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You added a zero on the number of songs by accident


My favorite comment!


“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 songs once, but I fear the man who has practiced Stairway 10,000 times.” -Bruce Lee


Playing for 30 years. I can fairly confidently play through two songs.


My man! Which two songs? I'll work on them for the next 30 years and we can jam!!!




You know 10 songs? I've been playing 25 years and my partner still moans at me because I've never learnt a full song from start to finish 😆


Playing a song from start to finish is boring. I just wanna play that cool intro


I can play a lot of intros/hooks. But unless I'm playing live I don't ever work on songs start to finish.


Because the rest is just G, C, D. Who cares, man? Hang on, this song has a 7th chord. Woooooo.


A band that used to play with mine had a joke they would say before every song. "We wrote this one in D... Here's another one in D... I was feeling a little different when I wrote this, so it's in D." I guess the joke was it wasn't a joke.


I guess they just really like D. That’s okay!


I also love the D


And A and E. Try to avoid those Fs and Bs, with those awful bar chords [shudder]. JK, that's all behind me. Now I often play songs with no open chords at all, just bar chords.




I’ve rarely played anything note for note in any of the cover groups I’ve been in. Most people only come for the chorus or a famous solo, etc. You likely know no one will bitch about a rhythm riff unless you’re brutally off. Just another song in D. But do NOT deviate significantly from the famous solo or the creeping death coda


Or destroy that solo


Nah its much more fun when you can play the whole thing and you don’t have to stop. Doesnt take very long as a lot of it is repeated and I memorize things very fast. Problem is eventually I will forget it because I learn new songs and play those instead.


I get bored playing four chords unless they’re jazz chords or something


long cool woman in a black dress 😮‍💨


Play half the bored onto the next


And those two measures of the solo i can play


Hell yeah


For the reeeeeeefs!!!


My problem is I’ll learn a song then get bored of it and don’t play it for a couple months and then I forget how to play it


Same here. Not that I get bored of it, but there are other songs that I play more, and then I get through a whole 3 hours playing the same 3-4 songs and eventually I forget others that I only play every 3 days.


Lmfao thats exactly the thing. Over the years I've had my share of relearning forgotten songs because of parenthood life.




Dude! my kids laugh every time I say I want a new guitar because they know I can't play a single song from start to finish!!!! BTW, I have 5 guitars!!!


I feel this one. I love having guitars on my wall simply because they are beautiful to me.


Yeah I can play hundreds of cool riffs but I'm pretty sure I can't play 10 full songs at this point. I've learned more than 10 full songs but I tend to forget how to play some of the parts eventually.


"You play guitar ?" "Sure !" "Play me something" "Sure thing" Proceeds to play the fade to black intro on repeat


who wants to hear the whole thing?? ;) I do medleys....haha.


Me as fuck


Lucky for me my wife is musically challenged and just thinks everything I play sounds incredible.


On my electrics, I can play riffs and solos, but no full songs. Thats not really what electrics are for. They need a full band. Lately, I've been obssessed by acoustics, inspired by a beautiful used acoustic Yamaha I got super cheap. Best acoustic guitar I've ever owned. Now I'm studying fingerpicking, and I'm learning complete songs. I've got 2 down solid, and I'm well along the way in learning about 4 more, with several on deck. I don't expect to be playing in public, but I want to be able to play some songs to entertain myself, and also to accompany my son, who has a world-class voice. When we first started playing together, my wife whispered to me, "Nothing makes me happier than to listen to the two of you make music together."


So happy to see that I’m not the only one that’s been playing for 20+ years and doesn’t know an entire song start to finish either! lol




I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. I know several lines I wanted to learn but there aren’t more than a couple songs I can play reliably front to back. But I also only learn songs so I can sing along so that adds to the degree of difficulty there. Granted… I do none of it particularly WELL, lol.


Wait…. We are suppose to learn more than just riffs…. Oh crap.


I’m glad I’m not the only one


Hell yeah. I learned to play the blues for the sole purpose of playing variations of the same dozen or so songs.  I mean, I still try to learn new things when I hear something I like. But for the most part I’m firmly in my zone. 


