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IMO Rashford makes sense only if he proves his desire to just play by taking a pay cut. If he agrees to that I think Arteta can bring him back to a world class level!


What's with the gold PL trophy next to the Subreddit name? Is that new? Reddit doing a thing?


Xavi simons loan deal, we should be all out on him as he wont cost much, and is a versatile player


Add Davinson Sanchez to the list of players that won a trophy after leaving Spurs lol 


Announcing Pep leaving a year early could help with getting great manager. But players transfer would be tricky. 115 charges and unknown manager.


He might not be going anywhere, could all be talk for a better contract , until I see him in a cab with his suitcase leaving the ethiad in the rain. I am not believing it.


We should be making a move for Xavi Simons. It’s all but been confirmed he’s done with PSG. He’s being loaned out next season and sold the summer after to avoid the sell on clause PSV have.


Didn't he request another loan to Leipzig?


I’ve heard that’s the most likely destination, but nothing is certain as of yet. surely Arteta and co could sell him on the dream. Also we could possibly out muscle RB financially as well.


He also had his eyes set on Barca so if he has changed his mind, it may be because Flick doesn't want him or Barca can't afford to eventually buy him.


more likely they latter. No more levers to pull unless they manage to ship out some big names on those ridiculous contracts.


City parading must be their lowest part of the season, seeing that the club has so little fans who care. None of that bots spamming the same thing online. Heartbreaking after you achieve so much, albeit while cheating


Anytime goonergunner comments I downvote off rip. Don’t even read it even if I agree with him or laugh at a joke of his I downvote. Amen 🙏


I thought he was on a break?


No he’s the opposite of aang when no one needed him, he stayed. He still in the comments lurking and talking about sacking arteta and saka being a mid table winger🤣


I don’t get what would drive someone to want to spend their time like that


As a bald man, I hate that there are so many bald loser managers and referees in the league. Turkey, I’m coming.


Baldchester United


Big up bald people




He's as reliable as an insider and did it after the parade. It's happening.


That guy is tier 1 for City. 9 year is a long time. Plus there is the 115 cloud. Really does seem like Pep will leave


>Really does seem like Pep will leave Good.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/3AU2iBbL3g This talks about arteta laying out a sizeable portion on what scouts should look for in players and how they fit tactically in city’s structure. An outside coach/manager wont be able to use this the same as pep and co do because they wont tactically think the same, especially in the finer details of their tactical play. Its like when city wanted cucu and then how he looks at chelsea, or when city wanted maguire and how he looked at utd.


This is great, thanks, missed it the first time it was posted


You can never brow beat me into thinking 1 FA cup followed by 4 trophyless seasons is good enough. This wasnt even acceptable by our greatest ever manager Arsene Wenger himself so it for damn sure isnt under Mikel Arteta. This time next year we better have won either the UCL or the PL or its sayonara to him and his supporters on here hopefully.


Bro you’re on your summer break from this sub, come on man you promised


Arteta himself said we have to do better than this. What more do you want? What other currently available manager could take on pep in any capacity in the title race?




r/ArsenalFC is that way


Well buddy, in that case, I implore you throw your hat in the ring to become Arteta’s boss by the end of next season. This way you can have an actual say on whether Arteta gets to keep his job or not. You get to fire him, and we are spared the waffling on the sub about it. An absolute win-win in my book.


They're not hiring unfortunately 🥲


wenger held nine consecutive trophyless years between FA cup victories in 2005 and 2014 and you think palmer and foden are better than saka




oh i'm aware, but the reason i brought it up is that they said the standards of 'artetasexuals' (they're one of those ppl) would be unacceptable in the wenger era. but that's not true. and also their counterpoint also sucks bc the wenger out movement was at its height after winning several FA cups


8 trophyless seasons* and towards the end there was the whole Wenger Out movement remember? AFTV came right around this time and yes Palmer and Foden are so clear of Saka its not even a joke - only our fanbase thinks otherwise.


The board when goonergunner10 wants arteta to be sacked: 📑✂️😢


We will 💪




Klopp should've retired with 2 if not 3 league titles, Arteta should have 1 if not 2 himself, instead it's City with those 4. Absolute bullshit. Now Pep is going to jump ship like the rat he is.


