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I’m ngl I’ve been hating on ange this whole season because i thought his hole all out attack philosophy was bullshit but I’ve gained a whole new respect for him after the city game. The guy genuinely understands what success means and him going against spurs fans for wanting them to lose is amazing.


I know I'm biased but the way Spurs fans are talking about this game is genuinely pathetic. I fully understand not wanting your rivals to win the title - if Spurs had a chance to do it I'd desperately want them not to - but actively wanting your team to lose, *when you still have a chance at qualifying for the CL*, is absolutely embarrassing.


I have not watched much United this season, so imagine my delight seeing they have an Antony Jr.


We are so blessed to have Rice, if there ever came a scenario where we are forced to play a DM/midfielder in a CB role, Rice would easily do a decent job since he was a CB by trade in his youth. A fews seasons ago, Liverpool were also forced to place their DMs in center back and got done over in defense the longer it went on. You are better off playing even academy players if it comes to the last straw


Thank fuck we won yesterday! Would hate to see that shit team crush our dream


Anulo mufa


Derby day, when the egg crackles with an expectation


TIL there are staunch ‘Salah out’ Liverpool fans. are they smoking rocks?


It's probably just in frustration at this point. I think the club and FSG knew that last summer was the time to cash in big on Salah, thing is it could also still happen this summer but probably at 30m less the market price


Live game thread was super embarrassing yesterday "WoRsT gAmE oF tHe SeAsOn"


“Win = no criticism” is such a stupid mentality this sub has. We can appreciate the win whilst also pointing out how it was our worst performance of the season. No one outside of Saliba and Gabriel really did well.


I mean it was pretty fucking awful tbf. Amrabat was bossing the midfield ffs but the win was all that matters at this point. And it’s important for us that we can win when having off days.


it was a weird game tbh, for a lot of the minutes both teams were playing poorly. but 3 points is 3 points


20/21 Willian > Antony


Good news is we'll know by Tuesday whether we're in it or not and don't have to live in suspense for a week.


Even if city beat spurs we're still in it and have to wait for the last game for it to be decided.


I mean counting on City to lose/draw at home to West Ham is asking to be disappointed. But I get the optimism


So we’ve got 3 points and let man United fans thinking that they are improving. That’s double win for us. Ten hag next season let’s gooo


I find it funny that all the haters/pundit talking hella shit saying it was gonna be Liverpool and Man City all year. Now the Gooners have pushed it all the way to championship Sunday. Not gonna lie that feels good. Truly an incredible season regardless what happens. But I think the EPL always have a nice twist at the end. Tuesday is gonna be fun.


Can some tell me how it works when city played one less game? So it doesn’t matter. Arsenal needs a win and city tie.


For arsenal to win the title If we lose to everton: We need A) city to lose both B) lose 1 and draw 1 then it will come to gd (most likely we will win on gd unless we lose by 5, highly unlikely) If we draw to everton: We need A) city to lose both B) lose 1 and draw 1 C) draw both then we will win on gd If we win vs everton: We need A) city to lose both B) lose 1 and draw 1 C) draw both D) Win 1 and draw 1 then it comes down to GD (we will won unless city win by 3 more goals than us)


Arsenal need city to tie or lose and need to win last game. If city tie and win and we win, it goes to goal difference. We are +3. We end up tied on goal difference, they have more goals scored so they win the league


We shall pump Everton like in the Arteta days.


It’s kinda hard to explain in a comment thread because there are like 5 outcomes🤣


As if City, with their 115 charges and favorable referee decisions, haven't had enough advantages against us, now we have to hope a fucking premier league club actually tries to compete. I feel like it's been lost amongst the banter that our title charge rests in part on a top 6 club actually giving it a go.


eh, i don't really have concerns that they won't try. These are professional footballers (who also likely have CL bonuses in their contracts). They are super competitive and won't throw a game because ofa rivalry (hell, Kulu was a big Arsenal fan and I think another player or 2 might have been). Fans probably care about the actual rivalries more than players do, those guys just want to win.


Totally agree. It's not like they are not aware that each game there are scouts and managers overwatching their performance. They have many goals, but for sure the first is to make sure they look good to others.


Whatever happens next, there's so much to be proud of with the team and the progress that's been made. City is a juggernaut and the fact we're going head to head with them until the last day shows how good we are now.


