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People need to ignore the Saka hate by rivals, who cares? Just like when Ferdinand/Carragher/Neville chat shit and farm millions of interactions and get lots of attention from this weird fanbase. Saka is one of the best players in football, he is a playmaker that can do it all on the right wing. Not only is he a magician but this season he had incredible defensive stats too. Very unique player who could really become one of the greatest Arsenal legends. City/United/Liverpool etc fans might criticize him but if he were available even at a crazy price all of their clubs would line up to buy him... All we need is a sub for him so he does not have a dramatic decline/injury due to being run into the ground


kudus is everything adama troare was hyped up to be. efficiency with game breaking physicality


Just found out Piers Morgan dad is a spurs supporter He is the embodiment of a curse of pox placed upon Arsenal by spurs




It looks like a logo Stoke Tourism board knocked up just before a boozy lunch on a friday. I thought we had the trophy for most corporate looking badge but I've got to just sit back and applaud the sheer blandness of this one.


I thought it looked like a ham, but wdik?


Pretty sure it's meant to be a victorian industrial pottery [kiln](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottle_oven), they're quite proud of their remaining ones.


I know, but the badge looks like a ham imo. It just looks bad and too minimalist. Also, our crest isn’t too bad imo. Although it could use a more classic touch to it.


Maybe we've both been wrong and it's actually an orc bungalow?


Probably part of a turtleneck for Peter Crouch.


It's way too early in the morning to be thinking about Crouchies' turtleneck


Fair. It’s 3:15 as of writing this. I really should go to bed. I get fuck all sleep already.


It's 8:35 here and I should probably do something more productive than this!


The All eyes on rafah post by Saliba was good because it signifies a subtle but important change - it's a lot safer to be pro-palestine now. The post obviously got locked but whatever. Saliba's job was never at stake but look at the repercussions Elneny suffered for standing up for what's right, many months ago. Yeah it's an AI image and doesn't show the gruesome reality of the situation BUT it's spreading like crazy. Palestinians are not being dehumanized anymore and zionists can't get away with it. I'm glad at least one of our players posted it


It was nice to see our players not being told by the club how to address this humanitarian crisis just incase it effects the bottom line.


I love the club but they have proven before they will only support a cause when they feel there wont be a monetary loss. Potentially losing out on viewership in Isreal is very different than viewership in China especially when the plight of the uyghurs in china was under reported issue compared with Israeli Palestine conflict. 


Yeah there's an element of that but we saw with Elneny that they would reprimand a player for supporting it before but this was due to a sponsor complaining. It seems they've seen how public sentiment has developed in this matter and probably won't action anything in this matter after seeing how other major corporations are faring.


you sound like an incredibly condescending individual


thought you were better than that, guess not


i don’t even have a dog in the fight but you basically just passive aggressively said “i’m right about this political thing and those who don’t side with me are wrong and bad”. it’s annoying


How is that your takeaway from this? Get a grip 😂


tf are u talking about




also true


huh didn't read into it like that at all. interesting how people read into things so differently, never would have gotten that perspective personally


To be fair I got the same vibe, it reeks of 'at last everyone is finally accepting my viewpoint'. And [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/1d36u5r/may_29_2024_daily_discussion_transfers_thread/l69c619/) doesn't help Plus I'm pretty sure we've got a no politics thing on the DD.


Not even saying "everyone agrees with me now" but you legit got the likes of call of duty gamers of all people showing some form of support now when that wasn't the case prior. That's all I'm saying


You're pushing a divisive line (finally properly intelligent people are overcoming the evil zionists) which could ahve been put vastly better and then as I said you doubled down on being condescending and attacking someone for not supporting you on the basis that effectively 'if you're not for me you're against me'.


