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_”Sir, it’s just developing more spots and getting more brown…”_


Unicorn should be the one saying that, Phenex is unit 3


Unicorn is sealed at this point.


"Sealed" by Mineva.


Nope, Sealed by tape


Unicorn is deader than dead at this point.


Someone didn't watch NT closely.


I know the suit's around but it might as well be destroyed since it doesn't factor again in UC or Post UC.


Yet.... Unicorn's very nature means they can mess with the established timeline.


Actually, they stuck part of Unicorn's corpse on the Narrative in order to do mimick a fraction of their power.


Nah, I think C-Packs used Banshee's psychoframe. Unicorn shows up fully intact very briefly at the end of the film. And since it's presumably in Marida's possession, there's no way Luio & Co. could have possibly gotten to it.


Who ride it? Afaik Banagher shows up using Silver Bullet Suppressor or something in the end


Unicorn appeared sealed-up in the end of the movie.


I don't trust Unicorn not not to pull something. Dismantle it Exodia style, store each part on a different Side, strap them to nukes and a buttload of cameras and sensors set to explode the whole lot of them the moment the barest hint of movement or signal is picked up, and only then will I consider it properly sealed. Anything less is asking for trouble. Also set the nukes to explode if Banana gets too close.


The RX series being sealed instead of dismantled is probably because humanity is not ready for Psycho frame tech YET. The potential of manifesting human’s will into the real world can either be used for the greatest of Good (stoping a literal civilisation-ending meteor) or the worst of Bad (powering a mechanical God to explode gigantic gas tanks to end a civilisation), and in the age of war when these two ideals clash alot its power is undoubtedly desvastating; regardless of which side get the upper hand. So perhaps until humanity has finally learnt to love eachother stop scheming to drop comically large warheads (big rocks included) on eachother to walk toward the path of Ascension, Psycho frame will remain sealed.


Both Zeon and the Fed agreed to seal both Unicorn and Banshee after the story and both sides keep 1 of them


C-Packs used psychoframe that Luio & Co. collected independently. Not all of that psychoframe was stuck on Narrative which is why Michele carried the rest on the base jabber. The point of Narrative was to explain why psychoframe tech just vanished. There was the treaty banning further research and production. That is why Narrative Gundam, Sinanju Stein Unit 2, and II Neo Zeong are used to chase after the Phenex. They are technically not new production psychoframe suits and you need one to battle another. The result of the final battle is that all remaining psychoframe was either destroyed or carried away by the Phenex away from humanity's hands. That is why we don't see the technology ever again in UC. Up until that new F90 info drop at any rate. Also, I don't think the Narrative used the Banshee's psychoframe. As seen with the Unicorn it is highly likely the Banshee is intact as well. The characters realize that the whole "dismantle in front of each other's auditors" thing was possibly a lie right before the final battle. I think the simple explanation is that there was an agreement to dismantle the Unicorn and Banshee. But just as both sides realized there was nothing against using *existing* psychoframe suits after the ban, no one said anything about putting the Unicorn and Banshee back together while the other side isn't looking.


Y'know, normally I find it stupid that the official statement says that Luio & Co 'collected' psychoframe when it's not some kind of naturally occurring substance, but you bring up a good point about how any existing psychoframe is fair game under the treaty. And if it was collected from existing suits, then that actually makes sense. Especially when you consider Sazabi is just...abandoned on the moon or something (or Nightengale since they're the same suit in terms of role of the plot of CCA) and Twilight Axis straight up has the girl take part of its psychoframe. There's probably dozens of prototypes that Bandai could make up (I.E. *another Sazabi* like the one that appears in Moon Gundam...itself the Sazabi prototype) that got cannibalized by Luio & Co for Narrative C-Packs. Also, the tech does reapear in UC *technically*. There had to be some reason that it's canon there's a *second* Gundam Phenex that gets built during G-Reco./Reguild Cenury, which is officially what becomes of the UC (And in some instances after Turn A, as much as that's literally impossible because of the UC-built space elevators somehow surviving Moonlight Butterfly)


It’s the same Phenex, the gold just tarnished over the huge amount of time. 


No, it's not. They make a big deal about how they find the blueprints for Phenex in some old ruins and build a brand new one. [CAMS-RX0 G-Phenex | The Gundam Wiki | Fandom](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/CAMS-RX0_G-Phenex)


That was just a vision when the silver bullet appears, just showing who the pilot is


I think he's talking about the one sealed with tape




If they were talking about this shot then I agree, they didn't understand that it was just Banana haha


They were presumably talking about this one since it is the later of the two and unlike the earlier one this one wasn't an illusion. https://preview.redd.it/awlrw5jchmyc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6b65e339179e8765128142ea8f62e80ee0d4fe8 This appearing right after Mineva hangs up her call with Monaghan and switches the monitor screen to the above image at around 1:23:47.


How could it be in Marida's possession if she's dead? Or did you mean Minerva's?