It's really funny how united fans generally happy they "showed fight" 🤣 that's proper Luton mentality and how mediocre Manchester united these days are anyways what stucked out for me is Anthony he costed 70M + and he was just there existing 🤣🤣.Godamn united are the lil bros these days..


No need to be defensive brother. Both sides can take positives from the match.


Well, its better than the rumor that United gave us enough to let us win so we could take the title away from their noisy neighbors Citeh. Plenty of ways you could see it I suppose!


It is funny Liverpool fans don't want us to win the title as Arteta will equal Klopp in PL title count. They want their team to lose against Villa so Spurs will easily bend to Man City. Such mentality.


Nah, second W at old trafford in 17 years. The 3 points is all that matters I think we'll reach a time where we get comfortable and start battering them away


Oh when the spurs Go marching in Oh when the spurs go marching in


I am so freaking nervous for Championship Sunday already guys. I feel like taking off from work the entire upcoming week.   Clearly my head is not going to be anywhere else until next Sunday evening, so why even pretend to work this week ?


Just hold yourself together until Tuesday. If Man City won there's nothing for you to concern about


Nah. I will still have hope on the last day from West Ham.


Now that the season’s about to be over, I don’t know wtf I’m gonna do with my life in my free time. Yeah, Copa America and Euro, but I don’t get as invested as I do with club level football.


Might as well follow the transfer window shenanigans. Should start going into overdrive soon


Ah, DD during summer transfer windows. I can’t wait to see what batshit takes people have.


If we win the league this gonna be the best summer ever


The memes that day will be legendary.


How do you brits do it? The frequent weather changes that can occur in 30 min from being nice and sunny to down right pouring rain? I'd be annoyed.


As a Brit in Alberta, trust me British weather is superior


Not British, but now that I think about it, Brits and Floridians have similar weather patterns. It’s sunny until it’s storming all of a sudden. But at least the UK don’t have their own version of Florida man AFAIK.


Newcastle man


Newcastle has meth heads who throw alligators through drive thru windows?




We’ve come a long way from bottling top 4 at Newcastle to edging out a 1-0 win at OT despite playing horrible to stay in the title race on the final day. I’m so proud of this team. No matter what happens, we have improved massively from last season. Even if we don’t win it this season, it will be even sweeter when we win next season


Dude it's taxing that we need pray for a miracle on top of we need to win every game. I truly proud of the boys for what they perform this season but mann it's hard


Consider how Liverpool have only won 1 EPL title in 9 years of Klopp's reign what we are doing is something special given there's no sign of Man City going down in near future.


We’re actually taking this thing to the final day yunno. I’m so proud and so excited to see what happens. I’m fully not expecting anything other than a City win but football can be surprising like that


I understand spurs fans on this one, no way I'd want them to win. But liverpool fans, holy. Those poor, pea brains are suffering from from years of collective torment. And yet they want more!


We need to start a prayer circle or something for the next few days.  I believe in miracles. 


Could also do some black magic and sign a contract with Satan or some shit.




Good thing we aren’t a little club and don’t have to think like this


Took a peek over at spurs sub, holy fuck. Most of them would rather give up champions league than us win a title. I see why they never win anything. CL is so huge when it comes to signing top talent in the summer. Forever to be a banter club.


I wonder how we would do if we are in their position. Giving spurs title and getting CL vs denied both. What would you choose ? For me always the latter.


Players are not fans.


Yea of course.  I guarentee ange and the players are going to try to win. I doubt ange even cares about the rivalry, he just wants to win games.  


If you read this sub some people agree with them. Frankly, if the roles were flipped and I saw our fans wanting us to lose i would be fuming. It's the same mentality as being happy knocked out of the domestic cups.


Big 6 really should be Big 5 at this point.




Loved the way Havertz held his 'offside' position because he clocked Casemiro jogging and thus playing him onside. Not the first time he has taken advantage of the small oversights committed by the other team to take advantage, really swithed on player. Then receives the ball, drives into the box and cutting back to Trossard. HIs ball carrying and passing has rapidly improved in 2024. In the first half of the season, he looked so timid and scared, but the Chelsea shackles have well and truly been taken off and he is cruising. Turning into the perfect false 9.