A dozen is pretty good. There were plenty of huge acts like The Ink Spots who essentially used one rigid song template and made a career out of it.


can you elaborate on this? i dig the ink spots but haven't listened to enough of them to know what you mean here


[Skip to about 14 minutes in this podcast](https://500songs.com/podcast/the-ink-spots-thats-when-your-heartaches-begin/) for a good breakdown.


thanks for the link boss


Nah I have adhd , I be playing 20 riffs in 4 minutes and call it a day everyday for the last 10 years.


I can relate. I usually last about 20 min before I get distracted. Trying to turn that into an hour a few times a week now.


Hey any and all practice is good right hahaha


I have the opposite problem, I get distracted by my guitar. I have things to do but then I am near my guitar and just start playing for a little which turns into a lot. If i enter a room and there is a guitar, 9 times out of 10 I am going to become locked in on playing it and completely zone out about everything else going on in the room. A friend was showing me his homemade recording studio. Sound proofed walls, microphones, cables, a keyboard, computer etc. but there was an acoustic in there horribly out of tune so I picked it up and started tuning it. Friend was trying to show me what type of cable I would need to record with him meanwhile I was completely ignoring him (unintentionally) and playing Wish You Were Here.


I’d like to get to this point. I need a guitar in every room


LOL, I'll be playing the same riff for a half hour straight, but I'll be watching TV and reading a book at the same time.


Lmaoo That’s what I do sometimes as well, I’m on YouTube going through random videos while playing the same bodom riffs over and over again


I felt this in my soul.


This is where its at hahaha


I gig and I play in bands as a rhythm player and sing. I can do the occasional blues or country based solo using Pentatonics, but that’s about it. I’ve got a repertoire of about 150 songs I know by heart and quickly learn everything else just by playing chords. I’ve been playing for nearly 35 years and I’m not all that good but I’m incredibly serviceable and I’ve never taken it to the next level. Edit: I love gear and have lots of nice instruments that suit my style. Looking the part is half the battle and every guitar has a story. Just because you’re not a shredder doesn’t mean you’re not a player. Being a campfire guitarist and a good entertainer or just playing for yourself to relief stress is all good. There’s no judgment in music.


This thread makes me feel way better about how I’m doing 😂


That’s what I needed. To feel ok with my lack of progress.


First 10 years of my playing was just 3 albums. Slipknot vol 3 Lamb of God sacrament Breaking Benjamin we are not alone


Epic! That’s a serious slab of juicy metal riffs right there!! Great choice! 🤘🏻🤘🏻


I've since moved into other stuff. Like Dethklok and Gojira, but those late 90s early 00's were what got me into both metal and guitar at the same time.


Hell ya to Dethklok and Gojira, I did a speech about Brendon Small when I was in college. I saw Gojira live with Mastodon a long time ago without hearing of them before, that was a wild concert


I slept on Dethklok and Gojira both for too long. I during the original airing of Metalacolypse I was usually playing Diablo 2 or halo 2/3 so never really knew it existed. Then I think at one point years ago Netflix had the first season on and watched it and immediately had to buy the albums. Galaktikon is a wonderful extension of Brendon Smalls work of you've never listened to either of those albums. Gojira I had heard some of their super early stuff and at the time it just didn't click with me so I moved on. Couple years ago Slipknot had Behemoth, Gojira, and Volbeat on their Roadshow and I had a chance to go see it. Was consequently my first Slipknot show, but Gojira blew me away. I've had their albums on rotation ever since. I'm a project manager and Gojira on shuffle is amazing background music for excel spreadsheets.


I don’t know how Galiktikon II slipped under my radar! And it’s so fun when you discover a new band live. I used to always look up opening bands I wasn’t familiar with but stopped after finding some great artists blind


For me it was mostly thrash metal (Metallica, Megadeth and little else) and 00s metalcore (Trivium, A7X, BFMV, etc...). Now I finally got a 7 string and have been learning some modern metalcore, but most songs I want to learn are super hard so I won't be learning a full song anytime soon, lol


I haven't gotten into much of today's modern metal. I've tried but nothing has caught my ears. Most the stuff I'm listening to nowadays is Dethklok, Galaktikon, Gojira, The Ocean, and my Kids are obsessed with the 8 or so songs by Milkbood. So those are usually on repeat if they are in the car. I listened to a lot of Megadeth (never really got too into Metallica). Shhhh. I need no followup on this statement.


