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"Providing the AR-15 rifle used." They make it sound like DD gave them a free rifle and told them to shoot up the school. They're getting DD and the feds mixed up.


"Home Depot sued for providing the pipe used in terrorists pipe bomb!" I guess we need background checks for buying paper towels now.


I don't think a paper towel tube would be effective in any source of weaponry unless you're pretending it's a sword and fighting with your friends


You don't know the ways of the tube...


True, but you can sue the feds and live.


Definately the FBI and not DD


> *They make it sound like DD gave them a free rifle and told them to shoot up the school. They're getting DD and the feds mixed up.* …and you’re on a watchlist. It’s okay, I’m on it for laughing at that.


Is this supposed to be news? We're all on a watchlist, the government watches everyone.


Man, literally going after everyone and everything just to not address the real issues. I guess if a truck ran me over in the crosswalk, suing Ford and the gas station it filled up at wouldn’t cross my mind. I would be upset with the driver though.


The scary thing is, some of these might stick and actually effect something


There is a law in place that protects gun manufacturers from being sued for their products being misused by ill minded individuals. If they openly disregard such law then it will be clear as day that the FEDERAL government is conducting illegal activities. Even if the federal enforcement agencies try to find legal loop holes to sue gun manufacturers then we as citizens should strive to find legal loop holes within our current laws in place.


That’s why you see lawsuits regarding advertisements, not actual accounting to manufacturers for the actions of someone else. This is what happened to Bushmaster and I think that’s the premise for DD. I disagree with the loophole. A persons actions are their own.


Buy as many guns and silencers as our nation's citizens are considering withholding tax money to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. It is not our fault that, our government makes shitty decisions that hurt the working class, ultimately the greedy and malicious people or politicians are the individuals we should be looking into.the citizens should not endure the financial burden due to the poor actions made by an organization or the government




I could understand why someone might try to sue Ford in that case, even if I disagree with it, but suing Microsoft because *Forza Horizon 5* includes Ford trucks is a whole further level of insanity.


Don't forget to sue the tv providers too for showing Ford commercials


A good thing to add would be if paramedics that easily could have saved you, just let you die


Don't forget the construction company that built the roads. ./s shits ridiculous


Ahhh, so it WAS a Daniel Defense. Thanks again, fed bois!


>hey fellow fed, isn’t it fishy these young, non-gun dude, non-wealthy school shooters keep ending up with a high end brand AR that is famously popular with the federal government? >nah, dude. Totally not suspicious.


Look... I've done the math on this before, but the whole "how did he afford the rifle?" Conspiracy theory is dumb. Basically, if you don't have bills because you're living at home with your parents or grand parents it only takes a couple of months at a minimal wage part time job (which the POS had, I wanna say wendys?), to afford even a high end rifle. I'm gonna go over the math again... So $7.25 an hour for 39 hours a week (max you can get before your considered full time, times 4.5 weeks is $1272.38 ish. Call it $1000 even after taxes. Daniel Defense rifles are going for $2-2.5k, that's 3 months at minimal wage, tops. Which, a kid living with family could put every cent he made back and could do that. Where as someone with bills couldn't do that. Let's say he only got 20 hours a week. Ok, that's $145 for the week, $652.50 for the month. Call it $600 after taxes. That's still only 4 to 5 months of part time to afford the rifle... I think I remember reading he'd been at his job for over 6 months... Now I'm not saying he wasnt a false flag or a fed plant, but if that's your only "proof" is he was poor and DD is expensive , it's easily explainable when you remember, he lived at family's house, and presumably had no bills.


Plus most people don’t actually make minimum wage at Wendy’s anymore. Usually $10 or more


ancient slap command alleged ruthless smile like north zesty crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He could have gotten a payday loan, or stolen from family. Maxed out a credit card. Not necessarily the feds


Imagine being the scum shitstain of a lawyer that convinces grieving families to get in lawsuits they have no chance of winning


And sticking them with the bill. That's what happened last time.


They might win if they get a judge that says dumb shit like: the second amendment doesn’t exist here: and a jury of moms demand action in your area.


This is why I try to convince family members to be engaged and well I guess they love being fucked over by corporations.


I’ve been playing the awesomest shooter games since I was three years old and I haven’t shot anyone I want to write a dissent


Funny how games have been shown to less stress and lower aggression unless the individual is tapped.