COYS. Win Assna that title


Liverpool fans are horribly bitter


Every week, I've seen takes, they'll drop points as usual, fluky gunners being helped by the league. Since Jan, lmao. They'll be the saltiest fanbase on earth if we somehow get the title. Even more than Spurs, I bet. Since Liverpool only won 1/7. They don't want any other club winning it in Pep's era.


They got to use to flogging us. Viewed as us banter and a soft touch, and genuinely thought they could get Saka as a long-term Salah replacement. There are dozens of articles by the Liverpool Echo (Liverpool mouthpiece) dropping Saka to Liverpool transfer stories. Now Klopp has gone, and whether or not Salah or VVD leave is irrelevant as both are really starting to get on. They are starting to view their 80m striker as a dud & are taking a big risk on Arne Slot next season, having previously thought they were getting Alonso. They are going to have to invest heavily in the next few windows and get it right, because if they don't, they could easily slide. Football is like snakes and ladders, hard work moving upwards, but its very easily to slide down the pecking order when things go wrong. Liverpool's recruitment in the past 24 months has been par - not bad, but certainly not great.


Anfield will still be a tough fixture but you're absolutely spot on. This will be like their Fergie/Wenger transition into the unknown.


> This will be like their Fergie/Wenger transition into the unknown. Maybe yes, but Klopp and co. have left Liverpool an a better position compared to ours and man united's situations. Liverpool were due a proper rebuilding after all those seasons fighting out with Man City in the title and their UCL campaigns.


Seeing all the footages of old trafford crumbling and leaking in so many places, it’s sad to see under the glazers such a bad decline of a historic and hahahahaha fuck that it’s brilliant, glazers IN forever!!


Casemiro is the contractor in charge of waterproofing. gotem


Regardless of who lifts the trophy, its probably been thr most entertaining Premier League for a long time. The fact we are cheering Liverpool to win tomorrow so that it will motivate Spurs to not lose against City so we take the title race to the last minute. Amazing.


It has been for us but from a neutral perspective this season must have been terrible. Top 2, and to some extent Liverpool, have just been winning basically every week. Top 4 race has been okay but only really been two teams competing since like November Relegation battle has only been a thing because of point deductions, the actual quality of the bottom 3 has been much lower than the rest.


The Prem is at it’s worst at the moment. Every team outside of the top 4 are shite, all in Europe have been dumped out, barely any players with tech which is why Eze and Olise are the most fun to watch rn


The Prem has produced 3 different European Cup winners in the last 5 years (and 6 finalists) and is rarely this strong outside the top 4 and relegation zone.


3/15 isn’t good. You can’t genuinely believe that teams outside the top 4 are strong


Barca supposedly want €70-80 mil for Raphinha. We should be all over that if true.


fucking ponzi/mlm scheme, would avoid doing business with them. when you want their players, high price. but when they want your players, please cancel their contract so we can get them for free. Just look at how it went with the Cesc saga and etc. Rather do business with the other 19 la liga teams than barca


No chance. People saw him score 3 against PSG and all of a sudden he's quality. He's so not what we need. He's a good winger who is fairly inconsistent with his overall game. Good player but not a ceiling raiser. We need a ceiling-raising winger, not another winger who contributes 15-20 G/A a season and impacts the game as Martinelli.


Love the player, think he's perfect for us. But I wonder if the club wants to bring him in after we failed to the first time. Perhaps we will because his profile is just that rare.


~75m for a player to sit on the bench is a bit steep when we’re in more need a midfielder if Partey leaves. Unless you’re suggesting he’d be our starting LW?


he can play left and right so really doesnt matter, can start ahead of anyone to good effect


He's never been good




Saw somebody tweet that they’ll have a Prem trophy and winners shirts at the Emirates on Sunday🥲


They'd be stupid not to but just like the stuff we produced for winning every european final we've been in since 1995 it's going to landfill.


[oh man, dont do this to me.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/grK7jtRobfMAAAAC/grand-theft-auto-carl-johnson.gif)


Most relaxed I've been all year. It's impossible to be upset at an 89 point season.


just clocked how close City have gotten the goal difference. If Spurs draw to them tuesday I am going to violently throw up for the remainder of the week


If they draw, their GD remains the same, and they have to score a minimum of 4 against West Ham (assuming we only score 1 against Everton). But I'd expect us to put a few past Everton. I think they have us in Goals Scored unfortunately, but don't have the numbers handy.