I'm a big fan of bands like ERRA, Currents, Invent Animate, stuff like that. But some of their music is super hard to play. Check [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOvJFW9dpJM) out (the song I'm working on atm). Megadeth were one of the bands that introduced me to metal (together with Metallica). Rust In Peace is one of the best metal albums of all time. I'm actually going to see them live for the first time this sunday, I'm super excited for that.


Brutal song. I just see that 7 string guitar and I’m like…. Nope, I’m good with 6.


I was fortunate enough to see Megadeth on their peace sells tour. Along with Slayer and Overkill at the Cameo theater in Miami Beach. I gotta thank my older brother for that one. Damn, that was insane.


I'll check that out, and I'll look up those other bands too. Always willing to give a try. My journey was crazy. I started listening to 80s/90s pop-country because "this music is safe for kids". ...not if you really listen deeply to it. Then by chance heard Smoke on the Water for the first time. I had never heard a distorted guitar before at 7 years old. From there got into stuff like ac/DC and Black Sabbath. A friend of mine gave me the Black album which at the time was the heaviest I had ever heard. He also gave me Countdown to extinction which to this day is still one of my favorite albums. I liked Megadeth more so stuck with them over Metallica. Eventually a local "ROCK ALTERNATIVE/BUTT ROCK" station popped up and I got into stuff like Godsmack, Linkin park, Korn, and Disturbed. Then randomly one day I was half asleep on the couch and MTV aired Duality by Slipknot. I sat up straight. YouTube and streaming wasn't super big yet and I had shitty internet out in the country so I never knew they existed until Duality dropped. It changed my life. Saw Megadeth for the first time last year when they came through with Hatebreed (good fun) Trivium (couldn't hear his vocals but damn his guitar playing is amazing), Lamb of God, (honestly they were the highlight that night) and Megadeth while the headliners and the classics. Dave was definitely not feeling the performance that night. Still good show though.


Man I wish that tour was in europe haha, love all the bands. I've seen Trivium live once and they were amazing, and I'm seeing them again next year with BFMV which is gonna be awesome as well. Sucks that you couldn't hear his vocals, the sound was crystal clear when I saw them, and in a venue known for terrible sound. I really need to see Lamb of God live someday though. One of my favorites for sure.


I had a really similar playing history. I learned of the Master of Puppets album and a ton of Metallica while my best friend was a huge Megadeth fan. We’ve seen Trivium and A7X live together. Then my friend introduced my to Between the Buried and Me and now prog metal is my favorite to listen/learn. And I have the exact same issue with trying to learn a song I like but it’s all so difficult it takes me forever to learn


I've heard good things about Between the Buried and Me but have never really checked them out. Any songs by them you recommend?


One of those is not like the others.....


Before I got into "heavier" stuff I was more into 80s thrash and 90/00 Alt Rock. When I made the transition into the at the time modern heavy metal breaking Benjamin followed me. May not be the most technical band around but dude got some pipes on him and their music is still a good listen.


Nice! I'm currently playing through BB Ember. A ton of fun.


10? Well look at mister talented over here. I can only remember about 5.


In the mid 90’s, I spent years in the garage with earbuds connected to a discman (RATM debut), with a nice set of headphones over top of them coming out of my Fender RAD amp and started on Bombtrack and would play through the album. Bag of weed on the ready. I played through that album only for YEARS! Fuck was it good.


Look at you over here with 10 songs. Bloody showoff.


Pretty much feels that way. But 30 years and like 5-8 songs for this creature of habit.


Great! Love knowing I’m not alone in my guitar experience.


Yup! 👋


I guess my 10 songs have rotated in and out since 1985. But yeah, pretty much sums up my skills.


Hell yeah. And it’s 90% Weezer, Pixies, and Oasis.


I've never been big on learning songs


I kept learning more songs for a while, then I started learning theory and started forgetting every song I ever learned. Now all I do is dick around with a chord progression and a scale. I could probably still play a couple of songs I learned 20 years ago if I had to.


Been playing the same 5 notes forever. Fuckin love it lol


I play over the hills and far away almost every single time I pick up a guitar. Been like 15 years lol.


Same. Song is great. I just added Jessica by Allman Bros. 


Awesome. I like playing four sticks.


40 years


Yep. Well, except that time I was in a band that didn't align with my usual tastes. But it was a gig and some of the most fun I've had in my life. Now it's back to the same from before, though with some of that genre sprinkled in on occasion.


I do play those songs and enjoy them but I can't agree, no.




