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no way this is legit https://www.reddit.com/r/MCFC/s/oEhqKO2i6O


/u/Any-Feature-4057 fraud


They're a legit user here but they've had some interesting takes down the years like Vieira (fabio) being a better CM than Odegaard and that Wenger wasted Fabregas. In fact he really doesn't like Odegaard at all for some reason.


Definitely not an actual Arsenal fan


https://youtu.be/B1DO6cJJ-uU lmfao


football can’t be buy


Thankfully dictionaries can be buyed.


It’s a reference to a Bruno Fernandes post when the super league fiasco was going on


Oh, then I’ll retract my shit attempt at humour. Or leave it there, so I can be point and laugh at.


Can’t be any worse than my shitty attempt at humour either !


Yeah, but you’re a kiwi. You’ve got an excuse.


Adam Wharton was in the Championship 6 Moriah ago and now he’s going to be playing in the Euros. While Patino is in and out of his team in the Championship. It’s ok to acknowledge our Hale End products are not at that level. Fans need to stop hyping our youngsters up.


Is that indicative of Hale End or Patino? Is it even indicative of Patino or how his development has been handled? I didn't have him at that level but he was thought of by some to be one of the best Hale End talents ever.


It’s more indicative of Hale End - it’s grossly overrated. How many times have we seen fans said sth about a youngster that is going to be the next best thing? Zelalem, Crowley was supposed to be Pirlo/Iniesta regent. The youngsters that were hyped up over the last 10-15 years all ended up with lackluster careers - some of them with serious attitude issues - see Azeez, AMN. Tells you a lot about the standards of our youth academy.


This is goofy logic, we can say that about so many youngsters at every big Club Look at today, United gave Brandon Williams the boot.. that guy was always a huge scrub but I remember they used to compare him to Saka consistently


Aite man 😂 Thought we were ready for an actual conversation


Been saying this for years. We don't have bad players at Hale End. We have decent players. The problem is that recruitment might be stuck in the era of flair. Flair without grit is useless.


Decent players that might be suited for mid table or a top 6 team. But not good enough to break through to a team aiming to win the league competing against a team that’s financially doping. For that - you need a Cesc Fabregas / Ashley Cole level talent. And that comes around once every 20 years.


You can have one every year IF you dope. A lot of people praise the City and Chelsea academy when it's in most cases them pricing everyone out of 13-year-olds.


I had high hoped for him but just like Balogun he really didn't set the championship alight. Flo had one insane season in france to help is make money but Patino looks like someone destined for a less physical league.


Perhaps it's because I am not from the UK so I am naturally less attached to homegrown/Hale End players. I am a fan if the club is able to produce young talent that can eventually start for the first team - but I am not overly fussed if the club decides to poach an established player from other clubs. Re Flo - I was always dubious when I saw his stats in Ligue 1 that season and saw a washed up Lacazette pumping out crazy stats in the same season. Most of his goals scored was more down to bad defense/goalkeeping.


> Perhaps it's because I am not from the UK so I am naturally less attached to homegrown/Hale End players I mean I'd say that's a fan thing, not a UK thing but each to their own! I mean we all love a 'proper norf lahndaan boy' coming through the team even though Saka is from Ealing (west), ESR is from Croydon (south and they claim they're not even london), Eddie is from Lewisham (south) and Wilshere is from Stevenage (about 40 mins drive north of London) but ultimately what we want is a first team player that owes us more loyalty, costs us nothing and if they get sold are pure profit. Fergie's dynasty was built on a lot of cash but the spine of that golden generation meant he could just add one or two world class players a year safe in teh knowledge that the youth team would proved the squad depth, something Man City are starting to get too.


It feels wrong, but I'm starting to enjoy Mark Goldbridge's YouTube channel.


i agree, he has good takes more often than not


In all honesty, just fucking relegate City and make an example of them. And before anyone says that the PL will be damaging to their own product - well, Juventus are the biggest club in Italy and and Italian football culture and they got stripped of their 2006 title and also relegated to Serie B. Both the City and Chelsea scandals are far more than just within the parameters of football; these oil-owned clubs are not only ruining football but also continuing to make a mockery of the government. Unfortunately that same government is probably if not already in bed with these oil countries. Edit: I meant relegate them once actually convicted. They have to be dealt the most severe punishment as possible to make an example of.