I'm just not a fan of being tone-policed when it comes to such an important topic. If the message is fine but the language is deemed imperfect by someone who claims to have no dog in the fight, is that really so bad? >doubled down on being condescending and attacking someone for not supporting you *Attacking*? no man, it's because they called me incredibly condescending and sarcastically "noble" right off the bat, not because they merely disagree with me. teenager call of duty gamers sharing pro palestine content seems like nothing in the vastness of the internet but it is a big change compared to a week ago


> Attacking? no man, it's because they called me incredibly condescending Mate you were being condescending and you went straight on the attack and became *more condescending* because you're apparently not a fan of being 'tone policed'. Not being mean but you're literally saying that you think you're above being called out because you're putting forward a message too important to be questioned by people who know less than you. Which is pretty much the dictionary definition of being condescending.


you can't sit on the fence and take pot-shots. own a stance if you're gonna draw lines in the sand my friend


why? so if i dont have the same opinion as ur side you can come down on me? no thanks


for your own benefit, so you can be informed like an adult E: I'm being genuine, and not just doing a redditor-ass snarky reply. you asked why, so I'm answering that it's just so you can be more informed and form your own opinions, and go from there. Not so you can "agree" with me or I can "come down" on you for not agreeing with you. I just feel strongly about this topic and in my opinion, given the facts I can see out there, it's generally pretty clear cut, so that's why I worded it as strongly as I did. I don't want to be militant about it and dissuade people from my POV or the plight of the people it supports, but I came to these strongly held beliefs after years of learning and seeing what's happening in the world.


Gets accused of being condescending Doubles down on being condescending. It's a bold strategy


seriously didn't mean it that way. I think it's important to take stances instead of just trying to pull people down from a distance instead of actually engaging with the content of my comment


They did engage with the content of your comment and pointed out that it was massively condescending. Then you were even more condescending in reply to them. You cannot divorce the language from the message and if you really didn't mean to be so condescending twice then maybe consider how you interact with people who don't up front toe the same line as you because you just came across as someone who sees anyone who doesn't agree with you as instantly being an idiot who disagrees with you wthout any sort of actual proof.


condescending again. have a good night


100% meant it genuinely


you probably did, but still condescending . we don’t have to continue it’s all good, i don’t think u purposely meant to irritate or anything. but this is a good example to learn from because i legitimately don’t know a lot about this conflict, but if i were to just take ur comment in isolation it would put me off to your side bc it seemed so smug


wow how noble of you


okay Newcastle fans are making me laugh now, Bruno G would never want to leave you guys so I guess he must’ve accidentally stuck a release clause in his contract, whoopsie!


City just sold some lad I’ve never heard of before to Southampton for £19m. He came from their youth academy. Is this just the premium you get for winning a lot of trophies or is their academy actually that good?


Why can City build a youth program that surpasses Arsenal's, based in London and having so much more tradition? Have they poured a bunch of money in it? If so, why? Does it profit? If so, couldn't we do just as good investing?


Aounds like you're asking why a nation state putting in money since 2008 might have a better system than a team that from 2007-18 had no investment, no plan and no interested owners.


> Is this just the premium you get for winning a lot of trophies This is a myth to be honest, not sure why it's taken hold so much. Historically United have always had a great academy, Liverpool have run theirs bloody well for decades too, while City and Chelsea have massively heavily invested in theirs. People are getting the cause and effect mixed up here, we didn't suddenly get more money for our youth team when we started winning the FA Cup.


He's been a part of two promotion teams in a row tbh. It's actually a bit shit because some promoted teams are doing it off the back of loans that they can't secure for the next year in the PL. It's good he's gone to southampton this time.


Harwood bellis has been on loan for 4-5 seasons, racked up 100+ senior appearances, and his loan club is buying him for £19m. I have no idea how good he is (this is the first time I've heard of him), but that is outstanding loan management. Meanwhile, we've kept Reuell Walters on the bench for 2 seasons, no debut and no loan, and he's leaving on a free.


Maybe Reull Walters wasn't that good? This idea that we're forcing premier league ready players to sit on the bench, fighting off suitors from other clubs just for reasons does need to die. WE love our academy players but the reason Jack, Saka, ESR and Nketiah are so hyped is the rarity of getting premier league players for us. Remember the hype round Patino, with people on here literally suggesting he should play ahead of Lokonga?


Nobody saying he is good enough for us, but what is the point of keeping player that outgrow our reserves? Send him on loans and maybe he will get good for Championship team and they will spend few millions that helps FFP. Warming bench achieved absolutely nothing


Once again you're making the assumption we just refused to laon him...for reasons. We also had a bit of a fullback crisis and if it weren't for White playing through injury and Kiwior stepping up at left back we were an injury or two away from playing him and Cedric at one point unfortunately for him being loaned out.