Arteta got 84 and 89, while Klopp got 92 and 97. Why do you think Arteta should have 1 if not 2? Having a 90 point season is like the minimum you've to aim for to have a chance of winning it with City in the mix


Because we absolutely should've won It last season til we had 2 defenders go down and Partey as well. We are a normal club following rules so we didn't have another 80million defender to put in Saliba's place, whereas that's what City has the luxury of doing due to their cheating. If the playing field were level and FFP actually being followed we almost certainly would've been well clear in first and not overtaken last year. This year, we spent half the season trying to solve the striker issue, and trying to solve the LCM issue. If not for FFP we potentially could've kept Xhaka while bedding in Havertz. We dropped a lot of points the first half of the season due to growing pains. City has the luxury of making a massive purchase and giving them time to bed in, we don't. It's completely not proper competition at all


Because OP is implying that City cheated and therefore the 2nd placed team should be credited with the title? Got nothing to do with the specific points total


Until Arteta signs a new deal you will get rumours he will replace Pep in 2025. And if that did happen, we wouldn't compete with Arteta's Man City (feels very dirty saying that). I really hope, the Arteta out knobs see it clearly. Because you wronguns have always been idiots.


Arteta out but Pep In 👀?


I think they'll get Xavi


but this was always the risk of him being good here, that he'd very likely be approached by city whilst the chances are that he'll leave us in a good place, we did sacrifice a few seasons for him to get experienced enough to lead us to where we are now, as whilst we did have some squad issues at times, we also had tactical ones as well


What does being at City offer him that he doesn't have here? Money? We all know it's cheating, anyway, and they're likely to be sanctioned heavily on the backs of their wrongdoings. So what else is there? We're not paupers, and can pull and pay for top players as well. If you said "he'd go to Barca", then fair enough, since they have pedigree we don't, and he came through their youth ranks.


he has a better chance of winning every trophy that he competes in


1 FA cup in 5 years after 600-700m spent. ETH has just surpassed his trophy haul in less than half the time. Less time cussing people and more time facing up to the facts. Unlike you we are Arsenal supporters not Arteta supporters.


You disrespect the tattoo on your leg


Not my leg thank God. Some other match going fan who must be regretting it by now


Why are you so negative?! He's obviously not regretting it! This is the best we've been in a long long time and you're still miserable


if arteta leaves us next season and wins nothing it'd have been better if we'd just signed an experienced manager from the jump, it's a valid concern


And yet my club is still trophyless for 4 straight years while lesser teams continue to pick up trophies year in year out. How could you guys be content with this smh


Bruv🤣 we're in better position than any other club bar city in this league. You need to calm down


He was more or less the heir to the city job but turned it down to manage us.If arteta stayed, the man city board wouldn’t have bent over backwards to keep pep


Arteta ain't a Citeh's guy. I can see him managing Barcelona in the far future but he won't leave us to join City as a manager.


Agreed. But I will still feel better when the contract is signed.


If United keeps 7hag and Chelsea hires Maresca we can have 4 bald fraud managers in big six 😂


Sacking Pochettino just to sign one of Frank or Maresca is an absolutely mental decision, that club is genuinely ran by bumbling morons and I'm all for it


It was a power struggle and on the back of unrealistic expectations. Poch wanted experienced players and some decision-making power which he was never gonna get. They need a coach who's a yes-man and gives them UCL football right away. Chelsea is gonna be a banter club for years to come.


It makes no sense to me that they sack pochettino because they want a possession style manager, only to go for Frank...


It would be funny if they brought frank because they got two managers to change their back five into a back four just to revert to a back five again


Pep leaving in a year could give us an edge in the race to sign Bruno? Hope so anyway




Yeah the working for pep selling point wouldnt be as strong.It could also signal that the prem might actually be able to charge city for the 115 since hes basically jumping ship


Watching back some clips from 18/19 and 19/20 and Mustafi’s brainless defending still makes me so angry. I can’t believe some still soften the blows to this guy “oh wElL hE wAs GoOd wItH his HeAd” the guys a dickhead mate 


Speaking in Puns.


