted, none of those instruments will need strings next year (most likely).




I'm All Access status with D'addario this year.


Same here. A few pack of strings - and that‘s it. Got my acoustic guitar from a neighbor who moved out and wanted to throw it in the trash, since it was broken. It costed only 70€ to repair at my local guitar repair shop.


Don’t listen to this man he has an extensive pick collection. Woolly mammoth picks, dinosaur bone picks, etc…


Same thing, for few years I've only spent cash on strings. This year I've already spent a bit more though, bought some guitars, studio gear and such.


Nice try, wife


If I keep it less than $255 per month, I give myself a pat on the back. (And reward myself the next month.)




Right there with ya


$5-20k depending on the year. MCI console. Recently got a John Cruz masterbuilt strat. Eurorack is a terrible habit for the wallet. Microphones. Vintage amps…


I'd try heroin before I let myself get sucked into Eurorack. But damn it's cool, even when it's just sitting there.


Are you a dentist by any chance


Software engineer. I’m also into cars and bikes :)


I play handmade instruments, fly airplanes, and astrophotography....lol


Sounds like $255 is a slow tuesday for you


Looks at 400 dollar lap steel I’m never gonna play


Sell it for $255 and enjoy next year


<$50. I own one acoustic, one electric, and one amp, all were gifts, none expensive. I play one or both every single day. I spend money on new strings, and that's it. My favorite thing about this hobby is that it costs almost nothing. Most of the things I really love to do are like that: Working out, gardening, reading, writing, music. I'm not poor or anything, far from it, I just really like being frugal and getting a lot out of very simple materials. Would I sound better with a way nicer guitar? Sure! But I sound pretty darn good on the instruments I have because I practice a lot, and I'd sound better by more if I practiced even more than I would by buying better gear.


You are a wise man, indeed,


Sadly most of us do not have your willpower and frugality. You, sir, are indeed a wise man. 😊


Let’s see here: guitar, HiFi, golf, watches, pc…… sure let’s go with $255


Im about 300 in on cables this year.


It costs more than that to breath


In total over the last ten years I’ve actually made money on my hobby because I had to sell most of my amps and guitars to pay bills lol. At this point I would say I’m about $300 in the green.


I spent $255 last week. Potentially spending $3,000 this weekend.


No comment.


That’s a comment


Well, there a lot of people are really really dull and don’t even have hobbies. Like, what are you even doing with your life?


I spent the equivalent to 1500 dollars in the last 6 months i need help


255 must be accounting for everyone without an hobby


Yeeeeaahhhh.. I’ve already done 10x that in rebuilding my VW Beetle.


I’m good for another 15-20 years. Also I have a guitar playing colleague who is getting married and we floated the idea of pooling money for a gift. Another colleague asked for my suggestion on a guitar after we pooled about 300 bucks. I had to stifle a laugh before telling them we’d need like a hell of a lot more for any guitar he would actually appreciate.


Those are rookie numbers. I play guitar, bass, magic the gathering, build gunpla and collect transformers. At least I've managed to stay away from 40k this long.


That information is probably from 1930 or something


*laughs in cars


That's a funny way to spell pay period.


Someone must be gaining money to keep the average that low. With the amount of guys who love fishing, race cars, cars in general, legos, guitars, pretty much anything guys do, and the amount of money that it costs, that number should be in the thousands.


225 seems right, give or take 10k.


I haven't actually bought any new hardware, surprisingly. I've been eyeing a new 7 string Ibanez though. Haven't pulled the trigger on it yet, so I'm still on just strings in terms of expenses. My amp is a Spark, so no pedal expenses. Sometimes I wish I had an amp/speaker stack so I could have a proper FX chain.


In my experience, a nice new guitar will only ever sound so good running through a cheap amp. I don't know what guitar (s) you already have, but a nicer amp can make a whole load of difference.


