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HG Calibarn. Not only is it modern, which makes it an interesting build from an "engineering" perspective, but it's also forgiving when it comes to cleaning up the nubs (with cutting or sanding) because it's mostly white. Edit: I always start with an HG before going forward with an MG or RG after taking a very long break from the hobby




Calibarn. Wouldn't recommend the RG Astray


Calibarn by a mile. Have fun


Get calibarn, don’t get a RG as your first kit, trust me I did and I regret my decision till today.


Idk I got a MG as my first kit, MG Deathscythe. Loved every second of it.


RGs are a whole different beast. The early ones have complex frames and vary wildly in ease. Later ones are mini MGs, all the complexity of one, with much smaller parts. MGs are fairly consistent in comparison and some are fairly simple. So depending on the MG, I agree they can be a good start, but if you're new to models, RGs can be a big shock.


Why do you say that? I bought a RG and now I'm scared


It depends on the real grade. The more modern version are fine, well most of them. But I have said that because I started my gunpla journey with the RG Unicorn Gundam and if you now how many parts a RG has and how detailed and sometimes delicate everything is you should start with a HG to gain experience. I completely fumbled that kit back then because I had know experience and not the right tools. I broke the hip joint and now it lies on my shelf as a reminder of my mistakes. To sum it up if you’re an inexperienced builder you should start with something simpler.


Oh boy, is this the [one you're talking about?](https://gundam-store.dk/en/products/gundam-rx-0-unicorn) Because that's the one I got. Should I just buy an HG and leave this one for after?


Yes this is the one I was talking about. And yes I think you should buy a high grade first. Trust me if you don’t you’re gonna suffer on this kit like I did.


Which rg?


I got this [one](https://gundam-store.dk/en/products/gundam-rx-0-unicorn)


Ouch.... Do look at the build tutorial on YouTube for the arms, a It's a build you'll need to be careful in.


HG Aerial is also an incredible first build for cheap!


Calibarn, the RG Astray is a tougher build


Get calibarn since we have a shortage here. Meanwhile astray you should take the mg astray kai, better option. And if you can find the power arm parts for 20-30 bucks you have a custom power red arm without paying 160 bucks


you shall Calibarn like the subreddit has. But for real though the Calibarn is greater than the RG Astray. It doesn't have rubber parts, small pieces, and has better things like advanced articulation and much better sticker usage unlike that absolute demon of sticker decals


Calibarn was my first one and I had a great time with it, so I suggest that




HG Calibarn then HG or FM Aerial. Do those before going for any RG


Calibarn, but don't use stickers on the gun and stuff, try to paint it, so much better, and paint all the grey area too


Calibarn both because it's more straightforward for beginners but also is just a better kit than the RG Astray. Also I'd say stick with High Grades (HG) and getting accustomed to those before deciding to branch out into the other grades (I personally love Master Grades)


built both just recently, recommend the HG Calibarn for beginners


I have both and by far, HG calibarn was such a good build from a gunpla and engineering standpoing


First build probably go with the HG Calibarn. The RG Astray is a fine kit and an amazing build but RG sometimes isn't a best choice for a first kit.


Calibarn for sure


Join the calibarn gang 🙌🙌 https://preview.redd.it/ick8nqwkfp8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac79abc27c5a9434334b10a6a40f4dafc9dcdcc


Calibarn. The astray wont yield as an impressive result for ur first build


Calibarn 100%, nothing against Red Astray but Calibarn is just built different.


Calibarn. \*Be carefull you might get horny and hard during the assembling\*


ye choose a hg for your first build there alot easier, a good grade to have as ur introduction to the hobby


astray i'd recommend the MG if HG go for the Calibarn. 1sts for both grades doesnt sound that bad *one of us, one of us, one of us*


Both kits are good, but HG is more beginner friendly


Either. They're easy builds. New kits these days don't require too much effort assembling especially bandai.


Honestly, I wouldn't ask us, nor would I suggest. I think that venturing into the hobby should be based on what YOU want to build. Don't listen to whY people tell you about the kit, just venture and enjoy a new experience untainted by others opinions.


HG aeriel version1. It is cheap, easy, and an honest to God beauty.


The Astray has many tiny parts and a lot of undergating, will not recommend as first kit.


Weird to see one not recommend a kit because it *is* undergated.


At first I hated undergates, now I love them, first kit not recommend undergates heavy kits


But... undergates are easier to clean up than normal gates. Just cut them off and call it a day, little to no sanding needed.