So many players in that era were completely unlikeable. 


The worst thing is he cost THIRTY FIVE MILLION pounds


That wasn’t anywhere near the worst thing. The worst thing was seeing him blame and berate the goalkeeper and the defenders around him every time a goal went in, especially when it was Mustafi himself who got beaten or made the defensive mistake to cause it.


His headed goal against Spurs that he somehow managed to get curve on was amazing and I won't hear otherwise.


Pre-2018 Mustafi tax His war crimes can’t paper over that header against Tottenham or his clunky ahh goal at Old Trafford 


Fitting that the last 2 clubs he played for were both relegated and no one will take him. He’s pretty much unofficially retired.


People talking about Southampton being a bogey team, reminds me of Swansea, they were our bogey of bogey teams


Stoke and the delap throws 😑


Those Delap compilations always make me laugh cos we are in like 75% of the goals


I was looking at one a few weeks ago and it’s true lol


Did wenger ever beat gary monk in the end lol


Gonna be awkward for pep to coach his final season at City in the Championship.


Never happening mate, they have the best lawyers in the world.


I really hope we beat pep’s city, dont want rivals to degrade our eventual prem as the “easy” one


Pep won a title with Ole's team coming in 2nd with 74 points(Good enough for 4th this year). It doesn't matter. We would've won 2 if our nearest competitors were as good the last 2 years.


Don't know why any of us should care what rival fans think. We don't need their approval


I thought that too but as my Liverpool friend said, who cares. People will always find an excuse to belittle it if we win. If we win it next year, it'll be 'you got lucky with injuries', 'you only won cos Chelsea/United/Spurs/Liverpool were shit and Man City were burnt out'. Would be nice to win it while Pep was there but I would have said the same this year with Pep and Klopp there. We beat Klopp but not pep, means nothing though end of the day.


I know it boils scouser's blood that Pep is leaving after Klopp did lol.


With Madrid getting Mbappe I think there’s a chance Brahim Diaz might be available for 60 to 70 million having a winger that can play on both sides is quality


They will drop him off themselves if we offer that. He's max 30-35 M.


That's way too much for Brahmin Diaz


i wouldn’t get my hopes up with pep leaving. there have been reports like this before every time he nears the end of his contract and it seemingly just ended up being a negotiation tactic for oil daddy to throw an even more absurd bag at him


I love when people think they've figured out something but actually it's like the dumbest reality possible. Pep having to negotiate his contract renewal after 4 leagues in a row and a treble is laughably silly. The man wants for nothing. Sometimes the simplest answer is correct, the man finished his job at city and wants a break or something new and probably to go home for a bit. It's pretty normal behaviour, it's not some ploy.


it's always a negotiation, even if there's good will on both sides. im not saying im absolutely right, im just saying people should have some skepticism given these reports have come out every time pep nears the end of a contract.


Do you live your life always counting the smallest probabilities? Because, if so, then don't go in the ocean, because sharks might possibly eat you.


I don't think Pep needs to do negotiation tactics, I imagine he had a blank cheque for whatever he wants. His reported income is tiny compared to his actual income there with UAE. When you consider stuff like his brother just happens to be Girona chairman too.


there’s always more (much more) to be made from oil monarchs with too much money on their hands. i’m sure he’s making an absurd amount, but that just means he could make even more ungodly amounts given how strong of a position he’s in. city will have success regardless given their investment and strong foundation, but as he’s proven, no one else can guarantee on field success like he can.


Apparently that guy is Man Cities TNAT, either way he’s probably bored of english football


still could be a negotiation tactic. who knows who’s feeding him this info and what their motivations are.


My main concern with the Pep news is that Arsenals treble winning campaign next season will rain enough on his leaving parade that he'll extend out of a thirst for petty vengeance.


One more chance to beat Pep's City, third time's the charm, then they can get banished to the National League like the cheating fucks they are


Would Brahim Diaz count as HG?