He was behind Cedric in absolulely dead games. if he even was considered to be emergency backup does it make sense to not give him any minutes? Dude will be massacred if he were called upon because he never played a minute of actual football in that team. We can't justify that kind of treatment with doom hypothetical scenarios. Let's keep Eddie then, maybe we will have strikers injury catastrophe


> He was behind Cedric in absolulely dead games. This is the biggest myth on this place. We had one fit right back, Cedric was our backup and hadn't played since we got knocked out of the league cup, it would ahve been absolute dereliction on the part of Arteta not to give our second choice right back a chance to get full fitness especially if they knew at that point that white was carrying an injury.


Their academy is actually pretty good. If you look at a good number of youth players they've sold or loaned out over the years you might be surprised. Even some players you may know from other clubs have youth connections to City


I think it is that premium. If a player is rated at Man City, even just from their academy, people think they're good because of Man City's success. The same thing happened with Rhian Brewster, I think he went for like 20 million or more, without ever having actually played in the Premier League. All because at that time Liverpool were extremely good and Klopp said he rated him. That was all that was needed


> All because at that time Liverpool were extremely good and Klopp said he rated him. That was all that was needed That and the fact the season before he was sold he scored 10 goals in 20 appearances on loan at Swansea...


They can’t keep getting away with it ffs. Citeh sold Edozie to Soton for £7m (0 apps for them in pl) Charles sold to Soton for like £12m (after playing only 27 pl mins) Lavia to Soton for £10m (0 apps in pl) Trafford to Burnley for like £19m (0 apps in pl) Larios to Soton for like £5m (0 apps in pl) Harwood-Bellis to Soton for like £20m (0 apps in pl) Gyabi to Leeds for like £5m (0 apps in pl) That’s almost £92m of sales from 27 pl mins (more than £3.4m per min of their academy players) - joke ting E: Bazunu to Soton for like £12m and you guessed it - no pl experience (although he had a good loan spell at Portsmouth who were in league 1 at the time, but still not pl)


City spend an absolute fortune poaching these players from other clubs when they're very young. Every club will know who the best lot of academy players are in the country, that's why they get so much for these players.


Maybe they pay them under the table like they do the senior team. Keeps their book wages low, and so other clubs can afford the wages and offer a higher transfer fee. And of course, the player and club would both have an interest in keeping their mouths shut about the arrangement.


Lavia who they flipped for 6x profit in one year, what a disaster that turned out to be, Southampton can’t keep shopping at city!!


> Citeh sold Edozie to Soton for £7m (0 apps for them in pl) Edozie had 32 appearances for Soton last season >Charles sold to Soton for like £12m (after playing only 27 pl mins) Charles also had 32 appearances for Soton last season >Lavia to Soton for £10m (0 apps in pl) And then they sold him for an £80m profit >Trafford to Burnley for like £19m (0 apps in pl) Trafford played 45 games for Bolton the season before and was the hero when England u21's won the u21 world cup with a last minute penalty save >Larios to Soton for like £5m (0 apps in pl) Also a 20% sell on fee, will give you that he doesn't seem to have played a game yet but that's peanuts. >Harwood-Bellis to Soton for like £20m (0 apps in pl) In the previous two seasons he'd made 79 appearances for three different clubs, he was then on loan at *checks notes* Southampton and made 30 odd appearances for them before they bought him. >Gyabi to Leeds for like £5m (0 apps in pl) Gyabi was part of a swap deal for Kalvin Phillips so lord only knows what he's actually worth. So apart form the fact you've not taken into account that almost all of these guys have at least one full first team season under their belt at other clubs, if not multiple ones you've also neglected to see if there's possibly another reason at work here... Whish is that the head of senior recruitment at Southampton at that time was Joe Shields who was poached from City where he was head of youth recruitment... As an aside he's now the head of recruitment and talent at Chelsea which may explain a certain young Man City player having been bought last season.


>Whish is that the head of senior recruitment at Southampton at that time was Joe Shields who was poached from City where he was head of youth recruitment... This is the only reason


Right so we need Chelsea to nick Per and then we'll be rolling in it!


Leagues other than the PL exist. A good few of these bosses the Champ or went in to do well in the champ/PL as soon as they were sold.


Captained England u21 to a euros win lol. Just because you haven’t heard of him doesn’t mean he isn’t good?