If they draw they're still going to have to win by four more than we do (assuming we win) in order to win the title. If they hammer spurs the GD really makes no difference since you'll need a hopium overdose to think west ham will win that.


Bruv if spurs draw them City start the final day needing to better our result by three goals lol. I'm relatively confident we can handle that. Even if City bring another 5-1 out, a simple 2-0 win is enough for us. Would take West Ham producing their record league defeat to take it out of our hands


Didnt they just lose to Chelsea by 6 the other week


5. But they played really expansive football against Chelsea and also got super unlucky to hit the bar 3 times in one game. Given that its moyes' last game, I'd say its unlikely that they lose by more than 3. And even if they do, they'd have to lose by like 7 to take it beyond our grasp. Besides I just checked and Everton also just lost by 6 goals to Chelsea so stop panicking.


What is with the saltiness of Liverpool fans toward Arsenal? Seems odd how desperate they are to downplay Arsenal's performance the last two seasons.


Because they always felt like they were the chosen one to beat the evil 115 FC. And Arsenal was a banter club just 2 seasons ago. Even last season, nobody expected us to compete for the title. Nobody cares if man city won the league, that’s why even if we win the league, nobody will says man city bottled it, it will always be either we are lucky or we bottled the league. We are huge, and they know they can’t ignore us.


Bunch of losers who can't stand another team competing for the title.


They've always been a miserable bunch, we're just the latest targets out of envy Worst supporters in the league


They are utterly terrified of Mikel matching their once in fourty year golden generation with a bunch of kids.


Everything I see from them is about how disgusting it would be if Arteta won as many PL titles as Klopp...as if Mikel has transformed a club in a way that nobody has done since Klopp.


We took their spot as team 1B in the PL and they’re on a down trend and losing their legendary manager.


Liverpool is on their way to a mid table team. I wouldn't want to be a supporter of that shite club


If man city win their remaining two matches and win the PL, then I just have to raise my hands and admit we did all we could. Only one draw and one loss in the EPL since the beginning of 2024, and the entire run involving winning against liverpool, beating chelsea 5-0 (highest in our history), winning at spurs for the second year in a row (something which even Wenger couldn't do), winning at Old Trafford for the second time in our last 17 matches, not to mention multiple >4 goals-scored matches. It'd be stupid to see that and argue we didn't try enough.


Doesn't matter when the damage was done in the first half of the season. We know the stakes and we still dropped points in silly ways.


> We know the stakes and we still dropped points in silly ways. My Brother in Christ we've just won more games than any arsenal team in premier league history and if we win our next game we will have more points too.


Yeah an amazing achievement, but still not enough.


Cheers for the laugh mate.


Can only be so upset when we scored (pending last game) 89 points


Means they went 16-3-0 in the 2nd half of the season. Nothing we could have done in 2024 the league was lost losing to Fulham & West ham back to back


Yeah for all the "form in 2024" praise, City's has still been better.


uhhh, no? City in 2024 has 3 draws compared to our 1 draw 1 loss. Our form in 2024 is better.


Any fans without a ticket considering going to the Emirates on Sunday just for the atmosphere?


I'd go but I live in New York :(


Imagine claiming to be a gooner but on a day we beat one of our biggest rivals away from home to take the league title to the final day ragging on a genuine Arsenal kid who's come through our academy to become one of our best and most productive (let alone most available) players in decades.


That guys just a rival fan masquerading as an arsenal fan nothing to be upset about


Thought as much. Dear lord what a sad little life Jane


Name and shame


The gooner gunner guy


I blocked him ages ago, the man's a one track troll.


One thing this season has shown me is that upgrades to seemingly 'set in stone' players in the Starting XI are inevitable and make what were once 'normal' or 'accepted' levels look paltry in comparison. Nketiah started 10 games for us this season, he wouldn't get a sniff now with Havertz in this mode. Ramsdale obviously. I'm confident if we get Frenkie or Bruno at LCM/6 the midfield next season will make Partey look like a bum. It just goes to show that no one has their position on lock; which is a good place to be as a squad. Looking around: I can see Timber coming in at LB or RB and showing levels too.


