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What game is that


Wolfenstein The Old Blood The last truly good Wolfenstein game.


That's the prequel right? At least to the newer 2 games?


Yeah, it takes place before The New Order.


You didn't like the new order? I only played old blood I haven't played the other 2


The New Order came out before this. I was talking about how I thought The New Colossus was disappointing and Youngblood outright sucked.


Ikr, New Colossus last boss fight was so boring, and the game felt super short


15 minutes of gameplay and 45 minutes of cutscenes...


Oh damn. Was the New Order good? Kinda want to get back into the series. Or at least the good games, I had a lot of fun with Old Blood. I played Return to Castle Wolfenstein when I was a kid I had a lot of fun with that too


The New Order is great, though lately I’ve found myself preferring the older titles like RTCW and Wolfenstein 2009 more. They felt more like pulpy adventure stories and I like that shit. Same reason why I like The Old Blood the most out of the newer Wolfenstein games.


Really..? New Colossus was half decent, and I haven’t touched Youngblood because I’ve yet to hear of anyone that likes it, but I quite enjoyed New Order. I thought it was an incredibly fun experience


The New Order released before this, and that game is fantastic. I was meh on The New Colossus. Main issue was the game was as story heavy as The New Order, but I disliked pretty much all the new characters, and Frau Engel had nowhere near the presence or feeling of dread that Deathshead had, so the cutscenes became more distracting to the Nazi mayhem than they were in TNO.


Wait, you’re saying new order was BEFORE Old Blood? I thought it was the next game after old blood I agree about New Colossus though. The storyline was totally lackluster, especially due to the characters. The gameplay was quite fun but every cut scene felt like an interruption/annoyance rather than intriguing and exciting like in New Order. I found myself wanting to skip them as quick as I could instead of looking forward to seeing what unfolded next in the story line


The New Order was released before The Old Blood, but The Old Blood is the prequel. Yeah, it’s kinda confusing.


Wasn't it the ATF that saw off the shotgun to have valid charges


Very likely, but unfortunately we will never know.


This from the Wikipedia so take it for what you will, In October 1989, the ATF claimed that Weaver sold the informant two sawed-off shotguns, with the overall length of the guns shorter than the limit set by federal law. In November 1989, Weaver accused the ATF informant of being a spy for the police; Weaver later wrote he had been warned by "Rico V."[28] The informant's handler, Herb Byerly, ordered him to have no further contact with Weaver. Eventually, FBI informant Rico Valentino outed the ATF informant to Aryan Nations security.[29] In June 1990, Byerly attempted to use the sawed-off shotgun charge as leverage to get Weaver to act as an informant for his investigation into Aryan Nations.[21] Weaver refused to become a "snitch", and the ATF filed the gun charges in June 1990. The ATF alleged that Weaver was a bank robber with criminal convictions.[30] (Those claims were false: at that time Weaver had no criminal record. The 1995 Senate investigation found: "Weaver was not a suspect in any bank robberies.")[31] A federal grand jury indicted Weaver in December 1990 for making and possessing, but not for selling, illegal weapons in October 1989.[32]






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fun fact- the ruby ridge siege started on my birthday, August 21




wasn't the guy a nazi though


Guess it depends on what your definition of a nazi is.


i cant remember the story but i think the guy is right, wasnt he a legit member of the AB? Doesnt excuse what happened, but still


Yeah. I am not sure of the details either, but nowadays I always ask that since everything is considered a nazi it seems. Lol


He wasn't exactly a member. They were really just about the only other people up on the mountain with him so if he wanted outside human contact, a very human need, they were the only people to interact with. So he was known to their circle and would hang around their "church", but was never an actual member. It was also there that the sting was set up. They were likely trying to recruit him, but from my understanding he was never a member, nor agreed with their ideology.


ye he was iirc from what i would consider unbiased sources




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