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After getting the wrong decals (MG), this set on my shelf for weeks before the correct ones got in. Overall, while I love the build process, I feel like the extra details make it almost too busy. It's not helped by the G-Rework decals, which, while fabulous, tend towards hyper-detail-ism. That said, I LOVE the proportions. I'll probably stick to HG kits, as they are more wallet friendly after factoring costs like decals/topcoat + build time. That RG Gramps 2.0 tho may have me acting unwise (on top of that AC6 Nightfall which I am still waffling on).


Did a great job on the details.




It's a shame the HG Zephrantes hasn't had an update for a while. An Origin style kit would be perfect.


I absolutely adore how busy it looks with all the decals


I love the [front view](https://imgur.com/96y536V), where the colors help break it up a bit. From the back it's a bit too [monolithic and busy](https://imgur.com/khPQ6Fv) for me. Of course, slapping all the decals on was all on me, so I have only myself to blame lol.


It’s funny that people seem to be split between loving lots of detail and disliking it. Just look at the threads about the new Requiem for Vengeance kits. I personally enjoy all the lining and details. To me, it’s more realistic.


This and the Zeta desperately need a 2.0 update


As much as I’d love for them to make a sturdy 2.0 of those, I’m conflicted on wether I’d prefer to get new RGs instead, like the ZZ or Physalis. Hell, more RG in general would be nice. More RG UC if anything. We really got a ZGok and even the Zeong but no Gelgoog???


Watching Zeta now, and I'd love this. I kind of want to pick up the RG Zeta, but I'm hoping with the 2.0 gramps announced, a 2.0 Zeta is in the works. EDIT: I'd also take a MkII with G-Defenser and a Emma Sheen pilot figure.


You made it look real nice with the gold on some of the grey bits


I will never not love gold accenting on joints/pistons/thrusters.


You just use Gundam markers on those parts? Or just other painting methods?


The GP01s and MK IIs were what made me fall in love with the RG line back in the day. Just an incredible sculpt, but a bit of a shame we never got a RG GP02 to go with it.


The Physalis isn't my thing, but I get the nostalgia for it. I do think doing the trifecta of this, FB, and 02 would have been nice tho.




Also just finished it, it looks really great with some panel lining!!


Nice! My only real complaint with the kit is the shield peg. Falls out with if I look at it.


Love it




Did you scribe?


No scribing. Just some nice RG goodness.


Oof all those decals. You're a more patient man than i am, I look at the decal sheets and think "oh no"


I actually like the decaling process. I'll throw on a TV show or a Twitch stream and kind of go zen. Using a wet palette really helps, as I can do sections of a sheet at a time without having to worry about the decal drying out.


the panel lining really sticks out!


And I thought rg god was a pain to decal, how long did it take for this? Hopefully they make a 2.0 out of this one or I'll probably just try build it someday 😂


All told probably about 6 hours, but spread over 3 or 4 sessions. When I decal, I usually go larger ones first, followed by caution markings, and finally the smallest decals like circles with text etc. I didn't bother decaling the core fighter, aside from what would be visible when installed into the body, as I'm not planning on displaying it.


That looks amazing 👌🏽