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Maddison cut from the England squad but according to spurs fans he’s better than POTS contender Odegaard lol.


Spurs fans said Kulusevski was better than Saka ignore them




The comments on these types of videos are always so dumb. All talking about biased arsenal fans 😂😂. Anytime Arsenal fans say anything positive about the team they’re ‘biased’.


Help, I do lots of writing for work and I've started using "transmit" all the time


https://preview.redd.it/e89bwtqf3v4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2568a6d444bb716ec900ae25d658411f4c9536e1 How do i remove the "related communities" on the Reddit App?


Settings, account settings, disable home feed recommendations.


Funny enough, all are disabled when i went and do what you recommended. It says the "feed recommendations" are related to "posts on feed".


Hm weird. Near that is also location custimizations. I have mine on No location specified. Perhaps if you have yours on London it keeps going on and on about stuff in London? 🤷‍♂️


All of mine are disabled. And I'm even within 1,000 mile radius of London.


You can try another app, I'm using redreader


Would love it if City get relegated. Not for the future, but for the past. It would invalidate everything they have done and bust a massive whole in Pep's legacy. No way a club that until recently gave its player of the year award 4 times to Richard Donkey Dunne has in a short space of times bridged the revenue gap to Real Madrid, without it being artificially dressed up from money directly from the Adu Dhabi Doo treasury. Its pretty much an open secret City are not on the level. But making it official would be electric. And what's more, its growing more likely by the day that City will get done, as opposed to them getting away with it OJ style. As for the City owners. This filth would gladly destroy the pyramid scheme in English football for their own benefit. Fucking scum of the earth


I think it would be interesting if they got 3 successive 90-point deductions. So they have to play through 3 seasons of relegation before they can work their way back up from League 2.


If Partey and ESR are leaving this summer - how much do you think we are getting for them?


Partey will resist going. He won’t get this wage elsewhere, he probably doesn’t want to leave London or England and he can clearly see the trajectory the club is on. He’ll try to run out his contract and leave in a free. ESR? I assume he’ll go; he’s worth 30 or 35 million at least, or that’s what we should expect to get.


Thoughts on Ederson? I would love to see Trossard - Havertz - Saka Rice - Ederson - Odegaard Timber - Gabriel - Saliba - White Next year


Think Raya gets the job done


He’s not capable of playing a 6 for us, maybe an 8. 


James 'The Main Man' Maddison deservedly cut from the England squad for the Euros, a surprisingly competent decision from Southgate. It was hilarious how much Spurs fans were hyping up that overrated bellend at the start of the season.


He was great at the start of the season, no doubt, and he had a great 22-23 season for Leicester. However consistency and injury issues have always plagued him, the 2nd half of this season, he was pretty bad.


Southgate was afraid Maddison would sabotage the team to make Spurs fans happy that Rice, Saka, Ramsdale wouldn't win Euros.


You can throw a number of our own fans into that group. Lots of Arsenal fans were actively supporting Maddison over Havertz for the first 2 months.


It wasn't Maddison for me but I will admit I was having some fomo for slzobo


Havertz, Sesko, and now Onana? Arteta has a height fetish


Sneaky bid for Alvarez ?


I was wishfully thinking we could get him last season because I knew at some point he wanted to leave City to be the main man at a Club. Realistically I don't think City wants sell us their player's anymore.


Massively overrated


I actually prefer him to all the striker options we've been linked with


Would not be suprised at all if we make a move. Arteta loves City and Chelsea rejects


This one would not feel like a reject. Highly doubtful that they would entertain our bid if we were to make one.


Am I crazy or is this entire sub losing their minds over a complete nothingburger from Fabrizio? People acting like Onana is already signed


He’s a certified waffler nowadays. Also where is the new report about Onana coming from? I really hope not, man’s technically tragic.


So apparently Chelsea, Newcastle and Everton will back City against the Prem. The first two I get, but Everton?? Where did that come from? Did City promise them money or something?


They're upset with the PL because of the point deduction


Villa, not Everton


It’s not a surprise if that’s true. They also want the multi club model. They are desperate to pour money into Villa and break into the established top 6.


