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I really need to pick up some RG kits those inner frames are hot lol 


and i love how we can test out the full articulation with just the frame assembly 🦾


Is this dry brushed? How does one go about metalizing an inner frame? Looks great


drybrushing works wonder. I did it on the runner. Saved so much time + covered up nub marks nicely. https://preview.redd.it/w96tz4ydxl7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9bad197b5d06846978692dd57adfaebc82aed9


Honestly while a lot of people are hard against it, I’m a big fan of painting on the runner. I’ve done both. I’ve painted on-runner and I’ve painted after clipping. The on-runner build I finished in ~1 month. The off-runner build I’m still working on after 4 months. By the way, did you use Iron Warriors? What paint did you use for this?


What do you think makes it more beneficial to paint on the runner vs individual pieces? The big reason I see people would rather paint after the pieces are removed is you'd have to paint a little again after you clip out parts, not to mention if you need to sand down a nub that'd mean more repainting afterward.


that’s true but only if you fully repaint parts where even coverage and smooth surface is desired. in this case, the discoloration nature of rugged metal helps the nubs/stress marks blend right in with the drybrush effect. I didnt even two-cut the parts afterwards, just snip it right at the gate then trim the nub with a knife only when needed.


I see! I suppose any cut marks would be more visible if you airbrushed it on getting a very uniform color vs drybrushing.




i used Testor enamel for drybrushing👍


What color or mixture of colors?


I don't know what crack you're smoking that it takes you 4 months to clip and paint a kit. I cut, sanded, and clipped up an RG God Gundam in 2 nights. Took one night to paint. Another night to decal, line, and top coat. Took less than a week.


Wait, you got this by only dry brushing? Like, no airbrush before? Which paints did you use?


Not OP, but I use citadel's Necron Compound and get similar results.


Thanks, ill take a look!


https://preview.redd.it/yh6cw22abo7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c94c4135b455825002269a98bb32e5edf8aaae0 Another man of culture.


Do you have a tutorial on the dry brush technique for these kits?


any youtube tutorial for drybrushing would work fine. It’s a fairly simple process. 2 things you wanna keep at the bare minimum to the point of almost non-existent while doing it: the remaining paint on the brush and any cleaning up. Build up the drybrushing little by little with the least cleaning up as possible.


I have this kit and haven’t started working on it yet, I might copy this idea from you. Really love the look.


Nice innrr frame you got there. Be a shame if someone were to cover all that up with armour.


looking into open frames technique as we speak 😅


This would look good with clear pieces


https://preview.redd.it/x6m9ax0flm7d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47bc3822c9ec0e46e4d02b14bfff312430e0ef7 Hell yeah! Did the same thing to my RG Zeong!


high five! i did it once and now it’s a must for all my builds 😮‍💨


Hey! Can you explain the technique to me??


This video talks a lot about what it is and how to do it. It's aimed at 40k/mini painting, but it's a great technique for parts of a model with lots of little details like inner frame parts tend to have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LMjHjzuUEM The TLDR though is this: you kind of lightly flutter the brush over a part using tiny amounts of non-thinned, almost chunky paint. almost no moisture on the brush at all. fan the brush in a consistent direction and it builds up highlights on bumps and raised surfaces while leaving the recesses the original color. It's subtle, and less is always more.


Mmm RG Zeong 😋


https://preview.redd.it/9sv3e9f33s7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f9f253fc884e95f86a5dc9baf5c7f0a3da19ce One of my favorite kits that I own for sure!


Drybrushing is like magic https://preview.redd.it/yjzts325tr7d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d77f846d6734ad1cbc757552dcfb91541bd540


What's your process like?


This was my first time so I'm definitely gonna do stuff different from here on out, but I sprayed every piece individually with a Tamiya spracy can ts-63 nato black, as you can imagine i wasted a ton of paint and ended up using 2 cans just to paint the innerframe matte black After that I painted over with x10 gunmetal and dry brushed with xf-16 flat aluminium, as you can see in the image the leg on the left is alot brighter than the one on the right, for the one on the right I drybrushed x10 gunmetal on the nato black instead and much preferred the result. I ended up still just doing what I did with the other leg cause I couldnt reverse it, I then used citadel retributor armor and Tamiya xf-16 with a teeny brush to paint in all the little details I wanted, sort of just deciding as I went along and I think it turned out great, ofc it's all mostly hidden now expect for a few areas when you bend the joints.


What paint did you use?


This is sick. Does clear coating it mess up the finish?


only matte/flat ones will dull it down quite a bit. Satin/gloss seems to retain the sheen nicely.


https://preview.redd.it/csu1cckrao7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82ccc46ce285d16359deebd35c79a881a2193918 Did exactly the same tbh and can’t go back to plastic grey, it looks so much better.


Is there a video or tutorial somewhere for this technique?


[this clip](https://youtube.com/shorts/CicCc3CTGNo?si=vCrAvnBFIKG-Y3D_) summarizes the process. however i suggest being much more subtle and do it bit by bit.


God damn, that's a thing of beauty


holy shit


Those are fireeee!


Honestly thought I was looking at a Warhammer Titan miniature for a second


Do you have to top coat it after dry brushing to stop it getting on your hands or anything? Also what paints did you use it looks amazing


i used testor enamel. works really well for this technique since it’s virtually dried as soon as you finish applying it (and not as easily smudged as acrylic)


I want to start painting an inner frame so badly but I'm still learning about the process. So far I'm seeing I should mask off joints so those don't get too tight which is fair, but another thing I'm seeing is to be aware of friction points on the frame and increase the tolerances of theose points/sand accordingly. Is that something you had to do a lot of for this build? If so any pointers for someone new to this? Eventually I want to make something that looks as fantastic as this.


The rule of thumb is you dont wanna unintentionally thicken the pegs. Especially those with collateral movement. Shoulder butterfly joint is a prime example. When assemble, if some paint got on the pegs, sand it off.


I see, thank you for the tip! I'll probably mask pegs then and save myself the trouble.


I'm either doing this or just airbrushing the inner frame of my rg sazabi clear depending on my laziness 😭


Did you dry brush it directly onto the plastic spruce or did you prime it first?


on the runners with no priming https://preview.redd.it/4snhj65kbn7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e348f0f228f3336f41eb03c6e28d614c144445


Super impressive! The thin layer of paint doesn’t cause any issues for armor attachment, does it? I imagine it’d make it a bit snugger a fit, but that’s not a bad thing.


i always try to stay off the pegs and parts that are hidden (indicated by the lack of mechanical details on the part). Also take a look at all the pegs before assembly. If some paint got on there, sand it off.




Damn, looks HEAVY. Awesome 👍


Decided I’m going to build my kit doing frame first and this has given me so much inspiration!


What paint did you use for this? I picked up some testors silver over the weekend but I’m worried it’ll be too bright. I have vellejo gun metal but I’m worried the acrylic will just rub off when I’m assembling.