I’m not kidding when I say I’ve become more forgiving and self disciplined after I stopped playing online games with angry losers and started playing (far more violent) single player games like Blade and Sorcery, God of War and RDR2 It really is just the cracked mfs who ruin everything


Yeap can play doom no bother but will lose it when playing siege and teammates do dumb shit “diffuse fuck the kill”


I tried playing Siege again with my buddies last night and it was the first keyboard I’ve broken in three years And it was the first game, after I got so unbelievably one tapped while roaming on defense by a probably walling Ying trying to creep back up the stairs to hit her in the back We went right back to playing Helldivers and no matter how many times I got my ass blown up by a Devastator I didn’t even yell. And by extension, I don’t play with randoms or engage in the community because they’re as angry and complainy as other games.


Exactly. Few bad screws don't mean the whole manufacturing process is bad.


I became more “right wing” because a lot of beliefs and practices flip flopped. Now leftists are constantly pearl clutching about shit like this. I remember when it was primarily conservatives blaming extremism on video games.


Don't go too far, you might make a complete loop


This made me laugh lol


Even back then, if you looked at the people that were actively trying to censor or ban games and music, it was people like Hillary Clinton, Al and Tipper Gore, and Joe Liebermann. As much as even back then I thought the Christian moms were annoying and unhelpful, they weren't really trying to keep that stuff out of the hands of anyone except their own kids.


How was the 18 year old shooter with a long gun that is legal for 18 year olds to own, underage? I wonder if DD is going to roll over like Remington did. They're not in the midst of a bankruptcy, so I'm hoping they take it through the court. Maybe I should finally buy a DD5 to help their legal fees?


I doubt they will you ever notice why Colt never gets sued DD also makes most the guns for US SF they are necessary for national security.


That won’t stop production. It will stop retail sales. “OnlY tHe pOliCe shOUld hAvE GUns” “THe poLiCE aRE kILliNg pEOpLe” Logic isn’t part of the equation.


If I'm beaten to death with a rock should the Home Depot parking lot it's from be sued? Along with games that feature rock throwing as a mechanic


Nay, a geologist should be used as an expert witness to prove where it’s from, then that state must be sued along with Home Depot and whatever glacier plucked it from the surface.


RIP Far Cry.


A beloved game for myself. Operative word being "game."


You say that bit about home depot as a joke but that exact scenario plays out in courtrooms all the damn time. It's actually incredibly common that places where violence takes place get sued in civil court regardless if they had anything to do with said violence. I'd wager a good 25-35% of the time they end up paying out as well. It's asinine.


On that note they should sue Hollywood studios too, oh wait they won’t.


Why not sue the cops that failed to protect the kids............. Right, because police in america have no duty to protect. This is why we need guns.


...they are. https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/families-of-uvalde-victims-announce-500-million-dollar-lawsuit-against-police-211456581608


It'll probably be thrown out because of the precedent set by Warren V DC.


They sure had a “duty to protect” all of the parents that tried to run in and stop the shooter tho…


America, are you alright, buddy ?


No. People that don't know dick about firearms keep making rules to fuck over, or trying to sue, law-abiding citizens. Or twats pulling stupid shit like this. Let the dead kids rest already ffs. This is just attention seeking behavior and it's both sick and sad.


They didn’t sue Chevy, Ford, Dodge when that guy played through a group of protesters


DD will settle instead of counter suing these ambulance chasing twats


Per some Trex posts, I think there's a decent chance they will not.


Imagine losing your child and the first thing you do in the public eye is money chasing


And this will get thrown out like literally every other suit like this does


I mean, other than the time they killed Bushmaster...


I thought firearms manufacturers couldn’t be sued for misuse of product, but then again Idek anymore


The loophole to that is that they can be sued for irresponsible advertising. This is how they sued Remington/Bushmaster into oblivion after Sandy Hook. They sued Bushmaster for the ad below, claiming that they were specifically marketing their rifles to unstable young men that were inclined to shoot up schools, like Adam Lanza. I think that's a stretch. I think the ad is cringe, but not in a liability kind of way. Separately, they also sued Remington for including their branding in Call of Duty as a way to market the R5 and ACR, if I remember correctly. https://preview.redd.it/18m1ih9bzk2d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbdb28b534f20c54e70d94e5361ed84d96954e9a On a similar note, people have made a bunch of comparisons to suing automakers after getting hit by a negligent driver. While automakers are protected in that instance, they could be sued if their ads purported to encourage reckless driving. In fact, in the UK, it's strictly banned to advertise sports cars as being fast... at all. You cannot show them doing sports car things, even on a track. You can basically only market them as strictly being used for safely and slowly commuting.


That’s actually very interesting, thanks for the info. On that note, Daniel Defense is never explicitly named in Call of Duty, and the BS “oh it says M4 in the game and they sell the DDM4 which appears as the same gun in MW 2019” is a dishonest argument because the term M4 isn’t patented. They could sue Hollywood for showing the Daniel Defense being used to shoot people numerous times in Sicario and John Wick Chapter 4 but naw they’ll never do that.