And yet if one of our own was the U21 euro winning captain and we asked for that price, folks would say "no /r/gunners always overprices their players" Eddie banged for the U21 and is still their top scorer. How much you think we can get for him? City tax is crazy


Complete hypothetical and I’d wager we definitely sell Eddie for more


Not saying that but we’re going to struggle to sell England international Ramsdale for that amount seemingly.


We shouldn’t have parked him on the bench for a year after giving him a raise


It’s a bit of both. When 115 FC’s recent era of dominance began, they focused on every aspect of success, including heavy investment in their youth academy. The club is well-organized and has a strong foundation in footballing governance. While their financial power certainly helps, it’s the combination of money with a strategic plan that sets them apart. Look at United or PSG for contrast—money alone doesn’t guarantee success.


Pep effect. It’s also worth checking the paper trail of where the transfer fee came from at this point.


They even fleeced Burnley for Trafford They're annoyingly good at selling youth for inflated prices


I have a feeling Ramsdale is going to end up at Chelsea.


Please we need someone who can pay the fee


Boehly would pay the most, so it wouldn't be a bad option, even if I don't like the idea. It would probably be good for Aaron to keep his London home too.


Just imagine if somehow daddy Stan and Josh get us our own Jokic in Mbappe. I think I’d pass out


Didn't nuggets draft Jokic? So he'd be Saka


Less about how he got there but more about how Jokic is arguably the best player in the NBA right now.


Higher chance you become the Mayor of your City


You’re boring


I'm a realist


How would everyone react if Mbappe randomly announced he was signing for Arsenal when it gets announced in a few days? Imagine the chaos.


Would likely cop a kit lol


Likely?! Those would sell out instantly and we’d all be parading them around while laughing in the faces of every Prem club + Madrid. They would never hear the end of it.


People would still complain about how his "personality" doesn't fit Arsenal


I'd wake up from my sleep coz it would only happen in a dream


can't wait for speed to be vindicated. mbappe is arsenal bound sewey


It’s hard not to believe someone who came 4th in the Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling race.


Speed, is that the annoying cunt who was caught on camera trying to scam his young audience? Sounds like a cunt.


Ok, what do you know. Tell us.


It wouldn’t go down for a month


So if we sell Jesus, Nkeitah AND Nelson, can we expect 2 forward signings? Im thinking Zirkzee is the like for like replacement for Jesus and Sesko for Nketiah


We aren't getting both zirkzee and sesko. That's not happening. If we get another forward it will be a winger. I don't think that's particularly reliant on jesus leaving, although obviously if that happens it's much more likely. With questions marks around esr, vieira and nelson, nketiah certainly gone there's potentially room for 2 without jesus going.


People play too much fifa! Can't believe someone is that clueless


Wasn't a good final but it's lovely seeing these historic European clubs get their glory. It means so much to the fans and players.


I was pretty certain Olympiakos would win the final. Placed a bet but it was on them winning in normal time. Oh well. Was a small bet anyway to build up one of my accounts.


As someone whose family is mostly Panathinaikos being of Greek heritage, I really got mixed emotions about Olympiakos winning the Conference. Great for Greek footy tho 🇬🇷


El Kaabi 🐐


Man City folk hero Stefan Jovetic still playing in 2024 Anyone else feel old yet


Pfft, I remember signing him as a wonder kid on FM.


Fiorentina currently have 7 left footed players on the pitch


Games gone


Americans. Peacock has a one year for $19.99 deal going on. https://www.peacocktv.com/signin?return=%2Fcheckout%2Fpayment%3Fvoucher%255B%255D%3DSTREAMTHEDEAL


$6 back on capital one shopping as well.




No, it only shows a select number of games. Usually, the most important games are on TV on USA network.


They will still throw some big games on Peacock. But Arsenal were definitely on "cable" more last season. Suffering from success. 


This final is one of the shittest things I've watched this season. No one can string 2 passes together


Watching this Conference League cup final, it really makes you realise how good Arsenal are right now and what Arteta has built. We're better than both these teams in every single aspect of the play by a fairly wide margin.


Wait you mean to tell me Arsenal are better than the 8th placed team in Italy and 3rd placed in Greece? Really bold take there, watch your balance on that ledge 




I mean yeah... any CL knockout team should be better than any conference league team


> Viktor Gyökeres just had an operation on his left knee. He felt pain for months, but still played. He will be out for 5/6 weeks. Brother just got Jesus’d


Might be a good time to get them to lower their asking price 🤔


"5/6 weeks". Guy is on the trading block and his team must've known the knee would be suspect when suitors were checking out their client.