My amp is a Positive Grid Spark, so it's a modeler, so all the processing is done through the amp. If I had an amp and speaker stack, I could split my boost and modifier pedal chain. So ideally, the boost/distortion pedals would feed into the amp, which would use either a clean or dirty amp preset, which feeds through all my optional pedals: flanger, phaser, reverb, delay, looper, etc., that then feed into my speaker. Edit: I have an HH Cort Les Paul clone, and an HSS ESP LTD. I prefer the Cort when I'm doing more dirtier lines, and the ESP with more Lead-like lines.


Now what's the median?


3200usd in two years. That includes a jackson dinky js22, king v js32, epiphone lp classic, lp le 1959, extura prophecy and a few katana amps and a couple pedals. Things are way more expensive in Mexico, mind you but those 3200 were the bonuses from the past two years and a tad bit more so I kinda see it as free money


Sounds like a tame month. I’m already over $3k in June


Mine might be that low, if we average it out over the 40+ years I've owned guitars. I bought a guitar for the first time at 19 in 1987, which was actually my second guitar; my mom bought me my first when I was 14. I traded that one away when I was 21 or so. The Ibanez RG410 that I bought (and still own) was my one guitar for almost 20 years. Around 2006 I bought another, and then a couple more, so that I had a half-dozen or so by 2008. (Two of those were gifts from my wife.) Then the economic collapse of 2008 hit. No more guitar buying. I've never had to sell any of them, but I had no expendable income for years after that while I remade myself. Fast forward to 2019, I'm feeling good, secure in my new career, and I buy another guitar. Then another. Then another. (All cheap, I should note - $350 is probably the most I've ever paid in this latest buying phase.) I started tinkering with them. I'd buy a cool one on sale for $250, buy some pickups, maybe some locking tuners. So while they were dirt cheap to purchase, I've now doubled the cost of each in pickups & parts. I bought the tools I needed to work on them, set them up, sand & polish down sharp fret edges, etc. I want to say that I'm *probably* done buying them, for now. I've also thought about selling most off them off and buying just a couple in the higher price ranges. But I'm the type that would rather have ten $400 guitars than two $2000 guitars.


By far I’ve spend over ~3000$ collecting Nokia’s for 2 years


This week alone I bought a $100 dollar epi from ‘97 and then spent another (near)$100 on a new gotoh bridge for it. This happens far too often


Ive got 2 six strings, 2 seven strings and 2 acoustics, and Ive been happy with my pedal board for a few years now. Maybe just $100/year on strings and stuff Now I spend about $255/month on Warhammer ....


At minimum, around $200 or so (strings mostly). This year has been an anomaly since I upgraded my effects (Neural DSP, pedalboard) and bought a new guitar (customized PRS SE 277 Baritone). Total in so far this year: $3300. I'm also considering upgrading my amp from a Line 6 Spider 250 to something that is a better match for the Neural DSP. (I really don't need all of the processing in the Line 6 now). Short answer: it depends.


*A week


Me about to rebuild my strat after fixing my first Tele and my acoustic…


I’ve bought strings, picks, a tuner, a strap, a trio+, and a Blues Driver pedal. ~$500. The years only half way done.


Well.....its significantly north of $255....


I’ve spent realistically $6k on gear this year… so far. I don’t actually plan on buying anything else though other than like $30 on strings and picks. But I’m saving up for a new amp next year.


That’s a weird way to spell “week”….


I haven't bought anything guitar related other than strings in over a year so I guess I qualify.


My hobby cost me over $700 for a new hobby thingy and that was New years day. Lol


It's not a hobby! It's my profession, and teaching is my side gig! ...that's my way of justifying the fact that I spend a heck of a lot more than that per year.


This is actually a statistical error. Average person spends $0 per year on hobbies. Guitar Pedals Georg, who spends $500k on his hobby per year, is an outlier and should not be counted.


Cough... Astrophotography... Cough




Lmao 🤣


Ha ha… I don’t spend much on my guitars (now…!). But average it out per year and… ah.


a month maybe.


One of my baitcast reels cost more than that...lets not even talk about snowboarding and rc cars...