Is a possible Sesko move being hindered by our FFP requirements and the need to first make sales?  Cause if we couldn’t make the David Raya deal permanent last summer or in January, how are we going to trigger the 55m Sesko release clause during June before it expires.


Our year end was May 31st


Cheers, wasn’t aware of that. That makes thing easier then.




I need an Onana ball playing only compilation. All these videos are just showing me slide tackles and shin kicking.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrB8SQlwem4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrB8SQlwem4) sadly there are a lot of slide tackles/interceptions, but he also beats Odegaard with just pace, does the 360 spin vs Partey


Is he a starter for Belgium? Need someone else to look out for at the Euros if Sesko doesn’t join


He started today and played a half so who knows


Honestly? No idea


Going to prepare for my upcoming German B2 exam by listening to this documentary about Germany's WC victory in 2014 https://www.ardmediathek.de/serie/wir-weltmeister-abenteuer-fussball-wm-2014/staffel-1/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3dpci13ZWx0bWVpc3Rlcg/1


Good luck for the exam.




Have we stopped pretending we should spend 100m on Bruno or is there still anyone holding onto the dopamine


Bruh No! for me


Onana is a much better option than Bruno G. He’s a duel merchant, very press resistant, can play the 6/8 as well, and won’t cost 100 million. There’s a reason why Arteta keeps going for Zubimendi he’s elite but Onana isn’t a bad plan B


>can play the 6/8 as well, and won’t cost 100 million. There’s a reason why Arteta keeps going for Zubimendi he’s elite but Onana isn’t a bad plan B Care to show the stats as why he’s a suitable 8? Because the evidence I have completely says otherwise. Also he’s not even the same as Zubimendi.


Where is all the Onana chatter coming from ? Have there been fresh links with Arsenal? 


Fab said we’re interested in him


Zubimendi is the worst of the 3 😂


What an asinine thing to say put him in this Arsenal team and we’re the champions


Champions of the Championship doesn't move me


We should get Romano to plug Nketiah. Who’s chipping in then


Daichi Kamada joining Crystal Palace, really wanted him to join Arsenal for ages and he's gonna do well :(


I would like him tbh


As a Mavs fan, [this guy](https://x.com/thedunkcentral/status/1798474463891054733?s=46&t=1Mno0YjwaKH_itUwQcNRaQ) is truly the bane of my existence atm.


Get this brother away from my Celtics can’t stand Pep


Onana isn’t a bad signing. He’s solid. The big worry though is that may not stop us from signing the likes of Guimaraes or Neves since Onana would cost a significant amount of money to sign from Everton. It’s us essentially admitting that we won’t be able to sign a top class LCM. I’m hoping with the links to the likes of Desire Doue, that if we really sign Onana, we sign another midfielder who can play in the 8/10 role alongside him.


Maybe we don't think Guimaraes or Neves are worth 100m so I get it if we split it up between two midfielders, a 6 like Onana and an 8/10. And Ideally this 8/10 should also be able to play on the wings if needed so we can have another option in the front 3 on top of the new striker. But I really doubt we'll do that. I don't see us getting in more than 3 outfield players this window.


Exactly. Onana would be a decent backup for Rice but he's not the profile we need next to him.


He can actually play alongside him as the Partey replacement as well as fill in for him.


I wonder if someone will rescue Carney Chuk


Rodri at Atletico had 5.00 progressive passes/90 compared to Onanas 4.61 this season. Rodri this season had 12.16 pp/p90 I hope (if we get him) Onana can get more progressive in our system. I think it‘s easier when you play in a system where you can play with a blindfold on, like ours. I doubt he has the ability to become one of these kind of players, but they see something in him what we need, so if they think we should get him then so be it


Onana overall passing stats aren’t great BUT when he plays in games where Everton either have most of possession or he plays for Belgium he’s way more on the ball and forward thinking. For example in their game against Sheffield United he completed 50/55 passes with 12 of those being passes into the final 3rd. I think he’s better on the ball than people think. And obviously he’s a duel monster.