Also, Inter Milan got that 2006 title ;)


The fact that Abu Dhabi has a hold on UK’s infrastructure, real estate and other consumer goods holdings mean this will never ever happen lol.


Yeah I already addressed that in my last paragraph so I won’t be surprised if nothing adequate is done so. However, the irony is in all this is that the governing bodies such as the UK government probably has the firepower to actually do something meaningful but like I said, they’re probably already in bed with the oil countries.


Dissolve the club. Burn the stadium to the ground. Salt the land that remains.


That’s still a slap on the wrist. Send them to another dimension where they do nothing but play against an eviler and stronger version of themselves only to remain second for eternity.


I’ve been to Manchester a couple of times. Burning it down won’t do anything.


Nah give the stadium back to the council, after all as Man U's new bloke in charge keeps going on about, the north does need it's own publicly funded Wembley.


Hunt Moshiri for sport. Rename Manchester. Delete their Wikipedia!


I mean I'm down with Usmanov's mouthpiece being cleared out but I don't see what that's going to do about City. If anything Moshiri deserves a medal for proving that even with an oligarch on board you can fuck things up!


I’d fix that comment but we’re too deep in to it now.


That's the spirit, just fuck everyone who isn't us!


I think either Rice wants / or maybe even Southgate has told him that Wharton will be starting next to him in the Euros based on his answer at 7:24 in this, he's so effusive about Wharton [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qna0IpAYjn8&t=490s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qna0IpAYjn8&t=490s) bros happy he finally gets to play next to someone with pausa and quality on the ball instead of Kalvin Phillips or Galladawg 😭😭😭


As someone who knows Gallagher (but mostly his family), I’m nicking Galladawg. If he refers to himself as Galladawg in an interview, you’ll become stuff of legends. Sort of.


I realize there is a difference, but it is funny to me how how strongly some people feel about "innocent until proven guilty" and how it is the base of the entire justice system when it comes to Partey, but not with Man City


I feel like the majority here are ready to rush to judgment against partey no? Weird comparison.


It never ceases to amaze me that people will take Partey where there is no public evidence and he hasn't actually been charged with anything and say it's exactly the same thing as Man City who have been charged and found guilty by UEFA but got off on appeal, have 115 charges against them from the PL and are named in the panama papers leaks. Or that it's the same as Greenwood where we've seen the evidence, we've heard him threaten to rape her and he got off because with the help of her family he got back in touch and persuaded her to drop the case against him. You're not helping anyone with these comparisons, you're just making it look like you're out for a fight.


Regarding your other post (which I can’t reply to?) about those screenshots. I had this argument with a chap a year or two ago saying that it’s near impossible to fake WhatsApp messages. I proceeded to doctor some WhatsApp messages where the chap admitted he liked unicorn porn and Teddy Sheringham. I showed him the “screenshots” and didn’t get a reply back. We live in a world where I can literally open up photoshop and generative fill the background of a photo with carebears doing cocaine. Yet WhatsApp messages posted on Twitter somehow has irrefutable authenticity.


> Regarding your other post (which I can’t reply to?) Is someone who blocked you in the thread? I find that limits things sometimes. I've not fone anything, believe me if I could limit who replies I'd be very tempted to do it all the time! >Yet WhatsApp messages posted on Twitter somehow has irrefutable authenticity Yeah it's a bit of a reach to be honest but just bring ups my pet peeve that people are using rape just to point score in football banter.


Tbf there are Snapchat screen shots…nowhere near as damning though


I've seen those, I also had the fun of seeing the screen shots that 'prove' she's a lying cheat just out of for money and quite frankly for something that can be so easily faked I took the view if one of them were real then the police would use them. Considering that's not the woman he's apparently being investigated over at some point people are going to have to accept they're not the smoking gun.


I mean ones a person and the other is a business. Apples to oranges really


chelsea and city are without a doubt the worst things to ever happen to the prem


I would add Pep to that list too. At least under Mancini and Pellegrini, City never seemed completely unstoppable and the PL had several different winners.   Ever since Pep came the league has become extremely predictable and a lot less enjoyable with his boring tactics, and with unlimited resources he can just dominate almost every season.