I play complete song with solos and everything but they are pretty simple. Think “from the beginning” by ELP or some Pink Floyd and Yes. I have been playing the scales as well cuz I think they are fun and are a good way to increase speed but I’ve never even tried to really put them to use in a soloing way.


I do this, my work playlists, same, don't care for performance, its just fun. Its good for me.


It’s definitely good for my mental health. Even just a small session makes me feel accomplished for the day.


I do it just to break up the day, work from home so much sitting and waiting, I also do it to avoid thinking, its my escape i guess


Been in the game a long time, made records, toured a ton, play my guitar every day and I still usually dick around with the same bunch of songs. I play mostly for stress relief and keeping idle hands busy so I tend to go to songs I know well that feel comfortable to play. Or I’ll hammer on the same riff or progression for something new that never materializes but it’s fun. At some point I forgot that this is supposed to be fun so I started having fun again


Haha my kids say this exact thing to me.


I play the same 15 songs for 1-2 months, slowly switching it up replacing each song as I get bored of it 🤷‍♂️




If you like the song, you like the song ! Most of my favourite songs have been my favourites from the first time I heard them.


Pretty much sounds like me for the last 30 years. Also, I almost own one dedicated guitar per song! 😂😂😂😂


I play the same 10 riffs for 20 years, and I noodle and fuck around for everything else


Fark yes :) 40 here, still rocking the same Metallica tool and Radiohead tunes


For me it’s around 35 songs for 30 years but yeah. I do learn new stuff but I’m fine playing all the songs I’ve been playing for decades.


I have a playlist of about 80 songs. Some I know front to back, others just a few lines but that's my guitar playing routine. I find some time and play along to a few. I dread anytime someone hears I've played guitar for 30 years and they ask, "play me something!" Well, grab a band I can play along to, because CHUG-CHUG-CHUG gets really boring all by itself. :D


I thought I was the only one. Playing 35 years and never advanced much, play the same shit all the time and love it. I have lyric/ chord sheets and play and sing w my partner and friends. I would love to know other people’s limited repertoires. Mine for strumming and basic rhythm guitar and singing is All the Right Reasons – Jayhawks, Black Sheep – Blackie and the rodeo kings. Days are never long enough – Steve Earle Emmylou – first aid kit. I love and you – Avett brothers I need some sleep – eels I want to buy your truck – Fred Eaglesmith. Leave a light on – Jen Grant. The lines roar – first aid kit Marmalade – Geraldine Fibbers My Antonia – Emmylou Harris New coat of paint – Tom Waits. One less set of footsteps – Jim Croce Pancho and Lefty -Townes Van Zandt Sea of heartbreak– Rosanne Cash, September, when it comes – Rosanne Cash. The story – Brandi Carlile Train Song – Feist and Benjamin Gibbard. Waggon Wheel – old Crow medicine show Wilder Than Her – Fred Eaglesmith New ones playing with my friends: Red Rover – big sugar Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol Again, please post a list of your songs, need to find more gems to play


Mood for a Day -Yes Broons Bane/the trees -Rush Two suns in the sunset -Floyd Killing Floor -Hendrix From the Beginning -ELP Master of Puppets -Metallica Four Horsemen -Metallica Four Sticks -Zeppelin Lenny -SRV A bunch of scales and little blues riffs


I've been playing off and on for 20 years and Time of Your Life by Green Day is the only song I can play fully.


Rad. I thought there was something wrong with me. There’s something wrong with all of us!


Been trying to learn the intro to Little Wing for a year since I get back to this hobby.  I still couldn't play it right but I weirdly enjoy it lol


I bought a Les Paul Traditional, a friend gave me an old tube amp(that sounds awesome). Can’t play one song though, I just dig fuckin around with it for the last 10 years and have no ambitions to get any better. Rock on!


Shit, that’s some bands’ entire careers.


Shit I thought I was the only one! I probably have an 1:15-1:30 of songs that I can play and sing through. They are mostly Neil Young songs. There's a bunch of tunes I half know, and can get the basic structure of a new song pretty fast but if I'm not going to be able to sing it I don't invest any time in it. I do have a handful of original songs that need finishing and I do "plan" on coming up with workable / performable versions of a bunch more but I usually end up just playing a 45-1:00 set when I go down to play.


You’re not alone! Great work!