He’s very underrated on the ball for sure, but can he be a high volume midfielder like rodri or kroos? If arteta see’s potential in that area, i wouldnt mind I guess.




Rice on ball improvement has been insane man. He really did look like an Eric Diery CB In midfield when he first came through.


i always think about how basically every player who's worked with arteta as a coach has said they view the game in a whole new light after his tutelage, which always intrigues me as far as what can become with a player. i think onana has solid fundamentals, great physique and technique absolute space eater if you give him an inch. plus two years PL experience and a lot under dyche who is demanding with team systems. everything is there for him to become an absolute midfield monster under a genius manager


Agree, and hes got age on his side as well


People want a sideway volume passer tempo dictating 99% pass completion passer and it's Mikel Arteta who invented that role at Arsenal, so if he signs a hoofballer in those positions he knows what he's doing


People falling over themselves to complain about a rumoured signing where the rumour in question says that we’re not really that interested 🤦🏼‍♂️


![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc) Discussion in the daily discussion


Love some skeletor


Saying that we shouldn’t sign a player we aren’t really interested in signing isn’t really discussion though, is it?


if we actually leaked city's court details my heart will have to grow five times in size just to hold the love i have for this club


Everyone moaning about how Šeško and Onana won't win us the league, like we didn't just miss out by only two points. These guys add quality depth to an Arsenal side that severely lacks it. The striker market is utterly cooked right now and Šeško is the best option available for our plans. He's not the most exciting, but we don't have unlimited money and he allows us to majorly and seamlessly upgrade Nketiah, raise the floor of the squad and freely spend elsewhere. While Onana wouldn't be my first-choice, he's an excellent player and he's only 22 and will only improve under Arteta. Would prefer Bruno Guimarães, but he simply isn't worth £100m or £80m. Everton need to sell and we need to start thinking about life after Partey, since he's never around and a piece of shit. Elneny leaving on a free to be replaced with Onana and Šeško replacing the outgoing Nketiah is good squad-building, in my eyes. Add Williams/Neto to that squad and you're in an excellent position next season.


Do you think city will stand there scratching their ass and let us win the league just by adding 2 routine signings


We could add Frenkie De Jong and Osimhen and City still wouldn't care.


Yes they would lol


Those 2 points are the hardest 2 points to gain. It's much easier to go mid table to top 4 Vs top 4 to title winner. That's why people are being picky.


We dropped 14 points vs Fulham, Villa, and West Ham


You're right. Easy 103 point season for us next year.


We don’t need all 14 of those points.


we were good enough to win the league this year , people are overreacting but such is the summer


>Everyone moaning about how Šeško and Onana won't win us the league, like we didn't just miss out by only two points. >These guys add quality depth to an Arsenal side that severely lacks it. The goal is to close that gap - even if it’s marginal such as the mere two points. Do you really think these two calibre of signings are the differential factors in crossing the line and difference between first place or second again? Both have talent and I’d argue Sesko in particular, has a much higher ceiling than Onana; but neither are the level currently at the level to elevate Arsenal to that next step — champions. For argument’s sake and since Arsenal have been currently and linked with in the last, players such as Bruno Guimaraes and Isak are the calibre of players that not only provide quality and experience but are ready now — as in they would immediately improve Arsenal. Both Isak and Bruno Guimaraes are worth the prices rumoured, especially when your two examples Sesko and Onana both have been touted within the £50-60m price range. Even without the need for stats, the former two players are easily of higher quality and a level that the latter two players have yet to reach or if they even can reach. Especially at the stage of the project Arsenal currently are. >While Onana wouldn't be my first-choice, he's an excellent player and he's only 22 and will only improve under Arteta. Again, the point here. Why would Arsenal invest (and expensively) on a second-rate option? What guarantees or evidence are there that Onana will improve under Mikel? Sambi was rated higher and arguably more talented than Onana and yet he never really impressed. >Elneny leaving on a free to be replaced with Onana and Šeško replacing the outgoing Nketiah is good squad-building, in my eyes. Add Williams/Neto to that squad and you're in an excellent position next season. A transfer window of Sesko, Onana, and a Williams/Neto is very underwhelming to say the least. I’ll just finish off by asking this: would City sign Sesko or Onana? The answer is most likely no and particularly Onana. So if the ultimate goal is to close down that gap and overtake City, signing bit-part players such as Onana doesn’t really help favour the odds.