It's a weird comparison but bare with me: Chelsea are Donald Trump. They absolutely fucked over the system, proved that russian money and buying success can wash away just about any sin and were comically, almost cartoonishly evil from John Terry just in general, through their already racist fans and the hilarious amount of managers Abramovich went through. They were awful but they also sort of held the seeds of their own destruction because Roman didn't actually build anything and it was all about his ego. Now what's worrying in US politics is that someone is going to come along and play by Trumps rules but actually do it surrounded by competent people and with an actual plan and in football terms that's waht Man City are: Chelsea but done *well*.




Yeah, you need to kill Trump and kill the idea that you can run roughshod over every political norm and win before someone decides to do it and doesn't get voted out after one term.


So basically, Obama is Arsenal? That’ll negate the Osama connection.


I have a feeling we may be a bit more Biden but I'll take it. Or in UK terms Keir Starmer (two labour leaders in a row who are gooners)


![gif](giphy|801kwlTIfQFFMwU41V|downsized) 2022-23 Arsenal?


Something something bottling the league...


osama, a true gunner ☠️


>>osama, a true gunner ☠️ He had a Gooner Cave and everything. Now he’s just a gonner.


> Now he’s just a gonner Can someone come pick up their dad?


I work with what I’m given.


at least chelsea won't be competing for any titles in the next few years. well actually they'll compete for 1 if you count the conference league .




Pep played him in midfield a lot for whatever reason




No wonder he wants out lol


You think the stats you mentioned doesn’t mean he’s a clinical ST?


really seems Man City are trying to change the rules retrospectively after its becoming obvious they broke them to begin with.


Whilst also putting the PLs legal resources in to a boring sinkhole for a few months.


Tears man got blocked by an alleged chartered accountant on this sub for pointing out city has 115 charges so their strategies weren’t actually legal. What are we turning into here lol


Charged and convicted aren't the same thing btw


Never said anyone was convicted of anything but under what you’re saying


Well no. But until they're convicted we don't know whether it was legal or not.


But telling people a viable financial strategy that is a clear violation of standards as a chartered accountant is ridiculous


Jaden Philogene.


We beat the Palhinha allegations ![gif](giphy|CcHyHZIhY7VbhWHdFF|downsized)




did u read the article? its a drafting issue. the piece says that the clubs balked at closing the loophole because they found the proposed language too broad (so more tailored language might be acceptable in the future)


A question for anyone more informed on the subject than I am; I understand City are challenging the EPL in regards to third party evaluations of their sponsorships as being 'fair market value', in attempt to make it easier for them to funnel additional revenues into the club from shell companies set up by their owners (even though the 115 charges suggest they've done this extensively already). But does any such similar mechanism exist for player transfers? Is the next evolution of state-owned financial manipulation simply going to be clubs like City & Newcastle colluding to buy each others mediocre academy prospects for vastly inflated fees in a quid-pro-quo deal? Given that academy prospects are 'pure profit' in terms of PSR/FFP, what's to stop a pair of clubs circumventing it by simply agreeing to spend £100m on some irrelevant youth player from each others academy?


Don’t even need to make a hypothetical connection between UAE and Saudi Arabia, they both literally own other teams in other countries. Savio, who is at Girona (Pep’s brother’s team that he bought with City’s owner’s money), who are in part, owned by City, have bought this player for a knockdown fee. What you are describing, is already in play. Chelsea are doing the same thing with Strasbourg, whose fans are pretty fucking unhappy about it. Newcastle are also going to be in hot water when they start offloading their deadwood to Saudi Arabian teams. They voted on this earlier in the season, it passed. So for now, all of this silly shit is allowed and available to be exploited. The PL is having a PR shit show this year. Which bodes well in my opinion, because if they bungle the 115 charges with soft penalties, they will lose so much face. The super league will rear its ugly head again.