It comes down to Arsenal fans not realising that the players they like aren't quite as good as they think they are and there's always room to improve.


This is it. When you’re winning and doing as well as we did last season (and this season) it’s very hard to look at the team objectively to make these critical assessments. A lot of managers also fall into these traps. The Raya signing was one that convinced me Arteta has it to go all the way.


in 2011/12 the title was decided by GD, with both manchesters having 89 points, if it happens this season both will also have 89 points EDIT: technically if both us and city draw all the remaining matches we both finish with 87 points but its not going to happen


Ackshually technically we can even tie at 86 points.


When will see the Arsenal kits for next season? Those Footy Headlines leaks I didn't love.


as early as this week and worn for the sunday game


Does Timber get a cameo on the last day of the season? Also does he go to the Euros?


I dont think so tbh. Since the title might be decided by Goal difference I dont think it's worth the risk. The only scenario I could see him getting some time is if City is up like 4-0 with 10 minutes left and we are out of it on points. Also for the Euros, he is such a promising and talented player I think its best for him to focus on rehabbing and a full preseason before worrying about high intensity international tournaments.


There will be a title with red and white ribbons at the emirates next week. Oh my god


What a season this has been. Arteta and the boys are making history indeed.


wait just realized that we've sealed at minimum 2nd place for a second year in a row. and this time we've taken in it to 38 for the title. odds against us for it, but damn insane progress. our level of opposition are man city, bayern, real madrid, etc. like that's our next growth point. be better than them. we've come so far to get here


And we're gonna level up again in the offseason :)


Could anyone with more understanding and nous explain to me why our midfield was really poor today? Was it just bad individual performances or did United employ anything which halted our midfield?  Thanks!


i think if there's one thing ten hag is decent at, it's playing through the press. They're still not the best but they were so wank under several managers before him. We do employ a high press and we weren't very successful with it today.


In the simplest of terms, Manchester United — at their best(which is rare), is one of the best transition sides in the league. That's Thomas' Kryptonite. He's not going to look good against teams that run around a lot. I think United tried targeting that. Since there was a lot of space to cover, they decided to take their chances in having runners around his area of operation. Second, neither Thomas nor Rice is outstanding at tempo control. Thomas for example is usually quick to find that risky pass instead of keeping the ball, sometimes for better. This means you can easily lose the ball hence more transitions which takes us back to the first paragraph. I think the DoF will try to solve it. Targeting people like Bruno and Luiz means you can control possession, you can tackle transitions, and cover a lot of space.


Whether it was by instruction or not, basically partey didnt step out and sat right infront of the cbs, and rice played the area that usually our dm would, so we pressed with 1 man less than we usually do. Seems like the plan was letting them pass around the back and then making them kick it long and we have an extra player in the middle with the 2cbs to win the ball back. United also for the first time this season had their fullbacks properly press up with their wingers. So like when saka presses the opposition cb for us, usually white steps up and presses the opposition fullback, united usually dont do that. They keep their fullback tucked in next to their own cb and let the wingers press on their own, but today that wasnt the case. Both fullbacks pressed up properly and thats why united looked half decent in their midblock for the first time all season. It was pretty frustrating tbh


Man U played two DM's in frotn of their back four with another DM (McTominay) as a more advanced spoiler and they fucking ran and closed us down like mad. Partey isn't the best at dealing with that but we couldn't play Jorginho as their attack was insanely fast and if we'd put Rice back there then we'd have had to put Kai in midfield and relied on Jesus up front. The flip side of all this was the absoute lack of any creativity beyond long balls to the wings or over the top by the Man U players.


I think Rice, Partey and Tomi need to more time to gel. Partey was a bit slow to pick different sides causing Rice to move dropping deep to help. They were all ovesrtepping each others positions at times


Idk inverting Tomiyasu in big games seems like a self-sabotage at this point he's sloppy on ball and turns his body like a trolley(defensively hes 10/10 when healthy tho), White obviously is so much better in the same role, problem here is the need of the 3rd string for Saka-Ode on the right so inverting a LB instead kinda unloads extra burden from him. Timber should be the savior next season


Do you realistically think spurs can beat City? Personally, a draw maaaybe if City shits their pants but a win not a chance, what you guys think?