City signed players like Phillips and Nunes. They don't always sign star players that immediately improve their first team. You can even argue similar with Alvarez, Doku, Kovacic, etc. Of course buying star players that lift your level immediately is great, but sometimes it can be better to bring 2 players who are slightly below that level but with potential, than getting one for the same amount of money. It's again about raising the floor vs raising the ceiling. And btw, I don't think that it's guaranteed that if we bring two players of the profile of Sesko and Onana it means we are not planning to buy a big player anymore. But we should still remember that we are not Real, it's unrealistic to expect that we can pull a Rice level signing every summer.


>City signed players like Phillips and Nunes. They don't always sign star players that immediately improve their first team. You can even argue similar with Alvarez, Doku, Kovacic, etc. They signed those players because they as a team were already at a level that they can afford to have those calibre of players. That’s the difference. Also, Kovacic, Alvarez, Doku, all in their respective positions starts over the likes of Sesko and Onana in most PL teams’ starting XI. >Of course buying star players that lift your level immediately is great, No but that’s the main point here: Arsenal are in a stage of the process that requires high quality and level of players. How does the likes of Sesko and especially Onana raise the level and/or close the gap with City? >but sometimes it can be better to bring 2 players who are slightly below that level but with potential, than getting one for the same amount of money. That’s not correct, and the Rice signing last year is testament to that. Getting more for less isn’t always equivalent of less but better. Like I said? Both Isak and Guimaraes are not only better quality players but also currently in a level where the likes of Sesko or Onana have yet to reach or will ever even reach. >It's again about raising the floor vs raising the ceiling. And signing Onana achieve that? No. >But we should still remember that we are not Real, it's unrealistic to expect that we can pull a Rice level signing every summer. No we are not Real, because we are Arsenal. Arsenal have already made more revenue than ever in recent times last season, ergo Arsenal can pull Rice signings every summer. That Rice is the exactly the epitome of raising the level and closing the gap, and one step closer to becoming champions of either PL/CL. In fact, this further enhances my point: Arsenal need quality over quantity at this point of the process. Especially when people want to use the subject of “Mikel needing to deliver trophies now”. The likes of Sesko and Onana do not significantly improve those odds.


People are right, Rice and Onana midfield is not winning the league against Pep lmao. We need a completely different profile next to Rice. Onana would be fine as a rotation option for Rice but we won't spend 50 or 60 mil which will take to sign Onana only for him to be a squad player.


To be fair, people (myself included) said that Havertz would be an utter flop and he ended up being one of our top scorers this season. Arteta wouldn't sanction signing Onana if he didn't see something there. Zubimendi simply isn't going to leave Real Sociedad no matter how nice we ask, Bruno Guimarães is far too expensive and there simply aren't better options on the market. In Arteta's system, everyone is a hybrid and Onana has shown he has the chops to rotate his midfield role where needed. Is it the best signing we could make? No. But he is by no means a bad player to be bringing in at all, but you can't bring in world-class quality with every transfer and still expect to be able to spend in other areas, especially given how shit Edu is at selling.


Havertz signing worked out in the end but the idea was to play him in midfield first and he's just not working there. You could argue that experiment was one of the main reasons we lost the league because we were playing awful whenever Havertz started in midfield and as a result we dropped points for example against Fulham or Villa at home. Not every player Arteta and Edu sign is good. What did they see in Cedric, Willian, Mari, Runarsson, Turner, Tavares, Vieira, Lokonga? I could go on. Onana is not that bad, my point is that he's not the profile we need next to Rice. We basically need someone like Jorginho but with legs


Yeah but the other teams don’t stay still every team improves on paper it’s about your players maintaining their level or getting better and how good the new additions are. Sesko is fine, Onana flat out isn’t good enough and doesn’t make us better.