> Is the next evolution of state-owned financial manipulation simply going to be clubs like City & Newcastle colluding to buy each others mediocre academy prospects for vastly inflated fees in a quid-pro-quo deal? Juve have just been done for it and their ex Dof (and spurs then current one lol) were banned for years. However this was basically only done because they found the 'balck book' detailing the dodgy payments as part of an investigation into under the counter payments to players during covid which was only exposed when one of the players gave them access to the whatsapp group where theyw ere told about it. I doubt City are that stupid unfortunately


I have no idea why city and Newcastle would collude that doesn’t make any sense lol


I used those two clubs as an example because they're both state-owned. Ultimately any two clubs that want a 'competitive advantage' that allows them to circumvent PSR could do theoretically do this. If the EPL crack down on the ability of clubs with wealthy owners to funnel revenue into their club from external sources, this could be a logical alternative. Man City don't have a monopoly on falsifying their accounts & revenue streams, if the EPL doesn't punish them they won't punish other clubs like Newcastle for eventually doing it either. They've set the precedent, so there's no real deterrent to colluding with another club if that avenue is eventually shut off to them. There's already multiple state-owned clubs that would love to disregard PSR entirely and spend freely on their sportswashing projects. Having to 'help' one other team to get a massive advantage over the other 18 is a small price to pay.


They are owned by states who hate each other...... it is equivalent to us colluding with Tottenham. Also the Newcastle owners have been taking their time and they have been spending money but not outrageously. They have no reason to fear FFP.


The 100m transfer doesn’t just disappear, it’s recognized as 20m for 5 years over the life of the contract(plus wages, fees, etc). If they want to pay 100m for ass to manipulate their financials (charges incoming) then who cares


Kind of like what Juve did with Arthur/Pjanic and other similar swaps. Eventually UEFA intervened, but of course Juve don't have the same reach as the UAE.


Onana and Zubimendi Arteta will get one of them can see he doesn’t want Bruno G


how can u see he doesnt want bruno?


Brady Gronk might have a concussion


[Gimme a time machine and put this lad LCM](https://x.com/TJayyyy_1/status/1797959505772413262?t=GMjL26ARUdBFYWwgBaEOmQ&s=19)


My mans basically got nerfed at United. Same thing with Havertz at Chelsea. Pogba would easily be one of the best midfielders OAT in the prem if he didn't go to United.


Or use PEDs.


The fact that man utd managed to waste this guy's career is incredible. The teams they had post fergie were stupendous on paper... of course a europa league trophy is a big achievement, but it amazes me that that United squad and that player in particular didn't bang hard enough to even challenge for the league once. We'd be talking about pogba as an all timer of the PL if he'd been at a stable club.


If he goes to the Sky Blue Cheats he's basically Yaya 2.0. KdB and Pogba are as close to the perfect 8 as we've gotten since Yaya in the league, one went on to dominate football and the other was stuck in endless drama.


Looking at city fans defending what city is doing is just ridiculous. Saying the majority of other fans are trying to drag down other clubs by restricting the money in the game. What’s going to end up happening is a couple teams will amass the best talents and those with owners with the loosest pockets will be able to pay their way to the top. It might not always work out but it will just create a much larger divide where fees, wages, etc will multiply and no other clubs can keep up To draw parallels, this is what happened in the US when certain regulations that were illegal (such as stock buybacks) were allowed. The shift in policies that led to trickle down economics saw that at first businesses did well, but soon the divide between the upper and middle class widened at an alarming pace. Without regulations this sort of financial power will bring the biggest divides. The new PSR rules with top to bottom anchoring can really help curb this


Paying off debt isn’t revenue it’s just a reduction in cash , regarding Chelsea


What they want is what FFP was brought in to stop again: Chelsea. They ended up £1.7 *billion* in debt to their owners and that was almost pure transfer spend as the only lasting thing Roman put in the club was updating their training ground. However that would be nothing compared to what City could spend without controls as even oligarchs have nothing on the investment portfolios of petrostates.


But Chelsea’s debt would still fall under the FFP and PSR restrictions correct? Since it counted as debt they paid back over time and counted against their revenue? If yes, then that’s even more dangerous for city since the sponsors investing would just be seen as pure profit


Chelsea's debt to Roman in part predates FFP, some of it also was converting debt to equity fuckery too. Chelseas debt was paid off when they were sold, which ironically gave Boehly a cast amount of FFP leeway which they managed to squander by spending a billion quid on their own


https://x.com/billycarpy/status/1798824312239235078?s=46&t=ohBEm3kwXzONRYy63NcNgQ This is why i would go for onana as well if we didnt sign Bruno g


https://preview.redd.it/zxcamzmuq05d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=609a7a4d83e471e2e81e4f0217ca3f275e9731d2 Mental to think this nation gave us Cruyff


yeah, always a good idea to rate the strength of a nation based on a lineup of C-teamers getting a look in a friendly against CANADA before the Euros


The decline of the dutch national team is incredible. They've always had superstars throughout the ages, from the goat cruyff to superstars like bergkamp and robben, they legit spanned talent across decades. It's almost sad to see them reduced to whatever the fuck that is.


and Bergkamp for us arsenal fans


If you are worried about Saliba leaving for Real Madrid in a few years time, the answer is to get Diomande waiting in the wings.