It could happen, White Hart Lane is man City's OT for us but...we've just won at OT and I really can't see city not doing the same at the toilet bowl. Maybe ROdri gets a red card, kdb gets injured, Halland goes missing, Foden and Silva don't turn up....but I doubt it.


Those scenarios made me laugh. But yea, we'll need to get lucky. It's that simple


Football is funny sometimes. I wouldn't be shocked if Man City win the xG battle by >3 goals and come away with a loss. Plus, it would genuinely be the funniest ending to the title race. The most Spursiest of endings and would torture their fans. The universe can do the funniest thing on Tuesday.


For me I think the fact that we and the whole football world are so aware of it is the reason why it wont happen. City will just roll over spurs on Tuesday and *maybe* West Ham will have something for us when all hope is lost


I actually think the same. Maybe it would've been different if they didn't win last match so they'd have something to play for but now their 5th is guaranteed


Yep. I wish this game was scheduled like 3 or 4 game weeks ago then maybe they would have been up for it.


I think Totties can pull a result. They just show up for these games and usually high energy teams that are good on the counter break down city. It’s always an entertaining game between the two.


Fair, I hope you're right


Our own supporters going over to r/coys is incredibly embarrassing. We’re going into the final week of a title race and instead of enjoying it here, they’d rather twerk for upvotes and be clowns 


Some of yall seem new to this, remember them going private in 15/16?


I, for one, love the meltdown in COYS. They’re living a nightmare, cheering for their own team to lose.


Was about to say this. It’s really cringe.


It's about class as well. When they beat City they will have been dealt the most painful blow imaginable as a fan, their own club handing their bitter rivals the title. Chat shit about them here all you want, but have some class, don't go into their sub and play the ambassador. It's embarrassing.


Weirdest behaviour I've seen


It's probably the most natural human behaviour I can think of tbh, we are petty creatures




Im a simple man, I see Saliba and I upvote.


Hell yea haha


If we win on Sunday, we'll have 28 wins in a single season. That's the same amount as United's best ever which was Fergie and 1 less than Chelsea's best ever which was Mourinho. This is Arteta's first management job.


Wait that’s actually crazy


Yes but if he doesn't win a cup next season he needs to go accordign to people on here.


New Chelsea regime, [same financial bullshit the FA seems content to allow them to get away with](https://x.com/slbsn/status/1789767112744906885?s=46&t=iWj0VDxnERbofnFGQ2yo0A).


Jesus that's terrible, if true... surely against the rules somewhere?!?!


Please everyone stop leaving cringe comments on the spuds sub


I've said it before, it should be a bannable offense.


Wasn't a pretty performance but tbh, when you win somewhere you've won once in 17 years, I couldn't give less of a shite, particularly with one game of the season left when the priorities just win. You can also just look at it that we did exactly what we needed to do. Uniteds kryptonite is letting them have the ball and asking them to do anything with it. So we did that, didn't press, nicked a goal, meanwhile Raya could have been sat in a deck chair all game. Best they've played all season, we still won at their place. Elite Elite Elite. Also, mods can you please make some kind of super block function that stops me having to see the inane ramblings of GG10 as they cherry picks games to highlight Saka not turning up in (Didn't score today, but went quiet when he scored **DURING THE RUN IN** vs. Spurs) or cherry picks on a week to week basis what they consider 'turning up' to mean.


I understand player criticism. Some well branded players get away with 2/10s, while 'ugly ducklings' get crucified for 5/10s. But if it becomes as relentless as he(or she) has it with Saka, it ceases being criticism. There is another underlying issue. Even Xhaka's greatest in-sub haters had a whole season off. Kid is having his best career season, and we just won away at a place we are terrible at to take the league to the final day and his talking point is Saka? Even Kai Havertz's haters weren't this relentless. About today, we'd have been screwed with better ball strikers. It makes sense why Rashford was a big miss. That space Garnacho had would have had 2 goals at least.


Hey, you encouraged that goonergunner10 idiot to keep spouting off his anti Saka agenda garbage when he started really getting going with it weeks back. Don‘t try to sit here now and pretend like it bothers you all of a sudden.




Seen a couple Liverpool fans on their sub say they wouldn’t mind losing to Villa tomorrow so the Spurs game doesn’t matter. I’d expect that from Spurs but from them it’s truly pathetic. Most rattled fanbase this year.