The better we are the harder it is to raise the level. Bruno G aside there is no-one else in midfield I’d really be comfortable with coming in and saying they’re the difference between 2nd & 1st. And the likelihood is that he probably goes to City. Trying to close the gap whilst the market being a bit bleak for top tier talent is rough atm


I agree but Onana makes our 11 actively worse current partey and Jorginho are still better. There are some options that aren’t a guaranteed success but could be good like Wieffer, Koopmeiners (who is going to Juve tbf), others who are able to be much better on the ball.


I disagree. This side needs tinkering, not massive upgrades. The issue for us has been that we have no rotation options at all and we've frankly been leading a charmed life when it comes to injuries. The starting XI is pretty much perfect as it is, barring the left-back position. Maybe Havertz and Šeško can rotate etc, but you can't just rely on that XI to be available week-in and week-out. Arteta stubbornly refusing to switch players out has ultimately cost us in lots of games and we need to start adding depth. The West Ham and Fulham games are excellent examples of what happens when you don't have any back-ups for your players who can't find a solution. Look at Manchester City, they're not adding a starting-level quality player every single season, they add options. I would fucking love to see Osimhen, Bruno Guimarães, Diomande and Theo Hernández added to this squad, but that simply isn't going to happen and would probably cost us around £350m. We need quality in this squad. These players we're targeting all have the potential to become starters very quickly at the club and all have the ability to cement a position in this XI. This isn't like Wenger adding Jeff Reine-Adélaïde, or something, these are quality players who will play important roles.


>Arteta stubbornly refusing to switch players out I don’t get this at all. When he switched players out (Villa) the complaint was that he should have stuck with what was working. Same with the cups, he rotated v WH/Liverpool and it was ‘he doesn’t take the cups seriously’. >The West Ham and Fulham games are excellent examples of what happens when you don’t have any back ups for your players who can’t find a solution If this is the case (I don’t fully agree as we created plenty v WH) how is he stubbornly refusing to swap players out? Both can’t be true.


I agree with this. The lack of rotation might have costed us. I'm thinking about that crucial Aston Villa game and the players were tired in between Bayern.


My take on onana is that it would work well if we signed a ball carrying 10 that can play out on the left as well when needed/emile reaches his full potential.


> a ball carrying 10 that can play out on the left Sounds like Eze. I wonder why we have never been strongly linked to him.


Been thinking the same lately


Onana makes sense because if Rice is injured you can play him next to Jorginho. If we get a Joao Neves for example, can you cope with a midfield of Neves - Jorginho - Odegaard? Looks weak and will get overrun. Main reason I wasn't that thrilled with the Jorginho extension. You can't trust him unless there's an athletic freak next to him.


City desperate countersuit, Pep leaving in 2025, recruitment having issues, and now all of the sudden Alvarez wants out. The 115 really are closing in. I’ve never been more confident that they’re going to be relegated.


I want you to be right, but the richest people of the world avoid any punishment, every time.


They generally do, but you have to keep in mind the other affected parties here are also billionaires. KSE, Clearlake, INEOS, etc aren’t going to put up with City rigging a league they’ve sunk billions into. If this were a situation where only regular people were hurt, like the DuPont catastrophe in North Carolina, then it would surely be swept under the rug.


But in this case this also involves other very rich people, the American billionaires and the Saudis, being annoyed their billions aren’t buying them the league and trophies.


hahahaha maddinson is left out of the squad


Completely forgot about the DFB pokal and saw xhaka got the only goal of the game. They got the invincible Double at least


Anyone know what happened to the dennis bergkamp note/coin or something a while back? https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/18f84an/dennis_bergkamp_gets_honored_in_new_banknote/


You had to buy it (it's basically like those UK commemorative coins that get marketed to old people - not a real note being put into circulation by the Dutch mint)


I did put in an order but i still have not received it. probably got scammed from theglobalnote


Ah shit. I hope you get it. Seemed like it was their first one.


Maddison already cut from the England squad from the Euros, can't forget how he was apparently signing of the season for the first 2-3 months


Random but Onana’s English is impeccable for a non native speaker (speaks a million languages too).


