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I'd would play it aggressively and try some fx you use in the store before buying. If can maintain tunability and you like the sounds, you'll probably be happy.


> If can maintain tunability It's an unusual guitar that cannot be made tuneable.


I got the grg131dx this march, I absolutely love it! You'll be happy with budget ibanez!


Can you tell me more about the guitar in your experiece. The stuff you like about it and if there is anything you dislike. Sorry if I'm being annoying but it's kinda hard saving money as a teen and I don't want to end up dissapointed.


For sure, took me like 2 months to decide, don't worry! I used to play my brothers GRG170DX, and in the leadup to buying a guitar I tried a bunch of different things. In the end, I realised I just liked how ibanez guitars play and got the beauty that is the 131DX. Specifically, wanting better pickups than the 170DX (the 170 was an older model with different pickups than what it's built with now) and a hard tail. Plus the red is sexy af. Anyway, I've been super happy, it's very versatile, you can get amazing clean tones out of the neck pickup (which can be used in a single coil config as well, super useful), but of course it's a metal machine and you'll get a lot of use of the the humbucking bridge. I did perform a little bit of setup when it first arrived, but that maybe wasn't even necessary. All in all, highly recommended. As far as comparing it to the GRX20, I prefer the hardtail and the look of the GRG131DX, but they're effectively the same guitar otherwise. I can't speak for their newer trems, but the older one that is on my brothers 170DX wasn't very good for tuning stability. Decide if you want the tremolo, other than that, pick whichever one looks better to you!


This really helps a lot! Thank you so much! :D


75% of sound is in the amp.


And ability to play nice, at least


If your priority is a cheap guitar, buy the one that best fits your budget.


Always true!!!