More ben white’d lol






You’d think we won the treble without them the way fans talk. He’s still 99% of the reason we have our last trophy


I disagree. What Arteta says, goes


There was much more to it but yeah both players didn't deserve to be made scapegoats in the way they were. It was a bad time for everyone at the club but it's a reminder that footballers are humans first and we rarely see that side as fans.


What he says next is brutal https://x.com/dailyafc/status/1795916182366605527?s=46&t=ohBEm3kwXzONRYy63NcNgQ


Anyone ever been to Laval? Looks like a cool big-village/ small mid-sized town.




Yeah his style is brutal. I went to the Chelsea game this season and was sitting near the touchline. Gabriel took a heavy challenge and received treatment, he then came to the bench (presumably asking if he could come off) and Arteta fucking screamed at him and yelled him to go back on.  He wants to turn all his players into beasts. 


While this incident was harsh on it's own. I think he had a few incidents with being late and not showing up. There is two sides to every story too. I'm sure there is things he could have done differently but granted he was going through an absolutely shit time in his personal life. You can also see it from Arteta point of view that he is under his own pressure too, and his captain is late and breaks the rules/arrangement they had.


Fans were so ridiculously harsh on him during that period. Was fairly common knowledge his mum was seriously ill and that why he was late or missed training. Lack of empathy was shocking. Think that affected his form more than him being a bad tactical fit too.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Unfortunately, extremely successful people often show traits that seem like a lack of empathy. Research shows that their intense focus and high standards can lead to impatience with others' issues and difficulty accepting criticism. They might prioritize their goals over personal connections, which can sometimes come off as being insensitive. In the case of Arteta and Auba, Arteta's strict discipline and high expectations might have overshadowed empathy during Auba’s personal crisis.


Hoping a surplus to requirements player's value improves from a dry loan is the "sending thoughts and prayers" of football.




Can we just sign Bernardo Silva? I know it’s not possible but he’s the perfect player, can play rw to cover saka, cm next to rice and also push Odegaard. He’s the perfect player imo, surely must be someone close to his profile?


Can we just stop signing City’s sloppy seconds? The Rice deal and the links to Bruno G are sufficient evidence to show that we should be going for targets City want in the **first** place .


Bernardo definitely isn’t a sloppy second imo. He one of the best midfielders on the planet and I’m sure city do not want him going anywhere. He just always seems to be unhappy. Anyway it’s a pipe dream. He’ll be at psg or Barca no doubt


>He one of the best midfielders on the planet and I’m sure city do not want him going anywhere. I never questioned his quality nor ability. My point was that we shouldn’t have to continuously get the used and sometimes past prime players from a rival when we are trying to surpass the same rival. Especially when that rival - in this case City, will already has a younger of equal or better quality signing such as Musiala/Wirtz already lined up. Like I said, the Rice deal was a statement signing and look how transformative he’s been in this Arsenal team. Same thing for Bruno G; both of them easily walk into any of the top 6 teams in the PL.




Again, it’s not about quality nor ability of the player but rather where Arsenal are and should be in terms of signing top draw players. The Rice signing last season was should be the gold standard of players signed going forward. Would Beraendo Silva be a good player for this Arsenal side? Absolutely. Are there equally or better options out there? Also absolutely. But it’s not really ideal to pay a hefty sum to sway City to sell Bernardo Silva to a title rival, only for them to go and use the same funds on a younger player of equal or better quality. Why not just go the extra mile and get the likes of Bruno G, Wirtz, Musiala, and etc from the get go. Signing a Bruno G, Wirtz, or Musiala is more of a statement signing than signing Bernardo Silva from City. Again, even though Bernardo Silva is a top top player.


I agree with you that we should be looking to get them at the point city does before they establish themselves as a world class player. We should have got Bruno before he went to Newcastle. Every fan was calling for it and now he is a well established player that is going to cost a fortune similar to the idea of Bernardo. Similarly we all loved the idea of isaak at Newcastle and look at him now too. We are getting better at it, my only point is I think it’s harsh calling Bernardo a sloppy second, I have no doubt a player of his quality would hugely improve our squad like what rice has done, but the argument is pointless anyway as it will never happen.