Nah, I play the same bank of riffs and themes over years until they find their way into songs or improv work 


Of course! Some of those early songs re-inject me with that "new at this but its so awesome" stage. Sometimes you forget. Also, sometimes it bugs me and reminds me to learn some new shit!


A few more but yeah I am more than happy with my list for now… circa 2005


I'd lose my mind with such a small repertoire. I especially dont get the comments of people saying they learn riffs and never full songs. Thats a pretty significant limitation to have as a player. One wouldnt function well in a band or jam session with that skillset.


I've got a basic set of songs that I play for enjoyment. Sometimes all the way through and sometimes just the hooks and cool runs. I use the guitar quite a bit for new chord sequence ideas when composing. The guitar sometimes never makes it to the final track. The chords serve as the foundation for the orchestration. Occasionally, it's worth taking to the next level. I'll never be Dominic Miller.


I mostly play stuff I've written.


I try not to let myself do that too much because while I play guitar for fun and stress relief I also want to improve and it's easy to just play stuff you already know and stagnate. But hey to each their own, nothing wrong with what you're doing. All up to if you want to improve or not. If you've reached a certain level and are ok with staying there more power to you. It is necessary to break out of your comfort zone though if you do in fact want to level up on the instrument.


This thread is honestly depressing to me, even though everyone’s happy lol. I was also in this limbo for years. What finally helped me was 1. I got a teacher and 2. I started focusing on classical guitar. I can actually play full songs now and I’ve improved more in a few months than I had for the past many years


I find it’s helping me realize that I don’t have to be great or even proficient to enjoy playing.


I used to have a setlist of 20-30 songs I would play in a garage band. Stopped playing for 10years and have zero interest in playing a single one of those , which is great because I don’t remember any of them. been doing self paced online lessons working on techniques and theories the last 6 months since I restarted and I’m am a way better guitar player for it then I was when I was doing those same damn songs.


I play and learn new techniques. Me around writing my own stuff. Try to learn stuff by ear sometimes but rarely learn full songs by other people. Used to.


If you’re happy where you are then good for you. There’s way too little of that around


I feel called out...


I’m calling everyone out!


No. I’ve moved on as change in music styles or what I’m into. I’m working on Pink Floyd’s discography at the moment but have for the last 5 years maybe.


I’ve been playing for 35 years, mostly in my room. I know more than 10 songs, I’d say maybe 40, because I’ve been in a few bands so you have to learn songs from start to finish. But I sometimes play the same songs than when I started, and what’s even worse is that some of them I still can’t play them right because I’ve never bothered digging seriously into them.


Lol I've been playing The Cure's Just Like Heaven for twenty years. I have been trying to learn new songs recently though


I feel personally attacked every time I see that ad on YouTube. “Play us a song Pete” “What do you mean you don’t know any songs? You’ve been playing for like ten years”


Been happily playing through silverchair's Frogstomp album since 1995


I know tons of songs. They’re all by the same artist I’ve been listening to for the past 20 years, but there’s gotta be at least 10 of them!


Guitar is a great hobby for me, but not one I have the time and money to do what I'd like to. That's okay. I've had fun. I play once or twice a month now just to maintain where I plateaued. I'm working on a degree that I'm passionate about, so I can't complain. One thing I've really enjoyed about adulthood (compared to grade school) is that I've realized not everything is a competition. I can sit back and enjoy the school others bring, and sometimes I get to share a little fun as well.


I went overboard learning songs. I currently know 11 hendrix songs (used to be 14, forgot 3), 9 pearl Jam (used to be 11), 4 Nirvana (used to be 6), wild thing, 5 led zeppelin songs, 2 foo fighter, 4 Smashing Pumpkins, and about 4 other songs. So I know about 35-40 songs fully. But with all that being said, I mostly play the same 8-10 and every now and then play a few I usually don't.


What made you not want to go to next level? Just curious. Started about 7 months ago


It’s not that I don’t want to. I simply just have not put in the time for practice. I have no excuse. I have plenty of time to do it. Now that I’m getting older I’m realizing it’s now or never to dial in that speed I’ve always wanted to master.