$255 in what country/year lmao


i am proud of being far above average


more like $255 per month…..happiness is expensive


I spend that per month..maybe closer to $300


$84, and I'm hoping to get it down to 60 by switching to Elixirs. I buy almost nothing besides strings, although my bridge did snap and my nut came unglued, so this year it's a bit high. \~$400 on the bridge and ten bucks on some gorilla glue for the nut, but averaged over several years it's far less per year.


they forgot 2 zeroes


10 guitars including a Gibson, hefty gaming PC, high grade flight sim gear.. hmm.


So far this year, I've spent about $70 on strings and $30 on replacing an XLR cable my dog chewed through. Budgeting *all* of my guitar expenses over the 16 years I've had in this hobby, and accounting for the gear I've *sold* when I upgraded away from it, I think I'd actually not be *too* far over the average. Helps that I pared my "collection" down to one guitar, amp, and multieffect.


On amps I rarely use them


Whatever the hobby is, I really hope people do or are able to treat themselves with more than 255 a year for it


That's about 2 ishing rods for me. Add tackle, fishing license and everything else and I go way over


255 on a pedal yes, but not only on one 😂👍


I don't spend a penny. I invest a lot in guitars tho.


I'm into 5 figures already for 2024.


Pretty much fishing stuff I haven't gotten to into baitcasters yet or fly fishing but that's next. I spend a lot more than 250 on lures that's for damn sure. I really want to start making my own but the goal is to "save money"


I've only replaced strings in the past year.


Yeah, if your hobby is matchstick constructions


Probably around $30 for strings only


Theoretically, one could buy a 99€ guitar and play it forever. Change strings 2-4 times a year = 20€. Cheap af. Guitar doesn't need to be an expensive hobby. The first 6 years of me playing guitar looked like this. Then I had my first job that wasn't minimum wage and bam, shopping time!


Are they averaging that it over a lifetime? Because I’m almost 60 and that’s about the only way 255 will work lol


Pinecone collectors


Hahahahhahahaaa..... I mean, Facts. I just keep spending FAR past the $300 that buys me a case for my mixer. 🤣🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️... oh yeah, I fly fpv drones, am a pc gamer, and an AVID firearms enthusiast. I spent more than I care to say on Ammo alone. $288.... 🤣😂🤣😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️




I play Magic: The Gathering. I spend that monthly easy.


I already spend 1700 on my hobby in the last 4 months


So that’s half a guitar and some fishing line. Not getting far with either


Always around $6000 per year


I mean, I couldn’t really afford any guitars til I was in my mid 20s, so this probably averages out :-p


I’d have to make a throwaway account just to answer this


If I'm making money it's technically not a hobby? Right? Or is it funding an addiction?


If my hobby is guitar strings….then that’s about right


ummmm that number is off they are liars tell my wife it's 2-3k a year ok????


im very proud of how much i stimulate the economy every year.


Depends on which hobby we're talking about. I've spent probably only $500 combined this year because I started a new job that pays a little less, had to buy a new (used) car and my mortgage payment went up at renewal (Canada) but last year was somewhere around $15k.


$255 doesn’t even cover my Onlyfans subscriptions.


That's it?


Honestly, I haven't spent much on gear this year. Outside of my monthly pack of strings for my daily driver guitar (my local music shop gives me free picks because I bring dented beer cans from my day job whenever I stop in) I've only bought a clip on tuner and a Boss Katana. I love my Rockerverb 50, but my roommate goes to bed an hour after I get home from work so I needed something quieter. And I thought it might be fun to play with a modeling amp/being able to record straight off the amp.


The average adult tells their SO they spend $255 on their hobbies.*


I've got a few custom guitars that cost about as much as 10 years of hobbies, I guess


I maybe spend $100 a year on new strings. But how much do I spend on gardening per year? Well over a thousand, I’m sure.


They misspelled “week.”


These folks plainly don’t play guitar or collect comic books.


Me laughing while I glue another Space Marine to it's base


How is hobby defined? I spend that every year buying new running shoes every 4 months. Then all the race fees and support products.