They are terrified that St Klopp the slayer of City will end up with the same amount of PL titles as Pep's cone man.


They are mad that we are about to match the domestic success of their entire Klopp era, in just a few short years with Arteta. We are a bigger club than them and they will be faced with a harsh reminder of that in the coming seasons.


The bigger club thing is nonsense but otherwise yes


tbh i've found the liverpool response more vitriolic than spurs which is confusing, but then i remember the beginning of the run in and how utterly they wrote us off. hard to be so fucking wrong and your era to end all at once


Yeah their heads are spinning lol. The smart ones are keeping quiet.


Thankfully the players won't think like that. Like you say, expected and understandable from Spurs, but Liverpool? Pathetic.


I love Arteta, but his stubbornness when it comes to substitutions is his weakest aspect. Why did we have to sit through 92 minutes of the worst midfield performance of the season before a change was made? Edit: Idk why people downvote when no one has actually given me an answer


Because it's an utterly r/gunners doomer whinge. Our midfield struggled because they played three DM's and closed down everything. Changing it with the options we had would have weakened the midfield and much more to the point while the midfield was struggling they were not creating clear chances owing to the fact they were playing all DM's. For all the 'worst midfield performance of the season' they had an xg of 0.7.


It’s not a doomer whinge. Every player in the midfield had their worst game of the season yesterday. Swapping partey for Jorginho would’ve helped us to keep possession more. (Also would’ve stopped partey from losing the ball in key areas all the time). (They also had such a low xG because of our defence combined with the fact they were missing a load of good chances). I genuinely think you did not watch the game, as the midfield was non existent.


Once again, we won 'the worst midfield performance of the season' with .7 xg against it. That's why you're a doomer.


You’re clearly not providing any valid points, Just regurgitating pointless stats so there’s no point talking anymore.


Ah yes those 'pointless stats' like 'they had fauck all chances to score' and 'we won'. Always so hard to argue that we ahd the worst midfield performance of the season while doing that *and* winning at Old Trafford for only the third time in 20 years. You can accept you're wrong mate, you don't ahve to go thought his performative 'any stat I don't like is irrelevent' bollocks.


And that was a switch to 5 at the back lol Incredible coach/tactician but has room to improve as manager.


this is cope but I've been thinking and what if spurs did their end of season walkabout against burnley because they know if they win or draw against city then it'll be boos and jeers in their final home game. get the final applause while you can, it's not guaranteed on tuesday


Its Spurs 0-1 Mancity. 90+6 Penalty VAR review for Spurs. I truly wonder what the Spurs fans will be thinking at that moment


The narrative from other club fans that we were lucky to play against so many teams with injuries is hilarious. Our midfield was disjointed for most of the season after losing Partey and Xhaka. And we haven't had a nailed on left back the entire season. Zinny, Tomi, and Timber were injured. We have only fielded our best midfield in the tail end of the season. I think Eddie even started 10 premier league games for us.


It's cope. They said we were lucky last year. Matching City stride for stride over 76 games? That's some luck.


Everyone played other teams with injuries. They were everywhere this season. Feels like more than most. City have two starting 11s of depth. All the other teams are hard-core pivoting to make it work. We have been lucky with out too many injuries. But damn Timber would have been amazing in this side. I have loved watching this team. To be so close is frustrating knowing this City side will get docked points at some time in the future. You know they are in violation but it is what is. How much more entertaining would it be without Oil FC?


So what happened to 'world class' Saka today in a run in once again? Why is it Im overwhelmingly more right than wrong about this kid in important run in games? Missing v City, missing v Aston Villa, missing v Bayern away, a passenger v Luton, Wolves, Chelsea, Brighton & now Man U. Fair enough he scored the opening goal v Bayern (then did fuck all else over the 2 legs), he had a good first half v Spurs contributing to a goal and assist (then back to hiding in the 2nd half) & he scored the opening high pressure penalty v Bournemouth (No complaints here). He turns 23 next month so the 'yOunG' excuse goes out the window. Now we are just left with iNjUrEd, FaTiGuEd, DoUbLe MaRkEd, KiCkEd A lOt 🤦‍♂️


What would you consider a good performance? It looks like you've just listed games he didn't score in