Thought on this window Onana, Sesko, Neto, Hato, Raya, and a backup GK




3/6, not good enough


Not sure it gets us to the 91+ points we crave in the League but probably levels us up massively across all comps


Efficient due to lack of available obvious stars like rice. I like all players


Underwhelming. Only player there that really improves our first team is Neto and he is never fit


Onana and Sesko una, Arteta wants to turn us into a basketball team. Man wants to score 40 corner goals looool


I’ve been ranting to my friends for years about how much I’ve always wanted to make a team of giants and why it would be good. Artetas helping my dream come true 😩


Personally i love basketball


Where is this Onana talk coming from ?




Thanks mate


Fabrizio saying we’ve contacted Everton apparently, but can only find it aggregated from Edu Hagn


ffs man. I like him but he doesn’t cut it for us.


Sesko is 6ft 5 and Onana is 6ft 4. Set pieces bout to be even deadlier.


Going to start Stoking teams


Hire Rory Delap to be our throw-in coach.


I’d take Onana at the club if it meant Partey was gone and he’s not the main midfielder we’re after As the marquee midfield signing he’d be completely underwhelming


I really like Onana and think in a much better team like he's he'd look a lot better than he does with Everton. Wouldn't be my first choice and I think he needs a lot of work but the upsides are really high imo.


I don't see us getting two midfielders so yeah I agree. Feels like a window of "floor raisers" with Sesko and Onana opposed to taking it to the next level.


One thing I’d give them is that there aren’t many around and available unless something pops up. Bruno’s release clause is a bit mad (+ City interest), FDJ hasn’t been good for a while & big wage even without the deferred sums, Osimhen’s release clause is simply absurd, Isak is unattainable. Quite a tough market at the moment, but guess that could all change.


Yeah nah he's going to cost 50-60m and he's not the profile we need at all. We have tons of duel winning monsters in the squad already.


If we bin off Partey & Dec pulls up we’d have absolutely zero athleticism in the midfield (not that TP has that anymore anyway) so I can see why we might be a bit worried about that scenario But never really been keen on Onana, could be Dycheball restricting showing of technical level but hard to judge


I mean, Rice is an exceptionally athletic player...


That’s what I mean, if he pulls up then we have zero PnP in midfield


We have one midfielder with athleticism and no Rice alternative. You can argue about priorities but we definitely need this profile.


We'd have to do the infinite money glitch for that to happen.


Could probably get Fofana & Onana for the fee of one Bruno G, but not a needle moving set of transfers for me compared to what Bruno G would offer alone.


Onana and Sesko lol. That would be a underwhelming window. We won't win the league with that


Why? We scored like 50 points the second half of last season. This adds depth where we need it


Onana, and Neves Arteta really likes duel winners.


Have you missed his smile? Is that a yes? Because I have as well. https://preview.redd.it/19bdol36ht4d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d3b1290384026097f8c0bbbdd79b5bd174c62d4


Onana Rice pivot isn't winning you a title in the Pep era


You are overreacting; ofcourse he's not the close control, technical, defence splitting passer we think we need. But who knows what Arteta wants, maybe having 2 really fast giants means our forwards never have to do defensive work or maybe he thinks he has potential to do that stuff, maybe he sees Yaya Toure


> maybe he sees Yaya Toure If there was something to see, then we'd probably all see glimpses at least.


Is it an overreaction if I've felt like this for months? Yaya Toure was a technician first. And had arguably the best PL season of all time from a midfielder


Wait? Amadou Onana \*IS\* very technical, common mistake to see a big athletic dude and assume they can't do flick ons. I worry he's not a volume passer, tempo dictating player; but close control,beating players and through balls are things I've seen him do against teams including us.


Maybe he's very technical and I haven't seen. A technical big man is my favourite archetype of player. What I've seen though I can't put him in the Yaya, Pogba, Ndombele conversation of technical CMs. And either way, like you said, we need a volume passer, dictator type next to Rice.




Onana will actually give Rice the freedom to attack against the top teams, and we won't require both against low blocks. Again, ideally we get a #8 but if we're looking for a #6 to help us win the biggest games, then Onana is just as good.