255 a year if you include the congo


There’s two types of people, the people that spend money on brand new things, or the people who enjoy hand me downs and thrifting. $255 is an average. Many hobbies aren’t as expensive if you take a sec to find used items.


As someone who plays guitar and golfs…..I can’t think this is true


A lot of hobbies are completely free or one time purchase for many years, so I can totally believe it's true. Guitar is rather expensive hobby, so obviously it's easily hundreds of dollars a year with more to spend on bigger, but less frequent purchases. My big hobby purchases from this year is snowboard gear, I still need some things, but this is one time purchase of let's say 900-1000 USD and I'll be using it for many years, if not as long as I physically can ride. Even if I limit it to 10 years of usage, it still makes it lousy 90-100 bucks a year. That's how "on average" works...


I just sprung for an axe fx 3. I'm thinking that'll push my annual average over $255 for a long time


I've spent 600 this week 😬


I have paid more then double that on one pedal.


Don't think I've bought anything guitar related since about 2005. So as hobbies go, it can be as cheap or expensive as you make it.


wow, all the people with NO hobbies really bringin that number down lmao


A hell of a lot more than $255.


My dad has bought me about $200 in gear this year. I don't have a serious job, as I am not yet old enough to be employed, so I don't buy my own gear. Last year my dad spent around $600 on my shitty squier and my new Ibanez bass


If I estimate the cost of all of my gear (guitars, pedals, amps) and divide that by the years I’ve been alive, I’d be at roughly $300 a year. But that’s a pretty conservative estimate and leaves out all the guitars under $1000 and anything I’ve sold or traded away.


Depends. Most years i don't spend all that much. Couple of hundred is probably pretty accurate. But the years where i DO spend money? Hooo boy, that's a different story. Bought myself a new Gibson as a birthday present this year so that's a pile of money right there. Then Microsoft dropped the news that they'll be discontinuing support for Windows 10 in october, which means buying a new PC. And since i'm the kind of person to buy monster rigs that will last me for the forseeable future rather that incrementally upgrading year after year, that's gonna be another pile of money as well. I also planned to get a new amp, so that's also going to set me back. But ehh, i have a steady job. And it's not like you need to buy everything all at once, you can space it out throughout the months to keep the paychecks covering. And besides, what are savings for if not to be spent on the things that you enjoy? I'll still have plenty left even after all this, so i'll be fine. And next year i'm guessing things will cool down a bit and hobby spending will go back down to normal. It kinda comes and goes in waves depending on how your hobbies change and what your life situation is. Or at least that's been the case in my experience.


Almost [$3,500 per year is spent on entertainment/hobbies](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cesan.pdf) per American, per year. Y’all are fine.


Some years $50 on strings. Last year $6K on a new guitar. So it varies.


Dang. That's like my average transaction cost for supplying my hobbies with replacement parts and stuff lmao.


I used to spend a good 5k/yr. After 20+ guitars in, and a room of amps and effects, I think I have enough. My house looks like a music store. That's just the guitars...


Only a bassist could pull that off


I impulse bought a guitar (and a pedal) for the first time in well over a decade this year, so I have spent well more than that but it's more the most I have spent in a calendar year on gear in \~15 years.


6$ for strings lmao


It makes total sense - I have a hobby of buying guitars, another of playing acoustic guitar, another of playing blues, another of a laying folk, and another of playing finger style.


$255 huh? If that were really my yearly budget, I wouldn't be able to buy so much as a pick or new strings until '27.


Was about to say eating food but that's way to little ammoiunt of money lol


Probably about that… buy guitar for a great deal, don’t love it, sell it for a break even or small loss, repeat. Maybe a bit more with strings and electricity but now that I have a main guitar, amp, and the pedals I need it’s just GAS and maintenance items mostly. Probably 10x that on fishing, factoring in fuel to get there, new lures, and food… at least the kayak runs on breakfast biscuits and coffee and is low maintenance.