Yeah, Minerva, got the two mixed up lol. Whichever is the one Zabi family member that Char *didn't* want to kill back in 0079.




Given that Michele had a cargo vessel FULL of psychoframe, I think they made their own and glued it on. "But why is it red like Unicorn's?" As said in the UC OVA in paraphrased form *shrugs* "beats me"


Actually Unicorn's PF all turned green after UC.


Red is its initial NT-D activation color. Narrative had the NT-D system. You can trace NT-D as far back as the EXAM system. The Banshee is a bit of an outlier with its initial gold glow. Then there's also Moon Gundam, where the psycoframe in its head is default green, with its psycoplates red - but it also doesn't have an NT-D system. Green and blue are when the Newtype pilot imposes its will on the psycoframe. The Nu Gundam resonating with the psycoframe in Sazabi's escape pod, Unicorn and Banshee all turned green and released a massive aurora effect.


RX-0 Unicorn is still fully operational in the end of Narrative, it's just duct taped on Mineva's closet


Huh? Isn't narrative a prototype for nu gundam? What are you talking about?


It's both the slapped the unicorns psychoframe on the prototype of the nu-Gundam. You can see this most clearly in the c-packs version of the suite at the end of the movie


The C-packs is bits of Unicorn's psycho-frame bolted on the Narrative, wich allows it to mimic a greater fraction of the RX-0 line's power.


While i found that the company that repaired it luio & co collected psycho frames to equip the narrarive as a add on armour,the parts are not from the unicorn as Unicorn wasnt dismantled but instead sealed "just in case"


the psychoframe Luio & Co gathered were spare RX-0 parts. IIRC it was theoretically enough to build another unit but nobody had the resources or interest in that


Ohhhhhhh,thanks for elaborating I got confused by the unicorn corpse part


The biggest issue with Gundam NT's own backstory is that it didn't really seem to understand what psychoframe actually *is*. Which is kind of the point - Psychoframe as introduced in CCA is intentionally left vague because it represents the power of human potentiality (or something, it's the metaphorical representation of human will that it embodies that leads to how Axis is disintegrated and Earth saved at the end of the film). IIRC, ultimately Bandai/Sunrise decided that psychoframe is just a bleeding edge technology that involves microchips embedded into the mobile suit's frame itself. Regarding Narrative Gundam itself, the idea they took Nu's prototype and slapped Banshee's psychoframe on it for the C-Packs final form (and conveniently never answering why Banshee's psychoframe originally glowed *orange* instead of red) makes sense.


Wasn’t their explanation for the psycoframe colors something along the lines of “we have no idea why it works like that”?


Not even *micro*chips. Nanomachines, son! In-between *atoms* of metal! They bullshit in response to Newtype brainwaves! XD


Specifically those microchips are Psycommu, each and every one.


I have a theory that the psychoframes actually house a kind of corporeal, formless alien life from another dimension (the same one thats newtypes brains have access to). To me it explained all their crazy ass abilities and Phenex’s autonomy.


No, Phenex having all those crazy powers and autonomy is literally because it's powered by the ghost of the newtype girl the entire time. Plus, as crazy as the UC can get, aliens have never once been brought up. The closest thing to evidence aliens of any sort ever exist in anything connected to the UC is Turn X, which its intentionally vague official lore hints very strongly that it's basically a newtype use grunt suit from a newtype civilization from deep space, that itself originated from human colonists who departed earth at some point in the distant past (before Moonlight Butterfly reset human progress to the stone age). Psychoframe itself is purely a technology that is manmade - Char makes a *point* of ensuring it gets leaked during the events of CCA for the sole purpose of allowing Amuro to also have it during their inevitable final battle, so Char can truly prove he's the better pilot of the two (and we all know how that goes...though the novelization gives him more of an edge with Nightengale).


Too bad we never see C packs do anything with the psychoframe. I felt like B packs even used more space magic than it.


pretty sure narrative was the prototype design of Nu Gundam. they added the Psycho frames to the narrative later


I was gonna watch it again since its free for now. I just hated another char clone idea. They should have made him a Scirocco clone or something.


[Already happened](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Mashiro_Oaks)


Wow thanks for this info. Looks like I have a manga to read about!


He wasn't clone. None of them are even real clones. They just a bunch of Newtypes that had Char's memories grafted on to them. The most successful one was surgerically altered to look like Char. It's why Full Frontal doesn't know who he is, but rather emerged from "The other side of madness" to know what he is, a "servant of the people". It's also why Mirada said he wasn't Char because Frontal was bereft of Char's passion. It's blue boy went nuts. Also, I had no idea he was the kid in Narrative at the end with the others. The one that had the eyepatch? For some reason I thought it was Banager himself.


"Char clones" aren't literal clones of Char. They're just the given series stand-in for the masked rival with his (usually) red mobile suit. Zechs Merquise, Rau Le Creuset, Mr. Bushido etc are all Char clones. 


Not those. I was talking about the ones from the Char reincarnation Project from Unicorn Gundam. Zeon actually tried to bring back Char.