>my only point is I think it’s harsh calling Bernardo a sloppy second, I have no doubt a player of his quality would hugely improve our squad like what rice has done Again, the sloppy second remark wasn’t directed at his ability but more of his age profile and point in his career. That’s like paying equal or maybe a bit lower for a vehicle that still runs and can do a decent job but it’s best days are already past. Economically, that doesn’t make whole lot of sense because the price to value ratio isn’t attractive. Bernardo Silva is more valuable more to City than he is to Arsenal right now. Again back to the Rice and Bruno G examples, these type of players are statement signings and show sign of intent from the club. Signing Bernardo doesn’t really send the same message despite him being a top quality player — especially when City will then turnaround and use the same funds we gave them for a younger quality replacement or upgrade that we should’ve also went for in the first place.


I would absolutely love to sign Bruno, FDJ, Musiala, wirtz. There is no doubt that is the profile of player I want us to sign. I personally think Bernardo is just an outstanding player who would slot straight into our system, can play multiple positions brilliantly and take us to another level, albeit for maybe 2 or 3 years with no resale value. So really I’m not arguing with you im just a big admirer of Bernardo himself. Really what I was saying in my initial comment is he is the exact profile of player we need to find but not many like him exist.


>he is the exact profile of player we need to find but not many like him exist. I’m not arguing with you either because like I said, I never questioned his ability nor quality, it’s just that it’s high time we stop going for other teams’ used players. Now someone will point to the Havertz signing; Havertz was different because he was still only 23 I think when we signed him and his pool of talent was misused and wasted at Chelsea, the season he just had with Arsenal is a testament of that. Again, as of right now, Bernardo Silva is more valuable to City than he is to Arsenal despite being in the latter end do his career cycle. How much would it cost to pry him away from City? The amount will have to be ridiculous or in excess for them even to consider it. Even then, he will probably be a good asset for 2-3 years like you said yourself, but then there’s little to no resale value remaining. Now that money would be better going the extra mile and signing or at least testing the resolve of a player such as Wirtz, Musiala, FDJ, and etc. These players are still either young, prime, or both, equal if not better quality, **and** still resale value for the future.


Do you think City will ever sell to their biggest rival for the title?


Mans probs gonna get a brown envelope bonus just for not signing with us


He has a £50m release clause. Might as well be Barca only though, he won’t go anywhere else


Nah it will never happen and unfortunately there’s not a player like him out there. When he does leave city this summer as predicted he’s going to be almost impossible to replace which is good for us I guess


Nah it will never happen and unfortunately there’s not a player like him out there. When he does leave city this summer as predicted he’s going to be almost impossible to replace which is good for us I guess




Luiz wont go for 60 mil


We’ve got City fans having a go at Ancelotti for “only” winning 6 titles in 29 years. Pep has literally rotted football fans brains.


there is no cure to football brain rot.




Combine the number of CLs all those managers won, and its still only a few more than how many Ancelotti has won.


I'd say it's a combination of Ancelotti having success before social media exploded, which is always a disadvantage in conversations taking place today, and in this internet era he had a bad stint at Bayern that damaged his reputation plus stints at Napoli, PSG, Everton - all who were never doing anything for his stock in these convos. Also depends who you ask, I'm sure many Italians rated him all along, post-Juve at least.


Ideal places for an ESR loan? Criteria- want him starting on a regular basis. Fulham, Everton, Bournemouth, Leicester?


Bournemouth would be great. They try to play like us. If he's gonna work out at Arsenal he should play in a team with similar style as ours.


He seems destined for crystal palace


I swear every black player or player from London people automatically say suits Palace


Palace would be a good shout especially if they offload Olise and/or Eze in the summer.


Worked for Conor Gallagher!


Don't see what a loan does for him. Just sell and move on.


If he does well on loan it should significantly raise his transfer fee.


Contract expires 2026. After a loan this year he has a year left.


We’d be lucky to get a packet of crisps for him right now. A dry loan might improve that to a box of Krispy Kreme’s instead


ESR: Did somebody say crisps?


Contract expires 2026.


Reasonable, but I think he's a solid talent. Having a hard time thinking he wouldn't come good in his mid-twenties.