Last time Bloomberg did this the families got stuck with the legal bills.


I grew up watching Tom & Jerry and never once thought of hitting someone in the face with a frying pan...well maybe, but never followed through. Not to even mention the amount of violence in Looney Tunes.


Ah anything for money, even if it’s on the corpses of your own kids. Gotta love America


Man, for people that don't like guns they sure love the shotgun approach


Maybe if those cops did their damn job and stop looking at their phone the kids wouldn’t be dead. I know thats a whole lot to ask of the redcoats.


it's the 2000s violent vidya scare all over again....


“The companies marketed semi-automatic weapons to the underage shooter.” In “Call of Duty,” the 17+ mature rated game? This elementary schooler was 17 years old?


They want [$27 billion for the deaths of 19 students and 2 teachers](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/23/uvalde-shooting-27-billion-lawsuit/). $1.3 billion per person. This is kind of a grim subject, but none of us have lives worth 1.3 billion dollars. If you offered me $20 million in exchange for 10% of my remaining life years, I'd accept in a heartbeat. But someone who valued their lives at $1.3 billion dollars would need $130 million before they'd accept that trade.


Literally just trying to sue anyone who they think they can get a cent out of. Why not the kid's parents for obviously failing to raise a decent human being? Oh, because there's no money left there.


They’re getting desperate.


"Marketed semi-automatic weapons to the underage shooter" The Esrb rating system exists for reasons similar to this, That's negligence of the parents not the company. Also, Movies and TV contain references to guns, You gonna blame Cartoon network for Shootings too?


Good job guys! We stopped shootings! Daniel defense and call of duty is no more!!1!1! /s


This is dedicated to the parents. Your dead child would be disappointed in the fact that you use and abuse your grief to do stupid shit in their name. Cry us a river and get back to us when you are done grieving and have some sense instead of blaming people left and right who have nothing to do with what happened. As adults you of all people should know that making decisions and statements in the heat of emotions or grief is unwise and foolish. And yet you continue to pursue blaming people in the form of a sue case, searching for closure in the wrong place.


Of course they try to sue the companies, and not the police department for failing them


Sounds like the shooter didn't finish the job. If these people just wanna lash out at any fuckin thing, they're obviously just part of the problem themselves.


This shooting sponsored by Daniel defense!


I don't understand why they are allowed to continue to file frivolous lawsuits. Fines need to be levied against this group. Vexatious litigation is abuse of the court system yet anti gun groups keep getting away with it.


When did meta buy Activision? Also yeah all these lawsuits are stupid.


No, they're suing both Meta and Microsoft for "gun advertising"


Ah ok, misread that.


When someone gets beaten or killed with fists do they blame god/evolution for killing then since it made hands or do they blame the one who hit em to death? What if I go to school and steal some erasers and kill someone with the eraser? Let's ban erasers then.


These morons are just looking for money. Absolute cowards. Using your child’s death as a means to get a bag is so diabolical.


It worked there have been no school shootings since Columbine.


At least the NRA will pay for their defense, right? ...right?


What new sight is that? I like that it shows how it leans.


It's called Ground News. I discovered it after it was mentioned in a Kurzgesagt video.


I'm all for suing Facebook/meta, but this is.... Nevermind, I'm not surprised at all


Sounds like they're using their dead kids for some quick cash. This is like sueing Facebook because they have Honda advertisements after somone in a Honda ran over your kid. Maybe one parent at the school is that dumb, but more than one?


As someone who played COD since og mw WTF are you talking about DD has never been a logo in a game the only one that comes to mind is Remington in COD ghost. Why just COD sue every game company that has an AR.


I haven't played every CoD, but I believe the most recent ones use Sig lowers and URGI uppers.


https://preview.redd.it/hqltg32hgk2d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2edfb7f7b74c21f5483a87a216632cafddc156 You can do that?


People will find any reason to pass blame.... Jesus Christ.


The gamer genocide is upon us


Wasn’t the loser 18? That’s not “underaged”


I assume they're going to claim that guns were advertised to him before he turned 18 to influence a purchasing decision after he turned 18. That seems really flimsy, but I'm not a lawyer. Maybe James Reeves will do a video on it when he's not too busy at the beach.


Sue the state for still having qualified immunity.


Im no psychologist.. but I'd bet if societal issues were addressed and these school shooter scum kids grew up with some kind of hope for the future, these things wouldn't happen that often..


I think all Americans should be arrested and convicted and jailed for something. That should cut the complaining by a good two or 3%


Providing? What, did Daniel Defense sponsor the shooting? They're becoming more and more insane


I’m prob wrong but I think this may be one of those “list everyone and everything” that was involved. Which in turn forces, the judge to decide who is ultimately responsible