I don’t know why this is getting downvoted. Probably because people don’t like the mention of Saliba possibly going to Madrid. I’m a long time advocate of Diomande, the kid is fitter my insane. The only person I know who has had his eye on him longer than me is Arteta. I suggest to anyone to watch The Different Knock video this week. Alex (I think?) shows a primary player in a role on the pitch, with secondary players as rated by him surrounding that primary player. Saliba is the primary defender who sits in the centre of the defence, with the team pushed up in possession, and his secondary players surrounding him? Nobody. Nobody can play his role in this team. I love Ben White and know he will do a job. But if we are caught in possession and we have 2-3 players in behind running at our defence, think of Saliba back there and now imagine White being there instead, he won’t be as composed or as solid, that’s for sure. Diomande was TDK’s pick and he’s 100% correct, well, that I am in agreement with. Diomande is a monster, and his passing is very, very good. There’s talk of Soorting dropping his price to £40m down from his RC to get some much needed money in. Arteta / Edu have made 2 attempts to sign him previously and there were reports that we matched a Chelsea bid a while back also, or were at least willing to. If he’s on the table for £40-45m, he should be a no brainer purchase.


Alex Goldberg the Chelsea fan who broke the Havertz news to Arsenal first last summer said that a source has told him that Olise has a £40m release clause for teams in the UCL, has Man City written all over.


Maybe the clause is "bid above £40m" and our dream £40m+£1 bid can finally go through? 😂


Should have tricky mickys red crusaders written all over it at that price.


Could be Liverpool if Salah leaves. 


I’d understand if he said no to us and picked a place where he’d for sure start. That being said if that’s true and we don’t make an attempt id be incredibly disappointed


'Attempts' will be something you never hear about in the news. If we've asked his agent if he's interested and they say no that's it and that will only ever get released if the agent has some use for it.


Aren't they getting Savio? If Bernardo stays as well I just don't see them getting Olise. 40m sounds like a steal and I hope we do at least take a look.


I think positionally he overlaps too much with Ødegaard


And in that case Nwaneri too


https://x.com/zak_afc/status/1798750287928373504?s=46&t=ohBEm3kwXzONRYy63NcNgQ This has fully pissed me off. Fuck tsn


I really dislike the Saka limping narratives


The fuck are they on about when has this ever happened with Saka?


He limped towards the end of games more noticeably this past season. What I find pathetic about the narratives is how logic gets thrown out the window in favour of tribalistic banter. [Saka was tied for 5th among the most-fouled players](https://www.statmuse.com/fc/ask/most-fouled-player-this-season) this past season according to statmuse. He was among the leaders last season and the season before. What referees allow defenders to get away with when defending him has been evident for a while too (Bournemouth in May being the most recent example). If a player gets hacked throughout games, no shit they will be gimpy by the end of it.


You can find limp comps of him all over twitter/tiktok with tens of thousands of likes. (Not saying I support hating on him like that but it's definitely happened a lot this year)


Well we know who’s making their analysis off of twitter. Btw who’s he again?


Kevin Kilbum


https://preview.redd.it/x108wzcjc05d1.png?width=447&format=png&auto=webp&s=f32c9997495698c177f1a4aa2c522fdd6d1df3bd + Bijlow?, Timber, Kiwior, Tomiyasu, Jorginho, Vieira, Nwaneri, Jesus, Martinelli, Trossard Get the recruitment right on that left side and we run the league.


Martinelli and TROSSARD on the left is a fucking killer combo. Also with left back tomi and timber seems so promising as well.


Timber and Martinelli occupy two of those left-sided positions.


Arteta and Declan both wanth him on the 8. They will only put Declan on the 6 if we don't have anyone amazing for the 6. That is actually why Rice joined the club, at West Ham he was only allowed to play on the 6. Arteta has the vision to move Declan further up the pitch, and Declan prefers that.


why do you think it’s that certain? i’ve seen other comments where declan long term sees himself at 6


Because they said so themselves in interviews. You can't find direct quotes but they said it in a non direct more professional way.


any example of this i could read?