Right, fair enough. 


...I mean, FF was the closest to an actual Char Clone. It wasn't just memories, but a peicenof Char's soul as well. And then there's Afranche.


Yeah Afranche is the real deal... kind of. He is genuine copy.


So, did they graft on the piece to every volunteer first? And then do the surgery afterward on the ones not driven insane? How did they get the memories in the first place?


Unicorn Units looking at MSF and Calibarn/Aerial


Rocket science VS Space magic


Yeah, this gives me the feeling of calling Sir Isaac Newton an idiot because he couldn't prove gravitational waves existed.


fuck it, just slap 10 more big ass thrusters and watch it fly on mach 12 towards Phenex and speeding past Shezarr Unit


Just need G-Phenex and Banshee and it would be a full family reunion.


Since there is a post about this movie, can someone explain the plot? I saw the movie years ago, but never understood the plot. When they were chasing the Phenex, was that girl's spirit inside of it or something? Also, what was the motive for the current Zeon faction in the movie? Were they just simply Neo Zeon?


Everyone wanted the Phenex because powerful newtype bullshit.


The Sleeves basically wanted to revive Zeon by resorting to a backup Char "clone". With the power of friendship, the plan fell to ruin when our MC Jona reconciles with the machine possessed by his deceased childhood friend's spirit.


Phenex and its pilot practically combined/melded/coexist in space magic bullshitery, hence it can communicate with the movie MC and that black hair girl.


A neo-zeon affiliated politician and Feds both want to find the Phoenex. The politician used the sleeves and a failed char clone. He wants the Phoenex probably to revive neo-zeon. The Feds want the Phoenex to dismantle it because it's way too dangerous. Then you have Luio & co who want it to gain access to immortality. The woman also wants it for redemption because her dead friend is in there because of her. Jona Basta (the MC) is chosen because they were a group of 3 friends. The Phoenex resonates with him so he's a good lure. The Phoenex has a mission of its own : destroy the neo-zeong because it's too dangerous for this world. Eventually, the group of 3 manage to use the Phoenex in Destroy mode, destroy the neo-zeong and save the universe. Jona wants to follow his 2 gf in the path to immortality but Banana saves him from that. The end.


Basically, Rita (the blond girl) saw the future in 79 U.C., since then she planned a way to deal with the worst disaster yet to come, so she knew the colony drop was unavoidable, but also knew that years later the superheated He3 would made something worst. The movie is basically Jona following his destiny unknowingly, which in the end he understood that everything happened so they could prevent that disaster in that very moment, which also was schemed by the republic of Zeon Minister whom wanted that to happened so the Neo Zeon faction could take the earth and reach their overall goal. The problem is that during the movie isn't as explicit as it should've been some sensitive information is just dumped in short parts and the audience is left wondering what the hell just happened, the ending hinted that the Minister stepped back after that and 20 years later, in Hathaway's Flash, Zeons is said to have return to the Federation, I heard that there is a continuation of Unicorn between Narrative and Hathaway's Flash, but still pending as it seems.


If I remember correctly isnt Narrative the prototype suit thats leads to the development of the Unicorn series suits and got developed into Nu Gundam. If anything grandpa does pretty well aganist everyone without having godlike powers.


Narrative is the prototype for the Nu. Unicorn was developed from Sinanju Stein.


Its still the same line of suits, the narrative was mainly a testbed for psycoframe interagration.


Yeah, in a way, it does lol


I liked the ad-hock nature of the mission packs. That combined with the Narrative's bare frame really sold the impression that this was an unofficial setup that they threw together. The only pack they had time for was the A-packs, B and C were improvised on the spot


Tbh that's what exactly made Narrative cool. They know Unicorn & bros are OP so they resorted to strapping enough fire power for a whole platoon onto Narrative to compete.




Gpo3:"they are trying to outdo me?"


My problem with this movie is that is too fast for some plot points and the Audio is also a little disproportional, other than that is a good movie, in the end it hinted how Zeon went back to the federation as shown in Hathaway's Flash, but still a long time without any considerable occurences between both movies, I hope they do make the Unicorn continuity.




Personally I liked it more then Unicorn. But I also dont like Zeta Gundam, so my taste are quite different.


where can i watch narrative??




I watched this yesterday and I... kinda hated it. All of the characters are completely uninteresting. Shit just happens for what feels like no good reason. The characters just feel like they go place to place without any explanation of why they're moving. The Phenex makes no god damned sense. We barely see the namesake mobile suit and it gets absolutely wrecked anyways. Honestly the best part of the whole movie to me was Zoltan getting Paptimus Scirocco'd with a fucking fist. Another positive is that the animation was pretty good. But it was just... boring. A movie about giant robots fighting shouldn't be boring. But it was so chock full of nonsensical space wizard bullshit (which I have no problems with in any of the other UC shows) that it just lost me.


i really hate the unicorn gundam


ok bro


I really love the unicorn gundam




Cool bro