Nearly at the 20 year mark, did a lot of cover songs live and forget almost all of them. I can learn a song in very short time but I don’t practice as regularly as I used to so I’ll forget the song almost entirely by the next day. I also spend a lot of time just noodling around and will come up with a cool riff and forget it the next day. I’ve also hit my head a lot over the years, probably like 5 concussions but only 2 actually diagnosed by doctors. Oddly my memory in other areas is insanely accurate


Only been playing 8 years now, but yeah! I always end up sticking with the same few songs I’ve practiced most!


I’m right there with ya. I’ll occasionally learn a new riff here and there but mostly jam the same stuff I’ve been playing since the 90s. Lol. I played in a band for years and we had close to 50 songs on our set list. Do you think I ever play any of those songs on my own? Nope.


Isnt that what is primarily all about ? Playing things you enjoy 😊


I've been at it for longer than that and still don't know 20 songs! Once I discovered blues scales, that was all I needed. I only play for myself though, so I've never had a reason to learn an entire song. Just love jamming over a progression!


I keep playlists in itunes of songs in different tunings I like to play. I usually have to go back to Ultimate Guitar at some point for the tab again, but I enjoy myself, and I do actually feel like I've gotten a little better over the years. I've played in several bands, but I know my "lets be huge rock stars" time is well behind me now. I like playing my Sabbath songs, or Volbeat or Sabaton or something. I think it might be fun to play in a cover band again maybe someday, or a Sabbath tribute as long we get to play Tony Martin and Dio stuff. Long winded way of saying, I have my songs, and they're fun. And that's ok.


Yup and tbh I recently started expanding and it's been so easy because I have been playing so long lol. Learned a bunch of maiden solos and a couple megadeth. Each of them took like 1 night to get the foundation down I would much rather have it this way playing what I enjoyed and chilling than struggling to reach the goal faster Another thing is I never used a pick before so learning to hold one and keep the motions small has been a big game changer really


So happy to read this! Also, not forgetting the added bonus of having absolutely nobody to play these songs to.


Who cares how many songs, though personally I feel that songs reflect emotions, and 10 is too few for me. I need art to reflect the myriad of minor and major phenomena of life. Some people get by painting with a few colors, and it's never about how many colors you use, but the execution of the final product.


This describes me perfectly!


Definitely! I was in a garage band in high school and we wrote some songs that I still play in addition to some of my favorites - and that is about it! I have no need at this point to press much further and I'm quite happy with "noodling" as some call it.


Hahaha yes this is me


Yup lol


I rotate them but yes , I'll do 2 or 3 songs or certain artists for a month or so , then 2 or 3 different ones etc. By the time I get around to the first ones I have to relearn parts again.


Yes. But then in the last 6 months Ive learned 10 new songs and intros, but played the other same for 20+ years. Now I dont feel like learning again, and really have no idea what jump-started me to practice new songs 6 months ago lol


Lol 100% I just love the feeling of a guitar in my hands


Playing a whole song isn’t bad. Playing a whole song really well is very tough.


Zakk Wylde still looks like he’s having fun up there


It's all about your enjoyment of the instrument. If you love it, that's all that matters! Good for you!


Yeah pretty much. In Standard tuning: Breakfast at Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something, Live Forever - Oasis, Rumble - Link Wray, Save Tonight - Eagle Eye Cherry, Parallel Line - Keith Urban, Jumper - Third Eye Blind, Down On The Corner - Creedence Clearwater Revival, Two Strong Hearts - John Farnham, Zombie - The Cranberries, Let Her Cry - Hootie And The Blowfish, Then with a Capo or different tuning: Through Glass- Stone Sour, Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan, Lost - Linkin Park, Wonderwall - Oasis, Ironic - Alanis Morissette, Hell Of A View - Eric Church, Wagon Wheel - Various (but Darius Rucker in my case), You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift, There are some I learnt and then completely forgot like Cher's Just Like Jesse James, Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd, Nutshell by Alice in Chains and Everlong by Foo Fighters to name a few. I haven't played for a while though, I'd probably suck pretty badly if I tried to play them all right now tbh.


Man, thank you for posting this. I’ve been in my own head a bit lately about how little I’ve been “progressing”, but I can still play a decent handful of songs I really love and enjoy. I’m 35 and I don’t plan to hit the big time anytime soon lol I’m also a dead head and have had very little success playing like Jerry, but I also can’t paint like Dali.


I practice a couple of songs that I can bang out with some singing....other than that, I just fuck around with scales and shit, trying to do things that sound pretty... Drives my kids crazy


I have 3 playlists of about 15-20 songs each that I run through. So yes. Same songs, same order. Used to have a binder, now I just use my phone.