It’s not certain, but both Arteta and Rice have said that is the vision. I have not heard Declan say he long-term seed himself at 6 but I’ll take your word for it. But I have seen him say several times since joining us that he wants to play further forward and must improve that side of his game to do so. Partey as CDM and Rice as something between a CDM and box-to-box is currently the best we have for those two players’ profiles. Rice is already essentially a hybrid 6/8


ideally rice plays 6, develops his progressive passing game, and becomes our rodri. where our LCM is a much more technical player imo (bruno g, fdj, whoever). rice as an 8 is certainly doable as weve seen but if were talking our squads highest potential, its him at 6


That's the thing. Rice is much more technical than he looks. They don't call him teccers for no reason.


would love to see it more


Our current squad’s highest potential is Partey at 6, with Rice beside him as 8, and one of White/Timber/Zinny inverting to join Partey in midfield when we are in possession. Let’s see what signings we make, that may change things obviously


talking about our squads future highest potential after this window. its very unlikely we go into next season with no new MF signings. and relying on partey to be fit for a season would be pants on head retarded


Declan said in an interview with The Athletic that his best position is at 6


That’s not inconsistent with what I said, and also different than “long term sees himself as a 6”


yeah exactly


I don’t think Rice sees it that way, or Arteta for that matter. So I don’t know why you’re bringing it like a fact


They said so themselves in interviews but whatever.


Can you give me a source? I think you’re misremembering


It'll probably depend on the market opportunities tbh. Rice can play at a high level in both positions so it shouldn't be an issue. I prefer an 8, but a 6 who'd push Rice forward is also fine.


Brobbey is just not good enough for us. Can’t even play well against Canada


It’s nonsense to base it off one game. He isn’t good enough, but not because of this one game


Mikel Merino is someone we should consider before Barca snap him up. He’ll be 28 in a couple weeks but at £25m Merino is a good player to have for a win now mentality


Again, it's not a bad strategy to take a punt on an older, cheaper player to fulfill a short-term need, but Merino has actually come to the premier league and flopped.


Merino has grown a lot since his EPL experience, would be a great sign for our 8


Exactly, he was 21 the 1 year he was at Newcastle. Do you know who was shit on that same team at the age of 27? The very same guy that just won the CL after scoring the late winner against Bayern in the semifinal, Joselu


Better than Zubimendi for me


Feel like I’ve still not laughed enough at Havertz crashing it on Chelsea and doing his biggest celebration of the season Christ I am cackling


Yeah one of the best moments of the season for sure. Edit: Especially because he was so shit in the first half of that game and turned up like crazy in the second half.


We were too stressed about winning the league


Would be great if Chels got conned with Julian Alvarez. Feel like the people who rate him the most haven’t really watched him a lot, so no doubt their fans are frothing over the potential big money signing that inevitably ends up being bang average.


I rate Alvarez a lot. He's just not been given the chance to grow into the 9 role because of Haaland. He's been made to play in KDB role, and a couple of other positions and he's been ok. There's a 20 - 30 goal a season striker in him. Suppose we get him, some things I see - His runs into the right channel will open lots of space for Saka/Ode/Havertz(back post). His ability to play in midfield and 9 will allow us to have a hybrid game where they can alternate with Havertz in a game. Can be a backup also for RW/LW.


Chelsea got their former Pep assistant, now going for their former City striker.


Maupay was won the "war"


I think Onana is plenty technical enough to play in our midfield and would actually flourish in a more ball dominant side that would allow him to show it. The problem with him more lies with his inconsistency imo.


yea I both think he a) is much more technical than people think but b) isn't a great fit next to Rice. Think to maximize Rice, either at 6 or 8, he is best with someone who is a high level passer of the ball. Onana probably better than people think in that regard, but not at an ideal level to play with rice. Would be great as a rotational option in addition to another CM, but with Jorginho here, probably not a good allocation of resources.