Any playmaking 6 frees Rice to attack. I wouldn't understand getting another 6 before an 8


Somehow we didn't see that with Jorginho, and even with Partey, we saw the risks. > I wouldn't understand getting another 6 before an 8 Tell that to our recruitment team that keeps idiotically insisting that they see Rice as a #8.


Not because we can't or couldn't. It's because Arteta just isn't that way inclined. Is it? Bruno G is top of the list and he's an 8.


Arteta wouldve played bruno g and neves at 6


Both suit a double pivot more


We conceded our highest expected goals against at home to Chelsea and away at Spurs because Rice assumed he had the freedom to attack with Partey behind him. Bruno G is an 8, but even Ornstein is saying we plan to play him as a 6. Neves and Zubimendi - the news is the same, we plan to play them as #6s.


I think that's a big oversimplification. Maybe in paper but with both players tendencies it's hard to not see it being a double pivot. Also it's a guess this early on. This time last year Havertz was LCM


Absolutely could depending on the rest of the team


Wish I could upvote this twice man. Amazing how you have to explain to this sub that stacking infinite amounts of duel winners won't improve us offensively. Guys are even saying onana is the same as caicedo ffs


Onana is a better passer than rice lmao, saw no one complaining when we wanted caicedo


Interesting take


Why did we want Ricedo then? Onana is same thing with extra height


No he's not. Caicedo can pass through the lines far far better than onana. They're almost two different players.


Nah, Caidedo is much more technical and composed on the ball


Ask Chelsea fans how many goals they conceded from a stupid Caicedo pass




That ESPN best defenders list had Robertson Walker Stones Hakimi Araujo top 10 and not Gabriel. What a joke


Stones in a defenders list...


Is hakimi even a defender ? Mans half way down the wing most times


Robertson and Hakimi is painful. Also fuck Araujo


Was this for 2020 or 2024?


Reads like a fifa ultimatum team


Keep watching Joao Neves highlights and I can't get enough. This guy is so versatile and imo the perfect compliment to Rice. All the discussions about an #8 or #10 opposite of him, but Neves could be an equal counterpart. One attacks, the other drops back, and vice versa. Their skillsets are so versatile, and as we know, an elite midfield is how we continue dominating over a full season.


Fofona is very good for 20 to 30 million he would be a good #5 replacement


Watch arsenal go for onana


Not a bad signing as well




Per 90 stats of the Big 5 Leagues Martinelli is 3rd after Doku and Vini for touches in the penalty box and 4th after Doku Coman and Saka for progressive passes received Not bad for a LWB who gets no service and needs more touches in dangerous positions according to this sub


Didn't realize he was up that high still. Shots taken should be way higher but I'm only comparing to our other players and not other LWs


The people who wanna buy a new LW coz Martinelli had a poor season (with zero support) is a good litmus test to see if they're even worth replying to. He's such an electric player and he's a huge player for us


I hate these comments with a passion. The guy had a poor season - he also hasn’t progressed much last two years and while a talented player continues to be very one dimensional. A debate on his strengths and weaknesses should not be dismissed like this comment suggests. It’s just lazy. Even if we are talking about Saka the debate is valid and Martinelli is no Saka.


I hope you’re not suggesting I’m that person. I love Martinelli. Im just saying this whole narrative isn’t really accurate. He had a down year yes but he’s a special player


No no, I didn't mean you lol. I meant the people who think we need to get a new LW just coz his last season wasn't upto the mark. Martinelli has been one of my favorite players in the squad for years now


This is why AI, machine learning etc won't be able to take over. Adding context, understanding variables and being able to interpret data is a while seperate soft skillset.


Also, the fact that by their very nature AI/ML cannot operate or learn in a way that is inconsistent with their own built-in “logic” is what will stop their “takeover”. AI/ML at the end of the day operate on logic (much like everything else that has to do with computer science). The real world often does not.


Your best take ever


Maybe that could be your 1st podcast episode topic




The fact that he's arguably the best defender in the world and not even starting is so WILD