I'm thinking maybe those Archie Gray links are because Partey is really staying but we don't trust his fitness and he takes a big dent from our squad budget, so we want an extra body in midfield with high potential who could take over from Partey/Jorginho, and one who wouldn't cost an arm and a leg.


I don't think anyones decided anything on partey, we have many months for that to drag on. Gray's just a smart player to be after as he ticks a lot of boxes we would look for in a player and covers two positions we are after. Wether we lose partey or not it makes sense imo.


If we go into next season relying on Partey in any meaningful way or basing their transfer window around him, It’ll be time to start seriouslu questioning Edu and Arteta.


I don't think anyone's doing that.


We’re probably talking 40/50m for him




That would make more sense tbh, it wld give him a year to learn parteys craft


His underlying numbers look garbage not even worth going for


Green bar analysis


https://x.com/iskaholic/status/1795772525575889144 We're gonna let this demon go to city? No Edu, you better threaten his national team spot 😭😭😭


It's more like a 40% chance he stays at Newcastle, 35% he goes to City, and 25% we get him.


City don't really need him; they want someone more advanced


He can play in those advanced roles though?


PSG has also been heavily rumored for a long time.


https://x.com/TransferSector/status/1795874719083934098 Imagine this guy announced a club other than real madrid, would be one of the most insane transfer sagas of the modern age. Feels a bit strange to me that the likes of fabrizio are not reporting every tiny update on his move.


Perez would keel over


Mbappes agents dont pay fabrizio


> Feels a bit strange to me that the likes of fabrizio are not reporting every tiny update on his move. Huh? He is


Cheering for I Viola. Such a shame they replaced their iconic badge with this new DLS-esque badge.


https://preview.redd.it/ylaw0dm9xe3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa9c68a571cdc80ccffdc8cfd0b6d4021eacfe8 Finally leaving ZubiMendieta behind. Ain't worth all the fuss and hoohaa


We are not getting Bruno Guimaraes or Douglas Luiz. FdJ won't leave Barca, not without his unpaid wages, and he is injury-prone. Joao Neves is too young and too expensive for us to take that risk. Arteta will not bring Youssouf Fofana here to be a starter. Zubimendi was still the best value for money on the table. We might go all out for Atalanta's Ederson or Onana but if Arteta is not convinced they fit the project long term, then it's another window without a guaranteed midfielder.


Too many definite conclusions in this comment for May 29th.


I really hope I'm wrong but I've seen even teams like City and Liverpool struggle to get the correct profiles and having to settle for something else. It is very difficult at the top.


Bruno isn't impossible. Not sure of the basis of that re Fofana. I like Ederson more. Caqueret could be a solid option. There's also players that aren't 6/8 hybrids which could supplement midfield.


Bruno is very low probability, and Fofana was only wanted by Nottingham Forest last summer, and only the Italian clubs are pushing hard for him currently. Either the top clubs in other leagues don't see anything in him or they are all waiting for someone else to show interest before they do likewise. Ederson and Caqueret would be stopgaps like Kovacic was for City. I like the 8/10/LM hybrid but then questions arise about who defends in the block, and it limits us against top teams, as City has shown, since we may need to pair Rice with his rotation (as with Kovacic and Rodri) for defensive security.


Don't think you really know what you want. Paqueta and Kudus can't be good cause only West Ham wanted them. Wharton can't be good cause he went to Palace. But then you're also complaining about Bruno G being unobtainable because he's at a club that took the risk. Can't have it both ways.


Top teams would rather spend big on the proven thing than take cheaper risks. They leave the risks to your Brightons and Portuguese clubs, because the margins at the top are just too slim to allow for a mistake. We had this same discussion w.r.t. Gyokeres. You mention the success from these gambles but also leave out all the other failures.


So we can't cry about the Bruno G number. If that's how we're gonna do business we better just suck it up and pay it. We can afford failures more than Brighton and the Portuguese clubs too.


We are willing to pay 80M for Guimaraes, but not his 100M release clause because we don't value him that much. Personally I don't even think he's worth 80M. However, the main issue is that Newcastle might be unwilling to sell below the release clause and City are also in the chase. We can't afford failures more than Brighton. Selling clubs like Brighton can finish 6th or 10th and still continue with their goal of improving players to sell for profit - qualifying for Europe or winning a trophy is just a bonus. For a top club, the difference between 1st and 3rd, or 4th and 5th is more significant.