More style and fit. If he's a backup for Rice then cool. But a £60m backup DM. When we have 2/3 and no CM is insane Too similar in terms of strengths and weaknesses to Rice to play next to him for an extended run


Nah he’s overrated. He’s very good but not good enough to push us over the line for the league


Here are our potential sales this window, with values from Transfermarkt: * Nketiah: €30m * Nelson: €15m * Vieira: €22m / ESR: €22m * Partey\*: €18 * Zinchenko: €38m / Kiwior: €30m * Ramsdale: €25m * Lokonga: €15m * Patino\*: €9m * Tavares\*: €15m * Tierney: €12m * Marquinhos: €7m \* Contracts expire in 2025. We could really do some good business this window if we do things right. Think we could get more than the above fees for some of these, and well below for others, esp. those with 1 year left on their contracts.


I refuse to believe that we gave 20 year old Nuno Tavares only a 4 year contract.


Surprised about Lokonga - he had injuries but played pretty well on loan. That number for Patino seems to be pulled from thin air.


I think Patino's number looks about right for a player who played well but hasn't really stood out in 2 years in the Championship. He has potential but also serious questions with his athleticism. He is the kind of player that is worth that much even if he doesn't develop much more. He could become a Jorginho type player someday but right now his mental and technical game is offset by his lack of althleticism.


€18 for Partey seems reasonable


seems pretty reasonable, I'd move up ESR and maybe ramsdale a bit and move down Zinchenko, Patino, Tavares, Marquinhos, maybe Nelson, and maybe Partey but actually surprised that they all seem pretty reasonable for the most part


Yeah, their valuations may be off for individual cases, but on aggregate they work out very well.


I don’t think we could get €15 for Nuno let alone €15m


Like 5-6m if we’re lucky


Was in London for a couple of days to see the Spirited Away stage show at the London Coliseum (which was fantastic and I highly recommend it) and decided to pay a visit to see the new Arsene Wenger statue as its only a few tube stops away from where we were staying in Covent Garden. Was a lovely day for a walk around Islington and the stadium. Also treated myself to a really nice retro shirt in the Armoury shop: https://preview.redd.it/oxuwy2jv405d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8543eaf0ef81e70d3e0d9e2e5cf84858a3fb5e3


What was It like with subtitles being in a theatre? Theyre doing let’s go Totoro next year


susbtitles were fine - they were on little screens on each side of the stage. My wife and I have seen the film that many times we could near enough act in it ourselves so we didnt have to look at them for every line of dialogue though.


Today I learned that Jack Wilshere has more England caps (34) than Sol Campbell (29). Would never have guessed that in a million years. https://www.englandstats.com/club.php?cid=4


Oh, I get it, it's the number of int caps received as an AFC player. Saw Sol got 73 caps total.


sorry yeah I should have worded that better!


funny how 3/4 of /r/soccer wanted City to win the league because *we would be too annoying fans* but now they are all trashing how cheating cunts they are lol.


Eh why not I don't want to see Chelsea or Spurs or United win it. Dislike those clubs and City means nothing to me at this point we know what they are and their accomplishments are meaningless to 90% of the league. If I'm a rival fan I'd rather they win than one of the historic teams where we can actually add it to a legacy.


That's something City got lucky with. They are in that sweet spot where everyone hates them for just a month ONLY to back them because they are disciplining someone they don't like.


Don’t take that as representative. Other than all Tottenham fans, and a small minority of Man U fans that somehow hate us more than City, the vast majority of supporters of other clubs wanted us to win it


Liverpool fans cheering them on may’ve been the most cucked thing I’ve ever witnessed.


Same people creaming themselves over elite potential with Vieira and Mudryk are gonna blow a gasket if we miss out of Sesko Apologies, if Sesko misses out on us*


And these “people”, are they in the room with us right now?


No they creamed themselves to death


Yes, the people who want us to sign promising youngsters won’t be happy if we miss out on a promising youngster. Amazing insight.


Shiny new toy syndrome


I dont want city to be charged before Arsenal beat their cheating ass and win the league


However unlikely I don’t want league titles to be retroactively awarded to us. Would be so pathetic to even acknowledge something like that


Rashford missing out for “Toney” ffs. At least he didn’t take Grealish.


Well neither player has really been in form so


Oi I just clocked There are 10 London-based club players in the England WC squad and Spurs have contributed 0 to them. A guilt free summer of cheering on the NT I have dreamed of days like this


5 years ago that was us with 0 England players


We were in the trenches