I want us to win the FA cup next year with this being the run to winning it: Stoke, City, Liverpool, Chelsea, scum and shit. Fuck all these teams down to their core just the thought of beating them all makes me happy


Still beefing Stoke in big 2024


that's not even that crazy, i personally still have birmingham fc beef in 2024 and i don't care. fuck them


I hate Tottenham because I am an Arsenal fan. I hate Stoke because I am a human being 


I feel like there was an athletic article from a few months ago talking about how arteta wrote the book on how to profile players for city and which players to target in the market. Does anyone remember this and do they have the article?


Nothing less than this will satisfy my vengeance for next season: Arsenal 6-0 Soton Soton 0-4 Arsenal


I want maximum points from Fulham westham villa and Southampton next season.


Pep leaving in a year We’re so back 




Real talk but probably the only player I'd take from City if it was an option. He suffers from a bit of the Pires thing where his own light gets slightly diminished by playing in a team with so many headline world class player.




Not for us, he wants Barcelona. We have a similar player in Odegaard anyways


Oh no 2 Odegaards would be so bad 


When we need an all round 8, an older, slightly better Odegaard on big wages is not a good thing


pep isn’t getting the farewell tour he thinks he’ll get




can’t wait for draymond’s farewell tour. will get booed in every arena except Chase


Draymond ain‘t the type to go for farewell tours. He has a huge ego, but not that specific kind of huge ego.


also, he’s just not good enough. if he was good enough, i’m absolutely sure he would want one.


Personally, I think Draymond is a sure-fire 100% Hall of Famer. He may not get in first ballot, but he will be enshrined in Springfield one day, and he absolutely deserves to. Still, he will not get a farewell tour, and he will not ever ask for one.


We might actually be free of Guardiola holy shit. ![gif](giphy|3FQ9mRcb94aogeTvmj)


What is Martinelli’s full potential? I know hes got bags of it but what do we see him turning into when he’s in his late 20s


In my opinion, I think he has the highest ceiling out of anyone in our team, with the exception of maybe Saliba. I might be wrong, usually am, but when I watch him, I see a player who has all the raw tools and ability to be one of the best attackers in Europe. He'll not be an Mbappe or Vini, the tier below, most likely if he puts it together, but that's still pretty special. Putting it together is always a big if, but he looks like he could be Suarez 2.0 if things go right.


i so disagree with the "highest ceiling comment". I love many thngs about him. But Saka is by far a better player. I am happy with Vinny light.


According to some article arteta thinks hes a suarez regen


i hate that he never tries him out as a 9 though. that will be his best position, i'm sure of it


If everything goes perfectly his ceiling is Rashford, give him support and he’ll get 20 goals + 10 assists all comps, maybe explode for 30.


give me a more inspiring name PLEASE


With what his strengths are, Mané is who I hope he becomes. He’d do extremely well to become an in-form Rashford too.


Ribery 🤷‍♂️


face scar will unlock his True Potential


Sure he’ll understand ![gif](giphy|eKCGHSMmtw6dEbz5hf)


Respect the English Mbappe?




It's a shame we didn't get Lisandro Martinez 2 years ago, I think he would've been really good for us


nah we dodged a bullet, he's literally a walking hospitalbed


he wouldn’t start for us. Gabriel/Saliba are clear. We have the best defensive record in the league and will be adding timber to the backline too, so its kinda weird that we are crying over him.


Arteta wanted to use him as a left back. He was the preferred choice to Zinchenko, and would be one of the first names on the team sheet every week if fit. 


timber is better suited for the LB position. He is clear. Timber was the first choice for eth too but he rejected them.


Arteta appears to prefer Timber on the right. And maybe they don’t even buy Timber if Lissandro played like I believe he would have had he signed with Arsenal instead of United. 


hes a shorter, less physical kiwior while being miles better on the ball


He's Zinchenko with athleticism and defensive ability


He isnt as good as zinchenko on the ball


he can play killer balls though


Doesn't give it away as much either. A trade off I'd be willing to accept


He’s not at that level but still fantastic, while not being a stripper defensively.