Recently picked guitar back up and my goal this year is to learn 1-2 songs a month to encourage me to stop playing the same songs over and over again. Currently up to 55 altogether and I always find myself going back to my "comfort songs" so I never really master the new stuff I learn.


You are my people!


10 no but 2-3 : Confortably Numb, Enter Sandman and sometimes Smoke on the water




It's tempting, because playing the stuff you know is how you get into a flow state, which is what feels so good about making music. But if you give into that temptation, you give up on getting better. I've always wanted to get better quite badly, so I try to spend at least 50% of my guitar time doing stuff I'm not already good at, including new songs.


Here’s my repertoire… Mood for a Day -Yes Broons Bane/the trees -Rush Two suns in the sunset -Floyd Killing Floor -Hendrix From the Beginning -ELP Master of Puppets -Metallica Four Horsemen -Metallica Four Sticks -Zeppelin Lenny -SRV (No I don’t play the whole thing as well as him, but I get through it in my own way) A bunch of scales and little blues riffs


You play guitar because you like it. And you play the songs/riffs you want because you like them. It’s as simple as that. I’m


This has been the bliss of playing for me. I’ve been playing for 35 years and probably five people have heard me. Zero in the last 15. So in my world I’m this brilliant blues virtuoso that Stevie Ray would totally want to Jam with, but tragically still I remain undiscovered until some music executives happen to walk by my window when I’m playing and offer me a record deal on the spot. It’s my happiest place in the world. The fact that I’m an old fat white dude with poorly developed skills goes completely unnoticed in this place.


Yes, it’s bugging me


I'm like this with favourite solos to play. Songswise, it's always changing cos I play in two bands and I've been writing songs for one of them for 20 years, so probably written and performed like 100 songs in that time. But when I play for fun I play the same 5-10 solos that I've been doing for years - mostly some Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Lynyrd Skynyrd , Hendrix, and a few metal tunes.


2 songs. 30 years. All good.


10 songs? Pfft! I just play the intros to Hell's Bells and Crazy Train.


People turn up to sessions and sing the same few songs again and again. I wonder why they do it. It's tedious to hear. That said, if you're not imposing your small repertoire on people weekly, do exactly what you're comfortable with.


Wanna learn every good riff I hear


Guilty as charged. 😅


“Today I’m practicing scales” Two notes into any scale whatsoever aaaaaaand we’re playing the intro of She Sells Sanctuary AGAIN !!! 😄


No. What I like to do is keep playing "my repertoire", because I know them and can play them well... but continuously expand and add some new things. But I don't stop playing the old ones. Started out as 10 for about 10 years, but over the past few years that number has grown more to like 30 or so songs...


I thought it was just me


Play with people. It was the same for me with guitar. When I'm home alone I just play those two things over and over. Started playing accordion recently and play even with other people and I without sweating learned like 15 songs start to finish on accordion??? Wow??


This was me for the longest time, except I only learned a bunch of riffs and half songs, mostly. About 10 years ago I decided I was just gonna start writing my own stuff and develop my own style, and haven't learned many new songs since. I wouldn't really recommend this tactic, mind you. While I did develop my own style, it took me a long time and I'm super non-technical for the amount of years I've been playing.


Yeah man I play the same shit over and over in my basement for 20 years,fucking love it, I ain’t gonna be the next Eddie, I’m just enjoying myself having fun 🤩 I’m a star


Yep lol


I write my own fingerstyle songs on my Taylor it's basically all I play and have been playing for the past 13 years, I'm pretty good so I never get bored coming up with new tunes in different tunings


I have a playlist of 10 or so songs that I use for a warm up.


People actually progress past 10 songs? Huh….


This post and comment section have me feeling pretty good about my guitar progress


Me too! I think I can safely say that I am a guitar player.


I feel attacked.


I wouldnt say I enjoy it...


No. I don’t play any songs. All I do is noodle.


Yeah, count me in. I been playing Bungle in the Jungle (J. Tull) for years. It’s just a fun, funny song. Bm D Em F#…repeat for 20 years


Stars by HUM is just so fucking bouncy and fun. I've been playing that shit since the mid 00s and I live in that vibe.


Yup. I know about ten songs, and then otherwise only play my own stuff.