I want to kick this guys teeth in before he leaves https://x.com/eduardohagn/status/1794815635408462294?s=46&t=ohBEm3kwXzONRYy63NcNgQ


he’s beneath us


Mans already lost his hair, now u wanna make his gums bald too?


Not out of malice, just a friendly, rapid fist bump on the lips


Hope we win it while hes still at city or else we wont ever hear the end it


Hagn or guardiola?




We need to make sure we send pep out of here with a mean L.


Leverkusen signing Aleix Garcia for peanuts, wish we showed some interest


No chance City would let us have any good players from their feeder clubs.


We've not tried so hard to say. City at the very least don't hold players who want to leave for ransom despite all their other shadiness


They made it clear they won’t ever sell to us again unless they are about to get liquidated


Marcus Rashford lmao for 60 to 70 million you can get Pulisic who’s much better


The lebron james of soccer. This is football mate


Pulisic better than Rashford 😁


Easy to see when fit he’s an elite player


Pulisic has a horrible injury record.


Hes had a better season but he isnt better


Ah yes, the same Pulisic that had a personal best of only 9 PL goals and that was during his first season with Chelsea. I don’t want Rashford because of his football related attitude and wages, but he’s clear of Pulisic. Honestly, every take of yours becomes worst. First the Onana being good enough for this Arsenal side, and now this.


>Onana being good enough for this Arsenal side The Keeper or the midfielder?


Midfielder but the keeper is equally wank.


Chelsea tax went to AC Milan and outplayed Leao. When healthy Pulisic is an elite talent also what did Havertz do when he came to Arsenal had his best ever season


>Chelsea tax went to AC Milan and outplayed Leao. I regularly watch Serie A and have a soft spot for Milan because of the late 90s to early 00s, so I am aware of how his season went. Yes, he had a better than Leao this season, bully for him. This just means that Leao is overrated and and neither are worth the money nor good enough to play in this Arsenal side. Then there’s the league difference - players that regularly go to a “lesser” league tend to reignite and find their form after flopping in the PL. >also what did Havertz do when he came to Arsenal had his best ever season The difference is that Havertz always had a higher ceiling and ability than Pulisic. Now I know that hurts you as a fellow American, but that’s God’s honest truth partner. Like I said, I’m not a fan of Rashford and rather sign someone even better, but neither him nor Pulisic are the answer for that wide forward option.


Hmm I wonder why “bradygronktd1287” thinks Pulisic is better


Some people actually watch games unfortunately


This Pulisic season might be the most obvious 1 season wonder ever, he’s overperforming his xG and xA by a lot. Even then Rashford has had much better seasons lmao


Keep cooking




Nah we don’t claim him 


Wouldn’t want to be claimed by a Detroit Lion fan




Looking at City's parade and lmfao, I've seen a higher turnout at a Sunday barbeque


looks so fucking dead lmfao


I saw more people at the Mercato today


That trophy was wasted on them


I think Arteta is warming up to the idea of Martinelli on the right. He seemed ok on that side the few times hes come in. He might therefore go for a left sided attack who can double up as a striker. Aka Rashford or Duoe. Personally would prefer and out an our striker like Isak/Gyokores/Sesko but I can see this happening too


Both. Sesko and Doue.


hes probably only done that to test the odegaard x Martinelli dynamics for next season.If he ever leaves the left wing he will probably be a cf


Next season, our defensive profiles are gonna be stacked with timber, gabriel, white, saliba, tomiyasu,new lb,kiwior. Arteta has no excuse not to rotate his defense. Saliba has played every single minute of PL football. Thats not sustainable


How do we rotate Saliba if we'll be bringing in a LB?


Tomi plays RCB more


Injury-prone and can't be the CCB.


Why can’t Tomi be the CCB out of interest?


Mate I'm so bored of it. People keep inventing new rules for the team that don't exist. Players can only do this one hyper specific role. Reminds me of all the fanfare about Kiwior playing RCB. It's not as rigid as people imagine.


I agree. I remember seeing lots of comments claiming Gabriel couldn’t play CCB, which he followed to do perfectly while White was investing and Kiwior took that left-hand spot